Several months ago (Aug '99) Father David Johnson, pastor of the parishes of St. Dominic in Moro and St. James in Pamparomas in the Diocese of Chimbote, Peru mentioned in an email that Melanie Fricot of our parish was interested in volunteering for Lay Apostolate work in Peru. Father David asked that "the people of Salmon Arm get behind Melanie and support her in her call to service."

For many years we have prayed in St. Joseph's for vocations to the priesthood, sisterhood, and the lay apostolate. It seems that our prayers have been heard in that a remarkable young woman has accepted the call to service and challenge of ministry to the people of the mountainous region of northern Peru.



Though only 23, Melanie Fricot has packed more into her lifetime than many three times her age - from mountain-climbing the high peaks of Canada; serving as a retreat leader and member of Veritas; president of our Youth Group; a volunteer for six months in a remote Ghana village under the aegis of OneWorld Canada; graduate of the University of British Columbia majoring in Mathematics and Third World Political Science; cycling across Canada from Salmon Arm to St Johns; a tutor in University; a worker with the inner-city poor in urban areas.

Melanie with some of her students - Ghana 1996

Melanie is the oldest of three children of Gerard and Gabrielle Fricot. As a student in our school system she excelled academically and in everything she undertook. She enjoys the outdoors and is well qualified to meet the rigours and demands of life in the high mountain region of Peru. Melanie speaks several languages and is actively learning Spanish so that she can be prepared for her work in Peru. Couple all these skills and abilities with a strong spirituality, a sense of adventure, and a positive commitment to service and we have a wonderful representative of our youth making a strong statement on behalf of our parish.


Melanie departed for Peru in January 2000, and anticipates a two-year stay in Peru.

Parish Support:

Our support, both spiritual amd material is needed to ensure success of this apostolate. Please remember Melanie in your prayers, asking the Holy Spirit to guide and assist her in her work in Peru.

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