Year One: They All Meet
By Shannon
        "Ow," Lily screamed as she hit the boarded walkway.  A tall greasy haired boy with a hooked nose had pushed her to the ground.
         "Snape, go snuff a cow," a tall skinny boy with messy black hair yelled at the boy who had pushed her down.  "Are you okay?" he asked her as he held out his hand to help her up.
         She took his hand and said, "yeah I'm fine."
         "Hi, my name is James Potter."
         "Hi, I'm Lily Evans."
         "So Lily, do you have anybody to sit with on the train?"
         "No, I don't really know anybody--"
         "That's great, you can come sit with me and my friends."
         "Okay, but can you help me with my trunk?"
         "Sure," he replied as he picked her trunk up. 
He's pretty strong for his age, Lily thought.
         "Come on, we got the compartment at the back of the train, it's more private."
         When they reached the end of the train they rushed onto the train.  James dropped her trunk by the other trunks and he sat down with three other boys.  "You can sit down, Lily."  Lily sat down with two girls that were deep in conversation and didn't notice Lily enter with James.  One of the girls with black curly hair looked up at her.
         "Lily, Lily Evans!"
         Lily looked over at the girl and screamed, "Celeste!"
         They both got up and gave each other a hug.  "What are you doing here?" Lily asked.
         "My dad and I moved here over the summer to be closer to mom.  Then I got a letter from Hogwarts saying I was a witch."
         "I'm so glad to see you Celeste."
         "Oh my god James, is that you?"
         James looked over, he caught on and jumped up and screamed, "Sirius, what are you doing here?"
         Lily scowled at them.  They both sat down.
         "James, you always pick the crabby type to join us in things we do."
         "Sirius shut-up," screamed Celeste.
         "My, Celeste, you seem to be really cranky today."
         "What am I supposed to do, let you sit there and tease my best friend?"
         "Sorry Miss Attitude," he said with an ignorant tone.
         "At least I'm not a kieneiving little boy like you."
         "Thank you, that was a very nice compliment."
         "They're always like this," James said to Lily.
         "Yeah, Celeste and I never really liked the immature guys."
         "Are you saying that I'm immature?" he asked looking over at Sirius and Celeste who had just got into a fist fight.
         "Yep," she said, turning back to Celeste and Rebecca.  Then the three girls went deep into conversation.
         "James, we'll have to think of an idea to get them back."
         "We'll try and get them a couple detentions."
         "Good idea James."
          When the train stopped they quickly changed into their Hogwarts robes.  They got off the train.
         "Firs' years o'er here," a gian man boomed.  The seven of them walked over to the giant.  "Fo' ow me."  They followed him down a steep hill, and towards water.  When they got to the water they saw some boats. 
         "Okay, six to a boat."
         Remus, Sirius, James, Lily, Celeste, and Rebecca got into a boat (Peter was stuck with Severus Snape and a bunch of his nasty looking friends).  The girls were sitting in the boat talking.  The boys though weren't talking about anything related to what the girls were talking about, they were talking about a plan to get the girls a detention.  Then they bumped into the shore on the other side of the lake they got out and started to walk up the hill.  When they got up to the castle, the giant knocked three times.  A woman who looked very strict and mean opened the door.
         "Here they are Professor McGonagal."
         "Thank you, I'll take them from here."
         Professor McGonagal moved aside so that all the students could file in and when they did she shut the door and led them to a room off the hall.  They waited for her to come back.  About four minutes later, Professor McGonagal returned.
        "Okay, form a single file line, and follow me."  They all did as they were told and followed her into the Great Hall.  "When I call your name you can come up to the sorting hat and try it on.  It will place you in a house where you will sleep, eat, and take classes with your fellow classmates."
        "Aliss, Tourney-----Hufflepuff."
        It went through A's to the B's, there Sirius Black was sorted into Gryffindor.  And Camie Black was sorted into Ravenclaw.  It went through all the students, they all went down to their tables and sat down.  James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Rebecca, and Celeste were sorted into Gryffindor.  Peter should have been made a Slytherin, Lily and Celeste thought, but they didn't say so.
        Dumbledore stood up.  "Before we eat I would like to say a few things.  First, the forbidden forest is out of bounds unless you are with a teacher.  Second, Spewt tongue."  He sat down and began to eat.
        "Whoa, I didn't even realize that there was food on the table."
        "Well there's something you don't hear coming from you, it's almost unbelievable."
        "Shut-up, just because I like food a lot doesn't mean that everytime it's there I'll notice it."  James sighed and went on eating.  After dinner they made their way up to the Gryffindor common room, led by a Prefect named Arthur Weasley.  He pointed them towards their different dorms.
         In the morning, Lily was very excited to start classes.  She woke up at 6:00 and she decided to go down to the Common Room to sit by the fire.  About twenty minutes later Celeste came down.
         "Hey Lily, what are you doing up so early?"
         "I couldn't get back to sleep when I woke up so I came down here to sit by the fire and think about things."
         "Ooh Lily's got a crush," Celest teased.
         "No I don't, and at least I don't like that jerk Sirius."
         "It's better than James."
         "I don't like James."
         "Whatever, but what do you wanna do?"
         "Let's play chess, I still have the set that we got for our birthday's."
         "Really?  So do I."  They both ran up the girl's dorm stairs and came back down carrying a chess board they set up.  A few minutes later, James, Sirius, and Remus came down.  They sat in a corner where they finished the game at quarter to seven they brought their chess board upstairs to their dorm.  They came back down and walked over to the boys. 
         "Are you guys coming down to breakfast?"  They jumped up and stuffed a piece of parchments in each of their pockets.
         "Yeah, sure."  They walked down to the Great Hall.  Sat down at the table with a few other Gryffindors and started to fill their plates.
         "Sirius, can't you even wait till the food touches your plate before you eat?"
         "Nope, too hungry to wait."
         "James, is he always that hungry?"
         "Yeah, especially when he's over at my house, he eats about eighteen servings of everything."
         "Holy critters, that would kill me to eat that much."
         "Doesn't look like you even eat anything."  Without a word Lily and Celeste located themselves further down the talbe so they wouldn't have to listen to James and Sirius' rude comments.
         "So Celeste, how did you meet James and Sirius?"
         "O.K., I wanted to stay with my mom instead of my dad but I couldn't so she asked some old friends to watch me over the summer.  And those friends turned out to be the Potter's and Sirius was staying with them.  I showed them a few Muggle things like my radio and Sirius and I became friends, and then he just started having fun teasing me."
         "It sounds like he likes you."
         "Yeah, but I woulnd't ask him out, I mean what's there really to do?  We're only eleven and plus I don't trust that guy."
         "Don't blame your parents for it, you're going to find the right guy no matter what."
         "Yeah, well we should be getting our books."
         "Yeah, come on."  They walked out into the entrance hall and grabbed a class schedule off the table, but when Lily and Celeste turned around, James and Sirius were headed towards them.  James and Sirius pushed them both off the landing on the table with all the timestable and then parchments flew everywhere.  Professor McGonagal came running out of the Great Hall to see what had happened.
         "What is going on here girls?"
         "They pushed us," screamed Lily as she pointed towards James and Sirius.
         "Boys, you know there is to be no fighting here in this school."
         "Professor, we tripped over our shoelaces, we didn't mean to bump into them, it was an accident, we swear."
         "Now girls, I want you to pick up these timestables and put them back on the table."
         "Yes Professor," they replied at the same time.  They started gathering the paper and watched as the boys walked away without a single thought of helping the girl's pick the papers up.  When they were finished they rushed off to History of magic.  When they arrived, they were just in time.  But they didn't see any sign of James, Remus, or Sirius.
         "Class, today we're going to be reading on the Goblin Rebellion."  Everybody moaned and put their heads down on their desks.  They knew that it was boring because they had been talking to the older students and they had said that the very first subject, Goblin Rebellion, was extremely boring and would put you to sleep like that.  Halfway through class, Sirius, James, and Remus came bursting through the door, interrupting Professor Binns and awaking the class from their naps.
         "James, Sirius, and Remus would you please sit down and would you see me after class about being this late and your behavior."
         The three boys sat in the same row as Lily, Celeste, and Rebecca.  All they did was sit, make people laugh, and throw spitballs at the people in front of them.  For the last bit of class they took notes from the board.
         "What do you wanna do when we're finished with our homework tonight?"
         "I don't know, cause it really depends on whether I still want to kill James and Sirius."
         "Yeah I know what you mean it was really ignorant of them not to help us."  After they were done taking the notes down, they sat there talking and giggling for a while.
         "Okay class, for homework I would like a one page essay for tomorrow's class."  They rushed out of class and headed towards the charms classroom.  When they got to the Charm's classroom, they went in and sat at the front of the room.
         "Hello, I'm Professor Flitwick, today all we're going to do is take a couple of notes and learn how to use the spells and maybe some peole may be able to try and actually cast a spell."  A wave of his wand and woosh the boards filled up with tiny writing.  The three girls started right away.  They finished all the notes and there was about ten minutes left.  Professor Flitwick told them that they could try the first charm they wrote about, the Summoning Charm.
         "Accio," Lily said.
         Two books came flying at the girls and landed right in front the two girls.  Flitwick came over and told them that they did a very nice job with the summoning charm.  When the bell rang they rushed out of the classroom and into the hall heading in the direction of the Great Hall for lunch.  The three girls sat a couple of seats away from the boys.  Celeste and Rebbie (Rebecca) were talking aobut transfiguration, while Lily just sat there eating her sandwiches.  Soon after that the girls headed for the transfiguration classroom.  They asked the new poltergeist at Hogwarts, peeves, but he wans't any help; he was throwing things at them making them run away screaming.  They ran right through Nearly Headless Nick.
         "Nick, where is the transfiguration classroom?
         "Up the corridor; turn left; up the stairs and it's the first classroom to the right."  They ran as fast as they could.  They made it just in time, they rushed into the back of the classroom.
         "Hello class, today we're going to start by reading about transfiguration and then we will do some transforming of things but to start off, I'm going to do a name check.  'Black, Sirius?'"  At that exact moment, Sirius, James, and Remus all rushed into the room quickly, choosing a seat infront of the girls.  As soon as she had gone through the list she said, "turn to page 95 in
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration."  They all opened their books.  "Reado from page 95 to 100 and do a three page essay on those five pages.  Once I see that most of you are finished reading those pages, we can actually start transforming things."
         Celeste and Lily motored through the book.  They had read together as kids.  They were done within twenty minutes.  Professor McGonagal noticed this.  She walked over and gave them each a match.
          "I would like you to turn this match into a needle."
          Lily and Celeste and Rebbie tried and tried, but couldn't make the slightest difference in their match.  But the boys were getting it perfectly.  They were now fooling around with the matches.
         "Miss Evans and Miss McGonnogal, could I see you a minute after everyone leaves?"  Lily and Celeste looked at each other rather worriedly because this meant trouble.  James and his crew started snickering, but as soon as the professor walked by, they started working again.  Then the bell rang and everybody rushed off to Potions.  The two girls went up to their teacher while Rebbie waited for them in the hall.
         "Girls, I would expect you to do what I ask of you, when I ask you."
         "What do you mean professor?"
         "I mean this morning when I asked you to clean up the times tables, and then a lunch I come to the hall and they were in even more of a mess, the tables were still on their sides, just as you left them, but even more messier."
         "Professor, we did pick it up, honestly, it almost made up late for our History of Magic class."
         "Be that as it may, I was not there to see it so I have no choice to give you a detention tonight.  You will meet Filch in the entrance hall at 9:00."
         "Yes Professor."  They started off running for the dungeons.  They ran down the stairs, through a maze of corridors and then into a classroom.
         "Girls, please sit in and I would like to see you after class."  They went and sat in a row behind James, Sirius, and Remus.
         "I would like you to look through the potion's book and next class, at the end of the week, I will make different potions in the book and you will have a guess and for each right guess on each cauldron is five points for that house.  So all of you will have to read the book over from now until then."
          Everybody groaned because on their very first day they had one book to read, four pages worth of essays, and a spell to practice and read about.  "I thought it would be in your best interest if I let you read for the rest of class today."
          So all of them (not wanting to have to end up doing a whole lot of homework tonight decided that they would get started this period.) got out their books and started reading.  Lily and Celeste had fun trying to beat each other to the end of the book.  As soon as the bell ran they headed towards the Great Hall for dinner.  They walked into the Great Hall and sat with the four boys; James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
          "Have you been thinking about what to put on your essay?"
          "No, I guess I'm gonna have to read over it tonight."
          "Pity," James sighed.
          "Why do you say that?"
          "Oh, I was just thinking, how could browners like you end up getting a detention on the very first day."
          "How did you know that we had a detention?
          "Well when you're the criminal masterminds, you plan that part out," Sirius said with a big smirk on his face.
          "You guys are scum," Celeste yelled madly.  The three girls ate the rest of their food and then left the Great Hall.  When they got to the Common Room, they started reading the chapter on the Goblin Rebellion, they started writing their essay as well.  At a quarter to 8:00, they headed towards the entrance hall to meet Filch the caretaker for their detention.  When they got there it was ten to 8:00.  They waited for another ten minutes and were about to leave when Filch came waddling down the corridor.  They stopped and waited for him to reach them.
          "Aaah, trying to skip detention, are we?"
          "Shush and follow me."  They started to gigle but everytime Filch turned around they stopped immediately, thinking he would turn them into a frog or something.
           "You will be cleaning this classroom for Professor Vanhorton, he had asked me to clean it for him but seeing you are in detention, you will clean it for me without magic."  This was easy enough for both Lily and Celeste because they were both Muggle borns, and had loved to clean their houses for their mother's.  They grabbed a rag and bucket each.  They started off by scrubbing all the desks, then they moved to cleaning the floor, then they cleaned the walls and then the ceiling.  Filch came back at around 8:15.
           "I see you're done," he said as he squinted around looking for a reason to keep them.  "You may go."
           They raced back to Gryffindor Common Room laughing.  When they got into the Common Room they collapsed into armchairs close to the fire, but then the room started to fill up more.  They moved into a corner and finished their one page essay on the Goblin Rebellion, which was in fact due the very next day.  The next time they had transfiguration was Thursday, then they had potions on Friday.  They decided to finish the essay.  Since they were fast writers it took them about twenty to thirty minutes.
          "So what do you wanna do now that we're done?"
          "Well we can talk since we haven't really talked int about three years."
          "Oh, here I have something to ask, do you have a boyfriend?"
          "No, I did but he was being an idiot so I broke up with him."
          "Oh, okay, who are you living with, your mom or your dad?"
          "Well me and my dad were always fighting so I decided to take a break and live with my mom but she had to do some work here at the school, so she asked an old friend and those old friends were the Potters.  So I was stuck with James, Sirius, and Remus for the summer, but he has an older sister that came to visit and she's really pretty but she's a trouble maker just like James.  Their whole family were trouble makers when they went to Hogwarts."
          "I really pity you, I probably would have died."
          "Actually I had fun because I joined in on the troublemaking, it was fun."  They told a couple of jokes and laughed so hard.  Soon after that they both went up to their dormitory away from the noise and into bed.
           One day in December, the day before students went home for Christmas, Lily was looking through her things, looking for something in particular.
          She couldn't find it, it was gone.  "Shoot!"
          "What was that Lil?"
          "Nothing, I'm just looking for something but I can't find it."
          "What is it cause I can more then likely tell you where it is."
          "It's the picture of my brother, sister, and me."
          "Oh, check the boys dorm tomorrow because I saw them in here yesterday and they were going through our things."
          "Lil, what's the matter, you look really pale..."
          "Nothing, I don't want to talk about it right now."
          "Will you talk to me, you can't bottle things up, it's not good for you."
          "Well I've been doing pretty well for thress years so just leave me alone."
          "Lily you're not okay, you should go and see Madame Pomfrey."
          "No just leave me alone, go away and stop annoying me.  I don't want to talk to anyone right now."  Celeste walked out of the room, crying.  It hurt her to see her friend so upset and not know why.  She walked over to where Rebbi and the boys were sitting. 
          "Cel, are you okay, what's the matter?"  Sirius asked ehr.
          "Lil, she won't talk to me and she got all upset that she couldn't find her picture of her brother and her sister.  She won't even come down here, it's like she hates Christmas or something."
          "I'm going to go and talk to her," James said as he walked over to the girl's dorm stairs.  He walked up the stairs and towards the first years room.  He opened the door and walked inside.  She was crying on her bed in the corner.  He went over and sat down beside her.
          "Lil, what's the matter?"
          "Nothing, now go away."
          "Lil, what's the matter, you are never this upset and nobody likes to see you like this.  We want you to be happy again, what's bothering you?"  She rolled over and got up falling straight into James' shoulder and crying.  "Lil, are you okay?" James asked worried.
          "No, I hate Christmas and I want it to be over and done with."
          "Why Christmas?  It's such a happy time."
          "You promise you won't tell anybody, not even Sirius or any of them?"
          "Well exactly four years ago, on Christmas Eve, me and my brother were in a car accident, we were in the hospital for a week.  Well my brother and I had a rare blood type and they didn't have enough.  They tried to get it to him before me because I could have lived a little longer.  He died.  He was my life, I loved him, why'd he have to die, why could it have been Petunia?  My sister should have died.  Then I wouldn't have to hear her teasing me all the time because I'm a witch."
          "Well wouldn't you be said that she had died?"
          "Yeah but then I could've been with my brother and I wish so bad that he was here.  He was my twin; we had a speicial bond and ever since he died she won't do anything with me when we moved away to England she started to ditch me on our days where it was just me and her.  Why couldn't it be me."  Lily said between sobs.
           "Calm down Lil, don't wish that you were dead.  Then I woulnd't have my best friend.  Things happen but don't take it out on yourself, it wasn't your fault."
           "No but it is my fault if I hadn't begged him to come he would probably be sitting here in this very castle with me and we'd be talking and laughing."
          "Shhhh, it isn't your fault, I'm not going to tell you to forget your brother but have as much of a good time as you can, k?"
           "Do you wanna go down to the kitchen with me and we can get some candy and food for tomorrow?"
           "Sure."  They got up off her bed and headed down the stairs.
           "Make sure that none of them will see us."
           "Okay, got it covered."  James opened the door and sent sparks towards Sirius and Remus.  Sirius looked in his pocket and took out a piece of parchment.  He read it and grinned at James.  He whispered in Remus' ear and Remus smiled a devious smile.  Remus moved towards Rebbie and embraced her in a kiss while Sirius did the same with Celeste.  James grabbed Lily's hand and they ran out the portrait hole.  When they were out of the portrait hole, Sirius and Remus moved away from the two girls and sat back in their seats, both girls had maroon cheecks.
          "Really smooth James."
          "What?  They didn't see us..."
          "True but that was real smooth."  She said laughing.
          "Come on, we better hurry before they come out to go and have a snowball fight."
          "Okay," they started running down for the kitchen when they got to a big picture of a fruit bowl.  James tickled the pear and the portrait opened to let them in the kitchen.
          "Remirea, can I have something to drink for me and my friend?"
          "Master James, how are you?"
          "Fine Remirea and I thought I told you not to call me master you can just call me James."
          "Yes Mas---James, who is the pretty lady friend you have brought here to the kitchens to see us."
         "This is Lily, she is a very good friend of mine and I expect you all to treat her with the same respect that you would give me."
         "Yes James, we will.  Would you like some of our soup?"
         "No we wouldn't want to be late for lunch and then not eat lunch because we've already eaten."
         "So just something to drink."
         "Yes please Remirea."
         The little house elf went over to get their drinks.  James led her to a table on the other side of the room.  They sat down and waited for their drinks.
         "Thank you," Lily said rather shyly.
         "You're welcome.  Now you know there's always a shoulder to cry on and somebody to talk to when you're feeling down."
         "Yeah," she said as she took a sip of the drink the house elf had set in front of her.
         "Hey, if you have problems with your sister this summer, write me and I'll ask if you can come over and stay with me.  My mom always has Sirius and Remus over but this year we'll be having Celeste staying with us too and maybe you can come and stay with her.  I'm sure she would enjoy your company."
          "Don't get me wrong, Celeste is my friend, I just get these really bad vibes when she's near me.  I don't know whether it's actually her or it's Peter because whenever I get the vibes Peter is nearby.  But it freaks me out, I really think the vibes are heading towards Peter though he acts all innocent but why?"
          "It's just Peter, his mom is really protective of him so he seems kind of shy but once you get to know him he's really nice and he will be more open with you."
          "I don't really want to get to know Peter, I don't really like him and I don't think he'll be your friend to much longer.  I mean once he finds someone who is stronger in power he'll dump you into a bowl.  Just be careful around him; he doesn't strike you as the type but everybody has their little secrets."
          "Really?  What's yours?" he asked rudely and walked out of the kitchens.  Lily got up and ran after him.
          "James, I didn't mean for you to be mad at me, I'm just saying you shouldn't trust everybody that wants to be your friend."
          "Yes Lily and I'm telling you that you shouldn't talk about my friends behind their backs and you shouldn't tell me what to do."
          "Fine, feel that way, but god forbid I have feelings for anybody."
          "Oh give it up, you act all sweet and innocent but you're just so cooped up inside and won't let anybody help you get your feelings free, cause that's what you need."
          "You want to see the real me," she said as she walked towards him and when she reached him she stopped.  "This is the real me, Potter," and she slapped him so hard that it felt as though he was being knocked down by a spell.  Then she walked off heading towards the Common Room.  When she got there she collapsed into a chair and she started to cry.  What had she just done?  James had tried to have a nice day with her and she had ruined it by saying things that she didn't even have to tell him.  She went up to her dorm and lay there on her bed soon she was fast asleep and was dreaming a horrible dream.
           "Lily, it's him, grab Harry and run.  Don't worry, I'll hold him off."
           "No, don't James, he'll kill you."
           "She was suddenly moving to the back of a house and into a bedroom.  There in the bedroom was a baby.  She picked the baby up and ran out of the bedroom and towards the back door.  She heard a thud and knew that her husband was dead.  She thought, 'I can save Harry if I die savin ghim he can live his life as much as possible until Voldemort can get him next.  I'll die for Harry.'  She heard a voice behind herand she knew that Voldemort was there.
           "You know you can spare your life and give me the child and you will be free."
           "Never will I give you mine and James' child.  He is ours, not yours.  Leave him and take me, he's just a baby."
           "Avada Kedavra."
           "Lily's whole life flashed before her eyes.  Her and her brother.  When Peter had caught on fire in the Common Room and they had all saved him.  How could he betray us like that, we gave him a place in our hearts and gave him a home and a job after school.  We should have let him burn in the Common Room.  Then she hit the floor and she was dead, no thoughts, just worries.
           "Nnnnnnnnoooooooooo!" she screamed as she jumped up in her bed.  She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and all her friends were standing there with worried looks on their faces.
           "Sorry, bad dream."
           "Lil, I think you should go and see Madame Pomfrey, you're acting really weird," Celeste said as she walked over to the bed.
           "Well you would to if things like this happened to you."
           "Lil, what are you talking about?"
           "Nothing I just need to be left alone."
           "Lil I don't think you should be alone.  You're not acting like yourself and I'm worried."
           "She isn't a baby, she doesn't need somebody by her bedside all night."  Lily's eyes filled with tears and she couldn't help it; she burst, "You'll find that in the future that I was right about your little friend."
          "What are you talking about Lily?"
          "Think about back in the kitchens, maybe you'll find that I was right about your friend but I guess you're going to have to decide upon your future for yourself and just hope that you make the right decision."
          "Whatever, maybe a little cooky--no wait a lot cookie than I was thinking."
          "You're such a jerk, why did I ever trust you to even tell you my secrets?  You've probably already told them everything that I told you."
          "How dare you trust my words, why would I got back on my word."
          "I don't know, let me think because you're James Potter the retarded four eyes jerk."
          James wanted so much to punch her, but she was a girl, and what would his mother think of him if she got a letter saying that her little boy had punched a girl in the face.  Too late, Lily was on her way over and she had punched him with enough force to knock him off his feet.  Sirius and Remus had to hold her back for her not to keep attacking James.
           "Fine, you know what?  You don't want me to be your friend than that's the way it will be.  So don't even think that you will for one minute step inside my house this summer."  And with that James left the room and didn't look back.  Lily fell to the floor in tears.  Why did she always do that?
           "Lily, are you okay?" Sirius asked.  She just sat and cried, not answering any questions that anyone asked her.  Sirius held her in his arms to comfort her but she just pushed away.
           "Don't just don't get close to me--anybody--stay away from me and anything to do with me that includes asking James what I told him."
           "Lily, why don't you try to get some sleep and we'll figure everything out tomorrow when everyone is gone."
          "You get some sleep and I'll talk to James."
          "Night."  They turned out the lights and went down to the Common Room and started to talk.  Sirius went over to where James was sitting by the fire and sat down beside him.
          "James, are you okay?"
          "Yeah, it's just she doesn't have to hit me and say things about my friends."
           "And why would she be saying stuff about me?"
           "Not you or Remus, Peter."
           "Oh well, just let it slide.  She's bound to let it go, she doesn't even like you to be mad at her but life is life."
          "She can't even deal with her own problems that happened like years ago and she turns on the water works everytime someone upsets her so other people will feel bad for her."
          "Oh, is that so Potter," she walked out of the Common Room and headed for the kitchens.  When she got to the picture of the bowl of fruits and tickled the pear and the picture swung open.
          "Hello James Potter's friend, like something to eat?"
          "No, but if you have anything to drink that would be nice.  Something really harsh and bitter."
          "We have lemon juice over here, you can try some of that."  She went over to the fridge with the elf and got a cup of lemon juice, then went over to the table and sat there.
          "Upset about something?"
          "No, not really."
          "Oh, well you can stay as long as you want because we have to do cleaning around the school."
          "Thank you Remirea."  Lily sat there and drank some lemon juice all night.  The next morning she woke up with her head on the table.
         "May I have something to eat, I don't feel like eating with the rest of the school."
         "Most of them are gone but yes, but you'll have to go to your dorm to eat."
         "Here's some eggs and bacon and toast, two plates of everything.  Dede will help you take it to your dorm."  When she was in her dorm, she sat on her bed and stared at the food.  It sure did look good but she didn't want to eat it in here in case she spilled anything.  She carried the food down to the Common Room and she sat down right in front of the fire.  James had just walked down and was watching ehr, she sure was weird.  He walked up behind her.
          "May I join you?"
          Lily jumped and looked behind her.  She saw James.  "Sure," she said quietly.  He sat down beside her and grabbed a piece of toast, some bacon and eggs, and put the bacon and eggs on his toast.
          "So, you're not mad at me anymore, are you?"
          "No," he said after he had swallowed.
          "Thank god, I hate it when people are mad at me, but it always seems to be me who gets them mad a lot.  They get made at me when I get mad and then I feel bad."
          "Well it wasn't all your fault.  If I hadn't called you a baby then you wouldn't have punched me."
          "Well it was my fault that I reacted the way that I did."
          "Lily, are you okay?"  She looked over and there was the rest of the crew and Celeste leading them, and screaming at Lily.
         "Yeah, why?"
         "Well you heard what James said and you left and didn't come back till this morning."
         "I just needed a break from the Common Room."
         "Are you sure that you shouldn't go and see Madame Pomfrey?"
         "Yeas I'm sure I just really don't like this holiday and you have to understand that I want some time to myself so Celeste, back off."
          "All I'm doing is caring about you."
          "I know, but I don't want to talk to anybody right now."  With that she left to her dorm, James ran after her.
          "Lil," he said as he ran into her dorm room.
          "Don't be mad because someone's worried about you."
          "Well they worry too much there's nothing to worry about, I'm fine, I am.  It's just that I don't like this holiday, is that a crime?"
          "No, but just enjoy yourself to your fullest and don't worry about them."
          "Okay, could you please leave so I can get dressed?"
          "Oh yeah."  James left the room and went down to the Common Room.
          About five minutes later Lily came back down with a smile on her face and dressed in robes of such green that they matched her eyes.  She went over and sat by the fire.
          "Hey do you guys want to go have a snowball fight?"
          "Sure."  Everybody said except Lily who was gazing into the fire.
          "Lil, what do you say, wanna have a snowball fight with us?"
          "Sure," she said.  Everybody ran up to their separate dorms and got their cloaks.  When they were all back in the common room they left for the grounds to have a snowball fight.  James felt something tap his back, he turned around and all of a sudden there's a big white ball in his face.
          "Sirius, two on Lily."
          Sirius and James crept towards Lily who was slowly moving away from them.  They were about two feet away from her and they both pounced on her with snow in their hands.
          "James, Sirius, get off of me you're killing me."  They lifted themselves off her and she got up.  "What do you guys eat, bricks?  You two weigh a ton."
         "At least we don't weigh like 40 pounds."
        "I don't so don't look at me like that I weigh much more than that."
        "Yeah, in your dreams, you're like obese or something."
        "Hey Celeste, come over here."
        "Coming," she said as she ran towards Lily.
        "James says that I'm skinny but I'm obese."  She burst out laughing, so did Lily and Rebbie.
        "Was something we said why you're laughing?"
        Celeste finally stopped laughing enough to tell them.  "You aren't obese if you're skinny, that means that you're fat.  If Lily constantly said that she was fat and she starved herself she would be anerexic, but if she eats but throws it up then she's beleamic."
        "Oh that's really confusing."
        "Yeah well let's go inside and get dried up for lunch."
        "Yeah."  THey all headed towards the school.  When they got to the school they went to their dorms and got changed into their Hogwarts robes.  They headed for the Great hall for lunch.  They were the only Gryffindors in the school except the head girl and boy.  Molly Damereaux and Arthur Weasley.  There were two Slytherins, three Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs.
        "So what do you guys wanna do after lunch?"
        "I don't know, what do you wanna do?  We could use one of the other dorms and no one would ever know except us."
        "Sirius you can ease your sick mind that will never happen and I was talking to everybody in general."
        "Darn, so close."
        "Nowhere near it Sirius."
        "Oh yeah, you're only happy because you did something with Lily last night."
        "No I didn't."
        "That's not what you were saying last night in your sleep."
        "Excuse me who's doing the what now?"
        "Jamesie was dreaming about you last night."
        "Really?  I don't think I know a Jamesie, I believe I do know a James but no Jamesie."
        "Well I guess you have an admirer because somebody named Jamesie was dreaming about you and he was in our dorm last night, oh maybe he forgot that you were in the girl's dorm because you would have been there to meet him last night."
        "Real funny Sirius, haha."
        "Yeah, really Sirius."
        "I think we should play hide-and-go-seek in the common room and all the dorms."
        "What's hide-and-go-seek, Rebbie?"
        "It's a game we'll explain it to you in the common room after lunch so if you really want to find out then you will hurry up and finish your lunch."
         "No he won't, he will take just as long as usual and then when we're walking up to the common room he'll bug and bug and you'll probably end up telling him the rules and stuff while we're walking down the hall."
        "He'll bug me that's for sure."
        "Well I'm done.  Let's go and play that game."  They got up from the table and walked past the Slytherin table.  Severus gave them all dirty looks.  They walked out of the Great Hall and towards the common room.
        "Celeste will you tell me please, I'm dying to know."
        "No and if you don't shut-up I'm going to -----urrrgggghhhhh.  This is exactly why I said no Sirius because you're annoying and immature."
         "What's that Celeste, did Sirius here ask you out?"
         "What are you embarrassed to have been asked out by me, Sirius Black?"
         "Yeah because you're stupid and I hate you."
         "I told you she didn't like immature guys," she whispered to James.
         "Well you said that you didn't like immature guys and so does that mean that I'm not immature or are you really interested in immature guys?"
         "Jamesiekins your just a friend and that's all that you're going to be as far as I'm concerned for right now," she whispered back in his ear as she started to walk infront of him."
         "Last one to the common room is a rotten egg," James yelled back as he ran ahead of them.
         "Well you definitely aren't going to be the first one there," Lily yelled after him and started to run after him.  Lily ran ahead of him and screamed the password and burst out laughing as she beat James who stumbled into the common room.
         "Ha I beat you, loser I beat you..."
         "Yeah well you cheated, you pushed me and I nearly fell down the stairs that we passed."
         "You're such a poor sport."
         "So who won?" Sirius asked as he climbed in through the common room.
         "I did," Lily said at once.
         "Yeah only because you cheated and nearly pushed me down a staircase."
         "That's not cheating, you can do anything to get your way back to the place your racing to as long as it's not an official race because they don't allow that, that's when it's called cheating."
         "Oh you wish Sirius, it's only like that when I'm winning but when you win it's the total opposite cause you seem to make the rules around here."
         "Yeah that's exactly it cause you know what that's what you always say when I prove you wrong."
          "Okay do you guys want us to know the rules to hide-and-go-seek or not cause if you do then you better stop fighting right now or else."
          "Or else what?"
          "Never mind that Sirius, how do you play and what are all the rules?"
          "Okay first there is a boundary and the boundaries are in the common room and all the dorms.  You can't leave through the portrait hole."  She went through all the rules and they had decided that they were going to play it with partners.  Sirius was of course with Celeste, and Remus was with Rebbie, and that left Lily to go with James.  And they had to hide together so it was going to be very difficult.  James and Lily were it first and they counted in teh corner of the common room.
          "100, okay James you check the boys dorm and I'll check the girls and then we'll meet back here and check the common room."
         "Okay so why do you want to switch or are you afraid to go in the boys dorms because there might be something in there that might kill you or something."
         "Fine we'll switch, you check the girls and I"ll check the boys and then we'll meet back down here."
         "Kay."  They left the common room and went for their partner's dorm stairs.  Lily checked the first years dorm and nothing, then she checked the second years, and nothing was there either.  And in the third, fourth and fifth there was nothing.  But in the sixth was something she really didn't need to see.  She went to the seventh year dorm and inside after she checked everywhere like every other dorm she went on to the next one when she opened the door she looked under the beds and everything, nothing was there so she decided to look in the bathroom and when she did she noticed that there was giggling coming from the tub.  She walked over to the tub and opened the shower door and Sirius and Celeste were in the tub.
        "So this is what you two do when you're not with us."
        "Oh, Lily, umm this is just once in a life time for Sirius, it usually is Jake from Hufflepuff."
        "Are you still seeing him?"
        "Well yeah but now I'm going to have to dump him because my rep could be totally burned if anybody found out about Sirius."
        "And that's a bad thing?"
        "I never said it was but I never said that it wasn't."
        "Yeah well maybe I'll just happen to let it slip to someone and maybe that someone would be Jake."
        "Sirius I didn't say anything so don't make assumptions, it's really a pity I have to spend summer with you when I can be with someone who can fill my needs."
        "Burn," Lily said as she gave Celeste a high five, "that was really good but don't take it personally, it doesn't mean you're bad but it means you need a little bit more to be with Celeste."
        "Yeah well I could get basically any girl in the first year in Hogwarts except the Slytherins."
        "That's hard I have a second year as a boyfriend and you don't even match him but you want to be with me, yeah right."
        "Okay Celeste and Sirius, stop you two are not acting like little kids and it's getting really annoying and I've been listening to it for five minutes."
        "Fine you know what I don't even want to talk to him right now, he's being a jerk."
        "Yeah Sirius is being an creep and you're being snobby, get over it, if you wanted to make Sirius jealous you didn't have to do it so rudely and Sirius, if you wanted to ruin Celeste's rp, then you should have done it another way because that's pretty rude way for you to ruin a girls rep.  Now you guys are going to go downstairs and we're going to get the rest of the group so we can talk about this and I know I was part of it this time but I'm sick of this whole group fighting.  So get down to the common room."  They walked down to the common room where they found James, Remus, and Rebbie sitting by the fire.
         "Okay you guys we have to talk, it's really annoying me."
         "Okay," they all echoed.
         "Okay well we have to make a pact, either to not be friends or to be friends and none of us can date each other because otherwise we aren't all gonna be friends if we date each other, we'll be constantly fighting about what the other did wrong in the relationship."
         "Okay well instead of that, we can still go out with each otehr but until the two people sort out their problems then neighter of them can come back to the group because they will be trying to get people in the group to take sides so let's do it that way."
         "Okay that sounds like a good idea."
         "Oh my god you'll never guess what I saw in the sixth year dorm."
         "What?" they all asked.
         "Arthur Weasley and Molly Damereaux were together kissing, I mean you would have thought they would have at least have kept it rather private knowing that there are first years still here.  And I mean the Head boy and girl...ewwwwwww!"
         "Yeah I agreet with that, Arthur is cute but not that cute, and neither is Molly, she's not very pretty so I guess they make the perfect couple but anyways who cares about how cute and pretty they are when we are worried with our own problems."
         After a dinner that night Lily went straight to bed and had a horrible dream and it was of Peter burning and it was really horrible.  She knew she didn't like him, but she didn't think she hated him that much but anyways they fought Voldemort in their last year here at Hogwarts and defeated him and then her and James got married and had a child.  She sat up with cold sweat running down her face.  And she thought to herself, 'why am I dreaming about James and I getting married, and i don't feel that way about him.'  She went down to the common room and sat in front of the still blazing fire.  She sat there gazing at the fire, and thinking how beautiful it looked when it was only glowing in the front of the common room.  Soon she was fast asleep in the chair.
         The next morning James came down adn sat in front of the fire to read a book and he didn't notice that Lily was sleeping in the chair beside him.  He gave a sudden jolt when Lily made a grunting noise.  He looked over at her and decided that he would wake her because he was reading a book about something personal and he wants it to stay that way between him and Sirius.
         "Lily," he yelled in her ear.
         She woke with a sudden jerk, and screamed at James, "why the bloody hell did you wake me up?  I was sleeping so nicely in my bed and you had to come in and wake me up."
         "Actually Lily, you are in the common room, you must have come down to sit and read but you ended up falling asleep."
         "Oh really?  Well, I'm going to go wake Celeste up because I have to talk to her."
         "Okay, bye Lil."  Lily walked up the stairs and into her dorm where Celeste was sitting up in her bed with big bags under her eyes.
         "What's wrong with you?  You look very tired..."
         "I's that I've been trying to convince Sirius not to tell Jake about the mishap when he gets back."
         "Don't worry you know what if he dumps you then you can at least say you went out with the guy."
         "But Lil that's the problem, I don't want him to dump me, I really like him."
         "Then act like it never happened and walk away.  I'll still be your friend."
         "So will I."
         "Thanks Lil, thanks Rebbie."
         "You know what?  Jake doesn't like Sirius anyways so why would Jake believe him and not his own girlfriend?"
          "Well guys minds work in mysterious ways."
         "That is true but all the same you shouldn't be sad or mad because I means it's a guy, there's plenty more in this school that would be willing to go out with you Celeste.  You're not the ugliest thing on the planet but you're not the prettiest either."
         "Thanks, that helps."
         "I know."
         "Well I"m going to try and get dressed and have a shower before breakfast and if I'm not out by breakfast starts then I'll meet you guys down there, okay," Lily said as she grabbed a blue towel out of her trunk.  "We'll see you in a bit."  Lily headed for the shower and when she was in there she just didn't want to get out, it felt good to be in a nice warm shower.
          When everyone had returned, to Sirius' surprise Celeste had forgiven him and was talking to him and his friends.  Celeste on the other hand was fine and happy with the way things were going anyways.  She didn't want to waste her time being mad at someone with all the work that was being loaded up but it was pretty easy, she had time to do things with her friends and enjoy herself so it was all good as James and them would say.
         Lily and her friends walked into the common room after their half day on Easter and were moving towards a table far back in the common room when James jumped in front of them and said, "do you guys want to go down to the kitchen with us."
         "No, we're going to finish our homework and then we're going to have fun for the rest of the holidays while you guys are sitting here doing your homework."
         "Well it was your decision so you guys can deal with it," he said as he walked towards the portrait of the fat lady.
         "Well at least we can get some work done if they aren't here so they can go and have fun with the whomping willow, but we'll still be here and finishing our homework."
          "God that doesn't sound fun at all, I want to go and try and irritate the whomping willow and annoy Hagrid," Lily said sadly but sarcastically."  It took them three days to finish all their homework and when they were finished they went to find James and them who were cruising the halls and looking for passages to get into the town of Hogsmeade, but so far no one had had any luck finding one.  They were walking past a banister when James and them came running out.
         "Where were you guys?  We have been looking all over for you."
          "We found a new passage and it leads right onto the grounds and we were just looking for another passage through here, but we didn't find anything."
         "Yeah that's nice Sirius, where were you guys really?  We're not stupid, we know you're lying."
         "Fine, we found another passage and it leads to Hogwasmeade right behind Zonko's.  And we went for a little visit to the Three Broomsticks."
         "And you didn't invite us or wait for us?"
         "No we didn't want to wait then we wouldn't have had any fun cause you two are too controlling, but Rebbie she's really the wild type." 
         Finally at the end of the year they got their tests back.  Lily, Celeste, and Rebbie all were at the top of their class for everything except Transfiguration where they were right behind James, Sirius, and Remus.  They were just boarding the Hogwarts Express and found that their little cabin at the back was free.  The seven of them crammed into the compartment.  It seemed like half an hour and the train was stopped and people were getting off.
         "Lil write me at James place, I'll send you his owl once a week."
         "Okay, bye you guys," she said as she waved to all her friends.  She walked to her parents across the road and her mom and dad were running towards her, when they both scooped her up and nearly killed her by giving her so many hugs and kisses.  She looked at her sister and she snarled at her.  Then they drove hom and she went to unpack for the summer.