DIMLI (DIMILI, ZAZAKI, SOUTHERN ZAZA, ZÂZÂ) [ZZZ] 1,000,000 in all countries (1992).
East central, mainly in Elazig, Bingol, and Diyarbakir provinces, upper
courses of the Euphrates,Kizilirmaq, and Murat rivers. Some in Germany.
Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Iranian, Western, Northwestern, Zaza-Gorani.
Several dialects. Closest to Hawrami. The speakers are called
'Zaza', and the language 'Zazaki'. 'Dimli' is used for both speakers and
language. Not a Kurdish language. Not intelligible with Kurmanji. Speakers
from the southeast know some Kurmanji, but others do not. Some in
Germany are publishing a magazine. Mountain slope, plains. Agriculturalists,
 pastoralists: sheep, goats, cattle. Sunni Muslim. Work in progress.
 in all countries possibly or more (1992). 140,000 in Turkey including 100,000 in 182 villages
in Tunceli Province, 40,000 in 13 or more villages in Erzincan Provin
ce (1972). Tunceli Province, Tunceli Merkez, Hozat, Nazmiye, Pülümür, and
 Ovacik subprovinces; Erzincan Province, Erzincan and Cayirli subprovinces;
 8 or more villages in Elazig Province, Elazig Merkez and Karakoqan
subprovinces; 3 villages in Gingöl Province, Kigi and Karliova subprovinces;
46 villages in Mush Province, Varto Subprovince; 15 or more villages in
Sivas Province, Zara, Imranli, Kangal, and Divrigi subprovinces; 11 or more
villages in Erzerum Province, Hinis and Tekman subprovinces; and in many
major cities of Turkey. Also in most major cities in Germany; Paris, France;
Amsterdam, the Netherlands; London, England; Stockholm, Sweden;
Switzerland; Austria; and Denmark. IndoEuropean, Indo-Iranian, Iranian,
Western, Northwestern, Zaza-Gorani. Dialects: TUNCELI, VARTO. Closest
to Dimli, 70% lexical similarity; a separate language. The people are called
'Kirmandz'. Also sometimes called 'Dimli' or 'Dimili'. Speakers are of all
ages; most between 20 and 50. In Turkey Kirmanjki is used for conversations
with family, friends, and neighbors; Turkish is used for religious ceremonies and for
official purposes. Most men know some Turkish, and some know some
Kurmanji. Women over 50 in outlying villages in Tunceli Province and
children under 7 are monolingual. Some Kurmanji know Kirmanjki as
second language. Abroad they use Kirmanjki for close relationships; Turkish
for religious ceremonies, wedding celebrations, and conversations with some
people. All who live abroad learn the national languages to some degree;
older speakers to a lesser degree, and use them for communication with
nationals. School-age children to those 30 years old can read Turkish,
perhaps 100 can read Kirmanjki. 4 poetry books, 4 magazines.
Typology: SOV; pre- and postpositions; genitives, articles, adjectives'
relatives after noun heads; numerals before noun heads; question word
replaces content word in content questions; 2 prefixes, 2 suffixes, word
order distinguishes subject, object, indirect object; noun affixes indicate case; verb
affixes indicate person, number, gender; ergativity; passives; causatives;
comparatives; V, VC, VCC, CV, CVC, CVCC; non-tonal. Deciduous forest.
Mountain mesa, slope, valley. Pastoralists (transhumance), peasant
agriculturalists. Altitude: 1,000 to 3,000 meters. Alevi Muslim. Work in
Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Iranian,
      Western, Northwestern, Zaza-Gorani
                              BAJELAN  (Iraq)
                              DIMLI  (Turkey)
                              HAWRAMI (Iraq)
                              KIRMANJKI  (Turkey
 You want read more about Zaza and alevis go to Dersim.net  and you can read artikle by  Paul White about Zaza and Alevis
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