Team Twerp
Blerg, do I haaafta' do a page on these guys?! >P Okay, fine. Guess ya gotta know about Team Rocket's enimies, those bratty kids with the yellow rat: Team Twerp...or that's what I call 'em anyways. ^_^;;; Myself, I hate them. I always have. @_@ Team Rocket's just so cool and the twerps are...not.^^;; They're evil. Nya. Just look at the image pictured here! Dat's proof, hah! Poor Meowth! Evil Ash! Now now, some people happen to like these kids; some even love 'em. I admit Ash can have his cute moments, but he definatly lacks some brains. Of course, so does James at times.^^;;; But, there have been times when Ash and the gang have been just plain...cruel. Several times that come to mind as I type, I'll have a page on that in fact.

Reasons I Dislike Team Twerp

Team Twerp:

Twerps that are kinda kewl:
Mee-OUCH! Must those brats /always/ beat up on the cool characters?! See Ash, Misty, Pikachu.../this/ is why I dislike Team Twerp. >P