Nyasu as a human/poke'morph~?!
Whee! Behold the new...thingy! This page for Nyasu, of course...but it's dedicated to a version of Nyasu we'll most likely only see in our minds. Nyasu as a human [and/or poke'morph]. ^_^ Yes, yes...I've seen tons and tons of fan arts of Nyasu as a human!
The most interesting thing to me is how each person pictures him as a person. What color is his hair? Eyes? Etc? most people put his hair as a blonde-ish tan, or gold...to match with his fur. While others will have brown or black. N' they all look good!
The point of this new page will be to collect any and all fan arts of human Nyasu from you happy little keety fans all over the web. ^_^ So...send 'em on in! I await the kawaiiness.

Please send all human/poke'morph Nyasu artwork to
eggy_neko@excite.com, Arigatou~!!!! ^_^