Disclaimer: These characters and places are the property of Enix and/or
Tri-Ace. I am not making any money off this so don't sue.

"Precis goes on a little journey...."

"NO! Poppa! Don't press the bu..." (KA-BOOM!) "....Poppa! Are you
alright?" Claude was jarred from his tea-making stupor. "Precis! Graft!
Are you two....!!!!!" Claude had noticed Precis was covered in soot...
again. (Her clothes were also a bit charred and there were holes...but
I won't say where...Use your imagination!) Graft was lying on the
floor, unconscious. Claude checked for breathing. Graft was snoring,
loudly. He was O.K. "Precis! Are you O.K.?" Precis turned 'round thrice
and responded, "Of course! And Poppa is O.K., too. I told him not to
PRESS THE BUTTON! He did not listen to me!!! Ooooh! He makes me so mad!
You know what, Claude? I need some more meteorites! My old man blew
them all up! Let's go, let's go, let's gooooo!!!" Claude got that big
sweatdrop treatment and began to drag Graft to his bed. "We should
leave a note or else he's gonna worry." Claude knew better than to
deter Precis from her C.O.A.(Course Of Action). He began to pack as
Precis gathered the necessary supplies. Within an hour, the couple
began their "Shopping Trip".

Their first stop was Lacour. (You know, for supplies.) Along the way,
who should they bump into but Leon!(See "Leon's Travels") While in
Lacour, they went shopping. However, on their way out, they noticed a
town crier shouting about thievery. Claude wasn't sure but, he thought
he heard the guy mention Ashton's name...Nahhh! Precis noticed too,
but she heard it too. However she filed that information for future
reference. They moved on to Hilton, where Claude had to fight the local
monsters to gain enough FOL for passage.

To her dismay, Precis found out that the ship was under repairs. "How
long will it take?" The Shipmaster was getting peeved. He must've been
asked that same question one too many times. "I DON'T KNOW! MAYBE...
A...COUPLE...OF...WEEKS!!!!" Precis flinched. Then her face lit up like
she just had a brilliant idea. (Claude: Knowing her, she probably had.)
"Let me and Bobot help with the repairs!" Precis was all smiles. That
is, until the Shipmaster revealed that he was sexist. "NO, LASS! GO
flinched and ran for cover. Precis was Pissed Off! Claude could not
look. (He peeked through his fingers!) As Claude expected, the
Shipmaster went flying through the air to land into the ocean. The crew
laughed at their boss's plight. Precis glared at them and they
immediately pretended that their work was the only thing that mattered.
She asked again. "Well? Can we?" The Shipmaster made a mental note not
to make fun of women again. "Ahh...sure...Go right ahead...Please don't
hurt me!!!!" Precis set to work. "Claude, go kill some time at the bar."
Claude walked off.

During Claude's wait, he went to the bar. Now, Claude did not really
drink. He did, however, enjoy watching the drunkards make fools of
themselves. While laughing at a drunk guy doing the "Barroom Blitz",
Claude noticed three foreign people. (By foreign he meant NOT OF THIS
PLANET.) One was dressed in purple clothes, had blond, spiky hair, and
carried a nasty looking sword that made Claude's Eternal Sphere feel
like a cooking knife. (It was HUGE!) The second was a man of African
descent. He was big and muscular, had a crew-cut, and had a Gun for an
arm. (Are they from Earth?!?) The third was a pale teenage girl with
a green shirt and tan shorts. She had black hair and a nasty looking
shuriken. (Sharp and dangerous!) Claude was not sure, but he thought
he saw the girl's hands dart into passersby's pockets. Claude left
before they saw him. He did not want to be sent back to Earth.
The ship was finished.

"Claude! Let's go!" Precis had just finished the shipwork.
She had also humbled a couple more sailors. The trip to Herlie was uneventful.
(Claude got seasick, Bobot almost fell into the ocean, and Precis had
humbled a couple more sailors. The second one was drunk and thought
that Precis was a serving wench. After he grabbed her butt, Precis had
proceeded to beat the crap out of him.) Herlie itself had a problem
of the Zand kind. Zand had taken over the town, again. Precis and Claude
proceeded to kick the crap out of him. Afterwards, the people of Herlie
wanted to celebrate and they did with a feast! Our heroes stuffed
themselves. The sailors and the Shipmaster got drunk and did the
"Drunk Monkey Dance". Everyone laughed, hard. Precis had Bobot
perform some tricks. The next morning, they left amid the cheers of
the people of Herlie.

Along the way to Salva, they ran into Ashton. He had fainted and
was being controlled by Ururun and Gyoro. (See "Ashton Tries Again...")
The trip to Salva was uneventful. Precis purchased some iron and they
went and payed a visit to Celine. (Alchemists can only be Mages.)
Claude called in a favor and Voila! Celine turned the iron into much
needed meteorites! Celine waved them off and went to chat with Rena,
who had payed a visit.

The trip back was uneventful. (The people of Herlie had another feast,
the Shipmaster was wary of Precis, the sailors steered clear, Claude got
seasick again and Precis pounded on a would-be mugger.) They stopped in
Lacour to see what the fuss is all about. It turns out Ashton stole
from the Royal Treasury! Our heroes went to talk with the king, but
Ashton emerged from the castle with Leon in tow. They got the rest of the
story from them. All four vowed to help one another. They set off for Linga
to look for any clues as to who the thief was.

(continued in the FF7/SO:TSS crossover: "Lost")