Harry's Horrible Day
By Meg
         Harry dashed across the Hogwarts' lawn, unusually late.  He had just been testing out how fast his firebolt could go, and that was a major mistake.  He had crashed head over heels into a Quidditch goal post, denting his precious broomstick.  He had then gone into his room in the Gryffindor tower and tried to fix the broomstick, but failed to do so.  So here he was, tripping over his untied shoe laces as he raced to his most hated class, potions.
           Potions was only hated by practically everyone because of the cruel teacher, Professor Snape.  Professor Snape was mean to everyone, (especially Harry) and he only favored those in his Slytherin House.  So he was especially harsh towards Harry, and when ever he had a chance he would take points away from his house.
           Harry breathlessly raced inside Hogwarts and then up the stairs--almost there!  He stumbled into the classroom which erupted in annoying giggles because of his expression as he made his surprising entrance.
          "Well hello to you too, Harry," Professor Snape said coldly.  Draco Malfoy nudged Crabbe and Goyle so they'd join in with his snickering.  "Since you seem to think you're the court jester of this classroom, you may have to pay for your actions."  Snape smiled, and of course it was a smile of pure evil.  "Fifty points off of Gryffindor!  Now get seated Harry!"  Snape ordered icily.
         "But I had to--" Harry started.
         "Make that added with an additional twenty points off!" roared Snape.  In dismay, Harry walked to his seat and slid in beside Ron.  He felt deeply embarrassed.  Ron only stared at Harry with a what-was-that-for face before he adverted his eyes and stared at Snape.
          "Now where was I?  Ah, of course!  Now who can tell me the main ingrediants used to make the potion used to make the potion used to attract unicorns?"  Hermione's hand immediately shot up.  "Anyone?" asked Snape desperitely as Hermione waved her hand around furiously.  Then just what Harry had been dreading happened.  "How about..." his eyes cruelly darted around the room, until they settled on Harry.  "Mr. Potter," he smirked.
          "...Could you repeat the question?"  Harry asked, he could suddenly feel his face turning red.
          "No," Snape replied, he seemed to be taking great pleasure in torturing the boy.
          "Harry gratefully found Hermione's face useful, as she mouthed to him the answer.  "Forelegs of a frog, one grounded dragon tooth, a ghost's tear, and an egg from a phoenix," Harry finally answered, followed by a sigh of relief.
          "That's correct, but that will be an additional twenty points off of Gryffindor."  Great, just great.  Harry slumped down in his seat, he had just let Slytherin get in the lead, and he had just cost Gryffindor 90 points, how would they ever get them back?
          The rest of class was a mess.  Snape made Ron switch seats with Draco Malfoy so he had to actually sit beside the kid.  He screwed up on the unicorn potion, and made it explode, but Snape didn't take points off since Draco was his partner.  In transfiguration class he accidently turned Nevile into a frog instead of the quill in front of him.  He had earned back 50 points for Gryffindor for being successful, but he also earned a detention for changing Nevile into the frog.  Hermione helped Harry change the shaking frog back into Nevile, since she had already turned several objects into frogs and other creatures, while earning 50 points as well.
            After Nevile was back to normal he was taken to the matron to get the 'croaks' out of his voice.  Then in charms his curse charm had backfired and a raincloud followed him until the end of class.  In herbology he fell asleep by accident (it was really because Draco used a curse on him) which cost Gryffindor 10 points.  In Defense Against the Dark Arts, they got an unexpected pop quiz which he felt for sure he failed.  In history class his wand for some strange reason started sparking and made Hermione's textbook catch fire, but a nice passerby fixed it up.
            "Twenty points from Gryffindor!"  His day was a rollercoaster that was mainly going down.
            At lunch he gratefully had a good conversation with Ron and Hermione.  Then ZAP!  He suddenly popped up into the air, and couldn't get back down!  Giggles slowly expanded around the room until the guilty trouble makers stepped forward, Fred and George Weasley, Ron's brothers who were twins and jokesters.
            "Uh, sorry, that was suppose to be for Malfoy," said Fred, in an exaggerated sympathetic tone.
             "Yeah, we're sorry," George added, trying to keep a straight face.  The twins then laughed happily and disappeared into the crowd.  By the time Harry floated down, his seat was taken.
              "Sorry, I thought you were going to be up there all day," Ron muttered.  So much for a friend, Harry thought.  He then was forced to sit by himself until the lunch period was over, and by then he was just steamed, and was just waiting for someone to walk by, just wanting to get the blame taken all out on them.
               Quidditch practice was misrable, he had to ride some ancient broom stick that didn't even have a name.  He had almost crashed into several people, and began to grow suspicious that someone had cursed him.  After practice he went to the Gryffindor tower and went into the main room.  He finished up some of his homework, and then played a few games with Ron before retiring into his room.
                The next day Harry went to class, but this time he was on time.  He found out he got an A on his pop quiz, even though it wasn't 100%.  He then found out that some nice mysterious person mended his broomstick, and he won his house 100 points.
               "Well I'm glad that not everyday is bad," he told Ron as he opened up his book.