Dressed for Success

This is ridiculous.

Staring at his reflection in the dingy mirror before him, Kyle didn’t know whether to laugh or scream at the vision that gazed back at him. He instead simply groaned, and muttered something foul under his breath.

By Althena.....I must have been more drunk than usual when I decided to do this. Shaking his head in distaste, he tugged on the dress’s hem again. Oh well, anything for Nanza. It’ll all be worth it when we’re safe from the Vile Tribe.....yeah, you keep telling yourself that, pal.

Suddenly, one of Kyle’s men poked his head in the door and interrupted his thoughts with a wolf whistle.

“Looking good, boss!” he snickered. “Looking real good.” Kyle whirled around, prepared to give his fellow brigand a verbal lashing, but the man had already left in a hurry, sniggering uproariously all the way. Swearing under his breath, the leader of Nanza adjusted the dress (and the padding beneath) one last time before slamming his door shut. He was going to have to do some serious buttkicking when this was all over, that was for sure.

Sitting down in front of the mirror, Kyle picked up the blond wig he was to wear in his charade and idly twirled it on his finger. The color wasn’t the same, but it still reminded him of Jessica nonetheless. With his free hand, he touched the still-sore area of his cheek where she had slapped him a few days prior.

She wouldn’t even listen to me, he thought morosely. Wouldn’t let me explain....not that it really could have made a difference, though. She caught me with my hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. Feels like she broke one over my head.

Speaking of which....Kyle winced and rubbed his aching noggin. He’d spent the last few days since his argument with Jessica either drunk or nursing a killer hangover. Being sober was not what it was cracked up to be, not in his mind at least. It wasn’t one of his favorite feelings.

With a sigh, the brigand leader gingerly fitted the wig onto himself. This time he nearly did scream as he caught sight of his reflection. Letting out a sound that was a mixture of a groan and a laugh, he picked up the face powder and began to apply it.

“Still can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered as he dusted his cheeks with blush. “My men will never let me live it down, of course....but then, I can always thrash them. Just as long as Jess never sees me like this, things will be fine.” He shuddered as he said the last words. If she were to see him.....it would all be over for him. Thank the Goddess she never will.