This page is currently under /MAJOR/ construction. I'm sorry about this.>< I /AM/ working on getting all the sound clips uploaded and you can expect them up A.S.A.P. Nya, don't worry though~! Your wait will be rewarded. I have over 30-some sound clips of Nyasu-Goodness. ^_^ Arigato for your patience.

....Update for 3/23/01 - This may take longer then I thought, thanks to a little computer crash, [[check news & updates for more info.]], I now have to go through all my floppy disks and upload these files one by one. So, for now, just enjoy the few I have managed to get uploaded....

"Dis sure ain't da town it used 'ta be..." - Go West Young Meowth
"Nevva' forget da things dat really make ya happy!" - Meowth Rules
"Dat's the saddest story I evva' heard! We gotta do something 'ta help dat baby!" - The Stun Spore Detour!
"And it's a real cutie!" - Battle of the Badge, Meowth talking about Togepi. Aww~! How sweet~!^_^