The Forbidden Forest
      "I think it is called the forbidden forest because there are lots of dangerous things in there.  Professor Dumbledore doesn't want students going in there to play games like hide-and-go-seek with all the dangerous animals in there.  Students could get lost and killed.  And another thing is maybe Hogwarts could be hiding something there.  For instance, a secret that would be revealed in a later book.  They held the sorcerors stone in there (well in Hogwarts), but it is a very safe place.  Another reason is that they could have gotten all the animals (good and evil) out of the normal woods (like unicorns and other magical animals) where the Muggles would have tried to hurt them, so they have hidden them in the forest.  They could have made a deal with the animals that that would be their reserve and no one would be allowed to bother them.  That's why the kids are not allowed to go in there.  In conclusion, the forbidden forest is called the forbidden forest because they do not want students messing around in the woods alone."
~Geoff of Slytherin

          The Forbidden Forest is filled with mysterious creatures of all kinds!  Here are some of the creatures that you think lurk about in this dark forest:  (email me if you know of any other possible creatures)

Creatures of the Forest:
Giant Spiders
Along with other regular creatures