Library Book
CD Holder
(Holds 10 CDs)
June Bugs Designs
Yarn Colors:
     - navy blue
     - red
     - gold
     - black
     - green
     - yellow
     - light blue

(*NOTE:  Use colors that you have in your yarn collection and/or colors that match your decor.)
Plastic Canvas Pieces (7 mesh):
     - one 41 x 30 bar rectangle (bottom)
     - two 41 x 20 bar rectangles (long sides)
     - two 30 x 20 bar rectangles (short sides)
     - pieces for the books (see assembly          directions for instructions)

1.  Using any stitch you wish (preferably a large one that covers a lot of area), fill in the bottom piece, two long sides, and two short sides with one color of yarn.  In my example, I used navy blue. 

2.  Create a simple open box with these 5 pieces.  Attach the short and long sides to the base piece.  Then stitch up the corners.  Finish the top edge with a whipstitch.

3.  To create the book spines, cut strips of plastic canvas.  Make them vary in width and height.  The books should be at least 35 bars high so that they hide the CDs.  They should be at least 6 bars wide.  (*Create strips that, when put next to each other, fill up but do NOT exceed the width of the short end of the box.  In other words, the total widths of all your strips should not exceed 30 bars.)

4.  Fill in these strips with different colors and patterns.  See the
picture for a close up of my books.  Use stripes, rectangles, even roman numerals.
5.  To make the book spines rounded, cut a second strip of canvas for each of your book spines.  The strip should be the same height but one or two bars thinner than the original, book strip.  For example, if your book strip is 35 x 6 bars, the companion strip should be 35 x 5 bars. 

6.  Stitch the companion strip to the two long sides of your book spine.  DO NOT STITCH THE SHORT ENDS TOGETHER.  What you create is a tube, with the short ends open on each side.  The companion strip, because it is narrower, will cause the slightly wider book spine to buckle, and thus bend like a real book spine. 

7.  Attach your faux book spines to a short side of the box using hot glue or stitching.

8.  To stabilize the book spines, glue a small strip of plastic canvas across the tops of the books, on the backs of the books (see
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