Meet the Creater of Harry Potter's Face
Mary GrandPre
Name: Mary GrandPre

Grew up: In Minnesota

Books She's Illustrated: The Harry Potter series (USA versions), Batwings and the Curtain of Night, Chin Yu Min and the Ginger Cat, Pockets, the House of Wisdom, Goosebumps (cover of one book), and The Vegetables Go to Bed.

Major Works: The Harry Potter Books along with working for the film ANTZ.

Old Job: She use to work for Hallmark

Began Drawing: At five years of age
Pets: Two dogs (Chopper and Charlie), and
                                       a cat (Jasper Cumulonimbus Cloud)

All my old information on Mary GrandPre was erased.  If you have any information on her, please send it in!