Welcome to my Guestbook!

The Editor again - 12/16/00 04:16:25
My URL:Dave Canter.Com
My Email:davecanter@davecanter.com
Quest: to defend myself
Favorite color: look at my site and you will see them
Velocity of an unladen swallow: about 12 miles to the gallon??
Favorite Beatle: George or Ringo, No Johm, or was it Paul, i dunno

Ha you missed it at the top of the Richmond page didnt you mel?? a tad full of myself? i spent about 5 hours rewriting your pages for you, isnt that enough?? people charge a lot to do that, my bill will be in the post.(joke)

Usagi - 12/14/00 21:44:10
My Email:Thorfinna@yahoo.com
Quest: To find the holy phallus
Favorite color: Blue - no wait! GREEEEEEEN!
Velocity of an unladen swallow: How can one swallow unlaiden?
Favorite Beatle: George - while I softly weep.

I can't believe I never signed your book while you were here. I just checked and came in absent. But I'm sure my comments are so much wittier now. I miss ya, sugarbum!!

Dave - 12/05/00 21:38:18
My URL:http://oocities.com/davecanterdotcom
My Email:daveissweet@btinternet.com
Quest: to have the best website in the world "WOO HA HA WOO HA HA WOO HA HA!!!!"
Favorite color: Green And Black And Pink And Blue And Yellow And Red And Or.............
Velocity of an unladen swallow: France??
Favorite Beatle: Eminem

Melle, Where is the link to my page?? and on that subject where is the one to Suzies?? :) see i do come to your site.... infact i have it all avalable offline!! but that is beside the piont, i have all the links from my site as ofline content, so about these links.........

Harley - 11/16/00 16:50:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/gennihq
My Email:hqandmrj4ever@hotmail.com
Quest: World Domination and corrupting the youth
Favorite color: Purple!
Velocity of an unladen swallow: 72 & 1/2 millionths of a cubit per microsecond
Favorite Beatle: Ringo (he plays the drums)

I haven't signed in a while, so I figured I'd chime in to say hey. Hey! Love ya lots baby. Can't wait to see you in a couple of months; I will *definitely* see you during your short return trip stateside, come hell or high water. Well, I dunno about t e high water. I might just want to play in it. Ok, enough of me. Toodles, kiddo! HQ

Ahdashee - 07/31/00 19:47:38
My URL:www.oocities.org/ahdashee
My Email:ask me :)
Quest: to visit every country
Favorite color: clear
Velocity of an unladen swallow: What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
Favorite Beatle: Umm... I think they are gone now?

Hi!! come visit my sight just because and tell me what I could do to make it cool ;)

leemorris81 - 06/17/00 16:13:59
Quest: dunno
Favorite color: white
Velocity of an unladen swallow: dunno
Favorite Beatle: john (god)

im not dave, im lee

billy hedges - 06/11/00 19:09:25
My Email:shuey55@hotmail.com
Quest: enjoy
Favorite color: ferrari red
Velocity of an unladen swallow: quick hahaha
Favorite Beatle: dung (joke)

i look out of my window and i see a big world but i feel so small why is this? who knows and who cares Andy (AKA BILLY)

cybersatan - 05/13/00 04:17:56
My Email:nada yet
Quest: to molest Heather Graham
Favorite color: Modesty
Velocity of an unladen swallow: Not this shitty Python Joke.... Again
Favorite Beatle: George

Mel fro Hell, and I mean that in the greatest of ways, Im gonna miss a nother Brit, and please come back as soon as possible ya siily blinkin git (dont ya luv my command of Britslang) WE LOVE YA LOTS!!! from the CYBERSATAN !!!

Bear - 05/13/00 03:07:22
Quest: To install capitalism all over the globe
Favorite color: Blue
Velocity of an unladen swallow: African or European?
Favorite Beatle: John

Melanie has toooooo much time on her hands and manages to select not so good pictures of me!

Doug (douggystyle) - 04/29/00 08:48:00
Quest: Live for the moment
Favorite color: Red
Velocity of an unladen swallow: Is that some weird sexual thing?
Favorite Beatle: Ringo, though George wrote some great tunes

True, Mel. True.

the green ghost - 04/25/00 14:23:16
My Email:susanna_sproul@hotmail.com
Quest: to have fun
Favorite color: blue
Velocity of an unladen swallow: african or european?
Favorite Beatle: melanie

Glad I finally got to visit your site.

Derek - 04/23/00 19:43:09
My Email:dsm7x@virginia.edu
Quest: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Favorite color: Grey.
Velocity of an unladen swallow: Nineveh.
Favorite Beatle: John Lennon.

Melanie, the site looks terrific.

Lucy_sparkles aka Typo Queen! - 04/17/00 10:12:53
My Email:Lucy_sparkles@hotmail.com
Quest: To steal Mel from the USA, yeah! I suceeded!
Favorite color: Pink with a splash of glitz
Velocity of an unladen swallow: sorry not my department I'm afraid.
Favorite Beatle: John..No Paul..No George..No Ringo..Oh I don't know!

Hey Honey, nice site, Can I come again? catch you later, TTFN, love lucyxx

Chaser - 04/15/00 14:57:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va2/grrrrbaby
My Email:grrrr_baby@yahoo.com
Quest: to do my homework so i can live in peace
Favorite color: red
Velocity of an unladen swallow: African or European?
Favorite Beatle: John

"Fear is the path to the dark side...Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."-Yoda, Episode 1

Darth Daddy - 04/15/00 14:53:47
My Email:wwa@doli.va.gov
Quest: To write the great american report
Favorite color: blue -- Its one I can see
Velocity of an unladen swallow: as fast as he wants to go
Favorite Beatle: paul, because of you


Darth Daddy - 04/15/00 14:52:14
My Email:wwa@doli.va.gov


Bonbon - 04/15/00 14:50:31
My Email:wish i knew
Quest: to get a valid password
Favorite color: purple and pinks
Velocity of an unladen swallow: tough ? for a K teacher
Favorite Beatle: George, but love em all!

"Do wah diddie diddie dum diddie doo"

kdiamine - 04/14/00 01:02:59
My Email:kdiamine@rcn.com
Quest: 42
Favorite color: Greeeeeeeeen
Velocity of an unladen swallow: african or european?
Favorite Beatle: he wasn't the walrus, but he's the dead one

Coool site, Mel! You need more gratuitous pictures of Sting, Beatles, and Ewan. :)

jmk - 04/12/00 17:32:46
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/2ndJawaOnTheLeft
My Email:waltzjump@hotmail.com
Quest: peace & an Axel
Favorite color: purple
Velocity of an unladen swallow: depends on what she had for breakfast
Favorite Beatle: mort

fun, melanie. :->

Zyphyr - 04/11/00 00:17:54
My Email:mrmcgarry@hotmail.com
Quest: Sailing into the Sunset
Favorite color: Forest Green
Favorite Beatle: Paul McCartney

Hey Melanie! Cool site. MRM

Dave - 04/10/00 18:29:36
My Email:daveissweet@sms.genie.co.uk
Quest: to get more rink!! hahaha
Favorite color: blue/anytihig shiney, like money
Velocity of an unladen swallow: if it is dead then the same as gravity x its weight
Favorite Beatle: JOHN, (the man!!!)

im a loon, a bit of a toom, but i want to be normal, no that is wrong, i am just babbeling coz i want to take up loads of space

Annie!!!!! - 04/07/00 20:49:32
My URL:http://www.wizard.net/~ajepst
My Email:ajepst@iname.com
Quest: To figure out my quest...
Favorite color: green....or is it blue?
Velocity of an unladen swallow: Faster than a laden one?
Favorite Beatle: If you must make me choose, George... no better pick me up than "Here comes the sun"

Yes, I suck at keeping in contact with people, but I'm not dead, see? Didn't know you were a BFF fan! Loved them since early senior year or so... Love the page! You know there's a W&M chorus web page now? (Somebody's gotta stand up for them) Hmm... all hese people I recognize, I'll have to email them irritaing "remember me?" emails... :) If you come up to the DC area, VISIT ME!!!

Aimee - 04/07/00 16:51:30
My Email:aimeesmiller@hotmail.com
Favorite color: purple
Favorite Beatle: George

Melanie, I miss you!

liz, or 'lectra - 04/06/00 22:27:41
My Email:liquidglass@webtv.net
Quest: i don't know!!!
Favorite color: red
Velocity of an unladen swallow: uh...
Favorite Beatle: whichever one wrote"don't let me down"

i haven't actually finished looking at your site, but so far it's definately a glimpse into the dazzling personality that is melanie. good luck with it, e-mail me when you've got more added, and with that i go, back to your site. ciao!

Tuffbabygirl - 04/06/00 21:12:23
My Email:Onlyme249@hotmail.com
Favorite color: Blue
Velocity of an unladen swallow: thats to high-tech for me:)
Favorite Beatle: ummm... riiiiight....

I love the pics... but'cha gotta get a pic of Dave on there:) hehe

that weird archaeologist - 04/06/00 20:59:50
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/yorkdigger
My Email:yorkdigger@mindspring.com
Quest: to find money in my field (already found a job)
Favorite color: green
Velocity of an unladen swallow: african or european?
Favorite Beatle: George

Ohh, baby....and i haven't even gotten to the photos section yet! a most shagadellic first run on the web page...keep up the good work!

Turturro - 04/06/00 20:43:17
My Email:justin__watson@hotmail.com
Quest: No applicable
Favorite color: Blakc, obviously
Velocity of an unladen swallow: What?!
Favorite Beatle: Dung

Nice site, Melanie. Cool picture. Talk to you soon.

Soozie-Boozie - 04/06/00 15:44:11
My Email:benfoldsthree@hotmail.com
Quest: To pull out my finger.. damn it's ssstuuuck. zzz
Favorite color: (s) Perrpul and Wed and Blew and Gwein
Velocity of an unladen swallow: a higher # than my IQ prob
Favorite Beatle: The one that did Thomas the tank engine (Yeh ok.. send me to enternal damnation for not knowing which it was!LOl) Ringo?

chooo chooo, chucka chucka chucka chucka chooo chooooooo.

Thomas Kent... - 04/06/00 07:47:23
My Email:flanin@hotmail.com
Quest: I seek the Grail
Favorite color: Blue
Velocity of an unladen swallow: Nee
Favorite Beatle: Clarence

Thanks for a midsummer night's dream or three. Your midiclorian count is the highest I've ever seen. :)

Wade Minter - 04/05/00 13:50:26
My URL:http://www.lunenburg.org/
My Email:minter@lunenburg.org
Favorite color: Green
Velocity of an unladen swallow: Depends on if he's late for a date
Favorite Beatle: Ringo

It's good to see that you've joined us on the dark side. Now, you just have to get a job in the computer industry, and you turn to the dark side of the force will be complete. Buah ha ha ha ha!

Karl Marks - 04/05/00 04:02:27
My Email:markskarl@hotmail.com
Quest: If you knew me, you wouldn't need to ask...
Favorite color: Purple. Purple is a fruit, isn't it?
Velocity of an unladen swallow: I don't kn--aaaaaaaaagh!
Favorite Beatle: Hmmm....I'd say John, but live one would be George

Wellwellwell... Watch A Clockwork Orange. I'm serious. This movie is cool, crazy, emotional, powerful, and will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Not in some retarded wholesome moral way either.

Harley Quinn - 04/04/00 02:04:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Academy/5823
My Email:harley_quinn@excite.com
Quest: a reasonable facsimile of sanity
Favorite color: PURPLE!!!!
Velocity of an unladen swallow: 42 km/hr (I kept it metric for ya!)
Favorite Beatle: I'd like to say George, b/c no one will, but of course it's Ringo

OG - I'm going to miss you come June! You have to take a weekend out of your summer to return to the big, bad North (hopefully with Heather in tow). YOU ROCK! 'Nuff said. Love, your porn twin, HQ

Violet Vampire - 04/03/00 22:26:29
My Email:violetvampire@hotmail.com
Quest: To find the job that pays $40,000 and lets me surf the web.
Favorite color: Purple! Duh!
Velocity of an unladen swallow: African or European?
Favorite Beatle: John

Can I check my email now?

sweetie - 04/03/00 20:33:10
My Email:daveissweet@btinternet.com
Quest: ??
Favorite color: all
Velocity of an unladen swallow: no idea
Favorite Beatle: JOHN, (the man!!!)

I signed it !!!hahaha

Cushy - 04/03/00 20:30:15
My Email:MattCush@btinternet.com
Quest: To move to the US and be Happy!
Favorite color: Manchester United Red
Favorite Beatle: John

"Having a relatinship just isnt top of the pops right now,im making love with the music and believe me i can go all night"

Jeff - 04/03/00 20:05:06
My Email:tbonejc1@hotmail.com
Quest: to find a nice girl
Favorite color: blue
Favorite Beatle: Paul

I think that my dad has fleas. BFF Rocks. Jeff

DenaLou - 04/03/00 19:54:36
My URL:http://http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com
Quest: Get a good body
Favorite color: Plaid
Velocity of an unladen swallow: African or European?
Favorite Beatle: Dung

Hiya Mel! Dennis from Detroit. Axel from Board. love your webpage so full of information i hardly know what to do next. LOL. love dennis Maybe I'm a man and maybe I'm a lonely man Who's in the middle of something That he doesn't really understand Maybe I' a man and maybe you're the only woman who could ever help me Baby won't you help me understand

Grrkins - 04/03/00 19:42:44
My URL:http://www.pureluck.co.uk
Quest: to bed Miki Beranyi
Favorite color: whatever my hair colour is
Velocity of an unladen swallow: 150 cm per day
Favorite Beatle: Ringo

nice site rrroooooowl etc :) Rob

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