Hermione's Courage
By Kristen Atkins of Gryffindor
          It was raining outside the windows of the sleeper bus.  Hermione slumped in a half conouis state watching the rain come down.  She didn't know where she was or why she was there.  The bus was taking her someplace familiar, but she couldn't place the scenery, like it came out of an old dream.  Where are my parents?  She asked herself, but no one answered.  Apart of her felt like it had been shut down, leaving her cold inside.  "I wish I were dead," she whispered to herself.
           She looked down.  All she had with her was the pair of tattered jean shorts and tank top that she was wearing, and her wand.  She had no money.  The cost of the bus ride was waved for her.  She remembered running as fast as she could down dark alleyways using her wand as a compass and a torch, and then something being behind her.
           "Miss Granger," said a teenage boy with acne as the bus stopped, "we're at Hogwarts train station."
           She nodded and shakily stood up allowing him to help steady her.  They made their way down the stairs and onto the platform.  The Hogwarts Express was sitting there waiting for the day, weeks from now that it would pick up the children from summer holidays.  She smiled.  "Trusty old train, bring my friends and classmates safely to me."
           The boy eyed her, "Are you going to be okay Miss?"
           She smiled, "it's not far from here to the safest place in all of England.  Thank you for finding me."
           He smiled and got on the train.  "That's what we're here to do.  Have a nice evening..." he paused as the bus started rumbling again, "oh Hermione, stay out of trouble."  The bus pulled away with a large boom, and Hermione was alone again.  Her head began to swim as the cold raindrops landed on her shoulders.  She turned, ignoring the sudden waves of dizziness and nausea that she was feeling.  She managed to get to the carriages, climbing in one for shelter.  It took off towards the castle as soon as she closed the door.  She closed her eyes.  I'm home.
            "That's it, close your eyes and relax," a loud voice hissed.  She looked around, but no one was around.  She closed her eyes again and felt herself being dragged under the sea of coniousness.  Hermione felt herself drown in it as the hissing voice gave way to loud high-pitched laughter.
            "It's amazing that she found her way here."  Someone said quietly.  "She could have died out there in that carriage.  Not to mention back at..."
           "Minerva, we still don't know what effect this had on her.  She was a trouble maker to begin with, may I remind you."  A low voice sneered.
           "Now Severus, she was right to come here, it is the safest place for her.  Especially after what she's been through.  The best thing we can do until she wakes up is not talk about it.  Rumors are flying, and I am trying my best to keep it out of the Daily Prophet already."
           What happened to me? she asked herself, but she couldn't make her mind tell her.  The three Professors continued to talk in the hall as Hermione's eyes opened, and she let out a groan.  Her entire body ached.  Her hand felt like it was on fire.  The talking stopped as all the Professors looked in awe at Hermione.  Madam Pomfrey hurried her to the side. 
           "And how are we feeling?" she asked in an ultra-cheerful voice.  Professor McGonagall stepped inside the doorway, ready to talk to Hermione the moment the school nurse was finished.
          "Where's Harry," the voice hissed slowly.
          "At home I suppose," Madam Pomfrey answered, "let's worry about you first, Hermione."
          She started busying herself checking Hermione's pulse and blood pressure.  That voice...why did she think it was talking.  "Professor McGonagall, could you..." the hissing paused laughing, "send Harry an owl..."
          Oh Professor, don't listen to him.  Can't you tell the difference between us?  Can''t you hear the difference in our voices?  Don't send Harry an owl post.  Don't tell him to come.  I don't want to see him now.  Not until I have this figured out.  Please Professor, listen to me.
          "You can send him an owl yourself.  But you need to rest first."  Madam Pomfrey scolded.
          The voice was laughing.  "Stupid girl.  They can't hear you.  I won't let you talk to them, so stop wasting your breath."
           Madam Pomfrey went into her office and grabbed a small jar of purple potion and a goblet.  Sleeping potion, she thought, just like the stuff they gave Harry.  Pomfrey poured the potion into the goblet and then held the goblet to Hermione's lips.  "Now dear, you need to drink this.  It will help you get your strength up."  Hermione opened her mouth and allowed the sweet tasting liquid in.  The hissing voice died away, as Hermione sunk into the feather mattress and pillow.
            "Hermione, I know that you are tired, but you need to wake up," said a voice.  She let her eyelids flutter.  After blinking for several minutes, things came into focus.  Dumbledore sat holding her hand.  Her body ached, and the palm of her left hand burned.
            "Professor," hissed the voice.  "I never thought that I would see you again."
            He eyed her with a stare that bore straight into her.  Maybe he knows the difference.  I'll bet he can sense it.  The voice just laughed.  'He doesn't know the difference you little fool.  He is nothing but a stupid old man.'
            "Hermione are you feeling alright?"  She nodded.
Professor, please realize it isn't me.  I can't control him.  Get out of her Professor, get out before he does something evil.  Please get out of here.
            The voice laughed.  'That's noble of you girl, but it won't save him or yourself.
            "Hermione, I know that this is going to be hard for you, but I need you to tell me about your last night at home."
            "I went to the library to study on the muggle version of the Salem Witch trials.  When I got home my parents were...dead.  They were lying there with these terrified expressions on their faces...and I called for my wand, and I ran away.  I knew that Voldemort was nearby, so I ran away.  And then this bus came and they offered to let me ride for free, because I was broke and in trouble.  And they brought me to Hogwarts and told me I was safe here."
            "Hermione," he said pausing, "why were you reading about the Salem Witch trials?  What class was that for?"
            "Muggle studies and history of course.  It was a joint project for the summer holiday."
            "I see," Dumbledore said.  "So you never saw Voldemort, just your parents dead inside your house?  And from there you ran until the bus found you and took you here?"
            "Yes Professor.  That's what happened."  The voice seemed unsure of itself now.  "Why?"
            "Oh nothing.  I just wanted to make sure I knew all the facts.  You must be starved.  I am going to go, so that you can have your breakfast."  He stood up and headed for the door.
            "Professor," the voice called, "does Harry know I'm okay?  Ron has probably sent him an owl.  He is probably worried sick."
            "How would Ron know about your parents' deaths, Hermione?" he said stopping at the door.
            "Well," the hissing voice stopped for a second.  "I thought that deaths like that were always all over the Daily Prophet, and the Weasley's subscribe to that newspaper."
            "I assur you, your parents' deaths have not shown up in the Prophet, nor will they.  As for Ron and Harry, they are on their way here.  They know that you are safe, but the attack has left you very weak.  I'll send them down when they arrive."
            For a stupid old man, he sure saw through your lies, Hermione thought vedictively.
           Pain shot through her temples.  She gasped at the strength of it.  'I control you now, girl.  Keep up that attitude and I kill you on the spot.'  The voice was gone, but the pain was not.
           "Madam Pomfrey," she whispered.  She repeated it a little louder, "Madam Pomfrey."  The plump woman stepped out of her office and looked expectantly at her.  "My head hurts," she said faltering, "and I'm tired.  Is it okay if I skip breakfast today?"
           "My dear girl, you slept for three days straight.  You need to eat and get your strength up so that you can have visitors."
           "Three days?  I slept for three days?" she was shocked but glad to have her own voice back.
           "Yes, the sleeping potion that you took was evidently a concentrate version that Snape made.  But he forgot to tell me that."  She gave Hermione a rueful smile.  "You should have seen how Dumbledore and McGonagall reacted, I thought they were going to wake you with all that shouting."  She winked and pushed a table with food closer to Hermione.  "Eat, then you can go back to sleep, alrigth?"
           "Hermione smiled thinking about her two Professors fighting, "alright, it's a deal."
           Hermione opened her eyes slowly.  She could see dark figures moving in the twilight.  Instinctively she pulled the covers over her head.  Where am I, she thought between the sheets.  She couldn't remember anything.  Gingerly she pushed the cover down to examine the room again.  She was alone.  She could no longer sense any other presence in the room.  She looked down at the large bed that she inhabited.
           Could I be at Hogwarts?  Her heart collapsed with fear.  Why am I here?  It is summer vacation.  Quietly she slid her feet over the side of the bed and sat upright.  She forced herself to stand up.  Her legs felt like they were made of seaweed.  She could hear someone talking in the hall.
          "Something isn't right Harry.  I can feel it.  She isn't the same."
          "How would you expect her to be, he killed her parents.  He nearly killed her.  She watched as her world was destroyed.  Trust me, it was destroyed.  She won't be the same..." my parents are dead, she thought.  My parents are dead, and I am here at Hogwarts.  She took a step towards the door, but swayed.  With nothing to support her, she collapsed onto the ground.  They're dead.  My mum and dad are dead.  She let out a sob.
           Footsteps came towards her.  She closed her eyes, trying to remember how it happened.  "Hermione," Harry cried.  He picked her up, cradling her body to his.  "Madam Pomfrey, Hermione collapsed."
           She heard more footsteps.  "They're dead?" she whispered forcing her eyes open.  "How did they die?"
           "Shhh," he cooed as he placed her back into bed.  "It doesn't matter."
           "Like hell it doesn't matter," she almost screamed.  Lowering her voice she asked again, "how did they die?"
            "It was Voldemort, Hermione.  He used the avada kedavra curse on them."  She gasped and started sobbing again.
            "They can't be...I still need them.  I should have saved them...why did he kill them, it's me he wants..."
           "Hermione," Harry said.
           "I should have died instead of them.  I should have died.  I should have protected them.  Why couldn't I have saved them?"
           Harry took hold of both of her arms.  "You couldn't save them.  There is no countercurse.  You did the best you could."  Hermione tried to break free of him.  "LISTEN TO ME, will ya."  He shouted, tightening his grip.  "You couldn't save them, because he used the curse on you also.  Look at your hand.  He almost killed you too."
           She collapsed in on him.  'That's a good girl.  Keep him near you.  Keep him in your arms.'  The voice was laughing.
           You're Voldemort, Hermione thought wildly, and somehow you have gotten into my head.
           'That's enough thinking girl.'  Pain shot through her temples.  She winced in pain.
           "What is it, Hermione?" asked Ron eyeing her.  "What hurts?"
           "My head...my heart.  I am at the top of my class and I couldn't save them...." she stammered.
           "There was nothing you could do for them," Ron repeated.
           Hermione closed her eyes, trying to squeeze out the pain.  She could see herself and Harry on the back of her eyelids.  Sheets were covering them, while Ron and Ginny clutched each other crying.  "There was nothing that you could do for them," Professor Dumbledore said gravely.
           Hermione gasped.  "Ron," she whispered not knowing if he could hear her, "Did Ginny come with you?"
           Yeah," Ron answered, "she took the train with Harry, George, Fred and me.  Why?"
           "Oh god.  Harry," she said pulling away from him, "run."  Immediately her chest began to ache.  She felt like a weight had landed on it, and she struggled to catch her breath.
           "What?"  Harry asked taking a step back.  "Why?"
           "Danger..." she wheezed, "Just run."  She forced her eyes shut, concentrating on her breath.  There was a hissing noise in the back of her brain like that of a cobra.  It roared blocking out Ron and Harry's responses.
            She opened her eyes to see that she was alone in the room.  She tried to sit up but could not.  The room blurred in and out of focus.  I have to get out of here, she thought to herself as her eyes slid shut again; I have to get away from Harry.  her skin froze as her chest felt like it was on fire.
            "Hermione, open your eyes," someone comanded, "take a breath.  Harry, you go get Dumbledore and McGonagall, Ron, go tell Snape to brew some Hollilock elixir."
            The words were overpowered by the hissing.  In it, she started to hear words.  'You figured it out, girl.  Well aren't you smart.  But brains won't save younow.  It won't bring your parents back.'
            "I won't kill him, Riddle.  I won't kill Harry."  The pain intensified tenfold.  Her mind was screaming for air.  Harry, she thought, please give me strength.  I can't fight him alone.
            "Hang on Hermione," said a familiar voice.  "Just don't leave us."  The voice sounded strained, like the woman was crying.
            "Here it is," someone said, and immediately a foul tasting liquid entered her mouth.  Someone rubbed her throat.
            "Swallow it, Hermione.  It will help."
            "Minerva, it may be too late..." said the second voice; "it doesn't work if they have been out of it too long."
             "Severus, take Ron out of here," Professor McGonagall retorted angrily.  "And go get Dumbledore please.  Hermione, pull through."
             "There was a distant scream.  Hermione couldn't tell if it was her brain or not.  "Oh god, Harry," someone cried.  "Harry, dead."
             Hermione's heart sank.  The voice started laughing.  'And I didn't even have to do anything.'
            There was hysterical crying.  "He's dead, he's dead.  Oh god, he's dead."
            "Ginny, my dear, he's not dead, he just collapsed.  He'll be okay."
            "Hermione, take a breath, come on girl.  You have to breathe."  McGonagall was hugging her.  She felt so warm.
            "He was clutching his scar.  You don't think..."
             I have to wake up, Hermione thought to herself.  I have to protect Harry.  I'm the only one who can.  She forced her chest to heave up.  She could feel the elixir pulsing through her veins, and loosening her chest.  She forced herself to take one shuddering breath after another, each one larger than the last.
             "She's breathing," McGonagall said laughing, "she's still alive."
             "And the boy is coming around," sneered Snape's voice.  "He should stay here tonight."
             "Of course he should.  Why don't you go back to dinner.  I'll join you in awhile."
             "Minerva, Madam Pomfrey has control of the situation.  They will be fine."
             "I know, Severus, but they are my students, and I don't feel like leaving them just yet."  McGonagall's voice wavered, but the intensity and tone did not.
              "I understand, but the Weasley kids, what do I tell them?" Snape sneered at the mention of their name.
             "Tell them that the two are resting and should be up for visitors tomorrow."  Hermione could hear quiet foosteps and then the door shutting.  Oh Harry please be okay.
              As if on cue, someone let out a low groan.  McGonagall let go of Hermione's hand and pulled the curtains back.  "It's okay, Harry, you just rest for a while."
             "But Hermione is sick..." there was movements on the next bed and then a gasp.  "Is she...is she dead?"  Harry sounded like he was crying.  She hadn't heard him cry before.
             "She'll be fine, Harry.  She's breathing and she's going to be okay."
             Hermione heard a boom from somewhere far away.  She hadn't been sleeping, but her mind had slowed and her already limp body was now ignoring her completely.  Now her mind started to race again.  A chair scraped across the floor.
             "Harry," Professor McGonagall's voice said, "I am going to find out what that was, you go back to sleep."  Hermione could hear her footsteps as they receded down the hall.  She could hear the rustle of bed covers.
             "Heremione," Harry said taking her hand, "please give me a sign that you are alright.  Please Hermione, I'm so scared."  Her body remained unresponsive as she tried to force movement in her hand.
             "Please Hermione, come out of it.  Wake up."
             There was the sound of the door being slammed shut and Hermione could feel Harry squeeze her hand.  "Who's there?"
             "Well boys, we made it."
             "Please who's there?  Show yourself to me."  Harry had to let go of her hand now.
             "Harry, it's us, the Weasley boys.  We have your cloak."  There was a sigh of relief and some sniggering.  "Harry you look like you saw a ghost."
              "I'm sorry...It's just that I thought you guys were...well someone else.  Why are you guys here?"
              "We came to cheer you up ol' chap.  They wouldn't let us see you.  They said something about you needing your rest.  Blimey, is that Hermione?"
              "Yeah, she's really out of it.  I'm worried about her."
              "We all are.  But she'll pull through, Harry."  Ron said confidently.  "She'll manage to amaze us."
              "But I can't help her.  And I know somehow that she is in danger."
              "But she's doing so much better.  Why are you so scared?"
              "Because, sometimes when I look at her, my scar hurts.  And when she wasn't breathing, it hurt so badly that I couldn't see.  He did something to her.  He did something when he killed her parents, and she knows it.  She told me to run."
               That's right Harry.  He did something to me, and I don't know how to stop him.  Please take me seriously Harry.  Get away from here.  He's going to kill you.  He's going to kill us both.  With all her strength she forced her eyelids to open.  The room was blurry but she could make out figures standing over her.
              "Hermione?"  Harry said taking her hand, "are you feeling okay?"  She was so tired that she couldn't form words.  She nodded.
             "Hey Hermione," said another figure.  From the voice she knew it was Ron.  "I knew that you would wake up."
              "I hate to break up this reunion, but McGonagall will be back any minute.  Harry back to bed, okay.  We need to get back to the dorms."
               Harry and Ron followed the twins' direction quickly.  "Hermione, we will return tomorrow."  The two winked at her and they disappeared.  Quietly they opened the door and slipped out.
              "Hermione," Harry said after he was sure they left, "what happened to you that night."
              Hermione closed her eyes and tried to remember, but it was too far away.  She let her body relax.  In the morning, she thought to herself, I'll save him in the morning.
              When Hermione woke up the next morning, Harry was not in the bed next to her.  Her body lurched upwards out of bed.  She pulled on her shoes and quickly crossed the room towards the door.  She pulled it open to see Professor Snape on the other side of it.
              "Hermione," he cried with a wicked smile crossing his face.  "Back to bed with you."
              She reached for her wand and yelled, "stupifide."  He tried to block it, but he froze.  She stepped around him and down the hall.  She went towards the Gryffindor common room.  She passed the Great Hall, stopping before she crashed into Ginny.
              "Hermione," she squeaked, "it's so great to see you up and around.  How are you feeling?"
              "Where's Harry?" the voice hissed.  "Have you seen him?"
              "He went to Professor Dumbledore's office this morning.  He's in the owlery now.  Why?"
             "He's in trouble, Ginny.  Come on, you can help me save him."  She placed her hand on teh younger girl's shoulder and led her away from the great hall.  She took Ginny to moaning Myrtle's bathroom.  Stopping before the two walked inside, Hermione raised her want and the voice hissed, "obliviate, stupifide."  The girl grabbed her head and then fell backwards like a statue.  The voice laughed and then heaved her inside the bathroom locking the door after her.
             She walked towards the tower that held the owls.  She ran up the stair case, two steps at a time.  She pushed the door open to see Harry petting Hedwig.
             "What are you up to," Hermione asked quietly.
             Harry whirled around.  "Hermione, you gave me a fright.  I was just sending Sirius an owl."
            He isn't surprised to see the girl.  Something is wrong, the voice hissed.  "Could you hand me Pig, Harry.  Ron tole me I could use him to send Viktor a letter."
            He looked at her with surprise but turned around and reached for the small owl.  It flew just out of his reach.  "What are you going to tell Viktor?"
            She had her want in hand.  "I'm going to tell him: imperio!"  Harry froze where he was standing.  "Now why don't you tell me who you really are," hissed the voice.
            "I am Minerva McGonagall, the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts."
            "Where's Harry?"  I committed one of the unforgivable curses.  I have hurt a professor.  Oh god, I have to stop this.
             "I am right behind you.  What do you want Hermione?"  He stepped through the doorway and into the room.  Hermione backed away from him as he entered.
             "McGonagall, grab him."  She started towards him but stopped part of the way.
             "I won't," she stated with determination.  She turned on Hermione advancing towards her.  'Kill him' the voice hissed.  'Kill him now.'  I won't hurt him, won't do it.  She felt the wall at her back.  She felt her want arm go out and she shouted the curse, "Avada Kedavra" but before the want could shoot out, she aimed it back at herslef.  She felt herself being hit and saw a burst of green light.  Harry screamed and she felt herself fall backwards, as darkness surrounded her.
              "Hermione, please come back.  Please Hermione, don't leave us."  Hermione felt herself being pushed up towards the surface the deep undertow.  She struggled for breaths as she treaded water.  The voice was louder.  "Hermione, be strong.  Don't leave us."
              Memories washed over her and she gasped.  They're dead, and Harry...what have I done?"
             "Harry," she cried, "Harry."  She could feel hands on her face.
             "I'm right here, Hermione."  Someone said, "I'm right here, just open your eyes."  Hermione tried but she was already sinking back under.  As long as he is safe, she told herself, but she knew it wasn't.
              She watched the scene unfold like a movie in her mind, ending with her mother and father dead and her staring down Voldemort by herself.  I can't die, she told herslef.  I can't die, or they will have died for nothing.  She forced her eyes open.  She was lying in the grass.  Harry and Ron were standing over her.  Behind them were Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and an angry looking Snape.  She closed her eyes and opened them again.
              "Hey," she whispered, "where's the party?"
              "How are you feeling, Hermione?" asked Professor McGonagall.  She had an anxious look on her face.  Memories of what happened after she reached Hogwarts trickled back.
              "Oh," she said remembering how she used the Unforgivable curses on her, "I am so sorry Professor.  I suppose I won't be here for much longer.  I mean..."
               "Nonsense," Professor McGonagall answered, "you're not in trouble.  We are worried about your safety."
               Professor Snape snorted, and stepped away.  "Did I really?" she asked with large eyes.  Professor Dumbledore nodded solemnly.  "Oh goodness.  I'm so sorry.  And Ginny?"
               "Ginny?" Ron asked suddenly.  "What did you do to Ginny?"
               "I...I don't remember exactly," she stammered.  "Oh I have been such a fool.  Why could I have fought him..."
               "Nonsense," McGonagall said again.  "You did very well for a girl your age.  Hagrid will take her to the hospital wing."
              "All righ'.  Up yeh go, Hermione."  He stooped down and gathered her in his enormous arms.
              "I can walk.  I mean, I feel alright now."
              "Not with yeh're leg.  I caught yeh when yeh fell but yeh still managed to smash it somehow."
              "Hermione, I am going to escourt you two.  I want a word with you.  Professor McGonagall could you go find Ginny and restore her."
               "She's in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom...I locked the door."  Ron shot her a look.  "Tell her I'm sorry...I don't think she'll remember anything though."
               He opened his mouth to say something but Hagrid had se tout for the castle.  "Don't bother, Ron," Harry said.  "She wasn't herself.  She wouldn't have done it by her own freewill."
                At least you understand, Harry, she thought to herself.  If no one else does, at least you do.
               "You caught me, Hagrid?  Did I fall?"  It occured to her that the fight had occurred in the owlery.
               "Yeh sure did.  Righ' out 'hat widow up there.  I was coming up fer breakfast an' I saw yeh an' I ran an' caught yeh."
               "And it was a great catch you made Hagrid," Dumbledore said.
               "Thank yeh Professor," he said blushing.  "I'm pretty fond of 'er myself."  Hermione blushed as he smiled down at her.
               "Professor, I am so sorry.  I shouldn't have come here.  I put all of you at danger.  It's just that...well I didn't know..."
               "Hermione, it's okay.  You did the right thing.  You showed strenght and courage."
               "It was him," Hermione whispered quietly, "he had control of me.  I would never hurt you.  I would never hurt Harry."
               "I know that, and Harry knows that.  He was worried about you.  So was Ron and Ginny.  They all knew that you weren't yourself.  I knew it from the moment that you told me that you were reading a book about the Salem Witch trials.  We discontinued that curriculum ten years ago.  Of course, Voldemort wouldn't know that, him being nearly dead for the last fourteen years."
              "Professor, I remember it all.  I remember that night and I know how they..." Hermione stopped crying.  She closed her eyes and buried her face in Hagrid's stomach.  "I just can't deal..."
              "Hagrid, you can put her down now, she and I will make it from here."
              "But, Professor I don't understand..." Hagrid said stopping.  She opened her eyes to see that they were standing in the main hallway of the school.
              "Hermione and I are going to talk for a while."  Hagrid set her on the ground and scratched his head.
              "Well Professor, if yeh insist.  I'll be seeing yeh two."  He walked towards the great hall.
              "Can you walk," he askd helping Hermione up from the gorund.  She stood up unsteadily.  Her right leg was throbbing in pain, but she nodded.  "It won't be far."  He  gently wrapped his arm around her waist and she placed her right arm around his shoulder.  He guided her slowly towards a stone gargoyle.  They stopped at it and Dumbledore muttered "cauldron cake."  The gargoyle bowed as it moved out of the way and the wall behind it split into two.  They stepped onto an escalator and stood there while it took them to the top.
               Hermione shifted uncomfortably.  The pain was starting to cloud her senses.  She refused to let it cloud her mind.  I have to tell him what happened.
              "Doing alright, Hermione?"  Dumbledore tightened the grip around her waist.  She grunted and leaned more of her weight into him.  She flest like she couldn't stand it much longer.  She closed her eyes and shifted again.  "We're almost here, Hermione.  Just hand on just a little bit longer."
              That's the story of my life, hanging on just a little bit longer.  She could feel the stairs speeding up.  It stopped and Hermione started to topple forward.  Dumbledore caught her before she actually fell.
              "Thanks," she said quietly.  They stood before giant oak doors with a brass knocker.  She didn't recognize this part of the school.  "Where are we," she asked slowly.  She remembered reading about a place like this somewhere.
              Dumbledore rapped on the door and it opened silently.  The circular room beyond, made the rest of the school seem dull and unexciting.  He drew her a chair in front of his desk and then sat down on the other side of it.  "This, Hermione, is my office.  Anything that you say in here, will not leave this room, unless you want it to, do you understand?"  She nodded and he continued.  "Is there anything you want to tell me."
              "Professor, I'm not sure that I can...it was so scary and I don't know if I remember it all."
             "Any information that you give me will help us fight him.  I know that this is hard, but you have to stay strong."
             She nodded again.  "We were coming home from shopping in London.  I was leaving for France the next day and we had been shopping for Harry's birthday present.  But we couldn't find him anything.  I couldn't find him anything in Muggle London or Diagon Alley.  My dad had stayed home, so when we returned, a warm meal would be nice after shopping so long.  When we returned, we entered the house to see my father lying face down in the entryway..." she stopped as tears started to run down her face.  She quickly wiped her face.  "It was too late.  My mum ran over to him and she was crying.  I tried to stop her, but I couldn't.  He was still there.  I could hear him.  But before I could warn her, someone yelled and I collapsed on the ground.  And it hurt so bad, like there was something trying to flatten me."
            Professor Dumbledore drew a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.  "You're doing great, keep it up."
            "My mum, she was on top of me, trying to protect me.  She was crying and begging him to leave me be.  Her tears, they landed on my shoulders and suddenly I felt the pain lift.  I was crying but somehow I made it up to my knees.  I couldn't let her die.  There was a flash of green light and I threw myself in front of her.  But she collapsed behind me.  I screamed and I saw the flash of light again.  I put my hands in front of my face.  But I didn't die.  He suggested that we duel.  I grabbed my wand and hit him with the impediment curse.  He hit me with the Cruciatus curse.  it hurt so badly, and I screamed.  He stopped, saying that we would duel again.  I refused, and he hit me with the curse again.  I saw a flash of blue light as he hit me with something else, but I couldn't hear what it was over the screams.
              "And I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to lift.  I could smell smoke.  Somehow I made it to my feet and I ran from the house.  And I was so scared, all I could think about was that I used magic over the summer.  I was going to be kicked out of Hogwarts.  And I saw the Ministry agents out there.  They were calling my name and trying to put out the fire with magic.  And there were firemen there, looking for survivors, trying to save my parents.  And I ran down an alleyway to see Mr. Weasley and Percy were calling my name on the other end.  I hid in a trashcan, until I heard their shouts recede in the distance.  And I got out and ran the other way, I felt like running until I made it all the way to London.  Someone else was controlling me.  I couldn't think.  I didn't need to.  And it wiped away all the pain and memories.  I tripped and my wand went flying, shooting off sparks.  And there was this bus that came out of no where.  They found my wand and let me on.  I told them I had no money, but they didn't seem to mind.  And as I sat there, I could see my hand bleeding, but I couldn't remember why.  They took me to the train station, and I got into a carriage and passed out."  Hermione stopped as she broke down into sobs.  "I wasn't strong enough Professor.  I couldn't fight him.  He made me do all those horrible things.  He talked for me.  And he gave me headaches and stopped me from breathing when I tried to fight him.  I wasn't strong enough..."
                "Hermione, it is okay..."
                "No, it wasn't," Hemrione shouted, "because I was able to fight him at times.  When he was weak, after performing a spell that I dind't know or sending pain to me, I had control.  And I didn't tell you.  I could have killed Harry.  That's what he wanted me to do, kill him."  She broke down again.  "Why couldn't I save them?  Why did they have to die for me?  I could have fought him, I could have saved them."  She laid her head in her arms and continued to sob.  Professor Dumbledore spoke softly to her and rubbed her hair.
               "Where is she," someone demanded as he threw the door open, "where is the girl?"
               Dumbledore went rigid next to her.  "Professor, I'm sorry but I couldn't stop him.  I told him that you were in a meeting and that he would have to wait."
               "So there she is.  Young lady, you have a lot of explaining to do."  Cornelius Fudge stated crossing the room.  Professor McGonagall crossed as well.  Dumbledore and McGonagall stood between the Minister and Hermione.
               "What is this all about Cornelius?  Why are you here?"  Dumbledore's voice was soft but edged with anger.
               "You know why I am here.  How dare you hide this girl from us.  You have no right.  She purposely used the knight bus to evade our agents."
               "I see...Minerva, please take Hermione down to the hospital wing.  The Minister and I will work things out here."
               Hermione slowly got to her feet.  The pain in her leg was almost more then she could take.  McGonagall started for the door.  "She's not going anywhere."  Fudge said grabbing a hold of Hermione's arm as she limped past.  The force of him grabbing her threw her off balance and she fell backwards.  She heard a gasp as her head slammed into the floor.
               "Listen Professor, whatever it was that brought me here, must have been horrible, or the Minister wouldn't be here.  I cannot remember what it was, all I am asking you is to erase it from my memory all together."
               "Hermione it is more painful to remember things later.  The fact is that your ordeal was terrible, and I don't know if I could completely erase it without hurting you in the process.  Are you sure you want to take that chance?"  Dumbledore looked weary.
              "Yes Professor, please.  I don't want to remember it.  I want my life to continue as it was."
              "That's the problem Hermione, your life just can't go on.  And you wouldn't be the only one that would have to forget; we would have to alter Harry and the Weasley's memories.  Even then, you may never be free of it.  I tried to keep it out of the presses, but word got out.  You survived.  That can't be hidden.
               "Survived what?  It can be chalked up as a rumor, an urban legend, especially if it wasn't in the Daily Prophet.  Please Professor, I want my life back."  Hermione was clenching the hospital wing sheets in her hands.
               "You were attacked by Voldemort, Hermione.  You will have a job of getting your life back to normal.  Things have changed for you.  It may not be safe for you in the Muggle world."
               "But he didn't kill me or my family.  That's what's important.  I can move on, make me forget just enough so that I can continue with my life.  This amnesia is a sign, sir.  I am not strong enough to just go on.  Please help me."
               "I cannot make any promises, but I will speak to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape about it.  Now you get some rest."
               "Professor," Hermione asked before he left, "how did I hit my head?"
               He looked at her solemnly.  "Minister Fudge is to thank for your bump and memory loss.  Just goes to show how force will never get you what you want."  He left her then, to replay his words in her head.
              "I'll tell you I don't like it, Hermione.  This is so unlike you.  You always face up to your problems.  Why are you retreating from this one?"  McGonagall frowned down her.
             "Because I don't want to deal with it.  You may think that I am a coward, but this is the only way I can go on.  You will have to make me forget."
             "Professor," Harry interjected, "she can't eat or sleep.  She needs some type of help."
             "But Harry, think of the consequences.  This is going to be painful no matter what you do.  Hermione you're going to have to face it sometime."  McGonagall took a hold of Hermione's hand.  "It will catch up to you."
             "Please Professor, just tell me that it is the right choice."  Hermione was crying again.  She felt like she had been crying so much that her tears were going to dry up.
             "You're a smart girl, Hermione.  You're not always going to have a teacher to tell you what is right or wrong.  You have to decide what is right for you."
             "Is that all you are going to tell me?  Is that your great advice?  How is that supposed to relate to me?"  Hermione was angry.  Why coulnd't they just do what she was asking?  Wasn't it her life?  Now her favorite Professor was laying a guilt-trip on her.
              "Hermione, calm down," Harry said quietly.
              "Fine," Hermione said throwing up her hands, "I don't care.  Do whatever you want to me.  I'm just so tired.  I don't want to fight anymore."  So she closed her eyes and concentrated on remembering the attack.  It was so hazy.  She sat there silently, ignoring the sounds of the two trying to reason with her.  Eventually they gave up and left.
              "Hermione," someone whispered sounding very unsure.  "Hermione are you awake?"
              She opened her eyes to see Ginny standing in the doorway.  She nodded and motioned for her to come closer, but she didn't move.  "I won't hurt you, I promise."
               She took as step forward.  She looked like she was going to cry.  "It's not that, it's just that..." she took a deep breath, "IheardwhatyouhadtogothroughandIthinkyou'reverybrave."  A smile went across her face.  "I mean, I'm glad that you are all right.  You-know-who is very scary, but I am glad I have you around, because you aren't very afraid.  You are very brave and I know that with you fighting him, he doesn't stand a chance.
               Hermione blushed.  "Thank you, but I hardly think I can defeat him alone.  The only way to beat him is if everyone stands up to him.  Fear does nothing for our cause."  She stopped listening to her own words.  "But ever since I got here, I haven't helped.  Oh Ginny I let fear paralyze me.  And I almost let it ruin my only chance of protecting myself from him."
              "What are you talking about?" Ginny's eyes were huge.  "Are you feeling alright?"
              "No, Ginny, I feel terrible.  But you can help me fix that.  Go get Professor Dumbledore.  The password's Cauldron Cake.  Bring him here.  And do it quickly please."
              She nodded and turned and ran from the room.  She closed her eyes.  The haze was gone.  She could rmember every detail.  "I remember," she whispered, "and I will never forget."
              "What is it Hermione?" the old Professor said as he was quickly guided into the room.
              "Professor, I need you to do something for me."  Hermione said with determination.  "I need you to contact the Daily Prophet."
               "I kept it out of the papers, Hermione.  You can forget it happened like you want."
               "But that's just the problem, I can't and I don't want to.  Professor the only ay for this to have any good come of it is if it helps others.  I want you to tell them my story.  And I mean everything.  It is the only way."
               "Hermione, are you sure?"  His eyes were sparkling under his half moon spectacles.
               "More than I have been in a long while."
               "And my final announcement is, as you all know, we are living in dangerous times.  Dark power is creeping into everyone's life.  It has affected all of us.  Let our school be a safe haven for all that are persecuted by black magic.  Let us show compassion for our fellow magical creatures as well as wizards.  No act of kindness goes unnoticed.  Nor does any act of bravery.  I would like to point out to any of you who didn't hear, that several students from Gryffindor were welcomed here over the summer.  One of who came after her family was attacked.  Hermione Granger has shown that she has courage to stand up to even the bleakest of odds, an example that I'm sure you all will be happy to take.  Understand that fear is our enemy here.  What we don't understand we fear, and when we fear something, there is no way to overcome it.  I encourage you all to learn and to grow during the next few terms.  Make friends with all kinds of people, not just our housemates.  Grow together and the Dark Lord will not be able to break the bonds that you have made.  Now for the feast."