"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation!"
Welcome to
Meg and Annabelle's
Bin of Bohemian Bananas!

A page devoted to our favorite show -
A picture of our favorite Benny tour cast, featuring my personal favorite, Scott Hunt!  (Annabelle prefers Chris Mena, but she's a silly Siberian Husky... what can you expect?)  :)
"How can you document real life when real life's getting more like fiction each day?"
Plot: Funny story... the first time I went to see Rent I was with my grandmother and several of her friends.  Well, by intermission the poor things were *completely* lost.  They didn't know Angel was a man or that anyone had AIDS... I ended up having to explain the whole thing to them.  This is for anyone completely confused by this show, or for those of you who simply haven't seen it yet.  :)

Lyrics: Yeah, I know it's lots of reading, but think of it this way: how else are we gonna understand "La Vie Boheme"?!

Speaking of... Here I've assembled a nice reference list to everything mentioned in "La Vie Boheme."  Hope it helps!!

Links and Rings: Everywhere that's anywhere in the world of Rent.
"No day but today!"
Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemia
Ok, camera, projector, "bananas by the bunch," Cap'n Crunch, medicine, guitars, a candle... I think that's about it.  Send us any comments, suggestions, pictures, etc of things Mark and Roger might need!
Yippee!  My very own Mark Cohen!
Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemia
I figure everyone needs a pet, and an artist fits in perfectly!
Roger was adopted by my mom and Annabelle to keep Mark company.  :)
"Would you light my candle?"
Rent is copyright a whole bunch of people besides Annabelle and I.  All this stuff is used without their permission.  Sorry, guys.

This page owned and operated by Meg and Annabelle... mostly Meg.

Write Bella and I!