Meindert de Jong  Biocontrol & Risk Consultancy
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Ragwort, Giant Hogweed, Creeping Thistle, Japanese Knotweed, Gorse & Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce Mycoherbicides based on Fungal Pathogens

My Biob website outlines that we designed a fermentation unit to produce mycoherbicides. Originally, it was developed for growing mycelium of the fungus Chondrostereum purpureum. Basidiocarps of the purple crust fungus can be found in: purple crust , and purple crusts and mycelium of the fungus isolated by Prof. Holdenrieder (ETHZ) and the photo was taken by dr Heydock and Malte M?Berlin Forestry mycelium
Biocontrol of stump sprouting in Gorse, Ulex europaeus with Ch. purpureum in New Zealand, Biocontrol Science & Technology Gorse
. The great biocontrol practice in Berlin was performed by the researchers drs Scheepens & de Jong
The great biological control experiment of Prunus serotina by Ch. purpureum in the forests of Renkum, the Netherlands, was performed on November 20th, 2001. Then I inoculated a few stumps of freshly cut trees in the greenery close to my home with mycelium grown on malt agar from the stock culture. Besides, I inoculated two just cut ornamental willows Salix sp.)in my front yard.
The pathogen was isolated by Barend de Voogd, MSc. The fungus was grown with the same equipment as described before. It was used for an experiment to control ragwort Senecio jacobea in a private meadow close to the river Rhine located deep down in an industrial area. See: Schimmel helpt Nieuw-Zeelandse schapen, Menno Schilthuizen. Besides, inoculation of Creeping Thistle in a Zutphen Location of Barend de Voogd: Zutphen
Two small plots with an area of about one square metre with many small rosettes of Ragwort where inoculated by a fungus suspension (75 mg DWT/CC water) of with help of a water syringe. Inoculation date: January 29th, 2002. Some sheep and ponies are grazing in this private meadow. The meadow will never be used for growing of vegetables.
Non-inoculated control: non-inoculated
Inoculated in meadow: inoculated
Inoculated near river: inoculated
Subsequently, some plants of Neobiota such as Giant Hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum in a roadside verge in Zutphen were inoculated with the Sclerotinia sclerotiorum inoculum for investigating its susceptibility.
More information on Giant Hogweed is to be found in "The Giant Hogweed Best Practice Manual" of Mrs Charlotte Nielsen. See: Giant Hogweed Manual
By the way, Professor Holdenrieder, ETHZ, Z? suggested to also try Pleurotus eryngii, as a mushroom species, against Giant Hogweed.
W. Barend de Voogd MSc inoculated some plants of Creeping Thistle (Canada Thistle, Californian Thistle, Cirsium arvense) in an abandoned place close to the river IJssel in the municipality of Zutphen. Meindert in Action
Mycelium Production of Chondrostereum purpureum in liquid culture. Translation by Josta Tryon, Parksville, B.C., Canada, March, 1998
Ascospore Dispersal in a Crop, Ecological Modelling
Ascospore Dispersal and Risk Analysis, Aerobiologia
Giant Hogweed bioherbicide
Dutch Giant Hogweed Team in a seminar organized by W. Barend de Voogd MSc
Reuzenberenklauw is biologische te bestrijden GvM
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My List of Publications

Novel mycoherbicides for biological control of aquatic weeds such as Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce: European Patent EPO-DG1 #102 Abstract of the invention. An invention is described about biological control of noxious aquatic weeds. Research in tropical greenhouses revealed the discovery of two fungal pathogens both capable to kill Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, and Water Lettuce. These pathogens were developed as 'mycoherbicides' to eradicate invading weeds in tropical and subtropical waterways. Treatments of Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce led to sudden death, sinking, and early dying. More than 90% of these invading weeds were killed in greenhouse trials!
The patent disclosure is available via Thurlow Countryside Management, UK
Patent: Patent
non-inoculated in front, treated plants behind
The patent disclosure has been published in Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 14, in 2006.
Announced in Bionet.Mycology in 2006.
Will the rot set in of Water Lettuce, Pistia stratiotes? (page 8) Water Lettuce is a noxious weed in the southern part of the USA, in rain fed agriculture of rice in tropical regions of India, ponds in Hawaii etc.
Danish paper on Giant Hogweed of Charlotte Nielsen, W. Barend de Voogd, Hans Ravn og Meindert D. de Jong
Biocontrol of Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica
Humans and Invading Plants, dr Wall, BC Canada
Rust-brown spots soon after inoculation of Japanese knotweed, Fallopia japonica
Dead shoots one year after inoculation
Rust-brown spots one year after inoculation
Final result: Will the fungus eventually kill the roots?
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last update: Tuesday, March 10th, 2009