Bean's Memorial

With butterfly wings from heaven soars an angel

Bean the world's only cat/mouse passed away December 20, 1999.

Bean had a happy life for four years and was a great friend and a darn good whisker kittie.
His plump body and cute little nose made him loved by all, even kitties!
He always wanted to be a cat, he played with them after all.
Henry from the BFCC annouced him the first mouse nominated as a cat.

Some say it is just a mouse don't plead tears, but we all know it is sad to loose a friend, mouse, cat, human, anything.
Bean was a good friend, he had feelings as well as any creature and was truly kind and unique.

Bean will be missed forever, but his life saved from a snake was good and he was spoiled.

Bean made a good cat. Now he will portray an angel.

Sign Bean's Bye Bye Book

Read Bean's Bye Bye Book


Bean's most famous pose

Bean, in the hands of love

Bean, in his cage

Here is Danger Bean

Commander Bean of the Back Fence Cat Club CAD Troops

Bean holds brave and string in CAD forces

Henry, from the BFCC (CAD as well) paid a special tribute to Bean in CAD:

In Memorandum
Commander Bean was over all Spy and Disguise Operations. He made a dozen missions into heavily infested d*g areas. The d*gs were just to dumb to recognize Commander Bean as a CAD Cat and Officer. Bean supplied valuble intelligence to the patrol troops and cycle cats. He also assisted CAD spies in purrfecting their disguises.
This noble mouse will always be remembered with respect and with fond affection.
We salute you, Noble Bean

Bean was involved in many things in his lifetime, which have left a mark on the world. There is no greater mouse or cat, than Bean. Small body, big heart.....

© 1999

Since December 26, 99

We will always love and miss you forever, Friend.