Rubric: Making A Map

Teacher Name: Mrs. Cadima

Student Name:     ________________________________________









Labels - Accuracy

At least 90% of the items are labeled and located correctly.

80-89% of the items are labeled and located correctly.

79-70% of the items are labeled and located correctly.

Less than 70% of the items are labeled and located correctly.




All features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map.

Most features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map.

Many features of the map are NOT drawn to scale even though a scale is clearly indicated on the map.

Many features of the map are NOT drawn to scale AND/OR there is no scale marker on the map.



Labels & Features - Neatness

90-100% of the labels/features can be read easily.

89-80% of the labels/features can be read easily.

79-70% of the labels/features can be read easily.

Less than 70% of the labels/features can be read easily.



Map Legend/Key

Legend is easy-to-find and contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Legend contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Legend contains an almost complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Legend is absent or lacks several symbols.




Title tells the purpose/content of the map, is clearly distinguishable as the title (e.g. larger letters, underlined, etc), and is printed at the top of the map.

Title tells the purpose/content of the map and is printed at the top of the map.

Title tells the purpose/content of the map, but is not located at the top of the map.

Purpose/content of the map is not clear from the title.



Knowledge Gained

When shown a blank base map, the student can rapidly and accurately label at least 10 features.

When shown a blank base map, the student can rapidly and accurately label 8-9 features.

When shown a blank base map, the student can rapidly and accurately label 6-7 features.

When shown a blank base map, the student can rapidly and accurately label fewer than 6 features.


