Challenge #4
Now (sadly) that Nash has been cancelled, there will never be answered provided for a lot of the story lines that were introduced into the show.  So here’s a chance to tell the rest of the world what you would have liked to see happen.

Here are a few of the story lines from the last season.  Pick one and come up with your version of how things turned out.  But you’ve only got six pages to do it in.

1. Angel – Did Nash permanently lose his guardian angel?  Did he become part of regular society or did he return to the streets in his halo, gown and wings?

2. Boz - Where did he end up after he was cleared of the murder charges and found out that his father was black?  Did these events change him?  Or did he continue with his lifestyle and working at Bridges and Dominguez?

3. Cassidy - What happened to her?  Did she stay in Paris?  Or did she return to San Francisco?  If she came back, what did she end up doing?

4. How will the SIU survive the departure of Rachel?  Will it shut down or will it continue to operate?  Is there some other department bigwig out to wreck havoc in their lives?

5. Little Jerry - he didn’t get mentioned much in the last season.  What happened to him and Anna?  Is Harvey ever going to get more than weekends to spend with his son?

6. What happened to Joe and Inger’s house?  Did it ever get finished?  Or will Joe, Inger and Ulla continue to rattle around in unfinished rooms for some time to come? 

7. Nash, Antwon, or Harvey – How does the man of your choice make out in his love life?  Does he met someone and end up in love or is there just another short term relationship.  Or is there no romance on the horizon at all?

8. Bonnie - why did she really leave Harvey?  And how could she do it to him a second time, knowing how bad he took her walking out the first time?

9. What happened to the little electric car that Harvey bought from Caitlin?  Did he find out that it wasn’t the chick magnet that he thought it would be?  Or did something happen to it - we’ve seen the station wagon (from Night Train) stripped and the Ranchero shot up.

10. Bryn - there was no explanation about where she went.  So where do you think she ended up?  Did she get a promoted or demoted?  Is she still a cop?

11. Pepe - where do we begin with Pepe?  Where is he now?  What new career path is he following?  Does he ever realize that Nash and Joe are really not a couple?  How will he handle the news if he does?

12. David Katz, our favorite inept FBI agent - is he still alive or did he become a victim to his own lack of common sense?  Does the FBI top brass ever figure out that he is less than a stellar agent?  Or will he continue to luck out and run to the SIU for help when he has a problem?

13. Rick Bettina - Nash and his team stopped him from skipping the country yet again.  Does he go to prison this time?  Does he escape again?  Will he continue to blame Nash and the SIU for his problems?

14. Jake Cage - is he still with the Department?  Is he the same unusual, unpredictable character or has he mellowed? 

15. Harvey - we know more about every other member of the SIU (including Antwon) then about our dear Harv.  Why does he keep his history such a secret?  Does he have any family?  If so, where are they?  Did he grow up in San Francisco?  Or did he just stay after attending Berkley?  We know his minor was chemistry - what was his major?
When sending in your stories, please put the # of the challenge as well as the # of the storyline that you want to follow.
i.e. If you write about how the SIU survived the departure of Rachel, you would put 4-4 in your subject heading.
Thanks for the fun Kelly!
Hyde Street Station
Story Nook
Aficionada Chronicles