Hi everyone!


It's been quite some time since we've sent out a baby-update so this one will be a bit long!  We had our 4th pre-natal appointment on Monday, September 9th -- it was originally scheduled for this past Tuesday, Sept. 17th but being first time parents and all... we started getting a bit worried and paranoid.


While we were in Spain we felt the baby kick for the first time. It was incredibly exciting. It was after the tomato fest and I was lying in bed watching TV and it happened - and I was speechless ~~ I was yelling towards Aaron with out saying anything but uh - uh - uh.

So anyway, after that day we felt a little bit of movement on the beach but then nothing. Then I got very sick our second to last day there and just worried.  So once we got home, we tried for hours for me to lie still and feel something but we were not successful.  We got worried with the traveling and eating foreign foods etc - so we called the doctor and they had us come in early.  Our doctor checked the heartbeat and it was normal so everything was okay - -whew! At the time of the appointment I had gained 11 pounds. ( we couldn't resist and while we were in Europe we bought the baby the cutest soccer uniform - with a jersey, shorts, and lil nike socks - its SO CUTE!).


Because we had been so worried we decided to invest in a baby beat monitor - which is a doppler machine for all those of you who have been through this - which is the coolest thing!  It's similar to what the doctor uses and it's completely safe and harmless to the baby.  We can hear the heartbeat whenever we want - loud and clear! :)


This week we have really felt the movement - and it's amazing!  We have bought a few baby books and Aaron has read to the baby before we go to sleep. He has finally been able to feel the little tyke and we even saw my tummy jump up! It's just like nothing we've ever seen or experienced - it's wonderful!


We finally have registered and we were so pumped for that.  We went to babies r us and signed up and got our scanning gun and we were ready to conquer the store! We got to the first aisle and almost fainted.... we realized - we know NOTHING about what a baby needs to function.  There was a point in the store that I just thought I was going to cry! It was extremely frustrating.  BUT since then we have talked to people, visited websites, and looked in books - we have a much better feeling.  We registered online at babiesrus so that was much easier because they had lists of best sellers and must haves and stuff like that.  We're going to begin working on the nursery in October and we can't wait!


I miss my family TERRIBLY but am very very very thankful to have such wonderful friends here in Denver.  They have certainly been very supportive and shared in my excitement. The girls still make time to go to dinner with me a few times a month - something mellow that a mom-to-be can do! and Gia even took me out Salsa dancing last Saturday night - high heels and all -- and we danced our butts off!  Brian, Gia, Julie and Dina are planning my baby shower here and - I just am very thankful and feel very VERY lucky.


We have already been given a car seat, moses basket, swing, high chair, toys & clothes from the people I work with who have already had their last child.. they have been very gracious towards us.  AND my very good friend in Atlanta, Meredith, sent me a gift certificate for a PREGNANCY MASSAGE at this fancy smancy place up in the mountains -- we can't wait to go there for the weekend!  Things are moving along sweetly.


Almost done.... SO... our next ultra sound is October 7th and that is when we will find out the BIG question.. if we are expecting a lil boy or  lil girl -- although they say the ultra sounds are never 100% accurate.


For those of you in California - we CAN'T WAIT to see you next month - remember SATURDAY OCTOBER 19TH.. invites will be mailed out in a few weeks.  For those of you in Denver... thank you for everything and for those of you far far away - I miss you like MAD!!!


Thanks everyone for sharing in this experience with us!! We will be sending out another update next month with the big news!!! :)


(p.s. our boys soccer team is 1 win - 1 loss so far and we're taking them to the Rapids game tomorrow night!!)


TONS OF HUGS - and lots of love,


Melissa, Aaron and baby "toney"