The Way He Said It Was Horrible - 3/31/03


The way he said it was horrible,

The way I could hear disdain

Dripping from the sound.


It was like a punch to the stomach

With no physical effects.

It left my soul lying on the floor

Wondering what happened.


It wasn’t even a swear word.

It was just something he says everyday.

But the word itself wasn’t important,

It was the way he said it

That made it so horrible.


How did we let our spat

Get so evolved to this

That even the simplest “hi” on my part

Evokes such a response from him?


Perhaps there is no answer to this question.

But I’m not sure I care to hear the answer

If he still speaks with disdain.

He may not realize it,

But the way he said it was horrible.



©2001, M.V.H.