Welcome to Tales of a Padawan--This is a site focusing on the greatest aspect of the Star Wars universe...Obi-Wan Kenobi!  More specifically, Obi-Wan's padawan days under the tutolage of Master Qui-Gon Jinn.  But, acutally, all fanfics relating to Star Wars are welcome...but, please, no slash or NC-17, let's try to keep this kid friendly k?  Check out the Submissions page for more info.
I know this site needs work and because I'm not the only one to view it, I need input=)  If you have any comments about anything you don't see, but want to (or anything you do see, but don't want to=) email me!  Feedback is good, it keeps people happy and prevents chaos from ensueing...
And let's not forget about the the guestbook=)  Hey, you were here, why not leave your mark? 
Thanx for putting up with my rambling, if this site goes the way I want it to, you'll see alot more of it=) sorry hehehe...
Site Map
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Last updated: January 20, 2002
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Use the site map to your left to navigate the site.
Remember, everything on this site is the property of someone -from a fic to an image -  Please ask before you borrow!
~Megan (megz110@hotmail.com)
Sign it...Come on, you know you want to=)