Famous Sprint & Middle Long Distance Racing Pigeons


Bolderstraat 93  

Zichen Zussen Bolder


Mobile : +32 (0) 486 135515

E-mail : melard.frederick@yahoo.com

  This site describes the racing pigeon


Create Date 2007-03-01

Best results on a 800-600 screen
with real (= 24- or 32-bit) colours
Last update of the news page: 2007-03-01
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3 Times National Champion Sprint & Middle Long Distance

5th -  6th -  6th - 7th - 8th - 13th National Champion Sprint K.B.D.B. 

First Results 2007 :

In April 2007 : 5 Races, 10 Results (Old & Yearlings) : 10 Times 1st Prizes without duplication

01/04/07 Villers La Tour 127 Kms Old Pigeons Clubs : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (7/8)

01/04/07 Villers La Tour 127 Kms Yearlings Clubs : 1,2,3,4,5

08/04/07 Villers La Tour 127 Kms 104 Old Pigeons : 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,13,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,24,25,28 (19/25)

08/04/07 Villers La Tour 127 Kms 66 Yearlings : 1,2,4,5,6,7,11,12 (8/16)

15/04/07 Villers La Tour 127 Kms 131 Old Pigeons  : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,17, ... (19/25)

15/04/07 Villers La Tour 127 Kms 138 Yearlings : 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10, ... (14/18)

22/04/07 Dizy Le Gros 171 Kms 154 Old Pigeons  : 1,2,4,5,6,7,10, ... (17/25)  2.804 Old Pigeons : 9,15,22,28,30,36,69, ... (17/25)

22/04/07 Dizy Le Gros 171 Kms 197 Yearlings   : 1,4,6,8,11, ... 2.350 Yearlings : 3,34, ... 

29/04/07 Trélou S/Marne 239 Kms 143 Old Pigeons  : 1,6,7,12, ... (6/12)  2.717 Old Pigeons : 26, ... (6/12)

29/04/07 Trélou S/Marne 239 Kms 177 Yearlings  : 1,3,7,11,13,15,16,18,22,23,26,29,30,31, ... (19/29)  2.181 Yearlings : 14, ...

06/05/07 La Ferté 277 Kms  2.601 Old Pigeons : 2,3,4,19,29,30,31,33,57,75,77,119,120,129,159,200,242, ... (21/24)

06/05/07 La Ferté 277 Kms  1.983 Yearlings : 6,27,39,45,104,123,163,167,195,206, ... (15/27)

06/05/07 La Ferté 277 Kms : 2nd, 3rd, 5th fastest of 4.584 Pigeons


Owner of one collection of pigeons based on

pigeons direct  from the loft



"Oude Merckx v'67" B'67 - 6282031 

Winner of 21 x 1st Prizes

Father of :

"Jonge Merckx v'70" B'70 - 6243257 : Winner of 16 x 1st Prizes

Father of :

"Schone v' Jonge Merckx" B'81-6116665

Mother of :

"Goei Duifke" B'72 - 6112590

Mother of :

"Dochter Afgekeurde" B'90-6306891 

Daughter Afgekeurde

Paired with 

"Zoon Raket v'76" B'84 - 6685825

Base of the loft MELARD

Parents of :

"Oude Raket v'73" B'73 - 6276400 : Winner of 16 x 1st Prizes

Father of :

Raketje v'92


Raketje v'93


Raket Merckx


"Jonge Raket v'76" B'76 - 6129297 : Winner of 16 x 1st Prizes

Father of :

"Zoon Raket v'76" B'84 - 6685825

Base of the loft MELARD

Full Brother "Raket '84" 

Base of the loft KOOPMAN C. & G.

Father of :

"Eksteroog" B'84 - 6685755

Full Brother "Raket '84" 

Base of the loft KOOPMAN C. & G.

Father of :

Raket 633


Raketje v'92


Raketje v'93


Raket Merckx


"Dochter Eksteroog" B'90 - 6306779

Mother of :

Raket Eksteroog v'93


Raket Eksteroog v'95


Raketje Eksteroog




Owner of the most complete and prestigious

collection of pigeons direct  from the loft



available Young birds from DIRECT Sons & Daughters from :

"Geschelpt 948" 948/93 : Best Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"De 957" 957/94 : Father "Blauwe Louis" 10th Nat. Ace Pigeon Germany 1999

"Father Toury" 476/95 : Father of "De Toury" 1st Toury and Fastest 17.000 Pigeons.

"De Toury" 788/03 : 1st Toury and Fastest 17.000 Pigeons.

"De 859" 859/93 : G/Son of "Blauwe van '81" Super Stock cock.

"De 522" 522/95 : 1st Dourdan 585 P., Super Stock Cock, Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"De 935" 935/96 : Super Stock cock Best Son of  "Blauwe 124/91"

"Geschelpt Witpen 121" 121/97 : 1st Dourdan 576 P., ... Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"Blauwe 040" 040/91 : Son of  "Blauwe van '84"

"Blauwe 070" 070/91 : Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"Geschelpt 146" 146/92 : Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"Blauwe 230" 230/92 : Best Daughter of  "Blauwe van '84"

"Blauwe 358" 358/93 : Son of  "Blauwe van '84"

"Blauwe 854" 854/93 : Son of  "Blauwe van '84"

"De 172" 172/94 : Son of  "Geschelpt 038/91"

"De 103" 103/94 : Son of  "Geschelpt 038/91"

"De 397" 397/95 : Son of  "Blauwe 956/91"

"De 548" 548/95 : G/Son of "Blauwe van '81" Super Stock cock.

"De 285" 285/96 : Son of "De 522/95" Super Stock cock.

"Geschelpt 379" 379/96 : Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"Nestbrother Witpen 121" 120/97 : Nestbrother "121/97", ... Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"De 433" 433/97 : Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"


also available Young birds from DIRECT G/Sons & G/Daughters from :

"Blauwe van '84" 954/84 : Stock Cock n°1  6 First prizes without duplication 1st Prov. Etampes

"Geschelpte 530" 530/90 : Stock cock n°2 of the loft Van Loon.

"Orléans" 909/99 : 4th Prov. Orléans 2.989 P.,  6th Prov. Orléans 3.993 P., ...

"Blauwe 124" 124/91 : The best son of "Blauwe van '84"

"Van Loock" 712/94 : As Duif HAFO Turnhout. Top Breeder

"De 246" 246/95 : 3 Times 1st Prizes HAFO Turnhout. Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"

"Geschelpt 038" 038/91 : Son of  "Geschelpt 530/90"



Son of "Geschelpt 948/93" VAN LOON      Daughter of "Geschelpt 948/93" VAN LOON        Son of "070/91" VAN LOON


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