Online Movies

The Man with Four Heads

The Conjuror

The One Man Band (hand coloured)

Blue Beard (French narration)

A Trip to the Moon (complete, with French narration by Melies' granddaughter)

The Melomaniac

The Man with the Rubber Head

The Magic Lantern

Jupiter's Thunderbolts

The Infernal Cake - Walk

The Impossible Voyage

The Monster

The Infernal Cauldron

The Inn Where No Man Rests

The Untamable Whiskers

The Cook in Trouble

The Mermaid

The Terrible Turkish Executioner

The Black Imp

The Mysterious Retort

Scheming Gamblers Paradise

The Devilish Tenant

The Living Playing Cards

The Hilarious Posters

Good Glue Sticks

Joan of Arc  (excerpt)

The Conquest of the Pole (excerpts)

