Mellow Fellow's Music Website
Audio + Music +MP3
Instruments I play
Favourite Bands
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Songs I can play

Home Page

Last updated 20th March 2001

Hi reader, I am Mellow Fellow and I created this website so I could put my songs up here for you to see some of them. I am a twenty something songwriting musician whose influences are bands like U2, The Stereophonics, Oasis, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty.



Latest News: I've just gotten RealProducer from Real Networks. I've had email reporting that some songs have been slow to download. Over the next few days I'll be creating "Streaming Real Media Files" which should be a faster way of listening and saving my songs. If any of you have any more comments please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

NEW SONG ADDED - 7am la la (2.34MB)
4th March 2001 in the Audio section.

New Bio - 22nd Feb 2001

NEW SONG ADDED - Instrumental Jam
19th Feb 2001 in the Audio section.

12th Feb 2001 in the Audio section.

Song Title: Talk
Copyright © Mellow Fellow 2001

All content © Mellow Fellow 2001 except where stated otherwise.
