Scenes to Remember

The following are scenes and scrolls saved from the chat at various times. They are printed here with the permission of the participating parties...Some of it may have been edited to protect personal information, or persons involved...but they each share a powerful message..and each is a serious incident that tay was involved in. Names may have been changed in some cases. She shares this with truly show her innermost self, her desires, her dreams, her wishes, and truly one would handle certain situations.

Please be advised some of the content in the following may include explicit sexual encounters, language or topics that may be inappropriate or sensitive to certain people. Absolutly no one under the age of 18 should be reading this section..and asks that you turn back NOW. Thank you...tay

Gor Scene (July 2,2000)


Three's Company (New Years eve 1999)

Tay's Collering(dec 2, 1999)

Mistress for the Night (written sometime in august 99)

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