                         "I am merely a parent, fighting for it's child." - Meowth
Togepi, one Poke'mon Meowth will never forget. The one time Team Rocket managed to steal a rare Poke'mon, it was the egg that Ash took from Granpda Canyon. Now, Ash wanted the egg because he found it, Brock wanted it because he had been the one carrying it around, and Misty could care less about the egg. 
However, when Team Rocket got ahold of it, Meowth took it upon himself to watch over that egg, keep it warm, clean and safe from the egg-hungry hands of James. Meowth thought the egg his own child and was very maternal around it...Jessie and James had never seen this side of their friend before.

But, nothing good ever lasts as the next day the twerps tracked down Team Rocket, literally BROKE into their cabin and stole the egg back. It hatched into a Togepi after being tossed around and finally being snatched up by Misty...Meowth's precious little Togepi. 

A major war broke out, Meowth wouldn't let those twerps  take his egg! Not by a long shot. So, he trailed after the twerps only to find them arguing over who should keep the egg, who cared for it the most. Meowth cut them off with a line that was completely true: "I took care a' it more den all a' ya put tagether!"

Jessie and James backed up Meowth here, telling the twerps how he and the egg had been together all the time; Meowth had loved the egg so much. The twerps were shocked at this and mentioned that
"Team Rocket's acting almost human!"...-.-;; Hah. Hah. Yeah, Team Rocket's human, UNLIKE some certain little twerps  we all know. -.-;;

Soo, Misty got a look on her face that said she was considering giving the egg back to Meowth when Ash stupidly decided on a Poke'mon battle. -.- Meowth agreed and even won against Brock's Onix...while Misty and Ash battled, Meowth was the /only one/ who cared enough to give Togepi any attention. Next, it was Meowth vrs. Ash...of course, with a cheating Pikachu on Ash's side, how could Meowth ever hope to win? But...he'd
"do it for Togepi!"

Pikachu won of course and Meowth had to be dragged away while saying good-bye to his little Togepi...all he could hope was that that little egg would have a good life and be safe...it'd never know how much he loved and cared for it...it'd never know who it truthfully belonged with...;_; 

The whole story with Togepi ended very sadly; not to mention how heartbreaking it all was...

"L-Little Togepi...I hope you'll be very happy with yer new trainer...g-good-bye now........."

No matter what the writers do or say, Togepi will always belong with Meowth, and no matter if they try to pretend like Meowth has  forgotten his little friend, that little egg will always, /always/ be in Meowth's heart.

If you wanna read how Meowth gets Togepis back...I wrote a
fan fic...now, if only the writers would get an idea like this, eh?

All edited pictures of Meowth and Togepi are in the
Picture Gallery