our address is http://www.oocities.org/meghpfan/
                                                                                                          August 9th
, 2005
Dear Harry Potter fan,

        I've finally gotten around to another update.  I apologize for how long it's taken me.  When I came back to this page to update it, I realized that I hadn't updated in a couple of years.  Oops.  That's what happens when you get caught up in everything else going on in life.
         So I'd like to let all the dedicated fans out there who still visit this site, that I'm slowly going through all my emails that have accumulated.  I'll do my best to make the necessary updates, as well as trying to work on the fan fiction portion of the site since I still have a few more stories to add.  I'll also try to put up all the new info for the sixth book that has been released.  Hopefully the site will be a lot more up to date.  I'll also check the site for broken links.
         Thanks for everyone's patience.  I'm still amazed that this site is still on the web.  I suppose I've grown too attached to it to completely take it off.

P.S. Any ideas are welcome to try and help spice up my site!!