Dòr-Ithil's pictures

Regor: Here will be shown the character art of the game (and maybe one day games).
Cara Felin 2
A small comic
Many characters from the ages of Dòr-Ithil
A Dòr-Ithil gag in french
Terra Pitoune 2
A sketch of some of the characters of the game (not actual size, more like a group of sketch placed together)
Sister Sara (New Dòr-Ithil game)
This is Yua She was one of my old character who is now in Dòr-Ithil.
And that is Yua after a nervous breakdown Hum.. not really..but after a bad thing happened...
A small animation I did
A Magnus 6 character art!
The group I used in FFH (on the OHRRPGCE) and some various cast members.
Sleepy scorpion girl
How the Volet is turning out to be.
A VieraRed Mage

Melnazar: By the way, if anyone wants to make fan art...
cricket shirp
Melnazar: What? It could happen! If anyone wants to send some fan art, send them at gau14@hotmail.com.

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