Everyday Reminders
Awkward Questions
It happens to us all at some stage. If you SI somewhere that you can't always cover up someone, at some stage, always seems to notice. Then comes the million dollar question- "What happened to your arm,leg,face,stomach etc.?"
What do you do? Sometimes fobbing them off with "It's a LONG story" works, but what if it doesn't?
here are a few suggestions I picked from the bus (bodies-under siege) e-mail list. okay, so they're not all practical but they made me laugh!
  • I had unprotected sex with a porcupine.
  • I was oyster hunting.- this is generally replied with a blank stare. Then I say with a wink, "You've obviously never been oyster hunting before!"
  • I feel asleep and the clown got me.
  • I wrestle with tigers...
  • None of your business, you stupid...(insert word here).
  • The voices told me to do it.
  • Don't worry about it. Because of me, they now have a warning label!
  • Damn Cat!

    Hiding Scars/Wounds

    If you have scars/wounds from SI in obvious places then sometimes you might feel like trying to hide them. If this is the case you can try one or more of the following:

  • Scars/Wounds on wrists can be covered with long sleeves, watches bangles etc.
  • In the summer you can wear long sleeve tops made out of thin materials suck as cotton,gauze, silk etc.
  • Leg scars and wounds (on women)can sometimes by hidden with tights/fishnets etc.
  • For most scars concealer makeup can be used. A good concealer is Dermablend.
  • Some scars can be healed- Scarcare has some useful information which might help you with information on healing and plastic surgery.

    Self Help
    -Help if you self injure.

    Help if you have a friend or relative who SI's

    - Links that you might find helpful and links I've found helpful.

    Addresses and Phone Numbers
    - Useful Addresses and Phone Numbers.

    Contact Me
    - Ways of contacting me.

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