
I'm going to (try to) update this daily, but I might miss a few days here and there.

11:25 PM

Okay... way too much. lol. Moved out of the psycho-bitch Karen's house, and into a place in Applegate condos. Now we're moving again. We're going to live with Jimmy's mom. Jimmy and I got back together, we are engaged, and he's in BMT right now. (Basic Military Training) Took out my eyebrow piercing, and my industrial. My eyebrow because we were taking engagement photos, industrial because it was rejecting. I'm getting married... wow...

4:30 AM

Went to get a shorter shaft for my tongue barbell today. (Well, yesterday. lol.) It feels so much better than the longer one I had. Jesse changed my jewelry and also took a look at my ear. My industrial is being finicky, but it's not too bad. As soon as it clears up, I'm going to get my labret pierced. (Lip piercing) I can't wait. I'll just have to baby the heck out of my industrial. lol. I found out Jesse has had scarification work done, too. I hadn't known that before. Very cool. Looks good, too. :)

We moved our washer, dryer, porch swing, and barbecuer today. It's becoming very real. While we were there, Eric and Jared finished putting the first coat of paint up in Karen's room. We're hoping to be mostly moved in by this weekend. I can't wait. I hope the kittens are going to handle the move alright... Anyway, more soon.

9:51 PM

We're moving. As of the 1st, we will be in our new place. We're moving in at the end of this month, so I probably won't be on from about the 28th - the 4th. Hope to talk to you all afterwards though!!

12:43 AM

Well, I'm getting my tongue pierced for sure tomorrow. :) I can't wait. I'll update and let you know how it goes, and hopefully Mom is going to be taking pictures so I should have some pics of the process up by somtime tomorrow night.

Mom, Karen, Kelly and I went looking at a house tonight. It was described as 5 bedroom 2 bath fenced pets ok garage nice neighborhood. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong. It was awful. lol. A little depressing, but hopefully we will find something good. Anyway, going to bed. Got to get up early to go pick up and fill mom's perscription. Then we'll come home for a few hours, go to lunch, go let Sadie in at Dad's and brush my teeth and tongue, then off to Blue Boutique so Jesse can stick a needle through my tongue! Yay. :) lol. Night! More tomorrow.

4:12 AM

You know, I should know better than to say anything until it is set in stone. We are no longer moving into Uncle Eddie's house. He decided he wants to sell it. Now guess who convinced him to sell rather than rent? My grandmother. Mom and I aren't too happy with her right now. Karen, Mom, Kelly, and I are still looking for a place together though. Now we are hoping we can get out earlier instead of June. We're trying for April/May 1st.

I haven't gotten my tongue pierced yet. I was with Dad all weekend, so I couldn't do it on Saturday, like I had planned. (He didn't like the idea of me having a fresh piercing while at his house. Blah.) I am hoping for Wednesday, though. It all depends on if Mom can get off of work or not. (We have other plans that day, as well.) If worse comes to worse, it will be next Saturday. Probably at the latest. Hopefully at the latest.

I started writing to Matt and to Tyler tonight. He'll probably be surprised, getting a letter so soon after the last one I sent him. The last one wasn't long though. Probably about 2 pages. I had to get some stamps to him so he could write to me though! I know, I'm impatient. ;) lol. Ah well... I miss him. *sigh* Anyway, more later.

9:43 PM

We are for sure moving into Uncle Eddie's house at the end of May or June. (YAY) We will be roommating with Karen, Kelly (her daughter) and their two cats and one dog. It sounds cramped with four people, four cats and two dogs (in the future) but it is a big place, and Karen and Kelly will be living in downstairs, and Mom and I will be upstairs. :D I can't wait to move. Anyway, that's all for now.

4:35 PM

Well, it's pretty much a for sure thing that we are moving. It all depends on what Uncle Eddie's wife, Paula, says. See, she moved to Montana to be with her sister, and he misses her so he is moving out there with her. He owns his house, so there is a possibility that he will rent to us. He already decided yes, but Paula has to okay it first. That means that we will be able to get a dog! lol.

Also, mom said that on the 15th that I can go get my next piercing. (yay) So I am going to get my tongue done. I have wanted my tongue pierced for the longest time. lol.

I gave the "My Writing" section of my website a little makeover. :) Looks much better now. Anyway, sorry I don't have more time to babble, but I will write more soon.

(GothicTears.com is one of my new favorite sites. If you go on there, my user name is Vampress.)

10:19 AM

I got my industrial!! :) I absolutely love how it turned out. It hurt a lot, bled even more, but it was worth it. I don't have much time now, but here are some pics:



2:11 PM

It's been a pretty uneventful week or so. Celebrated my bday. I got an 8 qt saucepot with a 1/4" non-corrosive, non-reactive bottom from Leslee, and a CD player set (including carrying case, headphones, remote, and the cd player) and a digital camera bag for my digicam. I also got $200 from my mom which bought me 100 blank cd's a new cd case, four new bras, my jacket which I love so much, and my eyebrow piercing. I got $200 from my dad, too, so that means another piercing is on the way! (At least one, for now.) I also plan on getting colored contacts, and probably some clothes and stuff. *shrug* It was a good birthday.

Finished Matt's letter. I feel bad, because the last entry in it I wrote when I was feeling really "down in the mouth" for lack of a better term. I still am... but I wish I would have ended his letter in a happier mood. I can't wait until April..

Bought HIM's CD ( Razor Blade Romance ) yesterday. I've been hearing a lot of good things about it, so I thought, why not? It turned out to be really good. I like it.

Had to go to the doctor today. I've caught the flu... AGAIN. blech. I hate getting sick. Ahh well, right? What happens, happens. OH! And me and my graceful self fell down the stairs today. lol. Wish I would have taped it. I could've sent copies to everyone and charged $5 for the laugh of a lifetime. I broke two of my toes and bruised my knee horribly, but at least I didn't fall flat on my face like I was headed to before I grabbed the railing. I hope March 10 comes quick. My eyebrow will be completely healed by then. (If everything goes off without a hitch.) I'm getting another piercing Saturday, but it is a real no no to have more than two healing at a time, so as soon as my eyebrow is healed, I can get yet another. Well on my way to getting the 12 I want total. (It isn't as drastic as it seems, trust me. Especially considering I have four right now [lobes X1 each, eyebrow, navel] and four of the others are going on my lobes so they will be pierced 3X each. That leaves only four to be had. [Right industrial, left tragus, lip(center), and tongue.]

Anyway, I am sick. I am going to bed. lol.

7:51 PM

Well, I got all of my full albums burned. (Including the soundtracks.) Now I need to burn all of the miscellaneous. *sigh* lol. I've been feeling creative, but in a really restless way for the past few days. I will start to write something, and then toss it out within five minutes. I have only written one thing that I actually find decent, and it's only one line long. (Go figure.) I'm debating on whether or not it is even worth it to put it up in my writing section.

I'm going to finish Matt's letter up tonight and then send it off tomorrow. Hopefully he won't be too angry at how long it has taken me to write. I feel really bad about it. =/ Ah well... he makes me wait, too.

Mom and I bought our plane tickets for Illinois. I can not wait until this summer. It's going to be such a blast!!! I miss Matt so much...

3:20 PM

I am wreaking havoc on my back today. lol. I have been spending all day working on my MP3 list and backing up my music files. Yep, I'm burning all of my MP3's onto CD's. So far I am not even through half of the full albums that I have, (I am on "F" bands) and I have two dozen CD's. lol. I am going to have to go buy more blank CD's tomorrow. I only bought 50. I might actually finish my MP3 list before Matt's letter. (yay. lol) Anyway, I am tired, and need to burn more CD's before I go pick mom up from work. Oh! Guess what? She is going out with a friend tonight for the first time in probably close to 2 years. She never goes out anymore. She says she is just going for a drink, but I hope she has fun. Anyway, talk to ya!

1:20 AM

I can't believe how late it is. Blah. lol. I have been messing around with my site for the past few hours and didn't even realise it was getting so late. I am going to go to bed. Oh! And keep your eye out for some new pictures on the index page. I'm going to put my digi cam to work. ;) lol. I still don't have any pictures of my eyebrow piercing! Anyway, off to bed. Good night and sweet dreams everyone!!!
(Oh, PS, I sent my letter to Tyler today. Almost done with Matt's, too, so his will probably get sent tomorrow. I have been working hard on my MP3 list, but I don't think I will get it done this time around. I promised Matt I would send him a copy with one of his letters so he could see what music files I have. I'll probably end up burning him a couple CD's. :) Anyway, bye!!)

9:17 AM

My birthday is getting closer and closer, and I feel so spoiled. :) I got that jacket that I have been wanting so badly. Guess what else I got??? My eyebrow pierced!!! lol. Who'd have thought, huh? I absolutely love it. I'll post a picture as soon as I take one. I continued to write Matt's letter this morning while I was at Beans and Brews. That was fun. :-p lol. I finished Tyler's, but I have yet to address the envelope and send it. I think I will do that in a minute. I think I am going to start including a "Quote of the Week" on my index page.

School is going pretty well. I turned in my second .25 credit of American History, which will take care of the credits needed in that subject once I take my tests. I think I am going to continue with the rest of the book anyways though. It's easy, informative, and the other .50 credit I will earn can go toward electives. I got my report card yesterday. 4.0 GPA. I was happy, but considering I only got graded on .25 of a credit in one subject it was kind of anticlimatic. I'm still working on my .50 credit of English, and it is a total pain. Not worth it, if you ask me, but I need a full credit of English still, so I need to get it done. I wish he had something that just included me reading and writing book reports. lol. That is easiest for me.

Mom, Christy, Corey, Dad, and I are probably going to dinner on Tuesday the 3rd for my birthday. (Dad might not come, but I want him to.) Then on Wednesday, Mom and I are going to go to a movie and probably to breakfast, then I can spend the evening of my b-day with my dad. Tuesday should be fun though!!! We are probably going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, then Melting Pot for dessert. Can't wait.

Shaun and Anthony came over last night. They spent about 30 mins here then took off. They are so funny. I wish that I spent more time with them, but oh well.. I can't wait until this summer... It seems so far away. (Thinking of you Matt)

5:05 PM

What a dull day. Mom's truck was repossessed yesterday, so I couldn't go anywhere and Mom had to get Christy to pick her up for work. She took the next two days off so we can get my car (hopefully) passed through emissions and inspections. I don't know if we will try to get the truck back or not. Until a car becomes available though, I am stuck here doing nothing.

Anyway, I worked on a bunch of layouts today that were requested, then imagestation went down so I can't do that anymore either. lol. Homework got boring, and I lack the motivation to clean my room. Ah well... I'll live. :-p Maybe I will sit down and force myself to write something tonight, even if it comes out as total crap. Talk to you later.

3:43 PM

I just got back from my Dad's house, where I spent the weekend. I only spent one night with him though. He went to Wendover with Jaymi last night and asked me to puppy-sit for him. Sadie is a total sweetheart, so I didn't mind. I'm glad to be home again with my two little babies though. (I love my kittens. lol.) On Friday I was supposed to meet Randy. Dad came right before I was supposed to leave though. It's weird, but Randy's voice sounds a lot like Matt's. Of course, I'm always thinking about Matt, so it could all be in my head. Anyway, more later.

11:35 AM

I went shopping again today. I got a gorgeous gothic-style garnet ring, and a chain choker that doesn't fit right, so I am going to take that back. Mom told me that once the 401K money comes through, I am going to get $200 for my spending pleasure. lol. I've already decided on a few things I am going to get. A really nice coat, and a corset/panty set from Victoria's Secret. ([This is the jacket] [This is the set. (I'm getting it in white though.)]) Other than that... I am just going to shop around. Fun fun. :D Anyway, I need to go run some errands. More later.

11:19 PM

I added some more to Matt's letter. I finally talked to Wes and Kelsey again, too!!! I've missed them both a lot. I added a live chat to my website as well. If you haven't checked it out yet, go check it out. See if I am on. ;) It's pretty fun. I'll always be in there as Megz, and I'll be in there if I am on-line. It's your best bet of contacting me. lol. Anyway, got to get some sleep. I am exhausted.

12:52 PM

I got a letter from Matt yesterday! *does a little jig* I have missed him so so much. I already started writing him back. It's only a page and a half so far, but I am sure it will be much longer by the time I send it. lol. I had the weirdest dream last night. In it, my ring broke in two, and I woke up with tears in my eyes. (Only those who know me really well will know what ring means that much to me...) I have been trying to decipher it, but to no avail yet. Anyway, I am going to go eat lunch.

1:52 PM

Guess what? My internet got shut off. lol. I am at my dad's right now and thought I would update really quick, but I won't be able to get back on at least until the 15th. Not much new. Went shopping the other day and came home almost $200 poorer. (Victoria's Secret can be an expensive place. lol.) I love everything I got though. Mom says when she gets the 401K money that she will get me $200-$300 to go shopping with. Fun fun. Oh, mom scheduled time off for us to go to Matt's house too. June 6th-19th. (I think.) Anyway, more in a few days.

6:01 PM

What a day. I swear that if I was any more tired that I would just conk out permanently. lol. For some reason, I can't sleep at night, and it's too bright during the day to sleep. I have had about 3 hours in the past 3 days. =/ Oh well though.
Matt still hasn't gotten his letter to me that he had until the fifth to get here. lol. He's in trouble. (Naughty naughty Matt.) I'm not mad at him though. I doubt I could ever be truly mad at him. I am slightly peeved though. He has always been bad at the whole correspondence thing.
I have made about four layouts for entries on FOD. People are responding to them really well, so hopefully they look okay. I will probably end up making a section of my website a sort of storage for my layouts. I have to make sure I don't lose the html of them. lol. Anyway, I am sure I am boring you, and I have a lot of homework to get done, so I will write more later. :)

10:31 PM

I am so sorry that I haven't updated, but this may explain my absence:
As some of you know, (not most, but some) I went into to emergency surgery a few days before Christmas. A few weeks (I think) before then, they thought that I needed surgery, but a doctor blew it off as simple cramps. He said bed rest would mend me as good as new. 11:30 PM on Friday the 19th, I was in so much pain that I was crying and shaking. My mom called the ambulance and I was taken to the hospital. More than 7 hours later (At 7:00 in the morning on Saturday the 20th) I went into surgery.
I had had an ultrasound earlier that day and the tech said that the cyst wasn't wrapping around my ovary, so there was no need to worry. She said that there was blood flow to the ovary.
In the 7 hours that passed between then and the ambulance ride, it had twisted around it three times. My surgeon said (after the surgery) that he had found two cysts. One that was the size of an orange, and the other which was the size of a quarter. The latter of which we had no knowledge of at the time of the surgery. He said that if we had waited much longer, he wouldn't have been able to save the ovary, but he did, and that is that. I just thought that I owed you an explanation for my long absence. Talk to you later.

8:09 AM

Well, not much to say so far about today. I woke up with a LOT of pain in my lower abdomen so I am going in to my doctor's office this morning. I made out a plan for my homework yesterday. Three weeks off for Christmas vacay, and almost all of it will be spent doing homework. Sucks, huh? lol. On a happier note, Matt will be at his mom's sometime tomorrow. (Which means I get to talk to him.[YaY!]) It's been a little under three weeks since I have talked to him, but it seems like a lot longer. lol. Anyway, that's it for now. I'll write more tomorrow, if not later.

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