Silver's Page

October 8, 2002
Our beloved Silver is gone.
Ms. Argent (a.k.a. Silver) was hit by a speeding motorist on our residential street this morning (10/8/02). The boys across the street witnessed the incident. She died instantly. Their father placed her lifeless body in a bag before he knocked on our door. Jim buried her and we both cried.
Argent, you will be truly missed. We miss your love of water, your scolding, and your paw prints on the van.
Hug your pets today.

Yes, I am lying face down. I'm comfortable. Leave me alone.

Silver was acquired as a kitten to be a companion for Miss Kitty. Miss Kitty wants no other companion but Silver is here to stay anyway. She loves to fetch and will come when called... most of the time. She turned two in April of 2002.

Here's what I do best... sleep.

Darn! They didn't leave me any beer!

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