J O K E S   F O R   Y O U

The Microsoft joke

:- When Bill Gates met St. Peter in the heaven, St. Peter asked him....where he would like to stay, in heaven or in hell. Bill said "I would like to have a overlook at both."   St. Peter first took him to the 'hell'. There he saw people are dancing and enjoying, it was colours and music everywhere. Then St. Peter showed him 'heaven', where everything was silent. St. Peter again asked him for his choice, he choosed the 'hell'.
After some days, bill came back to St. and said," It's not the same 'hell' that you've shown me, it's very painfull". St. Peter said, " that was just a demo-version of 'hell'.

Engineer and Gambler

:- A engineer and a gambler were travelling in a plane. The engineer was busy working on his laptop. The gambler asked him to play a game, uninterestingly the engineer asked "what game ?". The gambler said, "i'll ask you a question and if you don't know the answer, you'll pay me 10 $, then you'll ask me a question and if i don't know the answer i'll pay you 10 $". The engineer refused to play, the gambler then said," okay, i'll pay 100 $, if i don't the answer to your question". The engineer agreed for this.
Gambler asked the engineer, "what is the name of the person sitting on the front sit ?".The engineer, quitly handover 10 $ to the gambler. Again the gambler asked," what is the name of the person at last sit ?" again the engineer quitly gave 10 $ to the gembler.
Then it's the turn of engineer, he said "what is the name of the pilot of this plane ?", gambler said i don't know and gave 100 $, the engineer said " even i don't know his name !", and gave 10 $ to the gambler, and continues with his work on laptop.

 Programmer :-

:-A programmer to his son
Programmer : " Here, I brought you a new basketball,son."
             son :" Thank you, daddy, but where is the user's manual?"

Sample paper for postgraduate examination

    Q1) If a weight of 112.5 kg, falls on the head of a man, then what will be it's effect on the person standing 20 meters from him.?

    Q2) Spell the word   "epopt"?

    Q3) What is the chemical formula for water(H2O)?

            a)H        b)H2O        c)OO

    Q4) Can you explain the Einstine's theory of relativity ?

            a)Yes        b)No

    Q5) Arrange the following in correct sequence !

        a) King Arthur -I      b) king Arthur -III      cc) king arthur -II      

    Q6) If you have five apples with you and someone gives you five
        more apples to you, then will you eat those apples ?

        a) Yes        b) No

    Q7) If the diameter of a circle is 40mm, then what is the radius of the circle ?

    Q8)  (a)Who proposed the "theory of relativity"?


          (b) Write down your name five times in capital letters !

Programmer 2 :-

    How do you keep a programmer in the shower all the day?
    Give him a bottle of shampoo which says "lather, rinse, repeat".