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Australian Pioneer Families

Families featured
John Rothwell Bloomfield, John Brain, Edward Brine,
John Broderick, George Bryant, Joseph Buck,


John Rothwell Bloomfield 1821 - 30 June 1876 #5496 aged 55 son of Ann Rothwell and unknown Bloomfield from Chesshire, and Hannah Bickerdike 1824 - 1888 #11966 aged 64, daughter of Hannah and John Bickendike died at Ascot Vale, came c1868 with children
5 children 1. James Rothwell Bloomfield 1850 - 1876 #1636 aged 26
2. John Thomas Rothwell Bloomfield c1859 - 1925 #12158 aged 66
3. Samuel Charles Rothwell Bloomfield c1862 - 1925 #13993 aged 63
4. William Henry Rothwell Bloomfield c1865 - 31 Mar 1905 aged 40
5. George Bloomfield 1869 #3914 lived 9 days
2. John Thomas Rothwell Bloomfield c1855 wed 1881 #3157 to Catherine Julian Lyon 10 Aug 1860 - 23 Apr 1905 aged 44
6 children 1. Walter John James Bloomfield 1882 #9403 - 9 Aug 1916 aged 34
2. Ruby Anita Rothwell Bloomfield 1885 #25198 - 28 Dec 1970 aged 85 wed 1924 to William Percy Seymour
3. William Thomas Hamilton Bloomfield 1888 #11055 - 17 May 1905 aged 17
4. May Irene Bloomfield 1890 - 18 May 1974 aged 84
5. Frederick Lee Bloomfield 1892 - 30 Aug 1972 aged 80 wed 15 Mar 1915 to Ray Jones c1894 - 1984 #13305 dau of Theresa Ray and Hugh Jones
6. Charles Murray Bloomfield 1895 - 20 Nov 1916 aged 21
3. Samuel Chas Rothwell Bloomfield c1860 wed 1888 #6448 to Eliza Annie Frew 1864 #1004 born at Brunswick, Victoria (She gave Lyndhurst as her birthplace when she was married.)
3 Children 1. Flor Rothwell Bloomfield 1890 #24886
2. Lilian Rothwell Bloomfield 1892 #34310
3. Vera Rothwell Bloomfield 1899 #28070
4. William Henry Rothwell Bloomfield c1865 - 31 Mar 1905 aged 40 wed 1890 #3785 to Catherine Graham Weir 1861 #556 - 1925 #7142 aged 54, dau of Jane Fleming and John Weir born at Kensington
5 children 1. John Rothwell Bloomfield 1891 #224 wed 1915 #10295 to Frances Lavina Trewartha 1893 - 1925 #10916 aged 32, dau of Mary Lavina Carlton and Wm Miller Trewartha 1863
2. William Mccracken Bloomfield 1893 #9134 wed 1920 #8193 to Rowena Webster
3. Janet Rothwell Bloomfield 1897 #10773 - 1899 #7005 lived 1 year
4. Katie Weir Rothwell Bloomfield 1905 #219
5. Jessie Mccracken Rothwell Bloomfield 1908 #18983 - 1981 #17293 aged 73 wed Woodard


John Brain born in Adelaide wed 1869 #1194 to Lucy Florence Ogers
Adelaide records two boys called John Brain,
John Brain born 1846-06-10 son of Malachi Brain and Louisa Masters at Upper Sturt Adelaide
John Brain born 1846-10-20 son of Aaron Brain and Margaret Mcmillan at Fourth Creek, Adelaide
Marriage records show
John Brain aged 21, son of Malachi Brain wed 1868-03-15 to Mary Adelaide Badcock aged 23, daughter of Paul Badcock at BC Chapel Watervale, and had 7 children 1869 to 1881
Therefore Aaron Brain is father-in-law of Lucy Ogers. He may be the Aaron Brain son of Mary and Aaron Brain of Gloucestershire, died 1855 #3791 aged 35

Aaron Brain and Margaret Mcmillan came c1839 to Adelaide and lived at Fourth Creek then after 1849 at Nr Payneham before moving to Victoria

6 children 1. Aaron George Brain 1840-06-27 at Adelaide
2. George Brain 1843 - 1871 #7741 aged 38 born in Adelaide
3. William Henry Brain 1844-07-29 at Adelaide
4. John Brain 1846-10-20 at Fourth Creek
5. Duncan Brain 1848-08-26 at Fourth Creek
6. Thomas Brain 1850-11-01 Near Payneham
7. Mary Brain 1853-01-07 died 1854-01-01 Near Payneham
8. Cathlin Brain 1855 #2373 born at Castlemaine
4. John Brain 1846-10-20 born in Adelaide wed 1869 #1194 to Lucy Florence Ogers 1850-11-04 born in Adelaide, and lived at Ballarat
3 children 1. Ernest John Brain 1870 #6858
2. Florence Brain 1875 #498
3. Richard Brain 1878 #20719
5. Duncan Brain wed 1874 #4309 to Isabella Robinson Bull possibly daughter of Anne Dews and William Bull
6 children 1. Margaret Brain 1875 #6756
2. William Robinson Brain 1877 #12886
3. Duncan George Brain 1880 #243
4. Ann Elizabeth Brain 1883 #390
5. Alfred Ernest Brain 1885 #7440
6. John Thomas Brain 1888 #17488
6. Thomas Brain wed 1875 #2482 to Eliza Jane Daw 1855 #7449 - 1879 #136 aged 22 daughter of Jane Luscombe and William Greg Daw
Thomas Brain wed 1879 #3009 to Maria Constance Murnane
3 Children
of Eliza
1. Jane Brain 1876 #6640
2. George Henry Murton Brain 1877 #12848
3. Ethel May Brain 1878 #20649 - 1879 #149 lived 6 weeks
4 Children
of Maria
4. Thomas William Brain 1880 #20097
5. Lilian Brain 1882 #20567
6. Catherine Brain 1884 #22223
7. Mathew Brain 1886 #23764
8. Catherine Brain 1855 #2373 - 1881 #3394 aged 26 wed 1876 #3570 to John Henry Whitefield from Devonshire
2 Children 1. William Arthur Whitefield 1877 #293
2. Charles Frederick Whitefield 1878 #13216 - 1880 #136 lived 1 year


Edward James Brine wed 1851 #3955 to Lucy/Lucinda Waugh at Independent Congregational Church Melbourne and lived at Baynton then Beechworth
6 Children 1. Sidney Paul Brine 1852 #11914 - 1909 #12985 aged 57
2. Lucinda Frances Brine 1855 #5623r - 1951 #5530 aged 97
3. Edward Henry Brine 1857 #12688 - 1924 #8927 aged 66
4. William Alexander Brine 1860 #9520 - 1941 #22165 aged 81
5. Adelaide Ann Brine 1863 #2846 lived 3 years
6. Margaret Eveline Brine 1865 #3052 - 1963 #5655 aged 98
1. Sidney Paul Brine 1852 #11914 - 1909 #12985 aged 57 wed 1876 #3144 as Sidney Baine, to Maria Ann LeMaitre 1851 - 1932 #9138 aged 81, and lived at Kyneton
6 Children 1. Charles Edward Nicholas Brine 1877 #9859 lived 1 year
2. Adelaide Ann Brine 1878 #10018 wed 1899 #5522 to Wm Hy Muir
4. Ethel May Brine 1882 #24111 wed 1907 #9087 to Berthram Bernard Bretherton
5. Eveline Margaret Brine 1885 #3780 - 1896 #10203 lived 11 years
6. Sidney Edward Chas Brine 1888 #30738 wed 1912 #5319 to Flor Ascot Munro
2. Lucinda Frances Brine 1855 #5623 wed 1877 #1637 to James Millar
1st Child 1. Evelyn Victoria Miller 1884 #10498
4. William Alexander Brine 1860 #9520 wed 1882 #2933 to Mary Matilda Fairchild 1863 #4528, and lived at Kyneton, Swan Hill, Tatura
5 Children 1. Etta Eva Rose Brine 1883 #980 wed 1907 #7926 to Christopher Wilkinson
2. Edward Frederick Brine 1885 #3763 wed 1907 #5754 to Beatrice Stella Spiers 1887 - 1970 #19994 aged 83, dau of Annie Fuller and William Spiers
3. Mary Matillda Brine 1886 #19530 - 1887 #2550 lived 7 months
4. Lucinda Subbrina Brine 1891 #28348 - 1975 #8782 aged 83 wed Smith
5. Leslie Brine 1895 #7473
6. Tatura Evelyn Brine 1899 #22636
6. Margaret Eveline Brine 1865 #3052 wed 1886 #5586 to William Todd


John Broderick and Rose Anna Wickington (Whittington) 1842 - 1898 #8269 aged 56, daughter of Cath and John Whittington, came from Dublin c1861 to Victoria with their first two children, John and Emily.
John Broderick 1828 - 1904, died at Garvoc, where his son Joseph also died in 1903 aged 25
13 children 1. John Broderick 1859 - 1946 #12541 aged 87
2. Emily Broderick 1860 - 1929 #4736
3. Sarah Ann Broderick 1862 #17 born at 'Alla' in Victoria
4. William John Broderick 1863 #23352 - 1864 died at Terang
5. Catherine Broderick 1865 #19068 - 1866
6. John Joseph Broderick 1867 #11508 - 1903 aged 25 registered at Terang
7. Elizabeth Broderick 1869 #17726 registered at Panmure
8. Mary Jane Broderick 1871 #9106
9. Georgiana Broderick 1873 #9401
10. Catherine Broderick 1875 #9237 born at Gavorc
11. Rose Anne Broderick 1878 #9217
12. William James (John) Broderick 1880 #2701 - 1949 #22311 aged 69
13. Francis John Broderick 1881 - 1940 #12645 aged 59
1. John Broderick 1859 - 1946 #12541 aged 87, born in Dublin and died in Elstenwick, Victoria, wed 1879 #3919 to Rose Ann Evans 1854 - 1923 #10417 aged 69, daughter of Mary Malone and William Evans born in Dublin, and lived in South Melbourne
8 Children 1. Ellen Lillian Broderick 1880 #22370 - 1971 #23408 aged 86 died at Healesville
2. Rose Louisa Broderick 1882 #2381 - 1948 #1646 aged 63, died at Kew
3. Edward Thomas Broderick 1883 #24865 - 1970 #22367 aged 86 died at Healesville
4. William Henry Broderick 1885 #19466 - 1958 #9961 aged 73
5. Julia Georgina Broderick 1887 #4957 - 1971 #20240 aged 84 died at Healesville
6. John Louis Broderick 1889 #5423 lived 5 months
7. Marion Clara Broderick 1891 #14886 - 1913 #5544 aged 22
8. Ada Rebecca Broderick 1893 #54 - 1977 #15291 aged 83 died at Healesville
John Broderick wed 1911 #3960 to Alice Dignan 1867 #20891 - 1926 #12053 aged 50, dau of Annie OBrien and John Dignan, died at Terang. John and Ann Dignan came c1856, first child born 1857 #15666 at Colac. Ann OBrien died 1869 #8490 aged 39 dau of Anne and Edmund OBrien from Clare. John Dignan died 1879 #7075 parents unknown, born in West Meath, Ireland. The children were born at Garvoc, with Annie born at Camperdown
11 children 1. John Broderick 1897 #11203
2. William (Francis) Broderick 1898 #11196 - 1974 #12113 aged 76
3. Nita Rosanne Broderick 1899 #26750
4. Kate Broderick 1900 #26757 - 1900 #12944 lived 1 day
5. Richard Stanley Broderick 1902 #10591
6. Alan Thomas Broderick 1903 #10650 - 1972 #22989 aged 69
7. Leonard Joseph Broderick 1905 #3188 - 1980 #3251 aged 75
8. Mary (Irene) Broderick 1906 #26870
9. Edward (Paul) Broderick 1908 #27135
10. Alice (Carmel) Broderick 1911 #3581
11. Annie (Imelda Dolores) Broderick 1913 #28958
2. Rose Louisa Broderick 1882 #2381 - 1948 #1646 aged 63, died at Kew, wed 1909 #4875 to Wm Shaw and lived at Footscray
4 children 1. Agnes Dorothy Shaw 1910 - 1913 #9421 lived 3 years
2. Mary Olive Vera Shaw 1912 #20413
3. Wm Lyall Shaw 1917 #28990
4. Sylvia Adelaide Shaw 1919 #27567
4. William Henry Broderick 1885 #19466 - 1958 #9961 aged 73, wed 1916 #9493 to Cath McNeill 1887 - 1978 #10298 aged 91, which suggests she was Catherine Stella McNeill 1887 #24640 born at Walhalla, and lived at Footscray
2 children 1. Kathleen Broderick 1917 #23755
2. Isabel Roma Broderick 1920 #12545
2. Emily (Emma Theresa) Broderick 1860 - 1929 #4736 wed 1883 #2392 at Drysdale to Thomas Chiller, 4 Children, daughter Susan Frances Victoria Chiller 1888 - 1972, wed John McCullagh (Hitchcock line)
3. Sarah Ann Broderick 1862 #17 born in Victoria wed 1882 #927 to Duncan McPherson from Scotland and lived at Camperdown
9 children 1. Rose Ann McPherson 1883 #7426
2. Sarah McPherson 1886 #1088
3. Alexander McPherson 1887 #17575
4. Robt McPherson 1889 #19349
5. Georgina McPherson 1891 #10145
6. Katie McPherson 1895 #18923
7. Mary McPherson 1897 #17331
8. Frank McPherson 1899 #16649
9. Eliza McPherson 1901 #17229
5. Elizabeth Broderick 1869 #17726 - 1942 #13251 aged 74, wed 1903 #2986 to John Symons and lived in Garvoc
3 Children 1. Robt Fran Symons 1904 #10449
2. Rosanne Symons 1907 #27037
3. Mary Elizth Symons 1912 #6174
6. Mary Jane Broderick 1871 #9106 - 1938 #8582 aged 66, died at St Kilda, wed 1899 #3038 to Edward Morris and lived at Camperdown
3 Children 1. Rose Ann Morris 1900 #24821
2. Cath Morris 1902 #16509
3. Eileen Morris 1907 #16811
7. Georgiana Broderick 1873 #9401 - 1947 #5406 aged 74, wed 1913 #11063 to Wm Jenner, no known children. William appears to be Wm Jenner 1862 - 1934 #636 aged 72, son of Elizth Miller and John Jenner not born in Victoria, died at Fitzroy
8. Catherine Broderick 1875 #9237 - 1939 #10298 aged 63, wed 1907 #5633 to Robt Chas Carman 1877 #13627 born at Camperdown, 4 Children
9. Rose Anne Broderick 1878 #9217 - 1949 #16657 aged 70 died at Edenhope, wed 1908 #5493 to Alfd Wm Ernt Carman 1879 #14263 born at Camperdown, 5 Children
10. William James Broderick 1880 #2701 wed 1906 #8413R to Carol Markham from Tasmania
11. Francis John Broderick 1881 - 1940 #12645 aged 59 wed 1911 #2619R to Marion Medley 1879 #14300 - 1950 #6254 aged 72, born at Carlton
3 Children 1. Francis Leonard Broderick 1912 #20171 lived 1 month
2. Reginald Alan Broderick 1913 #30999
3. Francis Geoffrey Broderick 1915 #30248


Details from received with many thanks

Cornwall Census 1861 Civil Parish of St. Erth, Folio 50 Page 12, 58,Little Mill,1, all born St Erth Cornwall
Elizabeth Bryant,Head,M,,35,Husband In Australia,St Erth Cornwall
Margaret Ann Bryant,Dau, 11,Scholar, George Bryant,Son, 8, Scholar, William John Bryant,Son,,4

George Bryant (engineer), christened 6 April 1823 UnyLelant, Cornwall, son of Richard Bryant (blacksmith) and Elizabeth Veal, died 4 May 1908 St Arnaud, Victoria, Aust, buried 5 May 1908 St Arnaud, Victoria.
George Bryant married 28 July 1849 at UnyLelant, Cornwall, to Elizabeth Pellow, born 1826, died 3 June 1913 at Coonover Bridge, Victoria, daughter of Benjamin Pellow (miner) and Elizabeth Williams

5 Children 1. Margaret Ann Bryant 25 December 1849 - 18 November 1890
2. George Bryant christened 12 June 1853 St Erth, Cornwall
3. William John Bryant christened 30 August 1855 StErth, Cornwall died Vic 1877 #10749
4. Elizabeth Ann Bryant born 1864 #4330 Tarnagulla
5. Richard Henry Bryant 1867 #18093
1. Margaret Ann Bryant, born 25 December 1849, St Erth, Cornwall, England, died 18 November 1890 Waanyarra and buried at Tarnagulla, wed 23 December 1868 Tarnagulla, Victoria, Aust, to James Lockett,
4. Elizabeth Ann Bryant, born 1864 #4330 Tarnagulla, Victoria, Aust, wed 8 April 1886, Coonover Bridge, Vict to Alfred Edward Holmes 1859 #12954 born at Ballarat East, lived at Charlton, 4 Children


From on Tue, 15 Feb 2005

Thanks for your swift response.
I believe that Joseph (Job) Buck and his wife Sarah (nee Burnett) arrived in Melbourne aboard the Alhambra in 1869. They brought with them 2 sons, Joseph and Robert (my great great grand father) . They came from N.Z. after a period of gold-mining. Originally Joseph was from Gloucestershire and Sarah from Edinburgh and they married in Auckland.
Even if you could point me generally in the direction of the Droscher family genealogist it would save me a lot of unnecessary phone calls. Regards
Rob Buck.

Joseph Buck and Sarah Burnett came c1869 and lived at Inglewood
5 Children 1. Joseph Buck
2. Robert Buck
3. Thomas Buck 1870 #9266
4. Sarah Ann Buck 1872 #16844
5. Benjamin Buck 1876 #7140
2. Sarah Ann Buck 1872 #16844 - 1926 #2994 aged 54, died at Red Cliffs wed 1893 #3843 to Arthur Edwin Droscher 1871 #5019, at Sago, died 1935 at Mildura aged 64, 7 children

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