TITLE: Dreamwalker

AUTHOR: Anisky

RATING: PG for now

SUMMARY: Sarah's been dabbling in some real-life magick, determined to be a powerful witch and as mystical and mysterious a figure as those goddesses and other mythical creatures in ancient mythology. The only problem is, now some other creatures have targetted Sarah, people who want to use her and people who want to make sure nobody can use her. Jareth has problems of his own, and only they can help each other... but can they get over their dislike of each other and work together, and maybe even... learn to like each other?


ARCHIVING: Just ask me! HoneyB87@aol.com


DISCLAIMER: Sarah does not belong to me, Jareth does not belong to me, in fact anything you recognize does not belong to me.  Also, this fic was not written for any sort of intent or purpose to lure anyone into performing magick or trying to convert anyone to Pagan religions.  All of that is merely here because it’s an interesting and fairly original plot, and for realistic spells.  Thanks!

AUTHORS NOTE: I do not endorse in any way the “handing out” of magical spells.  Please do not try, in part or in full, the section of spell in this chapter.  If you really want to try magick, email me at honeyB87@aol.com or at crazy_won@hotmail.com and I would be more than happy to explain to you how to create your own spells—for it’s spells you’ve written that work the best.  Thank you. 




Sarah turned a quarter turn, looking now towards from what she could figure was the western wall of her room, her arms stretched out above her head. “And finally the west, guardian of water, powers of love and adaptivity, I beseech you to this circle to watch over this spell of protection.”


That done, Sarah picked up the fruit knife she’d swiped from the kitchen while Karen wasn’t watching and held it away from her.  She turned clockwise three times.  “Around me I draw a circle, for all of my magick to be performed inside of; may all that goes on inside of this Circle be a force of power and good. So mote it be.” She set the knife on her vanity table, and Sarah sat on the floor.


She took the ground cumin she’d also swiped from the kitchen and shook some into a wooden bowl.  Geranium petals followed into the bowl, as did lime peals and ground garlic.  Sarah poured water into the mixture and took a spoon, mixing it and standing.


“Here is my potion, brewed for the protection of this house; may the Circle I have drawn with my athamé follow me and spread through the whole house in protection.” Sarah checked the clock. It was 2 AM on the dot; everybody would be asleep.


Sarah took a match and lit a stick of pine incense.  She held that in one hand, and in the other her bowl of… potion… and proceeded outside.  “With this incense I smote, may this house be protected.”  She dabbed her finger in the mixture and drew a protection rune on the side of the house.


“I call now that all negative energy, everything that would wish me harm, will be unable to enter this house.” Once again, Sarah stopped her clockwise lap of the house and drew a protection rune with her potion.


When she was done this task, Sarah returned to her room, spilling her potion in the sink.  She walked back to her room slowly, and dismantled the Circle and bid the Corners farewell before collapsing into bed.  Sarah wasn’t sure why she was so VERY tired… it was only a few moments before she drifted off to sleep.




Sarah sat in school that day, still reading her mythology book.  Last night she’d definitely felt something, some power, but the problem was that with a protection spell, you could never really tell whether or not it’s working.  She’d have to try something else as well.


The final bell rang, and Sarah collected her books, heading to the auditorium.  Auditions for the school play were today, and Sarah intended to make a better part then chorus member this time.  After all, she was a sophomore now, and therefore allowed to have a big part.  Hopefully. 


She slipped into the auditorium and sat next to her friend Katie. “Hey Kate, know what play we’re doing?”


“I think it’s Fame.” Kate whispered back.


Sarah rolled her eyes. “Fame? How boring.  We never do any good plays.”


“Yeah, you’re right,” agreed Kate.  “For once it’d be nice to play something other than teenage school kids like us. First Grease, now Fame.”


“Exactly!” agreed Sarah.  “I mean—“


“Shh!” said a girl sitting in front of them. “Miss Alistyn is up there!”  Sarah and Kate quickly stopped talking. 


“Hello everyone, it’s nice to see so many young people interested in drama.  This year we’ll be doing the play Grease.”


Sarah groaned quietly, and a few people hissed “SHH!” at her. 


Miss Alistyn, who was oblivious, continued.  “Now, if you are chosen for a chorus part you will have to come after school for 3 hours on Tuesday to rehearse and 2 hours on Friday, and sometimes 4 hours on Saturday once the opening night draws near.  You’ll be expected to be here every night the week before  the play.  If you get a speaking part, you will need to come in those dates plus others, which depend on whether or not you get the part.  Understood?”


Everyone nodded.


Miss Alistyn continued, explaining how the auditioning would work.  Finally Sarah went to sit with the Sophomores and waited through the Seniors and then the Juniors auditioning, and finally most of the Sophomores. 


“Sarah Williams,” Tom, the casting director the school hired out each year, finally called, and Sarah walked up to the stage and took a script.  “Page 42,” said Miss Alistyn.  “Read Doris’s monologue.”  Sarah nodded and walked up to the stage, reading the part as she went. 


Sarah looked down at the script, and started reading the monologue, doing her best to make the character her own.  Doris would come off as a bit dreamy, but then, that could be what the director wanted.  Hopefully.  ‘I should have done a spell for me to do well at this audition,’ Sarah through to herself.  ‘Too late now.’


When Sarah finally finished, she was very nervous.  Nobody was allowed to clap for auditions, but people were murmuring, which Sarah knew was either a very good thing or a very bad thing. 


“Thank you Sarah,” Tom called.  “You may step down.  Now, Jessica Yallen.”


Sarah stepped down and nervously went back to her seat. “You were great, Sar!” whispered Katie.


“Thanks,” whispered back Sarah.


The parts wouldn’t be posted until later this week, so Sarah was free to go.  She left, heading home, knowing that if she was late then Karen would flip. 


When Sarah got home, though, Karen and her father were sitting in the living room with serious looks on their face.  Karen donned that ‘we’re concerned for you’ face and Sarah started to worry exactly what was up this time. 


“Hey, what’s up?”


“What’s up?” Karen’s voice was dangerously quiet. “THIS is up.” Karen held up the knife Sarah had used for her ritual last night. “We found this in your room.”


“Oh, sorry, I forgot to bring it back downstairs.  Is that all?”


“NO, Sarah, that is NOT all.  Why was this in your room?” 


Sarah blinked.  Karen was yelling now, and Sarah was starting to realize what Karen’s (false) conclusions had been.  “It was just for a project I was doing.” That was true enough.


“A *project* huh? A likely story.”


‘Ooookay, psycho Karen on the loose,’ thought Sarah. “Okay, then, if you’re so convinced that I’m doing something awful, what exactly do you think I’m doing?” She looked at her dad.  “And why isn’t he saying anything? He’s the one who is actually my *parent* after all.”


Karen did her fake-insulted gasp that Sarah had heard so many times.  “I’ve had enough of your insolence young lady! You march up to your room right now and stay there!”


“Karen, I’m sixteen, not two.  Don’t you think I’m a bit old to be sending to my room for speaking bluntly?” Sarah leaned against the door. ‘So much for lack of negative energy in the house.’


“Stay there for the rest of the night young lady! We will treat you like a sixteen year old girl when you start ACTING like a sixteen year old girl! Until then, GO TO YOUR ROOM!”


Sarah rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said, and picked up her backpack again, marching up to her room. 


As she got there and remembered why Karen was so upset, an idea began to formulate in Sarah’s mind.  Maybe she could use a little magick to make Karen… hmm… mellow out?