What are Minerals?

  Minerals are naturally occurring  substances  obtained from the earth.  The human body cannot manufacture minerals, which help the body to perform its activities.  They are needed for the formation of blood and bone, the maintenance of healthy nerve function and many other vital bodily functions.

  Calcium is a vital mineral  which  helps to maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles.  Calcium helps reduce the bones  loss associated with the serious bone disease osteoporosis- a health concern to both women and men.  Calcium also has crucial roles in nerve and muscle cell functions.
Calcium supplements:
  Simplest are the purified calcium compounds such as Calcium carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lactate and compounds of calcium with amino acids called amino acid chelates.  Amino acid chelates are compunds of calcium combined with amino acids in a form for optimal absorption.
Mixtures of calcium with other compounds:
  Calcium with Vitamin D which is necessary for calcium absorption.  Calcium is also combined with other minerals which are necessary for bone health.
Calcium in other forms:
Oyster shell:

  Is a product made from the powdered shells of oysters, sold as a calcium supplement.
  Is a compound of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium and carbonate) found in limestone and marble.

  A trace mineral which is required for protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and which supports normal insulin function.
Chromium supplement forms:
Chromium Picolinate is the most popular form:
  When taken as a supplement, along with proper diet and exercise, it may help reduce body fat and increase lean body mass in some moderately obese people.  Chromium Picolinate is also known to be the most effective form of Chromium.
Chromium Polynicotinate
Chromium Chloride
Chromium enriched yeast

  Iron is an essential mineral and is especially important for women during pregnancy.  Other causes of Iron deficeincy may be menstruation of poor diets.
Heme Iron:
  Is Iron bound to hemoglobin and myoglobin.  It is found in animal products and is the most efficiently absorbed form of Iron.
Nonheme Iron:
  Is poorly absorbed compared to Heme Iron.  However, Nonheme Iron salts are the source of Iron in dietary supplements.  Examples of Nonheme Iron are
Ferrous Sulfate and Ferrous Fumarate:
  Is used to correct Iron deficiency anemia, but can cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea.  It’s toxic potential must be monitored, particularly in households with children.
Ferrous Fumarate:
  Is a chelated organic form of Iron which promotes healthy blood.
Carbonyl Iron:
  This is highly absorbable and bioavailable to the body.  In contrast to ferrous sulfate, Carbonyl Iron has a much lower incidence of side effects such as stomach upset and constipation. Carbonyl Iron is substantially less toxic, so it is safer for households where children may be present.

  An essential mineral that assists in the absorption and metabolism of Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus and Potassium.  Magnesium is a cofactor in energy production.  It is necessary for bone growth and maintenance and for proper functioning of the muscles and nerves, as well as regulation of body temperature.  It also helps maintain healthy teeth.
Magnesium bound:
  A chelating agent
Magnesium carbonate:
  Is an anticaking agent added to keep products such as salts and powders free flowing.
Magnesium oxide:
  Is combined with oxygen.

  Important for a healthy nervous system and regular heart rhythm.  Vital to ensuring a balance of water between body cells and surrounding fluids.  Aids in maintaining stable blood pressure and proper muscle contraction.
Potassium Salts:
  Potassium chloride (chloride and bicarbonate) comes in the form of salt substitutes.  Potassium chloride preparations are also available in various flavors and formulation.
Potassium bound chelates:
  Chelating agents (aspartate and citrate) are acids added to foods to prevent discoloration, flavor changes and rancidity that might occur because of processing.
Potassium-Food based:
  Food-based sources are and excellent way to provide the human body’s high Potassium requirements.