The picture above is aweful similar to the bunny Ollie ueses on her graphic web site and also compared to the so called graphic Shea duplicated... The point is, maybe people are not always THINKING up these ideas, and maybe they are getting their ideas from already printed or created methods and reduplicating something that is already copy written. Since the basic format of this bunny has already been created by an original artists from a Hugware Clip Art CD, that means, Ollie herself is infringing on this particular image... So does this mean that Ollie is now infringing, or will the C.A.R.E. group help justify to make this particular infringement? Do you know how easy I could contact PC Hugware not only on line but by fax and mail with duplicate copies of Ollie's bunny along with the name and cd title from Jill? I say, PC Hugware is not a good company to mess with since the CD Simply Folk CD has paid copy rights of the image. OUCH! Maybe this whole bashing people and encouraging your members to bash your accusers is not such a wise idea, you might be supporting infringers themselves since you can't really prove that the original artist themselves originally came up with the idea first. I see this group as easy target to attacking people that are no better then the people attacking them. OUCH!

If this group will stop making their bashing and slamming abusers public and stops encouraging people to behave inappropriately, and stop harassing, judging, and stalking people you do not know and start teaching artists how to deal with their matters in the right way and legal way, I will let this pass... Otherwise one debate or denial that this rabbit was indeed infringed, I will take it to PC Hugware myself and let them decide. So what's it gonna be?