Common Room
"You might belong in Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind"
~the Sorting Hat
House Founder: Rowena Ravenclaw
Head of House: Professor Flitwick
House Symbol: Raven
House Colors: Blue and Bronze
House Ghost: The Grey Lady
Quidditch Robes: Blue
Entrance to Dorm: ?
Famous Ravenclaws: ?
Heads and Prefects
email your House Heads or Prefects if you want an answer to a question about this site
Head Boy:  Terry Boot, click here to email him
Head Girl:  Willow,
click here to email her
Prefect 1: 
Prefect 2: 
Female Raven
Prefect 3: 
Lily Evans
Prefect 4: