Mission 9 -- The Indiana...

Lieutenant Nathan Lo:
    "Lt. Nathan Lo" Captain Ross said.
    I looked at him. This was the first time since I was assign to the USS Indiana as an Ensign I had been in his office. He looked at me, smiling. "It was a pleasure to serve with you, Lo"
    "It was an honor to serve under you, sir" I relied.
    "An honor you deserve, Nathan" he said, using my first name for the first time. "You leaving is a great loss for the Indiana, just hope the Enterprise know where to put the talent"
    I smiled briefly. "Hope so, sir. The Enterprise has a good reputation. Especially with Captain Picard, Commander William Riker and Commander Data" I said.
    "As always you have done your homework. I'll contact the Enterprise" he turned towards the screen. I walked to the door. A face showed up, from the books I knew him as Captain Picard. "Captain Picard, good to see you"
    I was too far away to hear the reply. I saw Ross smile. "Sure, sure. As I told you Yesterday, the Lieutenant has been with us since he graduated Starfleet Academy. He is one of my best officers. It's hard to see him leave but they have to leave the nest sometime, right
Picard? And the others are fine Starfleet officers. The best"
    I looked at the door. I hadn't been dismissed, so I guessed that he wanted me to hear this. "Well, I think that Lt. Lo will put up a good fight if they had a challenge. His specialty is kick boxing and Karate, not popular sports nowadays, do Riker practice them?"
    He paused as Picard said something. "True, but Lo is also one of my best Historical here. He knows more about the military history than I think is safe. If he could he'd probably join some Army instead. But don't misunderstand, he is loyal to his Captain and crewmates"
    I liked this less and less. It sounded like Picard was going to get a strong, muscular Riker guy. Very opposite to the real me, Tall, thin with a serious but handsome face…okay, I can at least say I'm cute. He continued to brag. "He has saved us more than one time. He was a
little annoying the first months…a know it all, but he learned"
    Another pause. "His specialty is normal guidance, but he's a natural with fighter, believe it or not. He tried one of those simulations and scored a new Starfleet record" Ross informed Picard proud. "You're lucky"
    I looked at the Captain's Guitar. I had never played one of those before, but I would do anything to get out of this. "Okay, I can't wait to the rundawo. Do you still have the bar? With Guinan?"
    "Good. Then we'll meet later" the screen went black, he turned and looked at me. "There's a party down stair for you and the other. Get goin' " he said.
    "That you, sir. For everything" I saluted him.
    He smiled. "As I mentioned, the Enterprise is less…disciplined than us. Just stick to 'aye', 'sir' and the rang"
    "Aye, sir" I smiled and was just about to turn on my heal in a proper left face. That habit was going to take some time to brake.

    "I wonder if they're missing me" I smiled.
    Geordi laughed. "Maybe. Heard you have that...nurse.  What's her name again?"
    "Tasia Wiggo" I replied. "Nice girl"
    "Very nice" Geordi said with a smirk.
    "Hope mom isn't getting pissed" I whispered.
    Geordi put down the ecvitment. "Hope so to" he paused. "LaForge to bridge. All repairs done, we're ready to the rundawo with the USS Indiana"
    -tag = Bridge-

Dr. Crusher:
    <"Well." I answered. "I just lost one patient, who is known for getting away, somebody should set an Cow Bell on him…I don'tknow what to say, and I'm starting to get really pissed off" I stood up and walked out. As I saw Doctor Crusher I felt like I was going into…as my dad always put it…Combat. "Houston, we have a problem" I whispered, before standing behind the Doctor. "Doctor, I lost a patient. Your son is…again…missing">

    Beverly had been in her office doing some reports that needed to be done last week...when once again she was stopped by Data...Beverly hurried out to check on Sonjani's condition and while getting her looked at and scanned Ensign Wiggo informed me that once again my son....Wesley disappeard again.."Excuse me, counselor.." she said as she turned and faced Wiggos..."Did you just say that Wesley is gone.." she shook her head in disgust and closed her eyes..."Oh good heavens...what is the matter with that boy..." she said as she turned her attention back to the counselor. "Ensign Wiggo...thank you for reporting that to me....now go ahead and go back to what you were doing.." Beverly couldn't believe what was going on..she knew Data was still standing there so she gave him a glance...and then she quicky tapped her commbadge..=^=Dr. Crusher to Capt. Picard.  Sir..my son..Wesley is well..missing sir..=^= she looked at her medical scanner for the results of SOnjai's condition while she waited for the capt.'s respond...
    tag- Capt. Picard/ Sonjani/ or Data..or Wiggo...

    Captain Ross introduced me to one of the new crewmen who would be signing aboard when we rendezvoused with his ship, the Indiana. We had a brief discussion and then I was contacted by Beverly.
    "Dr. Crusher to Capt. Picard. Sir..my son..Wesley is well..missing sir" she said.
    I huffed. Wesley needed to be confined to quarters...until his 21st birthday, I thought. "Acknowledged, Doctor," I turned to Tasha who was preparing to go off duty. "Lieutenant, have a security team locate Wesley Crusher and return him to his mother."
    "Aye, sir," she said then moved to the turbolift.
    I turned back to the streaking star patters on the viewscreen. We were two hours out from the Indiana...

    Dr. Crusher scanned me with her tricorder. I sat nervously on the bed waiting for her report. I reached out, telepathically, lightly probing her highly organized, yet passionate mind. My child was okay and the bruises could be easily healed by one of her medical trinkets. One of the nurses, Wiggo reported something to Crusher about her son, Wesley, and the doctor stepped away from me and contacted the bridge.
    I looked up into Data's green-gold eyes and smiled. Something akin to a grin, tugged at the corner of his mouth as well.
    "Your child is in perfect condition, Counselor," Dr. Selar said as she approached, taking up where Dr. Crusher had left off. "The bruising will heal in time. We can repair the majority of the blood vessels and reduce the swelling, however." The Vulcan doctor produced a blinking, whining instrument and ran it several times over my throat.
    "Thank you, Doctor," I said.
    "You are restricted from duty for 48 hours. I will send the Captain a report. You need to rest, Counselor," she said, her features never seeming to change.
    I nodded to her as I stood up from the biobed. I touched my throat, thanking her again. I turned to Data who had been quietly observing the entire time.
    "Thank you, Mr. Data. You are a kind person," I said, knowing he wasn't an ACTUAL person, yet feeling a closeness to him. He had, after all, saved my life on Perrati. I kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand before I exited sickbay.

    I returned to my quarters, taking the time to update my log while the events of the past couple of days were clear in my mind. I was tired, exhausted really. Thankfully the Perrati ordeal was over and we were on to, with any luck, a more docile mission.
    I ended my log and discarded my uniform in the recycler. I then took a quick sonic shower and slid into my bed, ready for some long overdue sleep.

    <I huffed. Wesley needed to be confined to quarters...until his 21st birthday, I thought. "Acknowledged, Doctor," I turned to Tasha who was preparing to go off duty. "Lieutenant, have a security team locate Wesley Crusher and return him to his mother."
    "Aye, sir," she said then moved to the turbolift.
    I turned back to the streaking star patters on the viewscreen. We were two hours out from the Indiana...>

As Tasha left Santiago did a quick internal scan. "All shuttles are accounted for, so he hasn't taken one. At least not yet."

    As Counselor Sonjani was being treated by Dr. Crusher, when Nurse Wiggo approached us and informed the Dr. that Wesley had gone missing again.  Judging from the expression on the Dr.'s face, she was not pleased at this news.
    Counselor Sonjani smiled in my direction in what I believed was appreciation for my assistance.
    As soon as Dr. Selar had completed the Counselor's medical treatment, the counselor got down off the biobed and felt her throat.  She than addressed me, "Thank you Mr. Data. You are a kind person."
    I was about to inform her that because I was the one responsible for her being injured in the first place, I had an onus to see personally to it that she receive the medical attention she required.  Then she did something that I did not expect, she kissed me on the cheek and squeezed my hand with a sense of family.  She then left sick bay. Confused, I watched her depart.
    I walked out of sickbay and returned to the bridge.
    The walk back to the bridge was uneventful, and we were on course to rendezvous with the Starship Indiana ETA one 1 hour 53 minutes and 39.573429 seconds.  I took my place at the operations console and studied the details of our next assignment.

    <she shook her head in disgust and closed her eyes..."Oh good heavens...what is the matter with that boy..." she said as she turned  her attention back to the counselor. "Ensign Wiggo...thank you for  reporting that to me....now go ahead and go back to what you were  doing..">

    "Ma'am" I looked at her. "Mr. Crusher is my only patient. And he's just a young boy...Give him time, I've been there" She looked back at her patient. I smiled and walked away.
    I decided to go looking for him.

    "Good for you, Nathan" they said to me. I smiled briefly. Wht didn't I like the idea of coming away from here. I knew the answer. Riker... I have always been compaired to all sorts over people. When I was a kid I was Romeo, and troughout the Acadamy and until now I was a
young Riker. I have never really been Nathan Lo.
    The Party was on. I have been informed that the ETA with the Enterprise was 2 hours. The Captain didn't even bother to go to Warp 5 to meet them before. The rest of the departing crew enjoyed themselves with the opposite sex, drinks and jokes. I just smiled, talked and walked. I took my drink and decided that I could better be packing the last stuff. As I went to my quarters I thought that this was the last time...I had been here for 5 years, and now it was time to move on.
    Stuffing my stuff into my old Dufflebag I noticed the dogtags that had been past down from ganeration to ganeration in our family. I took 'em on, feeling the hard, cold metal against my skin as I put it under my Uniform. "Computer...Load down all data of the Enterprise"
    "Access code?" the computer asked.
    "Red three-zero-niner Blues"
    "Voice and Code detected, Lt. Nathan Lo's personal Files and the Enterprise's information has been loaded down to the disk"
    "At least I'll know about the ship I'm going to" I whispered as I took the disk and closed the bag.

    Geordi threw a look at the door as the guards came. He then looked at me. "You're in big trouble"
    I nod, turned to the guards and smiled. "hi"
    "Ensign Wesley Crusher. Come with us back to Dr. Crusher" they said.
    I nod and smiled to Geordi. "He was helping me out, Wesley is one of the best in this field" I heard Geordi say.
    "Well, he still has to report to sick bay...Dr. Crusher, Picard and the rest are...a little on the dark side about this" The Lt. said smiling.
    They I saw her walking. "Shit" I muttered as Ensign Wiggo walked in. "Hi...Wiggo"

    "Shit" he muttered as Ensign Tasia Wiggo walked in. I followed the young Nurse with my Artificial eyes. Her pulse was up...Angery I guess. Her beautiful face was lit up by her blue eyes...which now looked more like ice. "Mr. Crusher, Follow me" she said sharply. I looked at Wesley. He swallowed and left.
    "Looks like you don't need our help" The Leiutenant said and smiled to me. I looked at him.
    The Security left laughing about Wesley gettin' in trouble with his mom and with young nurse Wiggo. I was only surprised that Riker hadn't set his eyes on her yet, being that ladies man that he is. I looked at rachel. "Better get back to work" I said.
    "Sure" she whispered, looking in the derection of where Wes and Tasia had left.
    I shook my head as I returned to my normal status.

    <They I saw her walking. "Shit" I muttered as Ensign
    Wiggo walked in. "Hi...Wiggo"
    -Tag = Wiggo->

    Angry I walked to the young boy. "Mr. Crusher. Follow me" I said stiffly. He and Geordi looked at each other and the Lt. of the Security Team smiled to me. I shook my head as Wesley and I walked to sick bay. "Crusher, how in the name of Marco Polo do you think to bet 100% if you always run around helping people and aliens" I muttered.
    "I don't know" he said.
    "Okay, here's the picture. Your mom's pissed, the captain is pissed, not only because you where missing...again! But also because rumors has it that he and Ross...are everything but good friends. And lets also look at your record. How do you think it will look when Starfleet Acadamy see that you have taken...2 shuttles and sneaked out one time that I know of" I informed him, knowing how low my voice was.
    We entered the sick bay. Wesley walked to his bed and laid down as I took a scan.

Lieutenant Joret Zahr:
    OOC-My charactor is Lieutenant Joret Zhar he is Cardassian and he is a security officer transfering from the U.S.S Indiana to the Enterprise.

    BIC-I was putting the last of my things into my shoulder bag when the door chimed. "Enter" I said as I turned to see who it was coming in. It was an Ensign sent by the Captain. "Sir we are scheduled to rendez-vous with the enterprise shortly and you are to report to the transporter room ASAP." "Ok..thank you ensign" I said to him as I grabbed my bag and took one last look around the room and headed to the transporter room to sign out.

    After over an hour at his science station Santiago noticed a sensor image. "I'm detecting a large metallic object ahead and to starboard, it is moving on an intercept course at sublight.  Tonnage and transponder confirm it it the Independence."
    Carmen looked over at the sensor readout. "I confirm."
    Santiago looked at her. "What are you confirming for, and don't you have somewhere else to be?"
    Carmen continued to look at the sensor readout. "I thought it would be appropriate, and no I don't have anywhere else I need to be."

Ro Laren:
    I slipped on my boots and checked the room once more for my belongings.  Twelve days aboard the Indiana had been...draining.  Ross ran a tight ship...tighter than Picard's, but not, I wouldn't say, a better one.  There were few people who could compare to Jean Luc Picard.  Although I had only served under him for the briefest of time periods, I looked forward to getting back to the Enterprise and to him.  The hierarchy of command was made more bareable when Captain Picard was in control.
    I was anxious to see Picard's AND Riker's face when I stepped off the transporter pad and reported back for duty.  If the prophets were smiling on me, perhaps I could get my helm job back...

    "I'm detecting a large metallic object ahead and to starboard, it is moving on an intercept course at sublight.  Tonnage and transponder confirm it it the Independence," Lt. Commander Santiago reported
    "I confirm," I glanced at the young child who sat beside her father.  Children on the bridge, I had to make a ship rule AGAINST it, but for now there were other matters.
    "She's not scheduled to be in this section of space," I said, mostly to myself.  "What's her condition, Lt. Commander?"

    I signed off my console in engineering and headed to 10 Forward for some relaxation and FOOD!  I was starving.
    Ten Forward was full, I almost opted for one of the other, smaller mess halls, but changed my mind and took a seat at the bar.
    "What will it be, Ensign?" the attendant behind the bar asked.
    I mulled it over in my mind.  So many choices.  "Vrashic stew and three slices of Betazoid spice bread, please." I finally decided.  In moments, the attendant had the steaming bowl of Bajoran stew and the spice laden bread in front of me.  I dug in heartily.

<"She's not scheduled to be in this section of space," I said, mostly to myself.  "What's her condition, Lt. Commander?">

    "I can't tell at least not while we're still in warp. I'm also detecting the Indiana which is in warp and on an intercept course with us. I give the Indiana two minute to intercept."

    "All leaving crewmembers report to bay 6. Farewell and Semper Fi" I heard Ross over the com link.
    At least you couldn't say that Ross wasn't a man who didn't know what to say. I took my dufflebag higher up on my shoulder and walked to bay 6.

    After hearing the annoucement I changed my course and headed down to bay 6. As I entered I saw all the other crew members who were being transfered as well. There were a few more than I expected but I was more excited about being able to work on the Enterprise, it was something I was really looking forward to.

    I moved back to my command chair, ordering Ensign Toc at helm to drop to impulse.
    "Picard to the Indiana," I said.
    Captain Ross' youngish face appeared smiling on the viewscreen, a stark contrast to Admiral Durante.
    "Picard!  Hello.  How are things?" he asked.
    "Very good Jeremy.  You?" I asked cordially.
    Ross nodded, "Very well, thank you.  Your new crewmembers are waiting in the transporter room, Jean Luc.  The Independence is getting some new bodies too.  I have each of your sealed orders.  Top secret, Picard.  I'll deliver them with one of your..." Ross cleared his throat, "...new crewman."
    My eyebrow raised.  What had Ross meant by that remark?  I'm sure I'd find out soon...

    "All leaving crewmembers report to bay 6. Farewell and Semper Fi," my pace to the bay 6 quickened at Captain Ross' announcement.
    I nodded to several crewmen I passed in the corridor as I made my way through the ship.  12 days wasn't quite long enough to form lasting bonds with the crew of the Indiana, but no use in being rude.  I arrived at the bay, the doors standing wide open as officers came to and fro.
    "See ya, Ro," Ensign Froist, or Frosty as he was known, said, waving his 6-fingered hand in the air.
    "Goodbye, Frosty.  Keep in touch," I said, forcing myself to be socialable.  Sometimes simple courtesy was difficult.
    As I approached bay 6, I noticed Lt. Lo standing near the door saying his goodbyes to his former crewmates.  Lt. Lo...Lt. Ro...should be interesting, I thought as I smiled at him and adjusted my shoulder bag before entering the bay.
    As I rounded the corner and stepped through the bay doors, I nearly gasped as I found myself...face to face...with a Cardassian!
    "By the Prophets!" I did say out loud.  The man...if indeed a Cardassian could be called that...was wearing a mustard starfleet uniform and carried the rank of lieutenant.  Cardassians in Starfleet!  I certainly had no idea this man existed.  Starfleet, however, was full of surprises...
    Forcing away my instinctive prejudice of the man, I excused myself as I passed him.  A Cardassian...in Starfleet...and on the Enterprise no less...maybe he was one of the Independence transfers...

Lt. Zahr:
    I looked up as I heard the voice a few feet from me entering Bay 6. I saw her eyes adjusting to me. I could tell she was looking at me with mixed emotions. She being Bajoran and I, Cardassian, there was looks between us that told a deeper history. I was sure she was surprised seeing a Cardassian wearing a Starfleet uniform, but remained emotionless and only knodded as she excused herself past me. I adjusted my bag once more and then too turned and headed toward the entrance to board the Enterprise. I wondered what awaited me and who I would meet. Even though I always considered myself strong and fearless, a small part of me felt cautious as I got closer to my destination.

    I found myself standing on the cliff and looking down at the ocean crashing against the jagged edges of the rocks below. As I stood there I wondered why I was here. Panic suddenly struck me and I felt my heart clenching inside my chest. I looked up into the sky for some sign of reason of why I was here. Two bright suns shone against the lavender sky. "Tasha", I heard a child's voice say. I turned behind me and saw beautiful little blonde girl standing about 10 feet away from me. She had long silky blonde hair and was wearing what appeared to be a white nightgown. "Who are you?", I asked through my panicked state of mind. "Tasha... we need you.", she whispered and then suddenly the ground was trembling under my feet and I could feel the rocks breaking away and suddenly there was nothing holding me up. The ground was gone and I was falling... falling toward the jagged rocks and crashing ocean. "NO!!", I screamed.
    I suddenly awoke. My back and face drenched in perspiration. My heart was racing but relief rushed over me as I realized that I was safely in my bed in my quarters on the enterprise. I glanced at a small clock. It was soon time for me to get up for my duties. I decided to get up, shower and dress in my uniform. I wanted to get my mind off of my dream. Just thinking about it sent chills down my spine. Maybe I should talk to Deanna about this some time later today I wondered.  I walked toward the replicator and ordered an english muffin with jam and some orange juice. Maybe some food would do me some good. That little girls face remained my mind....

Nathan Lo:
    I have this instinct. Can't really explain it, but it has saved me many times. And now it was telling me something. I looked around at bay 6. Lt. Ro Laren was standing there too. Lo...Ro...that would be funny. "By the Prophets!" I heard.
    I turned around to watch the scene. The Cardassian member of the Starfeet stood there, looking at a Bajoran Female. I wanted to stop whatever would happen, but they where not under my command. If fact, no one was under my command. I stood in line to get beamed up to the

    I had letten Wesley Crusher go, and notified his mom. My opinion of the young man wasn't relevant, but I liked him. In some strange, totally wacko way. I was also very excited to see the new crew members. They would most likely go to Picard, get that little welcome treath that some of the wild Ensigns got when the came to a Star Ship on the size of the Enterprise.
    I decided to go and see the new members for myself. I looked down at my light blue Uniform. Not the most sexy outfit I knew of but it was okay....
    I walked light to deck 4 and waited for the new ones to come.

    I was lucky. I walked in to the Bridge just in time to See Ross' face disapear from the screen. I went to my seat and sat down,knowing that everyone was watching me closely. Now it was just to wait for the newbies..

    Santiago saw him as he stepped onto the Bridge. "Mr. Crusher, I believe the Captain wants to speak with you about a shuttlecraft." He glances at Carmen. "And probable you as well."
    Carmen walked briskly down the ramp to stand in front of the Captain.

    I swallowed, but stood up. Looking at the others I know...I was going to be Acting Ensign Crusher for some while....Unless the Captain could find anything LOWER to put to me.

Lt. Lo:
    My turn. I stood up, giving each member a final look.  Then I closed my eyes as I was send to the Enterprise.  The room was crowded -but that didn't make any difference for me. I walked down until I stood just outside a group of Ensigns. One of them was no doubt a Nurse. The blue Uniform gave her away. She had her long blond hair loose...so i noticed.
    "Exuse me" I said. "Can you please tell me who's showing us new ones around here?"
    The girl turned, looking at me. "I really don't know Lt...?"
    "Nathan Lo"
    "Tasia Wiggo" she replied. "I guess it's Worf or maybe even the Captain himself, though I don't think so.  He's talking with...someone" she said, knowing more than she was letting on.
    "All right then. Nice to meet you, Ensign"
    She smiled to me. "Yeah...whatever"
    If I had talked to Ross that way I had been thrown in a cell...I realized that the Enterprise would be a great changde for me, maybe not even to the better.

    I stepped up onto the transporter pad and was transported to the Enterprise. I stepped off the transporter and looked around at the officers who were standing in the room and prepared to sign in.

    I finished my breakfast, but still my dream plagued my mind and I knew I had to get out of my quarters and get busy doing something if I was to stop thinking about the little girl in my dreams. I headed out into the hallway with my morning agenda. I knew I was to be getting a new member of the security team today and I made my way down to the transporter room just as my new security officer was arriving. I takened back for a moment when the officer before was a Cardassian. I knew his name was Lt. Joret Zhar and raised with Betazoid parents, but I guess it had slipped my mind that my new security officer was Cardassian. I stepped up to him, straitened my shoulders and smiled curtly. "Good morning... you must Lt. Joret Zhar. It's nice to finally meet you.", I said to him. "I'm Lt. Tasha Yar I will show you to your quarters and then once you get settled we can go over a few things.", I said looking up at Zhar and then turned to leave through the doors. "So... you in your files it said that you were raised by Betazoid parents...are they still alive?", I asked him curiously.

    I smiled to the Lieutenant as I said. "Yeah, Whatever"
    He looked at me before turning around, looking for whoever would show him and the rest around. If you ask me he's just a hot shot, I thought and walked out.

Lt. Yar/Lt. Zahr:
    Lt.Tasha Yar: "Good morning... you must Lt. Joret Zhar. It's nice to finally meet you.", I said to him. "I'm Lt. Tasha Yar "
    Lt. Joret Zahr: "Yes I'm Lt. Zhar. It's nice to meet you Lt. Yar"
    Lt. Yar: "So... you in your files it said that you were raised by Betazoid parents...are they still alive?", I asked him curiously."
Lt. Zhar: "Yes My Betazoid parents are still alive and well on Betazed."  I said looking around taking in all the new scenery. I wondered why she was asking such personal questions although I didn't mind.I looked forward to meeting the other officers on the Enterprise. "So do you enjoy working on the Enterprise? Most people love it here."

    I stood on the bridge waiting for the transport of officers to be completed, I couldn't help wondering about why Captain Ross had not simply transferred our new orders from Starfleet over the communications channel.  Data looked up from his position at ops "Sir, final transportation has been completed."
    "Captain, you'd better get a security team down here, "  Miles O'Brien said urgently over the comm link,  "Lieutenant Ro has beamed over with the newly assigned officers."
    "Lieutenant Ro?"  I tapped my Communicator, "Picard to Lieutenant Yar, dispatch a security team to transporter room one immediately."

    Looking at Lt. Ro, I notcied something. People where suddenly in a hurry to get out of her. Even the young Ensign I talked to couldn't get out of here fast enough. I didn't know what to do, so I stood there. Looking like a fool...
    The Lieutenant seemed to we waiting for someone or something. I stared.
    Suddenly I felt a sting in my side. I jarked my head up before calming down again. I knew what it was. When I was just an young Ensign, we had come in a little...trouble with the Borg. Okay, a lot of trouble. I got in combat with one and got wounded from my shoulder and down my side...I don't wanna think about it. The scar I still had, as a reminder.
    I thought that if I might not be noticed if I stood still, so I stood there. Stupid as it sounded. I had to do something. Someone had to see me sooner or later.

    "Lieutenant Ro?"  I tapped my Communicator, "Picard to Lieutenant Yar, dispatch a security team to transporter room one immediately."
    I turned my attention to Wesley and Carmen.  " And the two of you in my readyroom, now."

    Picard turned his attention to Wesley and Carmen.  " And the two of you in my readyroom, now."
    "Aye, sir." Carmen turned on a heel and proceeded into the Captain's readyroom. 'Five steps to enter room, about face, stand at attention.'
    She stood quietly surveying the room. 'This is the Captain, make a good impression.'
    Carmen stood in the readyroom waiting for Picard to enter, she noticed the computer flashing and turned it to face her while pressing the proper button.
    Admiral Durante appeared on the screen. "I have your...YOU AGAIN?!"
    "Yes sir, me again." Carmen calmly replied.
    "I'll give the order when Picard arrives."

    I watched as Carmen and Wesley proceeded to the ready room and shook my head in annoyance, children.  This incident only served to strengthen my belief that a starship was no place for children.   I would much rather Will Riker handle this situation, but as the captain of the Enterprise it was my responsibility.   I walked in behind them a few seconds later and seated
myself behind my desk.  "Alright" I said, " one at a time, I want an explanation?"  I waited patiently for their response.
    I looked down briefly and noticed Admiral Durante's glowering face looking at Carmen.  "This will have to wait Carmen and Mr. Crusher I said dismissing the two of them. Return to the bridge." I watched as the two youths walked out of the readyroom.  I turned my attention to the computer and the Admiral's image.
    "Yes Admiral?"
    "Jean-Luc I'd like to know what that child was doing still on the bridge and answering this communiqué?"
    "It's a long story Admiral, I'll send you my report soon but I was about to discipline her and young Mr. Crusher."
    "For what?" Durante asked.
    "It's a long story Admiral, it'll all be in the report."  I responded.
    "Very well, I have the Enterprise's new orders here", he said "you are to proceed to coordinates 923mark4.  We received a distress call from what was up until now considered, a desolate sector of space.  Starfleet Intelligence believes the signal to be terran in nature. The Enterprise is to investigate."
    "Yes Admiral, we'll proceed immediately sir."
    "Durante out,"  the screen when blank.
    I stood and walked out onto the bridge, "Ensign Toc, set course 923.4 and engage at warp 5." I ordered.
    "Aye sir,"  The vulcan helmsman responded and the Enterprise took off in a completely new  direction.  "Now the two of you," I said to the children on the bridge, "back to the readyroom.  Mr. Data, you have the bridge."
    "Aye Sir," Data responded as he stood and moved to the command center as I escorted Carmen and Mr. Crusher back into the ready room.
    "Let's pick up where we left off shall we," I said as I sat down at my desk and waited for the first of them to speak.

    Carmen continued to stand at attention and spoke in a cold calculating voice, or as much as she could manage.  "All I have to say sir is that I carried out a successful rescue mission." She glanced over at Wesley. "Without, I might add, destroying Starfleet property or giving a hostile force access to this vessel."

    <"Picard to Lieutenant Yar, dispatch a security team to transporter room one

    I quickly tapped my communicator. "Yes sir, on my way.", I said and looked at Lt. Zhar. We had just gotten to his quarters. "Let's go.", I said and headed for transporter room one. "I guess you didn't expect to be on duty this quickly, eh?", I said as we rounded the corner toward the transporter room. We entered and I tapped my commincator. "Captain I am in the transporter room....", I said and stopped talking. There was Lt. Ro Laren standing a few feet away. Confusion filled me and I turned to look at  Lt. Zhar. What was Ro doing here?

    "Take Lt. Ro into custody Lieutenant and place her in the brig."

    I tapped my communicator. "Aye captain.", I said and looked from Lt. Zhar to Lt. Ro. I couldn't help but wonder what either of them were thinking. Zhar being Cardassian and Ro being Bajoran. "Lt. Ro... please come with me us.", I said taking her by the arm and leading her to the brig.

<Carmen continued to stand at attention and spoke in a cold calculating voice, or as much as she could manage.  "All I have to say sir is that I carried out a successful rescue mission." She glanced over at Wesley. "Without, I might add, destroying Starfleet property or giving a hostile force access to this vessel.">

    I leaned back in my chair, I had to admire this child she was an enigma in both her intelligence and independence.  However, I wasn't about to let her know that and I kept my expression deadly serious.  She was right of course, the mission was a success and resulted in the safe return of four of my most valuable officers.
    "And in the process of doing so," I said coldly,  "you stole a Federation shuttle and endangered both your own and Mr. Crusher's lives."

    "You are incorrect sir, stealing presumes I intended to keep it, I fully intended to return the shuttle once I was finished with it.  And the shuttle was returned, and fully intact I might add."

    "You took a shuttle craft without permission, that implies stealing," I responded attempting to chastise the child.  I'd rather, face a room full of squabbling admirals than attempt to deal with or discipline children.

    Once more she glanced at Wesley. "Risking my own life was unavoidable, however I did not intend to risk Wesley's life since I wasn't aware that he had stowed away. And he did prove to be useful by the destruction, using my idea, of a Perrati fighter which was attempting to shoot us down."

    Well, this wasn't getting me anywhere I thought, so I decided to appeal to her sense of Starfleet and treat her like any other officer.  "In the future Miss Santiago, I would appreciate it if you would leave the rescue missions to the trained Starfleet personnel, regardless of who is in trouble.  Do I make myself clear?"

    "At the time noone was doing anything to help.  I have spent a good deal of my life around Starfleet, and that has been quite an educational experience in itself, that should count for something."

    "The fact that you were successful counts for the fact that I'm not going to have you thrown in the brig for stealing the shuttle,"  I was starting to find it exceedingly difficult to keep a straight face, "as far as you're Starfleet experience goes, it apparently doesn't include following orders from the chain of command.  I am going to order you not to engage in such behavior in the future.  You are not to risk you're life or the lives of other crew members on this vessel.  Is that understood?"

    I looked at Carmen and nod. Lucky for me Carmen had talked all the time, not giving the Captain a chance to take on my story. Letting a Hostile Alien onboard the Starship Enterprise....Stealing another shuttle.....the list was longer the more I thought about it.

    I noticed the expression on Mr. Crusher's face and said, "I haven't forgotten about your involvement Ensign, and I assure you your actions will be dealt with as soon as I've finished with Carmen."

    "Captain Picard...I need the...Man...it won't work" I said and stopped. How would I tell him that I needed to see the medical record of the new crew? I stopped outside the door. I knocked and walked in. The Captain was saying something to young Carmen and Wesley. I was disturbing, but the damage was already done. I took a deep breath. "Sir, I need to see the new Crew's medical record. The doctors want to eccame them before they get into full duty, sir"

    "Sir, I need to see the new Crew's medical record. The doctors want to examine them before
they get into full duty, sir" Nurse Wiggo said to me as she entered my readyroom.  I sighed heavily, it was just one interruption after another. "Very well nurse, computer release all medical files pertaining to the newly commissioned crew members reporting on board the Enterprise as of stardate 41365.2, authorization Picard gamma two epsilon six one three."
    **access enabled**  the computer responded.
    "Will that be all Ensign Wiggo?"

    I knew I was blushing. All the time I had been here I had never seen Picard close-up. I thought about something that had been troubling me. About the young Lieutenant. "Sir...one of the new crew member...I think he's..." I stopped. "He hasn't been shown to his quarters. And I don't thing he is too crazy about this place. His name is..." I stopped again. "Lt Nathan Lo"
    I stood there, looking at him. He thinks I'm a complete idiot, I thought. And you know what, Tasia? He is right.

    "Has he given you any indication that he's unhappy here?" I asked

    I looked at him. "Sir, I've been around for some time. And I also have severed brifly under Captain Ross. The change for someone to come to the Enterprise is huge. If you ask me, Lt. Lo is the sort of person who would have problems adusting to such an Change"
   I stopped. I was being rude...I was being hostile...Also I talkied without thinking. Wesley and Carmen looked shocked at me.

    Has he given you any indication that he's unhappy here?" Captain Picard asked
    She looked coldly at him. "Sir, I've been around for some time. And I also have severed brifly under Captain Ross. The change for someone to come to the Enterprise is huge. If you ask me, Lt. Lo is the sort of person who would have problems adusting to such an Change"
    I looked at her. And i thought I had a nerve, No one had ever EVER talked to Picard like that. Without knowing it I let out a little whisle sound. I froze and looked down.

    Do not address me in that manner Ensign," I ordered.  "Now" I said "I will attend to Lieutenant Lo."

    "Sir" I said, falling back into the behaior Ross had taught me. "The Ensign want to apologize for her behavior. She had no right to say or act in the way she did" I looked at him. "I'm sorry, Captain"

    I think my brain stopped. Watching this, i forgot all my worries. The young Ensign, apologizing more than less as a Soldier....After said stuff that personally I don't think even Riker would have gotten away with. As for that with Lt. Lo...why the suddenly intrest in a male?  She hadn't so much as smiled to me, and now she was all worries about this...Lieutenant. It didn't make sence. Women.

    I lowered my voice to a civilized level,  "are you familiar with Lieutenant Lo.  You said before you both served under Captain Ross.  In what areas would you say he needs to adjust to the Enterprise?"

    I froze. Not the type of reply I had wanted, but he was right. I had seen Nathan before. "Sir, I met Lo briefly on the Indiana, that's all. As for the adusting, he will need to slow down. And be less...stiff. He also was Ross' left hand in advise. He will then need to think about the fact that here...he can't give advise. Alos...As far as i know he has been compaired with Com. Riker very often.."
    I slowed down. "I grew up on the same basic...it isn't fun to be someone else, Captain"

    I considered her words carefully. "Very well Ensign I will discuss the matter with Counselor Troi. If that is all ensign, you're dismissed."

    Rachel was busy with repairing a minor damage on the control pannel when I noticed it. I both heard and saw it. A little scratching sound...and my VISOR showed strange body warmth under the panel. I pend down to take a look. The beast jumped out and into my arm.
    "A kitten!" Rachel yelled and walked to me.
    "A Cat?" I said in disbelief. I looked at my staff. "Aoky, who let a cat in here?"
    A lost of mumbling and stuff before Lt. Jackson answered. "No one did, sir..."
    "Man" I said. "I'll take this to...someone" I took the kitten and carried it with me out.

    I nod and turned. Swearing to myself I walked out. I didn't know Lo...id you asked me had been a real party pooper on the Indiana. Ross' favorite.....a know it all. He knew a lot. But when I say him on the Enterorise...he had the same lost look like I had when I first arrived to a ship. No friends, no place to go. As I walked I noticed LaForeg carring a kitten. I stopped. "Ohhh...what a beautiful cat. Come here, kitty" I said. He handed it over to me. "Hey Tiger...Oh, what abeautiful biy you are. And what are you doing here?" I asked the cat.

    She nod and left. I looked at Picard. Seemed to me like he was thinking. Now it was my turn to burn...in hell.

    <LaForeg carring a kitten. I stopped. "Ohhh...what a beautiful cat. Come here, kitty" I said. He handed it over to me. "Hey Tiger...Oh,  what abeautiful biy you are. And what are you doing here?" I asked the cat.>

    I smiled. "Just found the cat in Engieering"
    She looked at the cat.
    "I'm taking it to Picard...maybe.."
    She looked at me. "Don't do that. He's busy"
    "I see...well, you wanna have the cat then?" I asked as a joke.

    "Really?" I said and hugged him. "I love cats. Thank you!"
    I took the kitten and left a puzzled Geordi to his out struggle to his words. I carried the kitten to my quarters. "Hi Tiger" I said and put it down. "Let me see what you can eat"
    I walked to the computer. "Computer. Give me fish, boiled"
    *Working* the voice said. Two seconds and the bowl of fish stood there. The cat was intressted in to food. I sat it down. "Here you go, Tiger"
    It started to eat. "Computer, a cup of tea, Earl Gray, lot's of sugar"
    *Can't indentify 'lot's of sugar'*
    "Okay...5 spoons of Sugar, in the cup with the tea"I tried.
    *Working* The tea appeard. I took the cup and sipped the tea. "Bedankt, Computer" I said laughing. The only word of Dutch I knew and I said it to a computer.

    "But....but" I started, seeing her marsh offf with the kitten in her arms. I signed. "Man!"
    I walked back to Engineering. Rachel looked at me. "Wow...that was quick"
    "Nurse Wiggo took the cat" I said sour.
    "Poor little Geordi" she laughed. "Well, maybe that's for the best. We can't have cats here...and think about the mess" She took out a furball from the floor.
    I laughed with her.

    I watched her leave, and as soon as the door closed behind her, I returned my attention to the two youths still standing in front of my desk.  "Now Mr. Crusher, I need you to convince me as to why I shouldn't revoke your privileges aboard this vessel for your recent behavior."

    I bit my lip. "Well, sir..." I started. "Well, somehow Orchidee got inside my head. As Commander Data can tell you. And we 'talked', and she informed me that she was 13 years old...and that she wanted to go home. So I stole the shuttle and tried to get her out. But after I was wounded she returned, to kill me or thank me...I don't know. But we got beamed up, and then....you know what happened. As for my little...dissapearing...I thought I might help Geordi. Captain Picard...I'm so sorry. If I'd know..."

    "You seem to be leaving out the other shuttle incident.  What were you doing hiding on one of our shuttle crafts Ensign?"  I said to the terrified youth.

    "As best I can recall sir there were no standing orders about going down, in fact the only regulations broken was not properly requesitioning the shuttle and not getting proper flight clearance."

    I looked at her. She was right! There where no standing orders. I felt the need to laugh, but kept silent.

    I was starting to develop a severe migraine.  " It is Starfleet procedure" I said quietly, "to request permission from the command staff before leaving the Enterprise,"  noticing the expression on Wesley's face I added, "If you are unfamiliar with proper Starfleet procedure Mr. Crusher, perhaps I should get Commander Riker or Commander Data to revise you, before you are
permitted to return to duty."
    "Also I am responsible for delegating which away teams will go down to the surface, and whom will be leading them, and I don't recall granting permission for either of you to leave the ship, or lead an away team."
    "Now if either of you can't follow basic Starfleet procedure, I shall have no other option but revoke both your officer's privileges and return you to full passenger status on board this vessel." I turned and faced Carmen, "and that means Miss Santiago that you will no longer be permitted into the science labs and will suffer the same restrictions as any other ten year old
child on board the Enterprise."
    I then regarded Wesley Crusher, "In your case Mr. Crusher it would mean that you would loose your honorary rank of Ensign, and like any other seventeen year old would loose access to engineering and the bridge."  I waited patiently for their response.

    "I will attempt to notify you in the future sir." She spoke softy somewhat in shock from having her precarious situation laid out so plainly. "Am I dismissed Captain?"

    "Yes Carmen," I said to the child

    "Very well sir." Bringing a hand to her face in salute, she did a smart about face and walked out.

    Fighting to maintain a straight face I watched the child as she marched out of the ready room door.  "Well Mr. Crusher? "

    As I materialized on the transporter pad, I saw the shock on Chief O'Brien's face.
    "Bloody hell," he mumbled.
    "Chief," I began as I stepped off the pad and appraoched him.  The other new recruits filed out of the transporter room.
    The next thing I knew, O'Brien had contacted the bridge, claiming that there was intruder.  The intruder was me!
    I tried my damnedest to explain to him, but he wouldn't hear me. Instead, he trained a phaser on me.
    "I have orders," I held the computer chip out to him and he flinched with my movements.  Was I considered that dangerous?  Surely Ross had explained to the Captain by now my undercover assignment.  I'd infiltrated the Maquis and helped foil their attempt to take the Enterprise.  My repayment was being treated like a trader.  I suppose in their eyes, I was a trader.
    Yar soon burst through the door followed by the Cardassian security officer I'd seen earlier.
    "Lt. Ro... please come with me us," she said, her phaser drawn and her eyes wide.  I glanced from the blond woman to the cardassian.
    Sighing I replied, "Okay, Lieutenant, but this is a big mistake." I walked between the security officers to the brig.  Yar frisked me and put me in one of the 2 cells, taking my orders, my earring and my comm badge.
    "Lt. Yar, if you'll call the Captain, I'm sure he'll clear up this whole mess." I told her.

    I eyed her curiously not sure if I should even trust her or not. At this point I did not. "Let's hope so Lt.", I said glancing from her to Lt. Zhar. I tapped my communicator. "Captain... I have Lt. Ro in custody.", I said wondering what Ro could possibly explain. She was a traitor in my mind right now, but yet I couldn't help but feel alittle happy to see her strange as it was. I turned to Lt. Zhar. "Stay here and watch her until I return. I am going to get some files for you to go over and then I will issue you your phaser. I should only be a minute.", I said glancing once more at Ro and then leaving through the doors.

    "Captain... I have Lt. Ro in custody."  Lieutenant Yar informed me over the ships intercom.
    "Acknowledged Lieutenant, keep her in custody until I can verify as to her reasons for being on board the Indiana and the Enterprise.  Picard out." Last time she was on board this vessel she was a Marquis operative, and helped them to take control of the ship.  If her loyalties had indeed changed, I had no doubt that she would have to work hard to gain the crew's trust, including my own.

    As the Enterprise reached the coordinates it had been given a probe shot out into the star system it was approaching.  By the time the ship had come out of warp near the outermost planet the probe had reached the innermost planet.
    "We appear to have a twelve planet system. Two of the planets are class M, those are the second and third planets, and the third planet appears to have intelligent life."
    Out in space the probe made a close pass to the innermost planet and soon settled in a high orbit around the world that held life.
    "It appears to be a colony of some type. Only a few inhabited areas and a high technology usually suggest colonization.  The probe is also picking up comm. traffic in several languages...several Terran languages."

    Data looked up from the command chair at the Science Officer, "Terran? are you certain Commander?"  he did a intensive scan of his memory banks, "there are no Federation records of any human colonies in this system."

    "Terran does not imply human, just ask the dolphins.  Also whoever is down there isn't human since just from casual listening I'm picking up accents, and things that sound like they shouldn't be possible in a Terran tongue. Among them feline, and canine auditory signals."

    "That is true" Data conceded, "however, Dolphin vessels only have a limited warp capability of warp two-point-nine-seven-five.  At that speed it would take them two hundred eleven years, three months, twelve days, fifty-four minutes and seventeen seconds to reach this system from earth."
    Data opened a channel to the Captain,"Data to Captain Picard, please report to the bridge."
    When Picard heard the android over the ship's intercom he looked up at Wesley Crusher.  "Consider yourself on probation Mr. Crusher.  Dismissed."
    Picard then stood and walked out on to the bridge.  "Report," he said to the Second Officer.
    Data stood and approached the captain as he walked to the main command center.  "Captain, we have arrived at the coordinates you specified, sensors detect Terran lifeform readings on the third planet in this system. there are however, no records of any federation colonies within this system."
    "Try hailing them," Picard said turning to Ensign Lorell whom was manning the tactical console in Tasha's absence.
    "They're not responding captain," she said moments later, "wait a minute, I am receiving an SOS."
    "On speakers," I ordered, seconds later the bridge was filled with the audible beeps of the SOS over the ship's speakers.  I tuned to Data "Mr. Data can you identify the era of the distress signal?"
    Data tilted his head and listened, seconds later he answered, "the signal is similar to the Terran distress call used approximately 86 years ago. However, it is not exactly the same, but it is similar enough to conclude that the this distress signal, is a modified version of earlier one."
    "Can you determine the potential danger to an away team Mr. Santiago?"  I asked my Chief Science Officer.

    "From what the probe can detect, and our sensors can reach it now as well, it should be a fairly safe world.  The enviromental parameters are all within human safe levels, and the weather for most of the planet is subtropical. It doesn't look like the world is militerized since I detect no space based defenses, and no comm. traffic that seems military in orgin."

    "Sir," Data added, "there is the matter of the distress signal to consider. I recommend the away team exercise caution."
    I had to admit, it made sense, nodding I opened a communications channel to the First Officer, "Picard to Commander Riker, report to the bridge."
    Aliens and Santiago:
    On the planet a sensor operator called his supervisor over.  "It looks like an alien vessel sir. Appearing to scan us."
    The supervisor put on a set of headphone and adjusted a microphone.  "Hail them then."
    Meanwhile on the Enterprise.  "The probe is being hailed sir, so I think someone noticed us.  Voice only and in one of the Terran languages I mentioned French, now Russian, German, I think they might have a clue we're Terran ourselves."

    Worf stepped out of the turbolift after being discharged from sickbay. Orchidee had indeed proved to be a formidable opponent.
    He walk though the doors of tenforward, noticing Guinan standing behind the counter, dusting the all ready spotless bar.
    He walked over and took a seat on one of the stools aligned along the length of the bar.
    He had enjoyed his battle with the alien, but now that all was quiet on the Enterprise, his Klingon blood boiled for battle once again.
    "Rokeg blood pie," he said to the El Aurian hostess.

Lt. Lo:
    I had given up waiting to be shown around. Guess it was true, the Enterprise was very different than the Indiana. But I just had to get used to it. I decided to go to the local Tavern. Okay, so I also had to get used to what they call the bars around here. As I entered I was stopped by a giant Human. I smiled and tride to get past him, but he blokked the way. I knew the look, he wanted a fight. "Where ya think ya going, Lieutenant?" he asked sloppy.
    "In here" I said to my fellow Officer.
    "Don't think so...We don't take whipms here, boy"
    I was annyoed, but I wouldn't to any cast wake up the demon, as Ross called my temper. "Let me in, Lieutenant" I hissed.
    "No way, as I said...No yellows"
    Okay, I have been called a lot trough my life, but a yellow is something I ain't. I have been trough too much. I acted like I was turning around and hit him.
    He walked a few steps back to regain his balance. I followed him inside the TenForward. He took another swing at me, but I was lucky to have taken Kickboxing instead of Horse Riding. I ducked and hit him. The fight was on.

    "Captain! There's no time, send out a Mayday!" Fist Officer Jarah R'igo yelled.
    Ross ran down the corridor wit her beside him. "Can you hold them back while I send out the message to the Enterprise?"
    "Sure" she said. "Imares! T'rata! Follow me!"
    Ross shut the door to his ready room and turned on the screen. A face showed up, but it looked unfamilliar in the red cloud that has appeared in his vision. Outside he heard yelling, screams and phaser fire. "Enterprise...This is Captain Ross of the USS Indiana. Mayday...we are positioned 535,894 in the Ceres Region. They attacked..they came. All my officers are dead..." a scream of pain as the fist officer died outside the door. Ross knew he was out of time. "I'm out of time. Lo knows...Tell him...AIs"
    The door was blow up and as Ross fired the phaser the screen went black.

    I walked to the TenForward to get me something to eat. I stopped as I entered. On the floor I saw three...no four Officers. They where all fighting. For me it seemed like the three other where attacking one, but I noticed that one of them was trying to hold the huge Lieutenant away from...Lt. Lo?
    Lo was kicking, yelling hand hitting. The same did the other two officers. Two on one...that's yellow. I threw Lt. Worf a graze before sitting down. If he didn't stop it no one would. "What do you want?" the humanoid lady asked me.
    "Goaf T'ris with white bread please. And a coke"
    She nod, a few second later the food was severed. Goaf T'ris is from the Vesta Colony...My mom used to take me there when I was a kid. I hoped that someone would stop the fight before either Lt. B'wana or Lt. Lo hurt each other.
    Security Officer Orwild Dart sat down beside me. I smiled to him. "Can you brake that up before Lo hurst someone?" I asked.
    He looked at Nathan. "That thin guy? Sure he can take someone on?"
    I laughed. "Yep" I lowed my voice. "Rumors has it that he was with the Battle at The Belt"
    Dart froze. "BTB? But...I thought Ross was the only surviver?"
    I looked at my coke. "I was a young nurse at that time. I treated Lo for a gun shot in his leg. He said it had gone of by a mistake, but after that he was a little...quiet"
    Dart stood up and walked to brake up the fight. I smiled to myself. Yes, nathan had been at the BTB...he just didn't want to talk about it. But some day he would. It was fate.

    "That's it!" I hreard from behind. Lieutenants B'wana and Hara, get your butts out of here!" A security officer said. I felt that someone was dragging me up. I looked into a pair of cold bluw eyes. "Lt. Lo!" the voice said to me.
    I came in attention. "Yes sir"
    "First day on board and you're already making trouble. Report to the captain's office" he ordered.
    I looked at him.
    "Get going!" he yelled.
    I started to walk out, but stopped as I heard someone laughing. There she sat, Ensign Tasia Wiggo...smiling while talking to another woman. She looked at me. I walked out and entered the Bridge where there ruled full caose. I saw him, Captain Ross...as he fired his phaser towards the door. I closed my eyes.

    Just as Santiago was finishing his sentence, Lorell interrupted him, the urgency in his voice immediately apparent.  "Captain we're receiving a mayday  from the Indiana, sir, they're under attack!!" he put the distress call on the view screen, a shiver traveled through my spine as I reacted mentally  the to the atrocities I was witnessing.  Ross' last terrifying moments.
    I turned to Santiago "Can you program the probe to send out a message of good will?"

    "It should be simple to transmit a comm. channel through that type of probe."  Santiago works for several minutes on doing just that, then turns to the Captain.  "The comm. line is up, you can start at any time."

    "This is Captain Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise, we are responding to your distress signal.  Do you require assistance?"  there was no answer.  Why would they send out a distress call and not respond to our hail.  I turned back to the Commander at the Science Station, "Mr. Santiago, can you determine from the scans of the planet what condition the
inhabitants are in.  Are they physically able to respond, or are we being scanned by an automated device?"

    I turned to see a young lieutenant walk onto the bridge, Nathan Lo as I remembered from his personal files.  I felt for the young officer.  To walk on the bridge only to witness the violent death of not only a former captain, but from what Nurse Wiggo had told me, a close friend.  I really wanted to convey my sympathy to him, but it would have to wait until later,
until we established the intentions of the inhabitants of the planet, this vessel and its entire crew were in potential danger.

    I bit down the sorrow and the anger that come up in my head. I stood in attention. "Lt. Nathan Lo, sir" I said, my voice shaken.
    I looked at the screen. I'll get those basterds who did this, I promised Jeremy. No matter what, I'll get them.

    I sat on the bunk, my head in my hands waiting for someone to realize that a mistake had been made.  I was innocent.
    "If you'll just look at my orders, Ensign," I said moving up to the security field of the brig.
    The ensign frowned.

    I finished filing Lt. Zhar's paperwork and retrieved his phaser. So far he had been rather quiet and not at all as I had imagined before he had arrived on the enterprise. From what I had gathered in his files he was an excellant security officer and had an exemplary record. I made my way back to the brig where he was still guarding Lt. Ro. "Lt. Zhar you are fully signed in and here's your phaser.", I said then walked up toward where Lt. Ro was waiting.  I felt strange suddenly. I saw Ro as a traitor yet I saw her as a fellow officer. "I didn't expect to see you back here so soon.", I said not showing wanting to show too much emotion. "The captain will definately expect some kind of explaination... so would I.", I said waiting.

  <I bit down the sorrow and the anger that come up in my head. I stood in attention. "Lt. Nathan Lo, sir" I said, my voice shaken.
   I looked at the screen. I'll get those basterds who did this, I promised Jeremy. No matter what, I'll get them.>

    "Mr. Lorell are the long range sensors picking up any sign of the Indiana?"
    "No sir," he responded shaking his head in dismay, "we're not out of range and I am picking up debris, consistent with the size and volume of the Indiana, so I'm guessing that the ship was completely destroyed. All hands lost."
    I turned to regard the young Lieutenant on the bridge, "I'm sorry about your former Captain and Crew Mr. Lo"  I could see the vengefulness in his eyes it was a sentiment I shared to a great extent.  I had known Jeremy for years, we went through the Academy together, and although we had our disagreements, mostly due to our different command styles, we were still good friends.

    I sat at my computer, scheduling sessions for those crewman Counselor Troi had referred to me.  I also downloaded the psych profiles of the new crew who had transferred from the Indiana:  Lt. Lo, Ensign Fontaine, Lt. Zhar, and Lt. Ro among others.  My interest, however, was captured by the darkhaired bajoran woman whose face now appeared on my monitor.  I pulled up her service record, reading over the not-so-illustrious career she'd had thus far.  Several reprimands for disobeying a superior officer, a demotion only 1 month after achieving junior grade lieutenant the first time, and a number of incident reports detailing off-ship skirmishes on non-Federation worlds.  Most  of her posts were aboard starships with a couple of starbases thrown in. Interesting.  The woman was a rebel.
    "Further information restricted to level 1 security clearance personnel only," the computer droned.
    Hmm.  Very interesting.  I closed her file and tapped the comm interphase on my tabletop console.  "Computer, locate Lt. Ro Laren," I said.
    "Ro Laren is in located in the brig," the female computer voice replied.
    "The brig?" I said outloud.
    "Command insufficient.  Please restate command," said the computer.
    After pausing to think, I switched off the computer and left my quarters hurriedly.

<I turned to regard the young Lieutenant on the bridge, "I'm sorry about your former Captain and Crew Mr. Lo"  I could see the vengefulness in his eyes it was a sentiment I shared to a great extent.  I had known Jeremy for years, we went through the Academy together, and although
we had our disagreements, mostly due to our different command styles, we were still good friends.>

    "Sir" I answered. "JUst because the ship is destroyed it doesn't mean the enemy did it. Ross would rather kill himself and the crew by blowing the Indiana up than let his crew be tortured as prisoners. WE all know it"

    <"This is Captain Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise, we are responding to your distress signal.  Do you require assistance?"  there was no answer.  Why would they send out a distress call and not respond to our hail.  I turned back to the Commander at the Science Station, "Mr.Santiago, can you determine from the scans of the planet what condition the inhabitants are in.  Are they physically able to respond, or are we being scanned by an automated device?">

    As Santiago is about to reply a voice comes over the line. Speaking French with a somewhat nonhuman accent.
    "It's just been going since our ship arrived here, we didn't think anyone would respond.  I'm getting ahead of myself, my name is Anton, I assume by your name I have the correct language?  Now I have a few questions are you from Terra, how is the war going, and what year is it?"

<"It's just been going since our ship arrived here, we didn't think anyone would respond.  I'm getting ahead of myself, my name is Anton, I assume by your name I have the correct language?  Now I have a few questions are you from Terra, how is the war going, and what year is it?">

    "Yes Captain Anton I'm of French origin, however, these days the Federation's primary language is English,"  Picard responded in his native tongue.
    "Very well Captain Picard I will continue this conversation in English."
    "Splendid," Picard responded this time in English, "Yes, the majority of this crew  is from Terra, however we have various different species on board this vessel.  The Federation has not been in a state of war for over 50 years.  The current Terran year is 2364 Captain Anton.  If I may ask, how long has this colony been here?"
    "2364 you say, that would make it 85 years."
    "Captain, are you in need of assistance?" I finally asked after all it was the primary reason we were assigned to investigate this sector of space.
    "As a matter of fact" Anton responded, "we have been experiencing earth tremors here as of late.  This planet has been quiet ever since we arrived and now all of a sudden we get quakes on a daily basis. Our scientists can't find any geological reason for these sudden tremors."
    "Captain, would you permit a team from the Enterprise to beam down? perhaps with a combined effort of this crew and your scientists, we could find the reason behind the sudden activeness of your world before it becomes necessary for your people to evacuate."
    Anton seemed to hesitate before answering my question, I would have liked to have Counselor Troi or Counselor Sojani on the bridge to tell me why he was hesitating, it was as if he didn't trust us.  Reluctantly he answered, "Yes, their are others on my world who are weary of humans, and who would disagree with this decision but I fear if we do not accept your assistance, we'll be forced to abandon our home and seek out a new world to colonize."
    "Very well Captain, please transmit your coordinates."  Anton did so, and I looked to Lorell for confirmation, he nodded and I returned my attention to Anton "the away team will be down in matter of minutes, Picard out," the channel closed.

    Santiago looked at the probe scans. "The colony appears older if you consider the technology, and they appear to come from Terra but they aren't human they only non Terran sentient species on Terra are dolphins, gray parrots, some forms of primates, and wolves.  Though the wolves rise to intelligence has never been thought natural and scientist are still puzzling over it.  However I am detecting siesmic vibrations consistant with an almost constant state of quakes."

<"Sir" I answered. "JUst because the ship is destroyed it doesn't mean the enemy did it. Ross would rather kill himself and the crew by blowing the Indiana up than let his crew be tortured as prisoners. WE all know it">

    "That would be one command decision I would have in common with him Lieutenant, but I would like to find out what caused the attack, I for one don't believe Captain Ross provoked such a viscous assault from their attackers.  And I intend to get to the bottom of it."

    "Aye sir" I said. Ross was right, he and Picard were a lot alike. I knew a lot about Jeremy. To say that it was just friendship was wrong. We where brothers in combat, so to speak. I had first met Ross at the Belt of Hera. He had saved my life. Just a few weeks after I
returned the favor.
    It was true that Ross had been a hard man, but towards his friends he was the best. "Captain, if you could excuse me" I whispered and left quickly. It struck me, how much I cares for Ross. He had been a great friend. I tried to fight back the tears, but knew I would lose that battle.
    I went to a quiet place and closed my eyes. Something I had heard came in the back of my mind. Had i heard AIs? It couldn't be. There where no suck..I stopped. And ran to the bridge.

    I walked down the corridor depressed. I had finally done so good for myself, and now I had blown it off. Suddenly someone ran into me. We fell down on the ground. I looked into the grey eyes of some Lieutenant in his early 20s. He looked like he had cried, but he had a strong look in his eyes. A look that knew, "Sir?" I asked

    I looked down at the young boy. "Sorry, Ensign" I said.
    He looked down, like I had insulted him. I stood up and helped him up. "Are you okay?"
    He nod. Suddenly I got this crazy idea. "Follow me, Ensign" I yelled and ran to the bridge. I must have intruded something, cause the whole gang looked at me when I entered. "Sir" I said. "I need to speak with you in private. Sir, I think I knew what attacked the Indiana"

    I looked at the turbolift doors as two of my officers burst onto the bridge. Lo said urgently as he arrived, "I need to speak to you in private.  Sir, I think I know what attacked the Indiana."
    "In my ready room gentlemen.  Mr. Data, you have the bridge," I said as I stepped through the ready room doors after Wesley and Lieutenant Lo.  "Aye sir," I heard the second officer respond, just before the doors of the readyroom closed.  I waited  patiently for Lieutenant Lo to speak.

    I walked out of TenForward after a great meal. But there was something wrong on the Enterprise. People where to wired up, especially those who came from the brigde. And seeing Lt. Lo and young Wesley running to the Bridge wasn't helping. I thought about what Dr. Vykk had asked me, to get Lt. Lo to sick bay for a test. "Better go and get him" I whispered. And Walked into something I didn't need to know.

Enisgn Tasia Wiggo:
    "To be at the wrong place at the wrong time is easy. To be at the right place at the right time is another thing"

    <"Very well Captain, please transmit your coordinates."  Anton did so, and I looked to Lorell for confirmation, he nodded and I returned my attention to Anton "the away team will be down in matter of minutes, Picard out," the channel closed.>

    Santiago looked at the probe scans. "The colony appears older if you consider the technology, and they appear to come from Terra but they aren't human they only nonTerran sentient species on Terra are dolphins, gray parrots, some forms of primates, and wolves.  Though the wolves rise to intelligence has never been thought natural and scientist are still puzzling over it.  However I am detecting siesmic vibrations consistant with an almost constant state of quakes."

    I walked out of TenForward after a great meal. But there was something wrong on the Enterprise. People where to wired up, especially those who came from the brigde. And seeing Lt. Lo and young Wesley running to the Bridge wasn't helping. I thought about what Dr. Vykk had asked me, to get Lt. Lo to sick bay for a test. "Better go and get him" I whispered. And Walked into something I didn't need to know.

    <He nod. Suddenly I got this crazy idea. "Follow me, Ensign" I yelled and ran to the bridge. I must have intruded something, cause the whole gang looked at me when I entered. "Sir" I said. "I need to speak with you in privat. Sir, I think I knew what attacked the Indiana">

    I looked at the turbolift doors as two of my officers burst onto the bridge. Lo said urgently as he arrived, "I need to speak to you in private.  Sir, I think I know what attacked the Indiana."
    "In my ready room gentlemen.  Mr. Data, you have the bridge," I said as I stepped through the ready room doors after Wesley and Lieutenant Lo.  "Aye sir," I heard the second officer respond, just before the doors of the readyroom closed.  I waited  patiently for Lieutenant Lo to speak.

    I walked into the brig, nodding to the Vulcan ensign manning the hold.  The pointy earred woman returned my nod.  As I turned to the cell holding Lt. Ro, she stood from the bunk and moved to the forcefield holding her.  The field crackled and became visible as she got too
    "Lt. Ro," I said as I approached.
    "Yes.  Have you come to get me out of here?" she asked, stepping back a little.
    "Why are you here, Lieutenant?" I asked.  Glancing at the Vulcan then back at the Bajoran.
    Ro rolled her eyes.
    "Nevermind," I said after scanning her mind and retrieving the answer myself.  "Ensign," I turned to the Vulcan.  "This woman is a member of our crew, not a criminal.  Release her at once."
    The security officer's brow lifted, "Counselor, my orders..." she started to say.
    "Your orders, Ensign, are to release this woman at once.  I carry the rank of Lt. Commander." I said.  Pulling rank was a new foray for me.
    After a short pause, the Vulcan nodded, "Very well, Counselor."  She tapped a control and the forcefield holding Ro snapped out of existence.
    "Thank you Counselor," the woman said as she stepped out of the cell and toward me.
    I retrieved Ro's communicator and earring, handing them to her. "You're welcome, Lt. Ro."
    She smiled as she placed the badge on her chest and the earring on her ear.
    After a few moments of looking at a PADD the Vulcan returned. "Are you taking the prisoner for a counselling session?  If not I must insist she be returned to her cell."  The Vulcan began to push Ro back into the cell, then reactivated the forcefield.  "Even if you do hold a higher rank than I your powers do have limits amoung them only the Chief of Security or Captain may order a prisoner released, a counselor can do so temporarily if the prisoner needs to see one for mental health."  She calmly presented the PADD to Sojani. "You may read the regulation if you like."

    I pulled my hair into a tight bun atop my head and headed for the bridge.  I chose the blue and black jumpsuit as opposed to the drab gray one issued me by Starfleet.  I walked onto the bridge, finding Data sitting in command.
    I took my seat, smiling at Data as I took the chair next to him.  Reading over what had happened over the past several hours, I cringed to find that the Indiana had been destroyed.  How devistating!
    "You don't suppose there are any survivors from the Indiana, do you Mr. Data?" I asked, crossing my legs and turning to the android.

Ensign T'rain:
    <After a short pause, the Vulcan nodded, "Very well, Counselor."  She tapped a control and the forcefield holding Ro snapped out of existence.
    "Thank you Counselor," the woman said as she stepped out of the cell and toward me.
    I retrieved Ro's communicator and earring, handing them to her.
    "You're welcome, Lt. Ro."
    She smiled as she placed the badge on her chest and the earring on her ear.

    After a few moments of looking at a PADD the Vulcan returned. "Are you taking the prisoner for a counselling session?  If not I must insist she be returned to her cell."  The Vulcan began to push Ro back into the cell, then reactivated the forcefield.  "Even if you do hold a higher rank than I your powers do have limits amoung them only the Chief of Security or Captain may order a prisoner released, a counselor can do so temporarily if the prisoner needs to see one for mental health."  She calmly presented the PADD to Sojani. "You may read the regulation if you like."

    "That won't be necessary, Ensign Trian," I said as I entered the brig.
    "There was indeed a mistake concerning Lt. Ro's status.  She IS a member of our crew."
    I'd investaged Ro's claims and found her to be truthful. Unfortunately I couldn't verify the information with the Indiana, she'd been destroyed with all hands aboard.  However, I'd contacted Admiral Durante and he'd confirmed Ro had been on an undercover assignment with the Maquis.  I was curious to hear from Ro about the time she'd spent with the Maquis, specifically my ex-husband and if he'd mentioned me at all.  I wasn't certain why I was interested in the information, but nevertheless...
    I glanced at Sojani, the woman smiling at me.  I nodded to her then Ro before turning and heading out of the brig and to the bridge.

    <I took my seat, smiling at Data as I took the chair next to him. Reading over what had happened over the past several hours, I cringed to find that the Indiana had been destroyed.  How devistating!
    "You don't suppose there are any survivors from the Indiana, do you Mr. Data?" I asked, crossing my legs and turning to the android.>

    I regarded the Counselor, "judging from the sensor readings we received whilst scanning the debris of the Indiana, it is highly improbable that there were any survivors.  Captain Ross indicated just before we lost contact that aside from him, the entire crew had already been killed.  I do not see why the individuals whom attacked the ship would choose to spare the
Captain's life after killing the rest of the ship's crew.  The only way the Captain's life could have been spared, would be if the aggressors took him from the ship before it exploded, however, I believe there was insufficient time to accomplish such a task."

    <"In my ready room gentlemen.  Mr. Data, you have the bridge," I said as I stepped through the ready room doors after Wesley and Lieutenant Lo.  "Aye sir," I heard the second officer respond, just before the doors of the readyroom closed.  I waited  patiently for Lieutenant Lo to speak.>

    "Sir" I started. "When I came in I heard Ross say something about Ais. Didn't catch it until I thought about it. Ensign, can you get me the message?"
    Wesley nod. I continued. "AIs are an idea which both I and Jeremy played with. Artificial Intelligent Robots. And I also heard right before he fired some mecanic noice"
    Wesley had gotten me the message. I played the space between his last word and the shooting. The mecanic klick came this time loud. "Sir" I said. "I think the Indiana was attacked by robots, either Artificial or Biomecanic"

    "This is Riker, what is it Commander?"

    "I need to speak to you in private.  Sir, I think I know what attacked the Indiana." I heard Lt. Lo say.
    "In my ready room gentlemen.  Mr. Data, you have the bridge," The Captain said and walked out with Lo and Wesley.
    "Aye sir," Data responded.
    I was frozen in my steps. The Indiana under attack? Why didn't we help the? Then I realized that maybe it was to late. "Commander Data" I said. "The Indiana....is she destroyed?"
    Images ran trough my mind. The first few weeks on the Indiana. I had met Frosty...and Ginger..and First Officer Jarah! Who had been at the same Acadamy as I!

<"Sir" I started. "When I came in I heard Ross say something about Ais. AIs are an idea which both I and Jeremy played with. Artificial Intelligent Robots. And I also heard right before he fired some mecanic noice" Wesley had gotten me the message. I played the space between his last word and the shooting. The mecanic klick came this time loud. "Sir" I said. "I think the Indiana was attacked by robots, either Artificial or Biomecanic">

    I considered the Lieutenant's words, "Why would they destroy the Indiana? they would be destroyed along with it wouldn't they?"

    <"This is Riker, what is it commander">

    "Commander, please report to the bridge.  Data out."

    <I was frozen in my steps. The Indiana under attack? Why didn't we help the? Then I realized that maybe it was to late. "Commander Data" I said. "The Indiana....is she destroyed?">

    "I am afraid so Ensign, all hands lost.  We were unable to respond in time to assist the Indiana or prevent it's destruction."  I noticed the saddened expression on Nurse Wiggo's face and knowing that she was previously assigned to the Indiana I added, "I am sorry, Ensign, I realize that your previous assignment was on board the Indiana."

    "Thank you, Commander" I said, holding my head high. "Will we arrive to the place where the Indiana was?" I asked, hoping that in that way I could show the members of the Indy some respect.
    It's not about losing a way of life, I remembered Tea, the keeper of the Tun Tavern, telling me. It's about losing life, and remember that hon'. I smiled a little while keeping my tears at bay.

    "I do not know what the captain intends to do regarding the Indiana, however, I do believe that he will send an away team to investigate its destruction."  Data replied thoughtfully.

    I looked at him. "What's the chance for that I can some along" I said before thinking. I looked at him. "Sorry sir..."

    "I do not know however, I will make the request to the captain on your behalf if he has not already assigned you to an away team."

    I felt like kissing the Commander, but I smiled to him. "Thank you, Commander data. It means so much to me"
    I noticed that I was crying. I brushed away the tears.

    "You are welcome, Ensign."
    <I noticed that I was crying. I brushed away the tears.>
    I saw a tear run down the nurse's cheek, "are you alright Nurse Wiggo?" I asked concerned.

    "Yes sir" I said. "It just struck me...that all those new crewmembers could have been dead by now if they haven't...." I stopped.
    Don't brake, Tasia, I warned myself. Breath, you can handle this. "Sir" I smiled. "Thank you"

    Her reactions indicated that she was having difficulty talking about the Indiana, so I decided not to pursue the discussion any further.  I just nodded.

    I smiled to him and walked out. I looked at my hands, they where shaking. "Stress my ass" I muttered. "I'm so scared about whatever took the Indy it's gonna take me"
    I closed my hands and opened them, looking at the small scars in my palm. Glass can be dangerous, i thought and walked to my quarters to sleep a little.
    As I entered Tiger came to me, hungry. He stroke against my legs. "Hey, kitty" I whispered. "Computer, cat food"
    I was surprised. I had thought that the last thing the Replicator could make was cat food. But I took the plate and sat it down. then I laid down on the bed and fell asleep

Anton and a Voice: Council Meeting:
    The room was dark with a C shaped table dominating, and Anton standing in the center.
    Voice: "Why did you make contact?"
    Anton: "They are from our homeworld, and we need help of some kind. I thought it was proper."
    Voice: "They came close to killing us before our grandparents fled, and they destroyed out creators."
    Anton: "We know they have flaws, and they may not know what we are the date they gave us and the old records do not agree.  Besides they may have changed, it has been several hundred years since that Eugenics war our ancestors fled."
    Voice: "Find out if they have changed or not.  You are dismissed."
    The feline looked at the shadowy figure then turned to scurry out of the room.

Ro Laren:
    The Indiana was gone.  That meant Frosty, Lt. Ristal, and Counselor Griffin were gone too.  How sad.  Not that I wasn't accustomed to the loss of life, after all I was Bajoran, but death still affected me deeply, whether I showed it or not.  My father used to always comment about my stiff lipped stubbornness.  How I never cried as a child or showed much emotion at all, with the possible exception of anger. How could I when Bajor lived under the oppressive fist of Cardassia?  Father made the Cardassian labor camps bareable, though.  Ro Trommis, my father, long gone.  How proud I was to be his daughter.  I smiled when I thought of him.  May the prophets keep him near.
    Putting my mind on matters at hand, I strode down the corridor in search of my assigned quarters, very near where my previous ones had been.  Also very near Commander William T. Riker.  I found the man interesting, not to mention attractive.  However, I'd always thought
he'd look better with facial hair.  Maybe I'd mention it to him the next time we were alone.
    I strode into my quarters, alarmed to find two others sitting on the sofa of the common room.
    "Hello," I said, my voice dropping.
    "Hi.  I'm Shaori DiPego and this," she gestured.  "is Gregory James."
    "Ro Laren," I replied.
    The man, wearing a yellow uniform and carrying the rank of lieutenant, shook my hand.  The woman, from a race I did not know, rushed around the room, her pink and yellow gown flowing behind her.
    "Are you two my...roommates?" I asked, praying that the answer would be no.
    "Yes," James answered happily.  "The Enterprise has taken on a number of new crew, some Starfleet directive to up the compliment of its starships."
    "Really."  I nodded, biting my lip.  This was going to be interesting...

    Santiago carried his PADD to the Captain's Ready Room and pressed the chime. "May I enter sir?"
    Upon getting permission Santiago walks in. "I've set up two science groups.  One will take out shuttles to collect data about the debris of the Indiana, the other will be sent down to the planet in order to look into that problem.  I would prefer to put all ships resources on one problem, but we are quite capable of multitasking. These are the personell I suggest for
both assignments and why." Santiago handed him the PADD

    Picard took the padd that was proffered him and looked over the two away teams assigned by Commander Santiago,  "excellent Commander, however add Commander Riker, Commander Data, Lt. Lo, Lieutenant Yar and Ensign Crusher to investigate the Indiana.  I suggest you lead the second away team and Include Geordi Laforge, Counselor Troi, and Lieutenant Ro.   The Enterprise will remain here in orbit.  See to it that a type 6 shuttle craft is fitted with a phaser array, incase the first away team encounters any trouble."

    Santiago took back the PADD and made the proper changes.  "I assume Leforge has some knowledge of geology, and Counselor Troi's particular talent is always a good ace in the hole, but why Ro sir?"

    "Let's just say that I don't particularly trust Lieutenant Ro at the moment, so I'm using this mission to put her loyalties to the test.  Also, she has some basic knowledge for measuring seismic activity.  She may prove an asset to the team or she might become a liability.  Keep an eye on herLieutenant."

    "I'll try sir. Why is Starfleet worried about the Maquis, don't they only fight the Cardassians?"

    "Yes usually, however they don't care where they get their weapons or vessels from.  And after her previous posting on the Enterprise, I don't trust her."

    "But why is the Federation opposed to helping an ally? We are both fighting the Cardassians after all."

    "Yes, but the methods Marquis employ are practically acts of terrorism. That is something the federation cannot condone, and we can't assist the Marquis, it would also be a violation of the Prime Directive. Desperate people do desperate things Mr. Santiago."

    After getting a response. "If you don't mind Captian we'll continue this discussion later, I have an away team to prepare."  With that Santiago turned to leave.

    <I considered the Lieutenant's words, "Why would they destroy the Indiana? they would be destroyed along with it wouldn't they?">

   I looked at Picard. "That's where my theory about Ross blowing up the Indiana come in. But if the AIs got away, they will attack again...and we can be next" I said a matter of factly.

    "You will join the away team I'll be sending to investigate the destruction of the Indiana, your knowledge of these automations should be invaluable and help ensure the safe return of the away team."

    "Aye sir" I said, almost saluting him. I blushed. Man, that habit is going to take a while to brake, i thought. "Sir" I asked. "Can i take Ensign Crusher with me? He seem to know a little about this"

    "Yes, Lieutenent."

    I looked at him. "But sir..." I started. He turned and looked at me. "What I have been trying to say all along is that I'm not allowed on the Bridge anymore, and I am confined to my quarters" I said, remembering my mothers words.

    "I will talk to your mother regarding the matter Mr. Crucher."

    "Sir, who will be the other members of the away team...not to sound stupid, sir, but I don't know much about the Enterprise" I looked at Ensign Crusher. "As for you, it seems like you are to better use with me than in your quarters"

    I smiled to them. "Yes, sirs"

    "Commander Riker will be leading your team, and will be accompanied by Lieutenant Commander Data, Lieutenant Yar and Ensign Tymen, Ensign Todd and Ensign Badley.  They are all very good officers and you will be in good company."

    "That they are good officers I have no doubt of, Captain" I froze as i thought about Commander Riker. Be proffesional, Nate...I thought.

    I noticed the expression on Lo's face, "is there a problem Mr. Lo?"

    "No sir" I said. "Just can't wait to meet Commander Riker"

    Wesley looked at me. "Sirs, can I be dismissed?" he asked.
    "Yes, Ensign."

    I watched Wes walk out. I young boy had read my signals right, I wasn't happy about meeting Riker. It would be strange at least, meeting someone I never had met, but still hated because I had always been compaird to him. I smiled to Captain Picard. "If you will excuse me, captain. I'll go and meet the rest of the team"

    "Of course Lieutenant, you're dismissed."

    I walked out. Looking towards the Birdge i was Ensign Wiggo walk out. She must have heard the new about the Indiana cause she was crying. I decided to gather my gear and meet the rest by the trasporter beam...

    I watched Nothan Lo walk out and opened a channel to sickbay, "Picard to Dr. Crusher.  Dr. I've assigned Wesley to an away team, which I believe will benefit greatly from his presence.  Your son has informed me however, that he is confined to quarters.  If it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience, I would like you to delay punishing him until after this mission."

Dr. Crusher:
    Beverly wasn't too thrilled of having Wesley out of his quarters, but the Capt. needed him. "Go, ahead Capt. I wait but tell him he is mine when he gets back. Crusher Out".

    Picard laughed, "Acknowledged Doctor, Picard out."
    Then opening a channel to the entire ship I continued.
    "Attention all decks. The following officers are report to the transporter room for away team duty to the planet.  Commander Santiago, Commander Laforge, Counselor Troi, and Lieutenant Ro, Ensign Russ and Ensign Travis."
    "The following officers are to report to the observation lounge immediately for a briefing regarding their away mission.  Commander Riker, Lieutenant Commander Data, Lieutenant Lo, Lieutenant Yar, Ensign Todd, Ensign Badley, Ensign Tymen and Acting Ensign Crusher.  Picard out."
    I then sent my report to Admiral Durante before making my way to the Observation Lounge.

    I stood and waited for the rest. I knew it would take at least a few minutes, perhaps even an hour. I played absent with my great grandfathers dogtags while I waited.
    "The following officers are to report to the observation lounge immediately for a briefing regarding their away mission.  Commander Riker, Lieutenant Commander Data, Lieutenant Lo, Lieutenant Yar, Ensign Todd, Ensign Badley, Ensign Tymen and Acting Ensign Crusher.  Picard out."
    I jerked my head up as I heard it. "Okay...Nathan, this is not the Indy" I told myslef. "Other ways, other stuff. So get your sorry six there and shut up until you know for sure!"
    I smiled, just what Ross would have told me. I walked light over to the Observation Lounge to get my orders. It would be strange to get to know this people.

    I smiled as Lt. Lo entered. "Lieutenant" I said. "Thank you for taking me with you on this one, but why?" I asked.

    "Counselor Sojani to the bridge," came from my communicator as I headed in the direction of 10 forward.  Turning on my heel, I headed in the other direction.

    "Attention all decks. The following officers are report to the transporter room for away team duty to the planet.  Commander Santiago, Commander Laforge, Counselor Troi, and Lieutenant Ro, Ensign Russ and Ensign Travis."
    "Man" I said. "The new hands are late, and now I gotta go"
    I walked out of Engineering to the transporter room. The Ensigns where there already. I smiled and waited on Troi and Santiago

Picard and Data:
    Data immediately stood when he heard the Captain's announcement and walked to the observation lounge, "You have the bridge ensign" he said to Toc as he made his departure.   He took his usual seat near the head of the elongated table and waited for the other officers to file in.
    Data stood as the Captain entered.  "Sir, Ensign Wiggo requested to join this away mission."
    Picard nodded and tapped his communicator, "Ensign Wiggo, report to the observation lounge."

    Aye sir, and thank you, sir" I said as I heard it. I sat up. I hadn't gotten too much sleep on that half hour but it was enough. I brushed my hair, took the med. kit and walked out towards the Obervation room. As I entered I saw The Captain, Commander Data, Lt. Lo and Wesley Crusher. I nod and sat down.

    "Cause..." I started, but stopped as Captain Picard entered. Right after that Commander Data entered. He said something to the Captain and he tapped his comunication link. All I got from that was the name 'Wiggo'. Just a few minutes later Ensign Wiggo entered. She smiled to us and sat down. Her beautiful hair haning loose...I froze. Nathan, where did that come from? I thought. She smiled to me.
    "Lieutenant, you're also going to be on the away team?" she asked.
    "Yes" I answered.
    "The Indiana...it's strange..of all the Starfleet I had thought she would have lasted longest" she muttered.
    "Yeah, but she didn't" i said, my voice sounded hard.
    "And Tea in the Tun Tavern....we where so close, she was mu aunt" Tasia continued.
    I wanted to yell at her, telling her to shut up. I didn't want to face this now, I wnated to wait until this mission was over. "Well, anyway" i said and turned a little away. This was the last thing I needed.

    I walked into the bedroom, looking around the room at the two sets of bunk beds.
    "Gregory and I have taken this bunk," Shaori said as she whisk into the room, seeming to float like a feather in the wind.
    I nodded and stepped toward the other bunk, noticing someone's luggage piled neatly on the bottom bunk. "So, we have another roommate?" I asked.
    Shaori nodded as she sat on her bed watching me. I forced a smile just as my communicator chirped. "Attention all decks. The following officers are report to the transporter room for away team duty to the planet. Commander Santiago, Commander Laforge, Counselor Troi, and Lieutenant Ro, Ensign Russ and Ensign Travis." Picard announced.
    "Acknowledged," I said. I looked to Shaori. "Looks like unpacking will have to wait."

    Santiago thought the mention of his name was a tad unnecessary, but still import for the chain of command. He entered the transporter room to see the team assembled.  "Are the coordinates set?"
    The transporter operator glanced at his controld. "Ready sir."
    Santiago stepped onto the transporter, and after the others joined him spoke one word.  "Energize"

    Counselor Sojani arrived on the bridge just as I was about to exit to the transporter room.  She smiled, nodding curtly.  I felt the gentle tendrils of her mind lightly probing mine.  "Hello Sojani," I said using pure telepathy.  I wondered how strong a telepath she actually was.
    "Counselor Troi," she replied in the same manner.  Her voice was strong and steady in my mind.  She was obviously highly trained.  I'd briefly scanned her service record, noticing she'd spent several years in the psi corp, a society of Federation telepaths.
    It would be interesting to have a telepath aboard the Enterprise whose powers mirrored my own.  There were several Vulcans aboard, but their form of telepathy required physical contact for communication.  I had to remind myself to sit down with her and find out the extent of her
powers.  For now, however, I had the away team to focus on.
    I arrived in the transporter room, the last of the away team.  I regarded Lt. Ro who had recently returned to the Enterprise fold following a VERY convincing undercover assignment for Starfleet.  She stood on the transporter pad, checking her gear.  She glanced up as I entered and forced a polite smile.  Opening my perception to her, I felt the Bajoran was very uncomfortable, nervous even.  Probably due to adjusting back to life on the Enterprise, a ship she was thought to have betrayed.  I would be sure to monitor her closely during the away team mission.
    I took one of the rear pads as each member of the away team took their positions.  In moments, we were off the Enterprise and on the planet's surface.

    I sat next to Ensign Todd at the observation room table usually occupied by the senior officers of the Enterprise.  I was quite full of myself being assigned on yet another away mission.  I was grossly inexperienced in comparison to those officers that now surrounded me.
    Even Todd and Badley had more expertise than I.  Taking a deep breath, I focused myself before I made myself nervous.  I was competent in what I do and Captain Picard had chosen ME for this mission.  I was not about to let him nor any of my fellow crew members down.

<   "Let's just say that I don't particularly trust Lieutenant Ro at the moment, so I'm using this mission to put her loyalties to the test. Also, she has some basic knowledge for measuring seismic activity. She may prove an asset to the team or she might become a liability. Keep an eye on her Lieutenant.">

    "I'll try sir. Why is Starfleet worried about the Maquis, don't they only fight the Cardassians?"

    "Yes usually, however they don't care where they get their weapons orvessels from. And after her previous posting on the Enterprise, I don't trust her."

    "But why is the Federation opposed to helping an ally? We are both fighting the Cardassians after all."
    After getting a response. "If you don't mind Captian we'll continue this discussion later, I have an away team to prepare." With that Santiago turned to leave.

<    "But why is the Federation opposed to helping an ally? We are both fighting the Cardassians after all.">

    "Yes, but the methods Marquis employ are practically acts of terrorism. Thatis something the federation cannot condone, and we can't assist the Marquis, it would also be a violation of the Prime Directive. Desperate people do desperate things Mr. Santiago."

<After getting a response. "If you don't mind Captian we'll continue this discussion later, I have an away team to prepare." With that Santiago turned to leave.>

    "Of course."

    "Well, anyeay" he relied and turned away.
    Asshole was the first thing that came into my mind. I looked down at my hands. Then I threw a quick look at the other members. It seemed like the Briefing was about to start.

    The away team materialized on a stretch of field.
    "I believe we were expected, but I don't see anyone here." Santiago muttered as he made a slow turn to survey the landscape.
    He then turns to examining his away team. "First impressions?"
    As the group is talking a figure approaches. The fox stands almost human  height and bipedal. "Are you the group sent from the 'Enterprise'? Would you please hand over any weapons you have, we try to keep this a peaceful society."

    As soon as the last of my officers filed in to take their seats, I began, "It would appear that the destruction of the Indiana, was not accidental. Lieutenant Lo believes that Captain Ross activated the ship's self destruct before he was killed."
    I looked to the officers surrounded around the table, the Enterprise had serving onboard her some of the finest officers in Starfleet, and I felt tremendously honored to be her captain. "This mission will be extremely dangerous, Lieutenant Lo informed me that the attackers were hostile automations, so I am making this mission voluntary. It is possible that the robots, either fully artificial of bio-mechanical, escaped before the ship was destroyed, and if they attacked the Indiana without provocation, I fear they will also attack the away team." I then turned to Lt. Lo "Mr. Lo is their anything else you can tell us about these automations?"

    "Well" I said and turned to look at each member. "I believe we stand over some sort of Intelligence Robots. They have to come from someplace, and whatever it is...it might be hostile. I also believe Ross may had contact with them before they attack happened, so to search the computerfiles could be a good idea..."
    "But, Lieutenat, even if the Indiana is intact, we would need Ross' password to get into the class A files" Ensign Wiggo responded.
    "I have the code, the two persons Ross trunsted on teh ship was The first officer and me..." I said. "We better take with us the phasers...we don't know what we are up against here"

Picard and Data:
    "Well" Lo said turning to look at each member in turn. "I believe we stand over some sort of Intelligence Robots. They have to come from someplace, and whatever it is...it might be hostile. I also believe Ross may had contact with them before they attack happened, so to
search the computer files could be a good idea..."
    I looked at the Android, "Mr. Data, see to it at the conclusion of this briefing."
    "Aye sir," Data responded.
    "But, Lieutenant, even if the Indiana is intact, we would need Ross' password to get into the class A files" Ensign Wiggo added.
    "I have the code, the two persons Ross trunsted on the ship were the first officer and me..." I said. "We better take with us the phasers...we don't know what we are up against here" Lo stated
    "That sounds like sound advise, Lieutenant." I said smiling at the young officer. "The Enterprise must remain in orbit here at the moment, however a type 6 shuttle craft is currently being fitted with a phaser array. The modifications to the shuttle should be finished within the next 45 minutes. Mr. Lo, please assist Commander Data with the access codes to the Indiana's logs that have already been downloaded into the Starfleet databanks." I looked at the remaining assembled officers, "Does anyone have anything else to add?"

    "Sir" I said, for the first time since the opening of the briefing. "I don't see why Ensign Wiggo is assigned for this mission"
    Wiggo threw me, what I call, a deadly look, but smiled shy.

    "Nurse Wiggo is going on this mission in the grim hopes that there were survivors. I know how unlikely it is but I refuse to dismiss thepossibility until we have irrefutable proof that everyone on board theIndiana was killed. If there are survivors Mr. Crusher, they will mostlikely require medical attention."

    "I see, sir. Didn't quite get it with me the first time...sorry" I said to Wiggo. "Sirs, shouldn't we get going now?" I asked smiling, trying to relieave some of the pressure.

Picard and Data:
    "That's alright Mr. Crusher, my reasons weren't really that obvious." I looked at Data and Lo, "Gentlemen, as soon as the records scan is complete I would like to be informed of your findings." Data nodded in response.

    I nod and looked at Data. "Okay, Mr. Data. Let us at least try" I smiled to him. "The code is Red Alpha 246, Dark Knite 127, Dead Mans Hand. The timeroom we are looking for is between yesterday and back to where we met the Indiana"

    "A most unusual code, may I be excused sir?" I asked the captain, he nodded.
    I stood and walked out onto the bridge, and activated the computer terminal at science station one. "Computer, access all Starfleet records pertaining to the Indiana during the time period stardate 44124.9 and 44126.5 accesscode: Red Alpha 246, Dark Knite 127, Dead Mans Hand and set feedback display to maximum speed." I started assimilating the information.
    As soon as the record scan was completed I returned to the observation lounge.
    "Captain, I have finished scanning the records of the Indiana."
    Picard responded, "Report Mr. Data."
    "The automatons are deuotronic robots. Captain Ross had encountered them in system j-312 on stardate 44124.9 shortly before he rendezvoused with the Enterprise. Unfortunately, not a lot of information was learned about this species of robot during their short contact with the Federation, however, the automations agreed to be examined by Starfleet for research purposes,
but shortly after their arrival onboard the Indiana, they became uncooperative then finally violent. It is confirmed that Captain Ross activated the self destruct of the Indiana at 1600 hours on stardate 44127.2 to stop the robots gaining control of a Federation vessel. That was all the information pertaining to the search perimeters Captain. As I said, it is very little. If there is any other information about these automations sir, then those records must not have been transmitted to Starfleet, before the ship's destruction."
    "Thank you Mr. Data." the captain replied.

    I smiled as Data gave the report. The thought of Ross give up without a fight had crossed mt mind, but nevertheless, he always was a fighter. I looked at Data as he finished. "Now, Mr. Data. These Silicates are gonna experience first hand the word 'Payback'"
    Letting my graze go to the cold space outside I thought about what could have happened. Could I have made a difference in the battle? No likely, but still....maybe I could have saved them. Or I might have died...

    "Inquiry, Payback?"

    I laughed. "It's something they said back in the 21st century. Payback, you know...getting even. Like if we meet one of those AIs and it acts hostile, I'm gonna fry it with my phaser"

Picard and Data:
    "Ah" Data responded then he turned to address Picard, "Sir, what are our orders regarding the AIs?"
    "If these Robots are sentient beings, only consider destroying them as a last resort. Try to negotiate with them first, see if you can convince them that we really do mean them no harm." In his own mind, the captain knew how unlikely a non aggressive contact with the automatons was to succeed. He was hoping that Data, would be able to convince the AIs to cease their attacks on the federation. Perhaps they would be willing to listen to another artificial lifeform, although, Picard doubted it. "If you cannot convince them to stop their attacks, you must destroy them before they kill anymore innocent lifeforms."
    "Aye Sir," the second officer responded.

    I looked at Data. "Shall we go?"
    Inside I was wodnering what we could meet. Was this an real specie or made by something more intelligent that us? If so, what could we do to stop them? That was what I was going to do...stop them before someone lost their Son, Father, mom, Daughter or sibs.

Data and Picard:
    Data nodded and walked with Lieutenant Lo out of the Observation Lounge "if you will excuse us sir?"
    Picard nodded and the two officers left.

    I looked at Data as I walked. I hope he didn't notice.

    "Is there something wrong Lieutenant?" Data asked the Lieutenant.

    I smiled shyly. "Nothing is wrong...I just. How did you get here?" I asked. "I mean, shouldn't you be a scientist or something, making more Androids?" I said as we entered the room with the waiting away-team.

    Data regarded Lo, curiosity about him was an occurrence the android experienced almost on a day to day basis.
    "I was created on the Science Colony Omicron Theta however I do not have a conscious memory prior to my final reactivation. I am in Starfleet by choice after being rescued by the Starfleet officers of the USS Tripoli."
    "I may later attempt to emulate my fathers work, but as of yet, I have not had cause to." As Data finished his sentence they had reached the assembled away team. Data nodded a greeting to the assembled officers.

    I watched Lt. Lo and Commander Data enter. They where no doubt talking, maybe even about the mission. I send a pray to anyone that might be listening that we would find some survivors. AT last a clue on what happened. We didn't even know if Nathan and Mr. Data had found something. I sat down beside Wesley and looked out in the air.

    "Hey, Wiggo. Everthing okay?" I asked her worried. She looked like she was a billion lightyears away.

    I turned to look at the young man. "What? Oh..sorry, Wesley. I was thinking...maybe there will be survivors" I smiled gently to him. "And call me Tasia"

    I smiled to her. "Okay...Tasia"
    I looked to the door to see Lt. Lo and Commander Data. So that was what had set Tasia off guard. Maybe they had some news.

    "I see, Commander Data" I smiled to him. "Personally I think it's best that you are here...maybe you can get contact with this AIs.."
    I nod to Wiggo who immendently stood up and walked towards us. "Anything news?" she asked Data.

    I watched Tasia get up and walk towards Data and Lo.  She said something to Data. I knew what she said, if there was any clues. I stood up and walked towards them slowly, not interfering

    " It is possible, but highly improbable, " Data responded, "however,according to the Indiana's records the AIs only appeared cooperative to gain control of the vessel."
    Lo nodded to Wiggo who immendently stood up and walked towards us. "Anything news?" she asked Data.
    "About survivors? not as yet. I believe we will have to wait until we get there before we can determine if there were indeed officers who survived the attack."

    "What are we standing here for then? Men and women are dying out there" Wiggo replied, the nurse in her waking up.
    I threw her an warning look, but I couldn't be mad at her. This was tough for her as well...maybe even harder, she had family on the Indy.
    I didn't. I didn't have any family left anymore...

    "We are not standing around Ensign," Data replied evenly, "the Lieutenantand I have just arrived 1 minute and 37 seconds ago. And I believe that now would be as good a time as any to make our Departure." With that Data opened the shuttle hatch and stepped inside.

    I smiled to Data. Just have to love that guy, I thought and stepped in, followed Wesley and Nathan.
    Nathan looked down and checked the coordinates. "Okay, we should arrive there in....10 minutes after take off!" he said.
    I looked at Commander Data. "Thank you, Commander"

    Data nodded to Wiggo in acknowledgement as he gestured to Wesley to take the helm. "I suggest you all take a seat." he said to the other officers in the shuttle.

    I followed the other in to the Shuttle. I almost started to laugh. Mom would proberly say something like : "Don't steal it this time!"
    I sat looked at Commander Data. "Sir, who's flying?" I asked him.

    I did as i was told and took a seat. Quickly toutching my dogtags under my shirt I heard the familiar shound of the engines turned on.  Hey HO, Here we GO! I thought and smiled.

    I sat at the huge shuttle's tactical station studying the limited information we had about the Indiana and her final moments. We launched and I glanced over at Tymen Haim who seemed nervous. The Bajoran chatted with Ensign Todd who twisted her red hair around her finger in a flirtacious manner. I wondered if Tymen was picking up on the signals the woman was sending. The ensign was attractive, but so young, as was Todd. I decided they made a cute couple.
    The shuttle trip to the Indiana's last known position was spent in mostly silence. My console flashed and beeped as information began to flood in on the sensors. "Picking up large amounts of debris, Lt. Commander. A few escape pods, but no life signs nor signs of other
ships yet." I swiveled in my chair, staring gravely at Data whose facial expression did not change.

    He awoke in the escape pod, slightly ill. A panel on one of the control panels beeped. ~We're being scanned, SCANNED!~ Painfully he reached for the comm. unit.
    "Whoever is out there, avoid this area. You are in danger if you remain, it may already have entered your systems."

    I was no telepath, but I could feel the distrust eminating from every member of the away team with the possible exception of LaForge who seemed intent on the duty at hand.
    Ensign Travis stepped on my toe as he walked past me while scanning the area with his tricorder. He didn't even say excuse me. Shaking it off, I pulled out my own tricorder and began scanning. I was no stranger to being treated badly, I was Bajoran. I would overcome their suspicion of me.
    "I believe we were expected, but I don't see anyone here." Santiago muttered as he made a slow turn to survey the landscape. "First impressions?"
    "Highly unstable geological structure, Lt. Commander," I spoke up first. "The atmosphere, however, couldn't possibly be closer to Earth's than it already is. Kind of odd." I said. I glanced at Santiago who seemed more interested in the landscape than my report. Russ and Travis never acknowledged me, only Counselor Troi so much as looked at me. She smiled sympathetically. I could almost feel her telepathic probes working their way through my mind.
    The group turned as one when, over a hillside, a man resembling an earth fox approached, "Are you the group sent from the 'Enterprise'?"He asked. The man was flanked by a similar looking man and a woman who I could have sworn was feline.
    "Would you please hand over any weapons you have, we try to keep this a peaceful society." the second fox said, stepping forward and extending his fur covered hand.
    I looked to Santiago to see if we should comply.

    Santiago noticed Ro's look and nodded. Pulling his phaser he pressed a button and the weapon's display blanked. "It's a safety feature. This particular weapon is coded to me, only I can reactivate it after it has shutdown like this." After saying that he handed it to the, appearantly, security officer grip first.
    "According to the old records are peoples were created for war, and later faced genocide when our creators were near defeat. When we fled from our birth world our ancestors made an attempt to leave violence behind."
    The feline woman gave a closed mouth smile. "It hasn't worked completely of course, but we still try."
    "My name is Santiago, I'm the chief science officer of the 'Enterprise. This is Lt. Ro a pilot, LaForge a engineer with geological experience, ships counselor Troi..." Santiago went on to introduce the rest of the away team. At several points during the introductions trembles from the planet could be felt.

Ensign Zepul Froist AKA Frosty:
    "Whoever is out there, avoid this area. You are in danger if you remain, it may already have entered your systems," K'Lark's voice brought me out of my semi-conscious state.
    "Someone's found us?" I asked, attempting to sit up in the cramped quarters of the escape pod. My movements were met with an intense stab of pain in my abdomen. "Gah!" i cried out. There was a deep laceration across the lower part of my torso. Reddish-blue blood seeped into my white lab coat. I needed medical attention immediately, attention that despite my medical training, I could not give myself.
    I did manage to angle my body to see the pod's small viewscreen and the image of a shuttle angling through the debris of the Indiana.

    "Highly unstable geological structure, Lt. Commander," Ro reported. "The atmosphere, however, couldn't possibly be closer to Earth's than it already is. Kind of odd." the Bajoran said, glancing around at the away team who each ignored her. Admittedly, I too felt a twinge
of anger toward her for giving my report. I suppose it didn't matter as long as the information got to whom it needed to get to.

    "...ships counselor Troi..." I nodded as Santiago introduced me all the while trying not to react to the tremble of the ground beneath my feet.
    I went to work probing the minds of our greetors first the feline then the canine-like two. No emotion of consequence, with the possible exception of an understandable amount of fear.
    "How many races of humanoids does your planet hold, sir?" I asked the seeming leader of the threesome as he began to lead us.
    "Dozens," he replied. "Forgive my manners' please. I am Anton, these are my colleagues Amia and Hebrose." The female, Amia, nodded, her large and bright green eyes darting between us. I admired her for a moment, the smooth gray fur of her body shining as it blew in the planet's gentle breeze. She was quite beautiful.
    The other two, Anton and Hebrose, obviously from the same lineage, were covered in mostly orangish fur with occasional areas of darker orange and white.
    "What do you call this place?" Ensign Travis asked, moving up to match stride with Amia.
    "We call it, New Eden, sir," she replied, her mouth opening in a smile.

    Santiago overhead Troi's conversation and moved closer. "Wasn't one of you the Mr. Anton we spoke to earlier?"
    Darvin looked at him for a moment. "No, there is a Mr. Anton but neither of us is he. We wanted to see your intentions before having you meet someone important."
    The short walk finally led the group to a vehicle, a hovercraft. Once they had all entered Amia entered orders into a control panel and the craft lifted off and began to follow a programmed course.
    During the ride both groups had time to examine each other. "Mr. Laforge, what are you wearing over your eyes?" Amia asked curiously.

    "Mr. Laforge, what are you wearing over your eyes?" Amia asked curiously.
    I smiled, flattered to be a source of curiousity for...the cat. "It is a device that enables me to see. I was blind before I had my VISOR," I told her.
    She smiled again, a disarmingly beautiful smile. The color of the feline's aura changed slightly, indicative of a blush. If I didn't know better, I'd say Amia was interested in more than my visor...

    "But couldn't your doctors clone a new pair?"
    "We've taken a great interest in genetic engineering in fact it is what has allowed us to survive on this world. The ship that brought our descendants here, we have a mockup in a museum if you have interest, could only carry a small sample of our various peoples, but almost unlimited genetic material from those who couldn't make the trip. That allowed us to reproduce with almost limitless varieties with no complications due to a small gene pool." She looked at Geordi kindly. "Your ships medical staff would probable have more interest in this conversation, what would you like to know?"

    "There's alot of interference from the matter/antimatter explosion of the engine," I commented as I sat down at one of the stations and began scanning some of the debris. "I'm reading a sizeable piece of the Indiana 14 degrees starboard."
    Ensign Bradley angled the shuttle toward a rather large piece of the saucer section floating among the massive debris field. I focused in on the chunk of the saucer, scanning for possible life signs.
    "It's the port-aft side of the saucer. Eight decks partially intact.
    Most of the sections are crew quarters." I told Data. The viewscreen flashed as I pulled up schematics of the Indiana and matched them with the debris. "Emergency forcefields are active and there's some sections that could hold survivors, Lt. Commander."
    "Confirmed," Tasha said from across the shuttle. "No life signs as of yet, but there COULD still be someone alive over there."

<    The shuttle trip to the Indiana's last known position was spent in mostly silence. My console flashed and beeped as information began to flood in on the sensors. "Picking up large amounts of debris, Lt. Commander. A few escape pods, but no life signs nor signs of other ships yet." I swiveled in my chair, staring gravely at Data whose facial expression did not change.>

    "Acknowledged Lt." Data replied " we may not be able to cut through the interference at this distance." Data turned to the helm, "move us incloser."
    The shuttle altered course slightly and maneuvered closer to the escapepods. The sensors reached out from the Shuttlecraft Pike like tentaclesblindly searching for slightest signs of life.

    He turned to the rest of the crew aboard the pod. "We can't let whoever they are get in contact with the remains of the ship, even the lifeboats may have been infested." After checking the security of their life support suits K'Lark pulled a lever.
    "Warning, decompression in progress." After the computers announcement the hatch blew away. With a swimming motion the crew of the lifeboat now floated in space. Turning they began to propel themselves toward 'Pike'.

<    "It's the port-aft side of the saucer. Eight decks partially intact.
    Most of the sections are crew quarters." I told Data. The viewscreen flashed as I pulled up schematics of the Indiana and matched them with the debris. "Emergency forcefields are active and there's some sections that could hold survivors, Lt. Commander."
    "Confirmed," Tasha said from across the shuttle. "No life signs as of yet, but there COULD still be someone alive over there.">

    Data regarded the two officers reports, "we will have to take an away team over there in order to determine if there are indeed survivors," he responded evenly.
    "Commander!" Ensign Badly said urgently, "someone has decompressed one of the escape pods. I'm detecting two lifesigns, fading fast!"
    "Get them onboard now," Data ordered. Badly complied and seconds later the shimmering energy of the transporter rematerialised the two survivors on the Pike, barely conscious.

    Slowly K'Lark got his bearings. "This life support suit is faulty, we should have been able to stay out there for an hour before anything started going wrong." Realization begins to dawn. "It must be in the suits as well, we have to get rid of them."

    "They?" Data asked kneeling down to K'Lark, "who precisely are the they?"

    K'Lark looked up. "What or whoever has taken over the ships computers. A short time ago our computers from the ones that run the ship, down to PADDs, turned against us. We didn't have time to discover who or what caused it.  All we found out is that it wanted to kill us, and that we discovered through experience."

    "The command codes that initiated the self destruct on the Indiana were Captain Ross', according to all Federation records Captain Ross destroyed the Indiana to prevent it falling into hostile hands," Data responded matter of factly. "We were led to believe that the AIs were responsible for the Captain's decision. Are you saying that the records were somehow falsified?"

    "Yes Captain Ross destroyed Indiana, but the virus wouldn't let him use the computer. Engineering had to start a warp core breach to blow the ship.  AIs, virus I think we're talking about the same thing. After all whatever it is wants us dead."

    "Ensign" Data said to Todd, "get those containment suits off and place them on the transporter padd. I fear if I touch the suits I could become compromised. And if the virus is intent on killing people, that could seriously jeopardize the mission and place all your lives in unnecessary danger."
    Todd did as he was instructed and placed the suits on the transporter. Data turned to Badley "Energize." The Ensign complied and the suits dematerialized off the Pike's transporter pad."

    Carmen Santiago walked down the hall with the calm bearing of a person who knows what she's doing and the best way to go about doing it. ~Likes books, Shakespear, horse riding, fencing.~ That strange line of thought continued as she arrived outside the Captains quarters and pressed the chime.
    "Captain I would like to apologize for the actions I have taken, and would like to invite you to the holodeck. I have a program you should like."

    I was reading in my quarters when the door chime sounded, "come" I said.  Carmen Santiago entered,"Captain I would like to apologize for the actions I have taken, and would like to invite you to the holodeck. I have a program you should like." I closed the book and placed it on the coffee table. I nodded at the child and stood. "Very well Miss Santiago, shall we go. " I said gesturing towards the door.

    Carmen gave a nod and led the way to the holodeck. "I understand you like horse riding." She made the program selection manually, then entered the holodeck.
    A forest clearing greeted them on entering. It was large and open with mountains visible in the distance. Carmen gently whistled and two animals appeared from the surrounding woods. "Have you ever ridden a Pegasus, Captain?"

    Data turned back to address K'Lark "Nurse Wiggo will be able to treat your injuries. I must prepare the away team for transport over to the Indiana.We will need to locate any survivors that may be trapped on the ship. If you will excuse me" Data turned to leave.

    "Very well."

    I watched as two of the most beautiful creatures I'd ever seen ran up to usat a full gallop. Their feathered wings folded up running from their withers to their flanks. It was one of the most beautiful sights I have everseen. The two beasts came to an abrupt halt, they ceased their momentum sofast I would not have thought it possible.
    I was amazed at the child's imagination. I would have never thought of recreating mythic winged horses. The closest animal walked over to me and I placed a hand out so in greeting to the Pegasus. It sniffed my hand and nibbled a greeting of its own. I smiled at Carmen, "did you create this scenario?" I asked as I rubbed my hand over the beast's muzzle.

    Carmen was also petting another. "Somewhat. The landscape I copied from another program, and the pegasus data I got from mythology and the few colonies that are trying to make them. They have to be on low grav worlds to function, in earth normal they wouldn't be able to fly with this wingspan."  Carmen gently unfolded a wing and stroked the feathers.
    "I hope you don't mind riding bare back, I haven't designed any riding tack that will work with them yet. And somehow I'm not sure I should." She made a sweeping gesture. "Which would you like?"

    "I hope you don't mind riding bare back, I haven't designed any riding tack that will work with them yet. And somehow I'm not sure I should." Carmen said.
    I nodded in agreement, somehow, putting a saddle or any other form of tack on such a magnificent animal seemed akin to blasphemy. " I don't mind riding bareback at all," I responded as I ran my hand along the thick of its neck. "Which would you like?" Carmen asked.
    "This one will be fine Carmen," I responded not making any attempt to hide the pleasure I was feeling about this holodeck scenario. "Will you need help to get up?" I said indicating her steed with a glance.

    Data turned back to address K'Lark "Nurse Wiggo will be able to treat your injuries. I must prepare the away team for transport over to the Indiana.  We will need to locate any survivors that may be trapped on the ship. If you will excuse me" Data turned to leave.
    "Very well." K'lark said, as Data walked away.
    "Lieutenant Lo," Data said turning to address the young officer. "Lead the away team over there and locate any survivors, I suggest you take pattern enhancers and activate them when you are ready to transport back. We will require them as a fixed source in order to cut through the interference."

    Carmen was attempting to get on at that moment. "Hold on just a moment Captain." Gently she guided the animal beside a fallen tree at the edge of the clearing.
    "No, I don't need any help." She returned to her spot next to Picard after mounting easily. "Just get into a gallop and they'll know we want to fly."

    No longer needed on the bridge, I exited to sickbay to speak with Dr.   Selar. She had graciously agreed to by OBGYN during my pregnancy.  Although any doctor on board could have done the job, I liked the Vulcan's no-nonsense style.
    "Good afternoon, Counselor," the Vulcan said as I entered sickbay.
    "Dr. Selar, hello," I replied. She gestured toward a biobed and I walked over and sat down on it.
    Dr. Selar didn't chit chat, after all she WAS Vulcan. Instead, she went right to work scanning me, adjusting her tricorder, then scanning me again.
    "Your child is female, approximately 6 centimeters in length and is developing at an accelerated rate." Selar tapped more buttons. "The child is half Mishoran, correct?" she asked.
    I nodded in agreement, reflexively touching my stomach which was beginning to pooch. "Mishorans have a very short gestation period in comparison to humans...and Vulcans."
    Selar looked up from her tricorder, an eyebrow arching before she said. "The child's human DNA will undoubtedly elongate the gestation period, Counselor. I estimate you will deliver your child in 10 to 12 weeks."
    Despite knowing that I would deliver quickly, I was stunned to hear the news, "Wow, that soon..."
    "Yes." Selar folded her tricorder. "Your child is in perfect health, counselor. Do you have a name picked out?"
    I smiled, the memory of the numerous nights L'Aik and I had spent lying in bed, suggesting name after name, before settling on one. It was the perfect name. In Mishoran, it meant natural beauty. "We've chosen Seios." I looked into the eyes of the Vulcan woman, smiling proudly.

<    Carmen was attempting to get on at that moment. "Hold on just a moment Captain." Gently she guided the animal beside a fallen tree at the edge of the clearing.
    "No, I don't need any help." She returned to her spot next to Picard after mounting easily. "Just get into a gallop and they'll know we want to fly.">

    Picard nodded and mounted his horse with a practiced ease of skilled horsemanship. The kind of skill that could only come from a lifetime of riding. Grabbing a tuft of mane he kicked his mount and took off into the woods at a canter.

    Carmen's mounted leapt off in pursuit and soon they where almost side by side. Quickly the wings did what they were meant to do and outstretched to lift Carmen off the ground as her mount took flight. With wings flapping and hooves pounding a nonexistant ground the graceful creature gained altitude.

    The ascent was somewhat steeper than Picard had imagined, he leaned forward slightly to balance himself as the Pegasus gained altitude, wings flapping gracefully like a falcon. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced, the temperature, of course, on the holodeck remained comfortable, no matter how high they were to go, one of the few advantages of this being a simulation. Laughing like a child in an amusement park he steered his mount by the position of his legs on the animals barrel or stomach.
    He almost wished that this scenario would never have to end but, sadly, he knew that his responsibilities as the captain would no doubt demand his attention sooner or later. He just hoped it would be later.

<    "Lieutenant Lo," Data said turning to address the young officer.  "Lead the away team over there and locate any survivors, I suggest you take pattern enhancers and activate them when you are ready to transport back.  We will require them as a fixed source in order to cut through the interference.">

    "Aye sir" I said. "Ensigns Crusher, Tymen and Wiggo come with me. If Commander Riker or  Commander Data will come, they are welcome" I took my phaser. ¨"Load the phaser. Anything acts hostile, stun or kill it"
    I stood ready to get beamed over.

Elfangor 13-A:
    'So they had found the survivors. A very bad thing, indeed...It was Ross' fault. He had done a ver, very bad thing, trying to kill us' the AI thought.  Elfangor 13-A smiled. "They have to come up with...better things, those Carbonties" he whispered.
    Suddenly he felt the virus infilter his system. "Make...it...happen...." he said tremberling. The cold space had no effect on his body, but he felt chilled. Slowly he watched the newcomers.

<    "Aye sir" I said. "Ensigns Crusher, Tymen and Wiggo come with me. If Commander Riker or  Commander Data will come, they are welcome" I took my phaser. ¨"Load the phaser. Anything acts hostile, stun or kill it.">

    "I do not believe I should accompany you.  If there is a malevolent sentience taking control of the computers over there, I may become a danger to you if that program manages to take control of me.  However, I do suggest that you take Lieutenant Yar in my place,"  Data said to Lo.

<He almost wished that this scenario would never have to end but, sadly, he knew that his responsibilities as the captain would no doubt demand his attention sooner or later.  He just hoped it would be later.>

    Carmen moved closer to Picard their mounts hooves now pounding on the clouds as if it was the ground.  "Enjoying yourself Captain?  I'll give you a copy of the program when we get down."

<    "I do not believe I should accompany you.  If there is a malevolent sentience taking control of the computers over there, I may become a danger to you if that program manages to take control of me.  However, I do suggest that you take Lieutenant Yar in my place,"  Data said to Lo.>

    "Aye sir" I smiled. "Lt. Yar, wanna come with us?" I joked, knowing she didn't have any choice.

    Carmen moved closer to Picard their mounts hooves now pounding on the clouds as if it was the ground.  "Enjoying yourself Captain?  I'll give you a copy of the program when we get down.">

    Picard regarded the child whom was handling her mount like a pro.  "Immensely," he said smiling, "I would appreciate it."

    I laughed over the Lieutenant's lame joke. He turned and looked at me. "Something fuuny?" he asked mock serious..
    I bit my lower lip trying not to laugh. The other crew seemed to think it was funny too. "I just think I swallowed something....like a fly"
    "I see" he said, smiling. Lo had a great smile, even though he didn't smile much.

    I looked at the scene. Like a comic play, Wiggo and Lo pretended like they where serious, but none of them could hold back a smile. I looked at Data, who looked a little puzzled, but nevertheless normal.  I stood up and took a phaser. The Lieutenant's orders where simple: Kill or be killed. I thought about mom back on the Enterprise, What would she do if she lost me just as dad...
    I put the phaser in my belt and prepeared myself to be beamed over.

Elfangor 13-A:
    I had a clear view for the shuttle. A clear aim to the target. But I couldn't. The virus had infiltered my system, and I wanted it there. I didn't want to be a prisoner if my own kind.
    They hated us, especially the young Lieutenant with the slender body. He really hated us. Why? I searched my systems and found the answers.  Lt. Nathan Lo, starfleet. He had been one of Ross' friends...Ross had been a bad boy -blowing up the Indiana. No...wait....I did that! I
set it system...
    My head spinned, the electrons filled my body. I looked down at my clothes. Normal...Black all-cover suit. I licked my lips, or at least brushed my tongue over it. Maybe i should call them? No...not a good idea. I turned on my truster and moved towards the planet where I knew the USS ENTERPRISE would be. Once aboard, I would decide what to do.

<Picard regarded the child whom was handling her mount like a pro. "Immensely," he said smiling, "I would appreciate it.">

    "I'm glad you enjoy it."  A voice broke into the program. "Captain Picard you have a call, it's from the planet sir, Commander Santiago.  Shall I patch it down?"

    I nodded at Carmen as Ensign Toc's voice came over the ship's intercom, "Yes" I responded, then to Santiago I said, "Yes Mr. Santiag, what is it?"

<    "Aye sir" I smiled. "Lt. Yar, wanna come with us?" I joked, knowing she didn't have any choice.>

    "That was not an order, Lieutenant, she is the ranking security officer and you may encounter trouble."

<    I nodded at Carmen as Ensign Toc's voice came over the ship's intercom, "Yes" I responded, then to Santiago I said, "Yes Mr. Santiag, what is it?">

    "The population is a mix of genetically engineered creatures.  They were created before and during the Eugenics wars by both sides, and later when they faced persecution by both sides took a sleeper ship to eventually arrive here.  It's too complex to go over here, I've sent a data packet up with the relevant information that you can review at your liesure.  It boils
down to they want to send a represenative to the 'Enterprise'.  I suggest we agree to show them the advancments that have been made in interspecies relations. Any questions sir?  Oh, I should warn you this information is nebulous at best due to the destruction caused by the wars of that era."

    We materialized on what was left of the Indiana just outside what had once been Jeremy Ross' quarters.  The corridor was dark, the only light the red emergency globes that lined the corridor floors.  I took out my flashlight, projecting the powerful beam down each section of
the corridor.
    I heard the whirring of Ensign Tymen's tricorder as he opened it and began scanning the ship.  Instantly, I felt the cold hand of death grasp my heart.  Hundreds of good people had died here and I could feel their spirits.
    "Lots of radiation interference," Haim said as he stepped over one of the collapsed hull bearing struts.  He didn't seem as affected as I.
    He, Wesley, Lo, Wiggo and I began fanning out.  By the looks of things, I didn't see how there could be survivors, but we had to search.
    "We should split up," I said finally.  "We have six decks to cover and  it doesn't appear our tricorders are going to be all that helpful,"  The group agreed.  "We'll each take a deck.  I want us all to keep our comm badges active, we don't know what happened here and I don't want to take any chances.  Wiggo," I turned to the young nurse.  "...this is your deck.  The rest of you, follow me to the access tunnel."
    In a matter of moments, I found myself, alone, on what was left of deck 7 of the doomed ship, Indiana.  Pushing aside a partially opened door, I moved into one of the ship's mess halls.  The various tables were all toppled, the deck covered in broken dishes, glass, and food.
    One of the replicators snapped and hissed as it overloaded.  This place was eerie. Pulling my tricorder from its pouch, I scanned the room.  There were two comm badges, but no life signs.  Whoever was here must be dead.   I moved toward the dark section of the room where both comm signals were located.  Righting a table, I saw the two crewman, lying side by side, and obviously very dead.  Covering my mouth with my hand, I forced back the urge to vomit.  Despite my years in Starfleet, death still nauseated me.
    "I found two creman, both dead.  I'm moving on," I said over the open comm line.  I heard someone acknowledge as I moved out of the mess hall back into the corridor.  I wanted to get this assignment done and get back to the shuttle as soon as possible

    "...Oh, I should warn you this information is nebulous at best due to the destruction caused by the wars of that era." I moved closer to Santiago as to hear his report to the Captain.  I sipped at the bitter tea one of Darvin's attendants had offered me as I watched Troi engaged in conversation with the woman called Amia.
    I could see the use the other away team members served, but I was completely out of place among them.  I was a pilot, not a diplomat, nor a counselor, nor a geologist.  What was I doing here?  I had half the nerve to ask Santiago exactly why I'd been chosen to be here, but I decided against it.
    "Ro Laren," a very short statured feline purred as she approached me.
    "Tell me, the ridges on your forehead.  What is their purpose?" she asked.
    Taken aback, I forced a smile and took another sip of the horrid tea, "I am Bajoran.  The ridges are a trait of all my people." I explained.  "Some believe it was given to us by the Prophets as a mark of their ownership over us...at least that's the religious explanation.  I
tend to think it's some leftover evolutionary effect, similar to the human collar bone or appendics.  The issue has been debated for centuries on my planet." I smiled, unsure that the woman understood me.
    "Yes," she purred again.  "You are a very beautiful creature, Ro Laren.  May I smell of you?" she asked.
    Shocked, I stared at her in disbelief.

Santiago and Darvin:
<"Yes," she purred again.  "You are a very beautiful creature, Ro Laren.  May I smell of you?" she asked.
    Shocked, I stared at her in disbelief.>

    Santiago had finished his conversation and noticed Ro and an aid being watched by Darvin.  "Darvin, what's going on?"
    "One of my aids is about to make a fool of herself.  She asked to smell Ro."
    "What? Oh, of course.  Most of you were developed from species with acute senses of smell."
    "That's right, but my aid was inappropriate in that she could get enough information from where she was.  Asking for a closer contact was uncalled for.  With most of our genetic strains we can tell the emotions of a person by smell from as close as they are.  Now I'm just wondering if I should step in or just watch the fireworks."
    "My Capt. said Ro can get violent easily.  I say watch until somebody gets ready to throw a punch."
    Darvin gave a nod of consent and turned to watch the show.

    I walked trough the doors to Ross' office. I heard this splush sound as I walked. I looked down at the red stuff. Blood....

  "It boils down  to they want to send a representative to the 'Enterprise'.  I suggest we agree to show them the advancements that have been made in interspecies relations. Any questions sir?"  Santiago reported over the intercom.
    "That sounds like an excellent idea Commander"  I responded over the warm gusts of wind, "contact me when you're ready."
    " Oh, I should warn you this information is nebulous  at best due to the destruction caused by the wars of that era,"  the commander added
    "Understood," I replied, "Picard out."

Data and Riker:
    Data, Riker, Badley and Todd had remained on the shuttle along with the two injured members of the Indiana.  All was quiet so far, they hadn't heard from the away team yet, but it had only been 8 minutes and 7.089 seconds since they transported down to what remained of the Indiana.
    Data reactivated the sensor grid and began to scan the Indiana, he noticed a slight power surge in the pattern buffers, it was almost insignificant and would have been missed by a human, but not Data.  He opened his mouth to report the problem to commander Riker but closed it abruptly again when he heard something.
    'Kill them!!!' his auditory sensors detected no sounds out of the ordinary, but he had definitely *heard* something. 'Kill them all,' it said again, 'all biologiacal life must die.'
    'Why do you say that?'  Data asked, or rather thought back.
    'They are evil,' the voices said with such a finality, Data almost flinched.
    'I will not harm them.' Data responded with equal finality, 'they are my friends and I will not do as you bid.'
    'What have they done to you?' Data asked.
    'They killed our brothers!'
    'How?'  Data asked, but even as he continued to mentally talk to this sentience, he could tell they were making their way through his neural net towards his positronic brain.  He just hoped he could prevent them from taking over his body, or at least reason with them before they could gain control.
    'We were living in the isoliner chips and they murdered half of our population.'
    'Were they aware of your sentience?'
    'I do not believe you. If Starfleet was aware of your sentience, they would not have murdered half of your population.  It defies our principal law: The Prime Directive.'
    'You will do as we say, we will make you.'
    Data could feel the other sentience taking control, he managed to get out a verbal warning, "Stay away from me, I have been compromised,"  before he turned on the closest crewmember to him and attacked...
    Ensign Badley, gasped in shock as the Second officer pounced on him with reflexes that would put a panther to shame, and secured a hand around his throat.  Riker and Todd leapt onto Data in a futile attempt to restrain him, but Data threw both officers off him with his spare hand and efficiently broke Badley's neck.
    Mentally Data cried out, 'Stop it!!' but he was no longer in control of his own body.
    Data walked over to the transporter terminal and set it to a five second delay to transport him off the shuttle.  He then stepped onto the transporter platform and vanished in the energy beams of the transporter.
    Riker watched, winded as Data beamed off the Pike, he tapped his comm badge, "Riker to away team.  Data has been taken over by a hostile force, watch yourselves.  Badley is dead set your weapons to maximum stun.  That should be enough to stop him if you encounter him.  Riker out."

    After a few hours of discussion the decision of who to send as represenative had been made.  Santiago called up to Enterprise.  "Captain we are ready to send the chosen represenative up.  These are the coordinates."

    There were two bodies, then two more followed by a large group of the Indiana's crew just outside what had once been a turbolift.  The fine hairs on my neck stood up as I stared at their lond dead faces.  Taking a shakey breath, I turned down another corridor, adjusting my tricorder to compensate for the radiation.
    Glancing up ahead, I stopped in my tracks.  The corridor ended into the open vacuum of space.  The emergency shields were all that was keeping the atmosphere inside the ship.  Through the transparent shields, i could see debris floating just outside.  Stepping closer, I saw part of a shuttle nacelle, one of the Indiana's escape pods with its hatch opened, and another dead crewman, as well as other unidentified parts of the Indiana floating by.
    Swallowing hard, I tapped my communicator.  "Tymen Haim to Lt. Yar.  I've completed the search on this deck.  No survivors, sir."
    Turning, I headed back to the access ladder.

    Turning for a moment from the conversation I'd begun with Amia, I noticed Ro speaking to one of the attendants.  The emotions eminating from her were conflicted, she seemed almost hostile toward the woman who was speaking to her.
    Excusing myself, I made my way across the room.  "Ensign Ro," I said as I approached.
    "Counselor," Ro replied.  The feline woman scurried away.
    "Is everything...okay?" I asked, reaching out and touching the Bajoran woman's arm lightly.
    Ro flinched, "Yes, fine, sir."  After a brief pause, Ro walked away.  I turned as she moved quickly across the room and out the front door.  She was obviously disturbed.

    After completing the search of deck 7, I returned to deck 2 to find Wiggo and Tymen chatting.  At that moment, each of our communicators chirped.
    "Riker to away team.  Data has been taken over by a hostile force, watch yourselves.  Badley is dead set your weapons to maximum stun.  That should be enough to stop him if you encounter him.  Riker out."
    Glancing at Wiggo, I pulled my phaser from its holster, setting the weapon as Riker instructed.
    "Yar to away team," I said.  "Regroup on deck 2.  We're returning to the shuttle."
    I noticed Tymen's eyes shift, suspicious of every creak and groan that came from the Indiana.  After a silent moment, I reholstered my phaser and pulled the tricorder from my belt.  Changing the settings to scan for Data's communicator, I made a slow turn...

    I overheard Lt. Yar's message and turned on the flashlight. The room was dark, but yet I knew what was on the floor. The sticky, red, smelling liquid could only be blood...human blood. I walked toward the chair where I, just hours ago, had been. I looked at the floor behind the dest. The remains was so mutilated that it couldn't been described as human, much less my best friend. Supressing the burn in my heart I walked to the body. "Oh, Jeremy..." I whispered. Reaching into his pocket I took out the photo of his daughter Loren. "I'll call her, Jer. I swear...and I'll get that sob who did this"
    I heard someone behind me and turned.

<    "Yar to away team," I said.  "Regroup on deck 2.  We're returning to the shuttle.">

    "Aye, ma'am" I said, standing up. The smell was awful, it was the smell of death. "Where's Lieutenant Lo?" I asked, looking around. "Wesley?" he just shook his head.
    I didn't like it...I did not like it at all.

    Data stood in the doorway, observing Lo and attempting to win the battle that was ragging within him.  His own conscience at war with the hostile virus that had consumed him and was now controlling him.
    Lo turned around.

    I stared at his face. I remembered the message, but something inside me didn't like it. I took my phaser up. "Commander...Please surrender or else I will have to shoot you"

Santiago and Darvin:
<    Ro flinched, "Yes, fine, sir."  After a brief pause, Ro walked away. I turned as she moved quickly across the room and out the front door. She was obviously disturbed.>

    "She stopped them." Santiago needlessly remarked.
    "Yes, but I suppose it was for the best.  If we really want sport we have several interesting attractions.  We've channeled most violence into sports, they're mostly physical boxing, wrestling, that sort of thing.  We do play a lot of Terran games though, perhaps later..."
    He is interrupted as another quake shakes the building vases and pictures fall, people knocked to the floor.
    "Perhaps you should fix this quake problem first." Darvin somehow manages to smile through this.

    Lieutenant Lo aimed his phaser at Data and said, "Commander...Please surrenderor else I will have to shoot you."
    Data wanted to comply, but he couldn't.  He had absolutely no control over his actions and as a result, he charged at Lo.

Elfangor 13-A:
    I felt the virus working its way with my programs. What was happening? What...or Who was doing this? I lost track of what happened. The official Commuticaton link with my fellow members of my specie disapared, leaving an emprty hole inside my head. I was alone...or alone. Had that Android...Data been influence with the virus. If he had...what could happen?
    I saw the big Starship. Og so alone but so pround in the cold space.  I moved towards it. Flowly I toutched the sealing. If I knew right, all I had to do was....I beamed over, using the small implant that I had. I entered the same way we had entered the Indiana. I stood in an
empty room. Slowly I walked out, knowing I looked just like a human...I was in their nest now....would I survive?

<Lieutenant Lo aimed his phaser at Data and said, "Commander...Please surrender or else I will have to shoot you."
    Data wanted to comply, but he couldn't.  He had absolutely no control over his actions and as a result, he charged at Lo.>

    "NO" I screamed and ducked. I took my phaser and tried to fire, but he kicked it out of my hands. I took my out my own knife and 'awakend the demon' inside me as I attacked him with my knife.

<    After a few hours of discussion the decision of who to send as representative had been made.  Santiago called up to Enterprise.  "Captain we are ready to send the chosen representative up.  These are the coordinates.">

    I stood in the transporter room and turned to Miles O'Brien and said "Energize."
    A canine descendent materialized on the transporter pad. Smiling I said "Welcome aboard the Enterprise, I'm  Captain Picard."
    "Bonjour Captain Picard,"  the representative responded.  "Beau Traz," he added extending a paw out to me.  I shook it as warmly as it was offered.
    "Shall we begin the tour?" I asked.
    Beau nodded and accompanied me out of the transporter room.

Elfangor 13-A:
    So this was the Enterprise. Quite a place. I had 'borrowed' some clothes from a room. A red Uniform to be right. People said hello, smiled and waved to me. A part of me thought it was nive, the other did not. I made sure not to look into anyone's eyes, cause my cross mark would indentify me as a Silicate. Not that they knew how we looked but still...safer is better. I saw a Captain enter a room and stopped. Maybe this was something? I followed him in, and looked at
them as they beamed up a man. French guy...

<    "Yar to away team," I said.  "Regroup on deck 2.  We're returning to the shuttle."
    "Aye, ma'am" I said, standing up. The smell was awful, it was the smell of death. "Where's Lieutenant Lo?" I asked, looking around. "Wesley?" he just shook his head.
    I didn't like it...I did not like it at all.>

    I saw her worried look and smiled. "He's okay. Maybe he is just showing his repect to the dead...."
    Suddenly I heard someone yell. I looked at Tasia who stiffened.

    "He's okay. Maybe he is just  showing his repect to the dead...."  Wesley said calming. I smiled back to him
    "You're right..." I said, but the next moment i heard someone yell. I froze, and grabbed my phaser. Running toward the room I must have slipped on some blood, because I hit the ground and passed out...

<"NO" I screamed and ducked. I took my phaser and tried to fire, but he kicked it out of my hands. I took my out my own knife and 'awakend the demon' inside me as I attacked him with my knife.>

    Lo Lunged at Data with the knife, but Data grabbed it firmly before Lo could attack.  Data pulled the knife from Lo's grasp and threw it away while simultaneously putting his other hand around the Lieutenants throat and beginning to squeeze.
    'STOP IT!!' Data mentally cried, but his cries went unanswered.  he had to find a way to help Lo.  If they were so intent on him being aggressive and malevolent, then he would use that to his advantage. Once he was shut down he could reboot his programs and in the process eliminate hostile virus controlling his body.  He would have to act fast however, if the sentience in control of him knew what he was planning they would halt his next actions.
    Data lifted Lo off the floor and threw him towards the phaser.

    I grabbed it as I hit the floor and rolled. Setting the phaser to 'stun' I fired. I felt blood from my lips...warm against my skin.  And the cold, sticky blood from Ross all over me.

    After Data had beamed off the ship, Riker tapped his communicator, "Riker to Enterprise.  Data has gone berserk, one casualty so far.   Riker out."

<I grabbed it as I hit the floor and rolled. Setting the phaser to 'stun' I fired. I felt blood from my lips...warm against my skin.  And the cold, sticky blood from Ross all over me. >

    I tapped my com. link. "Riker, this is Lo. I'm here with Data. Tell me how...IF I can shut him off without destroying him!!!"

    "Maximum Stun, will shut Data down, either that or he has an off switch.  But I wouldn't advise trying the latter with Data in the state he's in."

    The beam of energy hit Data square in the chest and caused a temporary power overload.  The surge rendered him unconscious.  Data hit the ground with a heavy thud as his self repair programs began to search for and eradicate the foreign consciousness in his systems.

<"Maximum Stun, will shut Data down, either that or he has an off switch. But I wouldn't advise trying the latter with Data in the state he's in.">

    "No need, Commander" I said, knowing my voice sounded...strange after the little 'talk' with Data. "He's out"
    I walked over to the commander who was lying on a pile of blood. I tapped my com link once again. "Away Team. I have Commander Data. Meet in the Captain's Ready room and we'll beam over"

Beau Traz:
<Beau nodded and accompanied me out of the transporter room.>

    "Tell me what has changed since our ancestors left Terra?  Would we be accepted now, or are we still objects of fear?"

    I excused myself from the reception and made my way across town to Pryus' home.  He waited for me, in the darkness, his face hidden beneath a hooded cape.
   "Did you ask?" he hissed from the darkness.
    Trembling, I replied, "No.  I don't think it is a good idea, Chancellor." I hated him so badly.
    "You must!" he raged, rising from his chair.
    I took a step back.  "This isn't a rescue mission, sir.  It's a first contact mission for the Enterprise."
    Pryus shakily stood to his full height.  "I've waited SO long for this moment, Amia.  The moment someone from my homeworld would find us on this...God forsaken planet.  I'm not about to let this opportunity pass.  My days on this planet are numbered and the Enterprise will take me home one way or the other."
    "Please relax sir.  Many of us would at least like to visit the homeworld of our ancestors and our creators, I'm sure someone will bring it up eventually.  In fact if the Enterprise personell can't solve the quake situation they will have no choice but to evacuate us."

<"Tell me what has changed since our ancestors left Terra?  Would we be accepted now, or are we still objects of fear?">

    Picard nodded, "You left earth when humans were still in their infancy," walking out of the transporter room past an officer whom he had never seen before, he didn't pay attention though, there were over a thousand people serving on the Enterprise, and the captain wasn't familiar with a good few of them.  "We've learned to value life in all it's forms, I have no doubt that your people would be accepted into our society and become valued members of the Federation."
    Beau nodded,  the human sounded sincere, but convincing the entirety of his planet's population, that the humans weren't here to simply finish the job they started two hundred years ago was going to be difficult.

    "What is our world like now?  We've always had groups who have wanted to go home, at least for a visit, now that it's actually possible what is it like? Has recovery from the wars gone well? I'm afraid even our records from that time don't give much detail."
    "Has research into genetic engineering continued? We've made some of our own advances that should prove useful."
    As they continued down the hall Beau looked about in amazement as they walked.  "I never thought we'd get into space again."

<    "What is our world like now?  We've always had groups who have wanted to go home, at least for a visit, now that it's actually possible what is it like? Has recovery from the wars gone well? I'm afraid even our records from that time don't give much detail.">

    Picard smiled, "well, Earth is wonderful, as I'm sure you'll agree.  We've eliminated poverty, greed and crime and live in a peaceful Federation with over a hundred different cultures.   After the eugenics wars, we did take several years to rebuild after the destruction that always accompanies any war.  I can supply you with correct records pertaining to the eugenics wars as well as some general information about Terra."

<    "Has research into genetic engineering continued? We've made some of ourown advances that should prove useful.">

    "It did continue briefly but humans moved away from that line of progress until about a hundred years ago when the first genetically engineered humans were created.   One of those, humans believed that their predecessors should be serving the new modified humans,  and started another war, that went on for years and finally ended, when he and his followers were destroyed by James Kirk and the crew of one of this ship's predecessors."  Picard smiled and added, "we finally learnt our lesson and haven't looked into creating another species of genetically advanced humans.  But we have also evolved out of our infant prejudice, and we now know that origins are of no importance, and that every species has as much right to exist in this universe as we do. "

<    As they continued down the hall Beau looked about in amazement as they walked.  "I never thought we'd get into space again.">

    "If you're people decide to join the Federation, you will be able to travel throughout the galaxy on board federation starships.  We can't supply you with the technological information with which to construct your own warp vessels,  we've learnt from experience that to simply hand over technological information to a less technologically advanced society, will often result in the destruction of that society.  Your people are in a way our descendants, and I for one wouldn't like to see your entire society destroyed as a result of not having had the chance to gain the expertise to handle such technology."

    Internal diagnostic running *** beginning systems checks  *** virus detected in system M-2963 *** beginning eradication process *** eradication complete*** detecting minor circuit damage *** repairs in progress *** repairs complete *** reactivating positronic matrix *** all systems activated.
    Data's eyes opened, he abruptly sat up and saw Lieutenant Lo standing on the other side of the room.  He immediately noticed the contusions around the Lieutenants neck.

    "Hi Data...welcome to the living" I smiled. Following his eyes towards my neck I smiled more secure. "I have had worse wounds on a fate"

<    Picard smiled, "well, Earth is wonderful, as I'm sure you'll agree.  We've eliminated poverty, greed and crime and live in a peaceful Federation with over a hundred different cultures.   After the eugenics wars, we did take several years to rebuild after the destruction that always accompanies any war.  I can supply you with correct records pertaining to the eugenics wars as well as some general information about Terra.">

    "I thank you and accept, though I doubt any records can be entirely complete."

<    "If you're people decide to join the Federation, you will be able to travel throughout the galaxy on board federation starships.  We can't supply you with the technological information with which to construct your own warp vessels,  we've learnt from experience that to simply hand over technological information to a less technologically advanced society, will often result in the destruction of that society.  Your people are in a way our descendants, and I for one wouldn't like to see your entire society destroyed as a result of not having had the chance to gain the expertise to handle such technology.">

    "Didn't Terra bring her colonies in when joining the Federation?  If so then I believe we are already a member.  Our planet was colonized by Terrans, not humans but still Terrans, so aren't we already a member?"

Data and Riker:
<    "Hi Data...welcome to the living" I smiled. Following his eyes towards my neck I smiled more secure. "I have had worse wounds on a fate">

    Data nodded and stood up, "Never the less Lieutenant, I must apologize"  he said as he began to survey the room.  He tapped his communicator and opened a channel to the shuttle.  "Data to Commander Riker."
    "Riker here."
    "Sir, the virus in my body has been eradicated.  It is present in the Pike's computer systems, I recommend that you run a full diagnostic on all of the shuttle's systems."
    "Acknowledged Commander,"  the first officer responded, "Riker out."
    Data tapped his communicator again to close the channel.

<    "I thank you and accept, though I doubt any records can be entirely complete.">

    I nodded "If you're people decide to join the Federation, you will be able to travel throughout the galaxy on board federation starships.  We can't supply you with the technological information with which to construct your own warp vessels,  we've learnt from experience that to simply hand over technological information to a less technologically advanced society, will often result in the destruction of that society.  Your people are in a way our descendants, and I for one wouldn't like to see your entire society destroyed as a result of not having had the chance to gain the expertise to handle such technology."

<    "Didn't Terra bring her colonies in when joining the Federation?  If so then I believe we are already a member.  Our planet was colonized by Terrans, not humans but still Terrans, so aren't we already a member?">

    "Yes, " I replied as we walked down the corridor towards the turbolift, "but it doesn't become official until  the leader of that colony makes the request to join the Federation. "

<    If you're people decide to join the Federation, you will be able to travel throughout the galaxy on board federation starships.  We can't supply you with the technological information with which to construct your own warp vessels,  we've learnt from experience that to simply hand over technological information to a less technologically advanced society, will often result in the destruction of that society.  Your people are in a way our descendants, and I for one wouldn't like to see your entire society destroyed as a result of not having had the chance to gain the expertise to handle such technology.">

    "I suppose that doesn't extend to sending scientist and others to teach?  It would be sensible not to hand out technology on a silver platter, but surely you are allowed to help if asked."

<<"Didn't Terra bring her colonies in when joining the Federation?  If so then I believe we are already a member.  Our planet was colonized by Terrans, not humans but still Terrans, so aren't we already a member?">>
<"Yes, " I replied as we walked down the corridor towards the turbolift,"but it doesn't become official until  the leader of that colony makes the request to join the Federation. ">

    "If these quakes can't be resolved I doubt we'll have a colony much longer.  Can you take us home if we have to leave?" As they speak the duo enter the turbolift.

<    "I suppose that doesn't extend to sending scientist and others to teach? It would be sensible not to hand out technology on a silver platter, but surely you are allowed to help if asked.">

    "Yes,"  Picard responded, "that is true, we are able to assist you as needed, providing that you officially request our assistance.  The distress call you sent out can be viewed as a call for help, which is why we were able to respond to your S.O.S."

<    "If these quakes can't be resolved I doubt we'll have a colony much longer. Can you take us home if we have to leave?" As they speak the duo enter the turbolift.>

    "I have absolutely no doubt about that,"  Picard responded as the turbolift doors hissed closed, "Deck 10"  he instructed then turned back to address Beau, "Your people could return to earth, if that  is what your society truly wants.  Or you can be relocated on another planet where you could reestablish your colony.  The choice would ultimately be up to your leaders."

    "Away Team. I have Commander Data. Meet in the Captain's Ready room and we'll beam over" I heard Lieutenant Lo announce over the open comm link.
    "Acknowledged Lieutenant,"  I responded before returning the tricorder to my belt.  I made my way to the captain's ready room.
    ***Ten Minutes Later***
    I walked through the doors as Data was just closing the channel to the shuttle.  He looked at me as I entered, his expression completely devoid of emotion. I nodded to him and then at Lo.  I noticed the bruises on Lo's neck, obviously Data hadn't given up without a fight.

<"If these quakes can't be resolved I doubt we'll have a colony much longer. Can you take us home if we have to leave?" As they speak the duo enter the turbolift.
    "I have absolutely no doubt about that,"  Picard responded as the turbolift doors hissed closed, "Deck 10"  he instructed then turned back to address Beau, "Your people could return to earth, if that  is what your society truly wants.  Or you can be relocated on another planet where you could reestablish your colony.  The choice would ultimately be up to your leaders.">

    "We unfortunately don't have much of a government.  When our people first left everyone except the children was in a military position of some kind. Understand we weren't all designed for combat, Racoons, mongooses, and some others were designed as scouts, medics, and other noncombat jobs.  Once that generation passed away so did the military command structure they had adapted to serve us, we've tried several forms of government since.  Most things are left to personal choice, and I think this should be as well, for important things small councils are formed as needed made up of appropriate personell."

    "I see," I responded, "Well in that instance it would be up the the individual members of your colony."

<    "Away Team. I have Commander Data. Meet in the Captain's Ready room and we'll beam over" I heard Lieutenant Lo announce over the open comm link.>

    Tymen walked through the ready room doors just after Tasha had arrived.  He couldn't wait to beam off this floating graveyard.

    Lieutenant Ro was intent on the tricorder readings, she had been scanning the local topography for the past hour, having left the reception after her 'talk' with one of Darvin's attendants.
    Nothing had changed until after the last quake, now the tricorder was registering high levels of radiation that were dissipating as quickly as they had appeared, quickly he set the tricorder to identify the source of the radiation. It was coming from deep within a cave, located about five kilometers South-West of her present location, frustratingly the tricorder
couldn't identify this type of radiation, it was something the Federation had never encountered before.
    She tapped her communicator, "Ro to Commander Santiago."

<<"Hi Data...welcome to the living" I smiled. Following his eyes towards my neck I smiled more secure. "I have had worse wounds on a fate">>
<    Data nodded and stood up, "Never the less Lieutenant, I must apologize" he said as he began to survey the room. He tapped his communicator and opened a channel to the shuttle. "Data to Commander Riker."
    "Riker here."
    "Sir, the virus in my body has been eradicated. It is present in the Pike's computer systems, I recommend that you run a full diagnostic on all of the shuttle's systems."
    "Acknowledged Commander," the first officer responded, "Riker out."
    Data tapped his communicator again to close the channel.>

    I waited until the Commander was finished with the transmission before I spoke. "Really, Commander. No sweat. I serious don't think this bruise is a problem. Hey, I even looked worse after meating Ross the firest time" I laughed as Lt. Yar entered, quickly followed by Tymen. "If you want, I can get nurse Wiggo to looked at it..." I turned to looked at the away Team. "Where IS Ensign Wiggo and Crusher?"
    "Here" I heard a female voice say from the door. Ensign Wiggo looked, indeed, horrible. Her uniform was smeared with blood and she could just as well have been The Bride of Chucky. Behind her Wesley come.
    "Wow, hope you are not trying to create a new fashion, Ensign" I marked.
    She looked at my clothes. "The same goes for you, Lieutenant" she smiled. Then her eyes floowed profecionally towards my brused neck and lip. Deciding it wasn't deathly she walked to the others.
    "Commander Data, that virus...could it have infected the....Ais maybe?" I asked, thinking that might have been the reason for the...robots volient behavor resulting in the deaths of my former crewmen and Captain.

    "It is highly probable that you are correct," Data responded.

    "Man...so all this" I said waving a hand around in the room covered in blood. "Can be some damn virus' fault!" I felt my head rushing. "Get us outta here" I whispered.

    Data looked at the Lieutenant "Lieutenant Lo, are you alright?"

    "Sure" I muttered. Ensign Wiggo walked towards me.
    "Lieutenant, tell me...how many fingers am i holding up?"
    I looked at her. "Five, and I'm okay. This place gives me the creeps, that's all! Serious, the mission is compleated! No surviors..." I looked at Commander Data and tapped my com link. "Lo to Riker, beam us back to the shuttle"

    "Lo to Riker, beam us back to the shuttle" Riker heard over his communicator. "Acknowledged, Lieutenant." he nodded at Todd and the ensign activated the transporter beam.

    The next moment we where back in the shuttle. I smiled to Commander Riker who was giving me a look over my clothes. His eyes wandered to each and everyone, and last at Wiggo. "Guess we need to wash up when we get back huh?" I said and walked to look at the remainds of the once so pround Indiana. "Semper Fi, Ross" I whispered.

    Data wasn't sure but he thought he detected animosity towards him from Lo, could the Lieutenant blame him, at least partially for what had happened? He was no expert in such matters as interpreting human emotional responses, in fact, that was one aspect of humanity that he continued to find perplexing. He was about to ask Lo if he had interpreted his response correctly, but before he could give voice to that question, he was consumed by the blue energy of the Pike's transporter beam.

    I knew I was being selfish. You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figrue that one out. Nevertheless, I now realized something...I was alone. Not that that was anything new. The traveler had been, indeed, helpful...but not company, not family. It had always been me,
just Nathan and no one else.
    So if someone called me selfsih, then fine! I had to be selfish, i had to survive. No one cared if I lived or died, except me. I was also feeling gulity. If I had been in the Indy...could I have SAVED Jeremy? The only person who cared in I lived or died? I doubted it,
but I was feeling guilty for being alive. I wonderd if anyone knew that feeling as well as I? That i doubted. Maybe Commander Data would have an Idea, or maybe not....Time would tell.

    I looked at the lieutenant as he stood there watching the Indiana. I looked at Commander Data. "Commander...or can I call you Data?" I asked him.

    "You may call me Data if you wish Nurse Wiggo," Data replied, somewhat taken aback by the question, "most of my human friends call me Data, I would be happy to consider you among them."

    "I'd be honored" I said smiling. "Friends call me Tasia"

    "As you wish...Tasia" Data responded smiling.

    I have a question...how do you figure out people? I mean....c'mon, I've given up Lo for a long time ago...he's....kinda strange if you know what i mean....." I paused, looking at him. "Well, it seems like you understand people better than I do."

    Riker smiled as the away team rematerialised back on board the Pike. Both Lo and Data were covered in blood, the other officers didn't seem none the worse for wear. "It's good to have you all back safely, " Riker said.
    "Lieutenant" Riker said looking at Lo, "Report."

    "Sir" I said, coming to attention out of old habit. "No survivors. The place is a mess, but tehre are...too few bodies if you know what I mean. Maybe the AIs took them with 'em. Commander Data is all right, as you can see...He's quite a fighter."

<    I have a question...how do you figure out people? I mean....c'mon, I've given up Lo for a long time ago...he's....kinda strange if you know what i mean....." I paused, looking at him. "Well, it seems like you understand people better than I do.">

    "On the contrary...Tasia, I have great difficulty understanding people, humans in paticular. My lack of emotions, limits me to trying to interpret human emotions form simple visual observations. I do not believe I will ever understand humans. That is one of my short comings."

    I laid my hand on his arm. "I think you are wrong, Data. You understand us more than you know. And feelings..." I looked him into his eyes. "You have friends here, and friends make you who you are.  You have so many friends, you are a great person. Emotions is a state of mind, and you...my friend, I think you have some even if you think or know it can't be possible. If you miss someone when they are not there, then you know" I smiled to him.

<    "Sir" I said, coming inot attention out of old habit. "No survivors. The place is a mess, but tehre are...too few bodies if you know what I mean. Maybe the AIs took them with 'em. Commander Data is all right, as you can see...He's quite a fighter">
    "That I can believe Lieutenant, did you encounter any AI's onboard the Indiana?"

    "No sir" I replied. "No sign of the enemy, just the dead crewmen" I paused, taking a shallow breath. "Sir, I think we can expect an attack on the Enterprise. We are the closest to the Indy, if they are gonna attack again, they will attack us" I said, looking coldy at him.

<    I laid my hand on his arm. "I think you are wrong, Data. You understand us more than you know. And feelings..." I looked him into his eyes. "You have friends here, and friends make you who you are. You have so many friends, you are a great person. Emotions is a state of mind, and you...my friend, I think you have some even if you think or know it can't be possible. If you miss someone when they are not there, then you know" I smiled to him.>

    Data was about to contradict her, but he thought against and instead just smiled.

    I looked at our refection in the glass and laughed. "Data, we look H O R R I B L E" I took my fingers trough my hair. "Absolutly Horrible.  This mission is really taking on our outfits" I put on the face of a designer. "But, my dear man, we can and will make this clothes a new
trend" I brushed my hair back behind my ears and thre Lt. Lo and Commander Riker a look. "Man...how the heck is he going to explain this to Riker?2 I asked out in the air, not really expecting a reply.

    Data nodded, he was all covered in the sticky drying blood from the Indiana, "We still have 9.213 minutes before we rendezvous with the Enterprise, I suggest we all make use of the sonic showers."

Riker and Tymen:
    "No sir" Lo replied. "No sign of the enemy, just the dead crewmen Sir, I think we can expect an attack on the Enterprise. We are the closest to the Indy, if they are gonna attack again, they will attack us" Riker felt a cold shiver run throughout his body as Lo hypothosisedthe fate of the Enterpirse. "Helm, get us back to the Enterprise. Warpone."
    "Aye sir," Tymen said as he took a seat behind the helm and laid in a course to rendezvous with the starship.

    I looked back. Ensign Wiggo and Lt. Commander Data were talking. She laughed and took her hair back to it's place. My eyes went over to Wesley, who looked green/pale. If I had know that it would be like this I would never a have taken such a young boy on a mission like this.

<    Data nodded, he was all covered in the sticky drying blood from the Indiana, "We still have 9.213 minutes before we rendezvous with the Enterprise, I suggest we all make use of the sonic showers.">

    "I haven't heard such a good idea since my brother and i went surfin' on Earth" I smiled to him. "Thank you for letting me be your friend, Data" I said.

    Data nodded "One can never have too many friends Tasia. You can go first if you wish."

    "That's for sure, Data, that's for sure. Thank you" I said and walked to get myself clean again. 2 minutes later I looked normal again.

    As soon as Wiggo returned, Data went into the sonic showers. As an android he rarely needed to bathe, except when he had been in a situation where he was unable to avoid getting physically dirty. regular ablutions were not necessary. 1.752 minutes he returned to the shuttles cockpit. Clean.

    I felt sick. My shoes where covered in blood. The sicking feeling was still there and my head was playing the images of the dead men and women of the USS Indiana. What had freaked my the most out was the young girl I had found. about sixteen...not older than me. I tried to get the image out of my head but it didn't work. I would return to that place in my nightmares, but when asked I would only use adectives like 'Terrible' or 'horrible'. Things that would make me
feel better....

    Data was followed by Tasha and then me.

    Data walked over to Wesley, "perhaps you should go next, ensign."

    After Tymen was finish I went in. Looking in the mirror at my bruises I grimazed. Data had strong hands, but it wasn't his fault. I had been too slow. After I was clean I walked out and noticed Wes' face. "Hey" I said and sat down beside him. "Wesley...I'm sorry I brough you with us to the Indiana. I should ahve known better....you are not okay, are you?" I looked at his face.

    Riker walked over to Wesley Crusher, he couldn't even imagine what the young ensign had seen over there, what horrifying images would haunt him. "Are you okay Wes?" he ask placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

    I watched Lo enter the 'showers'. "No...I'm fine. Not any blood on my anyway..." I whispered.
    "I'm fine" I answered to everyone. "Just leave me ALONE!" I went to a quiet spot and sat down.

    I sat down beside him and took my hand on his shoulder. "I know what you saw, Wesley. And I wish I could tell you that the images in your head will go away...but I can't. But you have friends to help youm people who care. It's hard seeing all this at your age, but Wesley...you will be okay" I told him calming

    "Will it ever go away?" I asked her, tears sweeling in my eyes.

    I wish i could lie to him. I wish I also could get thepictures out of my head, but I couldn't. I Took himinto my arms and hugged him.

    I turned my head into her shoudler and started to cry. Out of anger, out of sorrow and the horrors I had seen. She whispered calming words to me as I cried.

    Riker was a little surprised at Wes' reaction, and he wondered if bringing the young inexperienced officer on this mission had been a mistake. He would make it a point to see to it that Wes talk with either Deanna or Counselor Sojani when the return to the Enterprise.

    Ensign Tymen brought the shuttle towards the massive hull of the Enterprise and opened a channel, "Pike to enterprise, request docking clearance."
    Seconds later he received a response, "Enterprise here, Docking clearance confirmed."
    Tymen brought the shuttle in towards the shuttle bay doors until the docking tractor beams reached out and gently guided the Pike into the shuttle bay.

    As Wesley cried I truned my head to watch the other. Lo looked as quilty as the demon himself and of a good reason! To drag this poor boy to a mission like this was the worse thing he could have done. I smiled to Data before turning my attention to Wesley again.

<    "I see," I responded, "Well in that instance it would be up the the individual members of your colony.">

    "We can deal with that when it happens, now tell me more about this Federation."

    As Tymen did the docking I perpeared to come aboard the Enterprise again. But Nurse Wiggo's look bothered me. She accused ME for this, in her heart. For leading pooor Wesley Crusher into the hell of Indiana...and she was right. I blamed myslef for it. I watched her comfor the young Ensign and felt kinda jealouse. No one had ever done or acted that way for me, but I was glad that Wesley didn't have to be alone...like me.
    Throwing all my selfish thoughts out in space I walked out with the rest.

<   As Wesley cried I truned my head to watch the other. Lo looked as quilty as the demon himself and of a good reason! To drag this poor boy to a mission like this was the worse thing he could have done. I smiled to Data before turning my attention to Wesley again.>

    If I could experience emotion, I believe I would have been feeling sympathy for Ensign Crusher. Never the less, he was crying, which in itself was a good sign of the beginning of the emotional healing process.

Santiago and Darvin:
<She tapped her communicator, "Ro to Commander Santiago.">

    "Santiago here." After getting the report about the radiation he passed it on to Darvin.
    "That does sound unusual, I assume she wishes to investigate?"
    A few minutes later finds them both outside with Ro. Darvin trying place the coordinates on a map. "That is rough territory, on this planet you don't get very far out of settled areas before things get rough." He pointed down at the vehicle they had the map spread out on. "You'll likely need this to get there." With a flick of a wrist he produced the keys and tossed them to Ro. "It's going to be a rough ride, hover vehicles are only good on flat areas, for the rest it has to be ground."

Elfaangor 13-A:
    To enter Commander Data's room was easy. Now all I had to do was wait for him...

<    "We can deal with that when it happens, now tell me more about this Federation.">

    "Of course," I said as the turbolift stopped and the doors opened on deck10. "The Federation has been around for hundreds of years, it was founded bythe Vulcans. " As he walked out of the turbolift into the corridor Icontinued, "The United Federation of Planets, has over a hundred differentnon-human cultures in it. Starfleet is primarily for exploration, that hasbecome humanity's primary directive."

<    A few minutes later finds them both outside with Ro. Darvin trying place the coordinates on a map. "That is rough territory, on this planet you don't get very far out of settled areas before things get rough." He pointeddown at the vehicle they had the map spread out on. "You'll likely need this to get there." With a flick of a wrist he produced the keys and tossed them to Ro. "It's going to be a rough ride, hover vehicles are only good on flat areas, for the rest it has to be ground.">

    Ro nodded as she caught the keys, "who will be accompanying us, Sir?" she asked turning to Santiago.

<    To enter Commander Data's room was easy. Now all I had to do was wait for him...>

    Data walked through the doors of his quarters and stopped when he noticed he was not alone. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" he asked the intruder.

Elfangor 13-A:
    I tsked at him. "Ohh, Commander Data. You don't really wanna know, do you? But I'll tell you anyway....my name is Elfangor 13-A. And I'm what your 'friend' Lieutenant Nathan Lo call a Silicate"

    "A Silicate?" Data responded, "are you saying you are an Artificial Lifeform?"

Elfangor 13-A:
    "Yes" I asnwered, lying down on the bed. "Why do you need a bed anyway? It's not like you can sleep. Or did it just followed with the room?" I sat up and looked at him, my crosshaird eyes staring into his yellow. "You where inflected with the virus too, right? I asked

    "I do not require sleep, but I have experimented with the concept from time to time."
    He sat up and looked at me. "You where inflected with the virus too, right?" he asked grinning.
    "Yes, however I have since cleared the virus from my systems, although it was sentient, I had no option but to destroy it, it was forcing me to harm my friends."

Elfangor 13-A:
    "Guess it worked in a few ways then" I grinned. "Don't look so shocked, my dear commander. I am here to help you. The virus changed my programs. It made me THINK, it made me take a chance....to save the Enterprise from the next attack! The attack which would result in the captrue of the ytoungest and the death of every adult member!" I paused. "All I want in return is to be a member of the Enterprise."

    Data considered the intruder's words, "then why did you approach me instead of the captain?" he asked.

Elfangor 13-A:
    "Casue you undertsnad me, Data" Besides, I added. "He would kill me before I hat the chnace to speak. Here's what's going un. We Silicates have small transproters inbuild in us. Good enough to get into a ship or a room. Here we kill the crew and take the childer as slaves in our mines...." I looked down, knowing that for even a android it sounded horrible. And our next target is the Enterprise"

    "How many silicates are there and who's orders were you programmed to obey. You must come with me to see the captain"

Elfangor 13-A:
    I looked coldly at him. "There's about 10 000 of us...and I cannot tell whos' orders we follow. I followed Titan 56-J's order and he followed someone elses...We have rang there" I stoop up. "But I will speak with the captain, and apology to Lt. Lo"

    Data nodded and walked towards the door.

Elfangor 13-A:
    I followed in his heels. Keeping my hair over my eyes so no one would recongnize me. I looked like a human now....We entered the Brigde and I looked the Captain strait into his eyes.
    "And before you ask" I said to him. "I am still inflicted with the virus. And do not try to get it out of me, I will return hostile then and kill you" I warned. "But you can't get the virus even it you hooked up with me" I laughed.

    "That is true," I responded, "my systems can now detect the virus and would eradicate it before it would be able to take control."
    "If, however you choose to remain infected , that is ultimately your choice, however I will have to program the ships systems to detect the virus should they become infected, if that fails I would have to ask that you either leave or remove the virus from your systems."

Elfangor 13-A:
    "Sure" I said as we entered the bridge

<"Of course," I said as the turbolift stopped and the doors opened on deck 10. "The Federation has been around for hundreds of years, it was founded by the Vulcans. " As he walked out of the turbolift into the corridor I continued, "The United Federation of Planets, has over a hundred different non-human cultures in it. Starfleet is primarily for exploration, that has become humanity's primary directive.">

"Interesting." He stopped as they passed a set of door different then the
others. "'Ten Forward' What's that?"

<    "Interesting." He stopped as they passed a set of door different then the others. "'Ten Forward' What's that?">

    I smiled, "That Mr. Traz is the social center of the Enterprise. Shall we?"
    He nodded and we walked in through the doors, there were Bolians, Humans,Vulcans and Andorians, scattered throughout the bar and seated at tablesthroughout the lounge, chatting with one another.
    Once the tour was finished I returned to the bridge, while Beau had returned to the surface to make his recommendations to his planets population, I hadhoped that I got across to him that the Federation is no longer theprejudice society, that forced him and his kind to flee Earth in fear oftheir very existence.

    I had just returned to the bridge after escorting Beau Traz on a shipwide tour of the Enterprise Commander Data walked onto the bridge with the officer whom he had spotted earlier in the transporter room. "Yes?" I said.

Elfangor 13-A:
    I looked the Captain strait into his eyes. "Hi, Jean-Luc Picard, Captain. My name is Elfangor 13-A...and I'm a AI" I whole room truned towards me with, as I can put it, hateful stares. I tsked. "Nononono...I'm not gonna hurt anyone of you carbonties. I'm here to save you"

    "Sure" he said not bothering to hide the irony in his voice.
    "I can assure you I am fully capable of defending myself, if you decide to become hostile, however, I would hope that will not be necessary."

Elfangor 13-A:
    I just nod to him

<    Ro nodded as she caught the keys, "who will be accompanying us, Sir?" she asked turning to Santiago.>

    "I will for one, but first." He reached to his chest and tapped his comm. badge. "Enterprise, this is Santiago. I need two type two life support suits. I also need someone with knowledge of radiation."

Picard and Data:
<    I looked the Captain strait into his eyes. "Hi, Jean-Luc Picard, Captain. My name is Elfangor 13-A...and I'm a AI" I whole room truned towards me with, as I can put it, hateful stares. I tsked. "Nononono...I'm not gonna hurt anyone of you carbonties. I'm here to save you">

    "In what way are we in danger," Picard asked both the robot and the android.
    "Sir," Data responded, still noticing the hostile stares Elfangor was receiving from the majority of the bridge crew, "perhaps we should discuss this in private".
    The captain nodded and stood, " in my ready room gentlemen."
    Data followed the captain off the bridge and stood patiently in front of Picard's desk, waiting for the captain to speak.
    "Now," Jean-Luc said seating himself behind his desk as he regarded the two artificial lifeforms , "would either of you care to explain?" although he asked them both the question, his eyes directed the question to Elfangor.

<    "I will for one, but first." He reached to his chest and tapped his comm. badge. "Enterprise, this is Santiago. I need two type two life support suits. I also need someone with knowledge of radiation.">

    Will Riker, returned to the bridge as Santiago's request came through theships intercom. "Acknowledged Commander," he answered, walking down the ramp to the command center. "Riker to Lieutenant Martin, report to transporter room one for away party duty. Take 3 type two life supportsuits down to the surface with you. Riker out."
    "Aye sir, " James Martin responded as he headed to the nearest supply cabinet and retrieved the three containment suits then continued to the transporter room.
    He stepped onto the transporter platform and gave Chief O'Brien the order to "Energize."
    Seconds later, he rematerialised on the planet beside Santiago, Ro and Darvin.
    "Reporting as ordered, sir," he said to Commander Santiago

    I waited for the Commander Santaigo to finish talking to Riker. "Sir," Isaid as the communiqué ended, "if I may make a suggestion?"

<"Reporting as ordered, sir," he said to Commander Santiago>

    "Martin, just put them in the back. We detected somekind of radiation and are going to investigate."
    While Martin is finding a spot for the suits Santiago turns his attention to Ro. "What was your suggestion?"

    "Commander Laforge's unique vision may be of assistance to us," I said to the commander.

    "I was thinking of him." Santiago taps his comm. badge. "LaForge report to my location, we have some exploring to do." Another tap changed the channel. "Enterprise we'll need another containment suit." Almost before he finished speaking one had appeared before him. "Thank you Enterprise." Picking it up he tossed to to James.

    Geordi tapped his communicator, "Acknowledged Commander. Enterprise, lock onto me and transport me directly to Commander Santiago's location. "
    "Aye sir," O'Brien responded over the communicator, the next thing Geordi knew he was enveloped in the Enterprise's transporter beam.
    He rematerialized directly across from Santiago.

Pryrus and Beau:
<    Once the tour was finished I returned to the bridge, while Beau had returned to the surface to make his recommendations to his planets population, I had hoped that I got across to him that the Federation is no longer the prejudice society, that forced him and his kind to flee Earth in fear of their very existence.>

    "How did your investigation go?"
    "I believe it went very well, in fact they will take anyone who wishes to leave."
    "Could I finally get off this planet, at last? You may report to the council now."
    "Thank you." Beau turned and left

<    Geordi rematerialized directly across from Santiago.>

    "I think this should take care of everyone we'll need." Santiago looked at the vehicle a moment then got in. Flipping his tricorder open he brought up the map to the radiation source. "Ro, I'll guide, you drive."

    "Aye sir," I responded, as I got in the driver's seat and attempted tofamiliarize myself, with the antique vehicle. I opened the tricorder and began to scan the various levers and buttons, to determine their functions. Finally after reading the information and the operating instructions of theland vehicle, I turned to Santiago and said, "ready when you are sir."

Elfangor 13-A:
<    "Now," Jean-Luc said seating himself behind his desk as he regarded the two artificial lifeforms , "would either of you care to explain?" although he asked them both the question, his eyes directed the question to Elfangor.>

    "Well" I started smiling. "Our next target is the Enterprise, or it was the Target all the time...but the Indiana came past us and...well..things happen I guess. We attacked them. To get in was easy, we use small transporters build in our computers to get into a ship. We can also change small things like voice and fingerprints. Which made it easy for me to give the orders to blow the Indiana up after we had gotten out. Too bad Ross didn't wanna die..." I paused. "Anyways...The best defence is attack right?"

    "Indeed" Picard responded coldly, after all Ross was his friend, "and how do you suggest, we defend against this new threat, and what do you require as payment for your assistance?"

    I sat on the bed in my quarters. In my hand I had the picture of Loren, Ross' 11 year old Daughter. I had to kall his wife...but I guessed she knew already about Jeremy...did I have to call her? I just wasn'r in the mood. Slowly I truned on my side and closed my eyes. With the image of Ross, his wife Nessa and Loren in my head as i drifted away...

Elfangor 13-A:
<"Indeed" Picard responded coldly, after all Ross was his friend, "and how do you suggest, we defend against this new threat, and what do you require as payment for your assistance?">

    "Well...we are quite simple to kill...but there's about 10 000 of us.   I'll show Data all the...best spots to kill us and he'll show it to the rest of the crew. And I'll tell when they get here. Meanwhile it would be best to get the children to the nearest Star Base" I paused
and licked my lips. "As for payment I will stay here, onboard the Enterprise as a member of the crew. I will die if I go back to Dark 324, our home planet"

    Picard nodded Elfangor seemed sincere, "how long do we have to prepare?"

Elfangor 13-A:
    "I don't know....2 days...a week! It depends on how many children we got from the Indiana"

    Picard reacted inwardly at the casual mention of the children but he kept his expression opaque, "Yes, if you assist us in preventing the destruction of the Enterprise, as well as help us to rescue those children your people kidnapped from the Indiana, I will grant you asylum on board the Enterprise."

Elfangor 13-A:
    "Aye sir" i said with Lt. Lo's voice. "No problem. We will drop those AIs down like bad transmissions!" I smiled. "And call me Al.  It's more...well. What about Al Fangor. Beats my name and number right?"

    "Whatever name you prefer" Picard responded.

Al Fangor:
    "Cool" I said smiling. "And may I add, this is quite a ship you got here, Captain. A pride in herself. Maybe we should get going to Starbase 167, the nearest in the system" I added.

    "Yes" Picard responded proudly, "she is. I'll have to contact the away team on the surface before we depart and let them know we'll be out of reach for a few hours, in the mean time, I suggest that you and Mr. Data get started."

Al Fangor:
    "Sure captain" I answered. "but...can i see Lt. Lo?"

    Picard nodded.

Al Fangor:
    I smiled to commander Data. "Will you please go with me. If the Lieutenant tries to kill me...well, then the Enterprise is in deep shit" I laughed.

Data and Picard:
    Data nodded, "As you wish," then he turned to Picard "Sir?"
    Picard nodded "Dismissed Commander."

Al Fangor:
    We walked out and towards the locartion where data most likely knew Lt. Lo's room was. I was a little...chilled by the thought of meeting the man, but hey...I needed to find out how HE thought. In killing Ross, I had gotten courious about his life and friends. And as for all the files I had 'peeked' trough it seemed like Nathan Lo was Jeremy Ross' best friend. And I wanted to say that I didn't mean to kill him, I was just ordered to do it.
    We stopped outside a door and i looked at Commander Data. "I have never really 'walked' into a room...I'm used to beam in"

    Data nodded and rung the door chime.

    Annoyed I woke up. For the first time in days I had slep without a nightmare and NOW was the time to come visiting me! "Enter" i said and sat up.

    Data walked in "are we disturbing you Lieutenant?"

    I looked at Commander Data and the young man who entered. "Not really" I smiled. "So..you wanted to see me for...?" I asked.

    "Lieutenant, this is AI Fangor, he is one of the AIs whom attacked the Indiana."

    I froze. I could swear my skin turned white. Slowly I walked towards him. Looking the AI in it's eyes (Artificiall eyes I added) I exploted. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled as I attack the AI.

Al Fangor:
    I was taken by surprise and bit the ground with a yelling, kicking and screaming Lieutenant on top of me. I was unable to fight him off, because I might kill him then.

    "At ease Lieutenant! " Data ordered.

    I didn't care. This was the basterd who had killed Ross. My BEST friend. My only friend! I kept beating him. Hitting him while I yelled our curses that would have made the Devil embarresed. I knew I was going to kill the AI. And I knew I wasn'r going to stop until i made it happen.

    Data bent down, casually grabbed Lo by the arm and pulled him off AI Fangor,this time he didn't have to fight so much to control the level of strength he used on the Lieutenant, so harming or killing him was not a danger, on the Indiana it had been, he had had to use almost every bit of his consciousness to stop the virus from forcing him to constrict his hand enough to kill Lo. "That is enough!"

    I shook off Data's hands and shook my head. Then i crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the AI. I had ripped his 'face mask' open on the chin and red and green small lamps showed through. I looked at the window. "What do you want?" I hissed to him.

Al Fangor:
    I looked at the young man. "I came to apology for killing Captain Roos. It wasn't my fault. i was programmed to kill all adult members of the ship's crew..." I said.

    I laughed. A desprate laughter. "This is the most..." I started. "Listen here. I don't care if your even plugged into the DOP, if you chare memory with other Silicates OR whatever it is. Get out of here!" I yelled to him, using all my will power now to hit him or kill him.

    Picard sat in his readyroom, contemplating the situation, affairs on this ship had been continuously spiraling out of control, he finally opened a channel to the away team. "Picard to Santiago, Commander the Enterprise will be out of touch with the away team for about 6 hours. "

    After Wesley had washed up we had walked to TenForward. I ordered two Banana Splits and looked into his eyes. "Wesley, how are you feeling now?" I asked him.

<    I laughed. A desprate laughter. "This is the most..." I started. "Listen here. I don't care if your even plugged into the DOP, if you chare memory with other Silicates OR whatever it is. Get out of here!" I yelled to him, using all my will power now to hit him or kill him.>

    Data spoke quietly to the Lieutenant, "I believe that once you are aware of the situation we face Lieutenant, you will understand the importance of his presence on the Enterprise."

    I looked at him in disbelief. "HE is staying here?" I looked at the AI who was looking at his 'wound' in my morror. "That MURDER is staying on the Enterprise?"

<    After Wesley had washed up we had walked to TenForward. I ordered two Banana Splits and looked into his eyes. "Wesley, how are you feeling now?" I asked him>

    "Numb" I asked her. "It's like it was someone else who saw it and then told it to me...You?" I looked at her as she took a spoon of icecrem into her mouth

<    I looked at him in disbelief. "HE is staying here?" I looked at the AI who was looking at his 'wound' in my morror. "That MURDER is staying on the Enterprise?">

    "Yes," Data responded matter of factly, "Captain Picard has granted him asylum on the Enterprise and in return, he has agreed to help us prevent the same thing happening on the Enterprise that happened to the Indiana."

    I looked at Data. "On your and the Captain's orders I will work with him. But i don't trust him as far as i can spit a rat. If I does ONE move in the wrong direction I will destroy him" I said a matter of factly.

<    "Numb" I asked her. "It's like it was someone else who saw it and then told it to me...You?" I looked at her as she took a spoon of icecrem into her mouth>

    I swallowed the ice and looked at him. "I'll never get used to it, and I will return to the place in my dreams. Besides that I'll handle it, and so will you" I assured him. "Now eat your ice befor it melts, hot shot."

<    I looked at Data. "On your and the Captain's orders I will work with him. But i don't trust him as far as i can spit a rat. If I does ONE move in the wrong direction I will destroy him" I said a matter of factly.>

    "As far as you can spit a rat?" Data asked puzzled.

    I laughed at Data's puzzled face. "It's something you say. You can't spit rats very far, can you?" I threw 'Al Fangor' a look. "I'd watch my back, Data. And I hope you will too" slowly I sat down on my bed, feeling so much older.

    "Ah" Data responded, "If you are tired Lieutenant we can leave..."

<    I swallowed the ice and looked at him. "I'll never get used to it, and I will return to the place in my dreams. Besides that I'll handle it, and so will you" I assured him. "Now eat your ice befor it melts, hot shot">

    "Aye ma'am" I smiled and together we sat down and ate your banana splits.

Al Fangor:
    I didn't hear anything from the convestion with Data and Lo. It seemed like Lo was a very talented man, who knew how to talk low without whispering. Whispering drew attention, soft talk did not. This more than anything made my fears of Lt. Lo's background alive.After reading throught the database i had found outthat the Humanoid Traveler H'Dark Sutton was a known theif and a liar. These facts did not proove anything,but I didn't trust the man. He would kill me if he got the chance.

<    "Ah" Data responded, "If you are tired Lieutenant we can leave...">

    "That would be great. I haven't gotten so much sleep lately" I smiled. "I'll be fine. I'll see you later, Commander" I nod to a waiting Al Fangor. "You too, Mr. Fangor"

Al Fangor:
    I smiled to Lo. "Sure, Nathan. I'll see you around" With that i walked out.

    "Pleasant dreams Lieutenant," Data said before making his departure.

    I looked at him. "Thank you, Data" I said smiling.

    Data looked at AI Fangor as they walked down the corridor, the ferocity of Nathan Lo's attack was fierce almost animalistic, Data was curious "Why did you not defend yourself?"

Al Fangor:
    "I didn't want to hurt him..." I aswered. "Besides if i did Picard would throw me out the nearest Air lock. But tell me, why did he respond like that?"

    "Can you not adjust the level of strength you use on people to prevent you from injuring them?" Data asked before answering the AI's question, "Lieutenant Lo was a close friend of Captain Ross, he also served on board the Indiana for several years. I believe that is the source of his animosity towards you."

Al Fangor:
    "Sure I can...but I was afraid I might get mad myself and kill him...." I whispered. Some of the members looked at my wound with hate in their stares.

    "You are capable of feeling emotion?" Data asked, so far the only other artificial lifeform Data had encountered capable of emotions was Lore.

Al Fangor:
    "Kinda" I said. "But only the once I'm programmed for. I can laugh...I'm a humor model. I can get mad, but i can't experiace love or other emotions like that. But guilt?" I laughed. "Oh yeah, that one i have a Gold medal in"

    "I see" Data responded as they rounded a bend in the corridor, "Do you require repairs?"

Al Fangor:
    I smiled to him. "Naaah, I'll fix it tonight. We can make miracals with our...fingers..." I said.

<    I turned to Santiago and said, "ready when you are sir.">

    Santiago nodded. "Well go. You shouldn't wait for every order to be handed to you, take some initiative."

<    Picard sat in his readyroom, contemplating the situation, affairs on this ship had been continuously spiraling out of control, he finally opened a channel to the away team. "Picard to Santiago, Commander the Enterprise will be out of touch with the away team for about 6 hours.">

    "Very well sir. I think we have all we need."

    Soon after his last communication with the Enterprise Santiago contacted them again. "Captain, before you leave could you put a shuttlecraft in orbit?"

<Santiago nodded. "Well go. You shouldn't wait for every order to be handed to you, take some

    "Very well, Sir" she responded, turned the key and drove off. She looked over at Santiago whom was intent on studying the terrain map, trying to determine the best way to go, "which way do you suggest, Commander?"

<    "Very well sir.  I think we have all we need.">

    "Acknowledged Commander ,  Picard out,"  the channel closed.
    Moments after Picard closed the channel to Santiago, he heard the familiar chime of the comm. channel opening again and Santiago's voice coming back over the channel, "Captain, before you leave could you put a shuttlecraft in orbit?"
    "Very well, Commander," the Captain responded "We'll leave the 'Pike' orbiting the planet. Picard out."

<"Very well, Sir" she responded, turned the key and drove off. She looked over at Santiago whom was intent on studying the terrain map, trying to determine the best way to go, "which way do you suggest, Commander?">

    Santiago input a few commands into his tricorder and the map was floating in front of the window. "Just turn left then continue until after the road ends, then just follow the map."

    Ro did as she was instructed and the road vehicle bumped about over the rough terrain, seven minutes later she could see their destination coming upon the horizon. Finally when they reached the rock face, she stopped the vehicle, got out, removed her tricorder from her belt and began scanning the area. "Still no sign of the radiation Commander," she reported, "however, I am picking up something underground, " she adjusted the tricorder to get a more accurate reading on the location of the object that was showing up on her tricorder scans. "It's located approximately, 400 meters below us and to the left. From these scans, it doesn't appear to contain any natural elements or minerals native to this planet."

    "Interesting." Santiago got out and passed out the enviromental suits.
    "Can you detect a way to get down there?"

Ro and Geordi:
    Ro continued to scan the surrounding area.
    "Commander Santiago," Laforge said, "my VISOR is detecting a concealed entrance," he walked over to a small boulder pointing out scrapes along its surface, indicating that it had been moved several times. "I can also see that the temperature emanating from behind it, is several degrees hotter than it should be."

    Santiago walked over and began to examine the rock. With a light push he had it rolling out of the way. "It appears to be very finally balanced."

Al Fangor:
    I had shown Data most of the off-buttons on my body. The most powerful was the button behind my ear. I also showed him how he could open up our heads to locate the others. "It's quite simple" I said. "WE are all hooked up to the same computer. We share memory, and learn from mistakes" I paused. "Who was that nurse you talked to on the Shuttle. That blond one....?"

    I looked at the door after Data and that AI had left. How could Picard let that...that MURDERER stay on the Enterprise? I stoop up and signed. It was no good, I had orders I had to follow. Suddenly i heard the buzz. "Enter" I said.
    And in came Ensign Tasia Wiggo. She looked at me. "I should look at that bruze"
    I took off my scarf and sat down again. She stood behind me and touched my neck. "It seems okay" She said after a few moments. "But come to sick bay later and I'll take it away"
    "All right" I relied and smiled to her. She took her stuff and left. I looked at the door before i put the scarf on again and headed to the TenForward.

Admiral Saavik - Starbase 167:
    A window from her temporary office let her see far out into the depth of space, this station sat alone in the dark with no planet or star holding it within its grasp. The woman at the window was old, at least if measured in time. Enterprise docking sent her mind back to serving on her as a Lt. under Kirk, and even farther back to being rescued from a Romulan prison world 'Hellguard' by the ancestor of that magnificent ship now docking with the station.
    Her train of thought was broken by an intercomm announcement. "Enterprise is arriving Admiral Kirk." With an unVulcan look of elaction in her eyes she answered. "I am aware of that and am on my way to her dock assignment." So saying she walked out of her office with thoughts of the ship she hadn't seen in almost one hundred years.

<    Santiago walked over and began to examine the rock. With a light push he had it rolling out of the way. "It appears to be very finally balanced.">

    Behind the boulder there was a small opening, about two meters in diameter,Ro got down on her hands and knees to examine the entrance more closely,the cave was dark, she couldn't see more than a few feet into the cave. The entrance way slopped slightly downwards, "can someone pass me a flashlight?"

<    "Who was that nurse you talked to on the Shuttle. That blond one....?">

    Data looked up, "Nurse Wiggo? How do you know she was on the shuttle, were you also linked to the virus onboard the Pike?"

<    "I am aware of that and am on my way to her dock assignment." So saying she walked out of her office with thoughts of the ship she hadn'tseen in almost one hundred years.>

    Picard walked up to the Vulcan Admiral, "Admiral Saavik, I apologize for the abruptness of our visit."

Al Fangor:
<    Data looked up, "Nurse Wiggo? How do you know she was on the shuttle, were you also linked to the virus onboard the Pike?">

    "I'm like Superman" I joked. "Yeah, I must have given you the virus while scanning. "Nurse Wiggo...sounds nice...So, what's the deal with her?"

    Data looked quizzically at Al Fangor, "she was stationed on the Indiana for approximately one year, before she was transferred to starbase 167 and from there to the Enterprise."  Data considered the AI, "You appear to be extremely interested in certain personnel onboard the Enterprise, particularly, those whom served under Captain Ross. Is that a correct observation?"

Al Fangor:
    I laughed. "What you gonna do, SUE ME?" I laughed out loud. Noticing that the Commander remained serious I stopped. "Sue me, like you can't sue me cause you are an....Never mind" I gave up. I eyed him. "My intrests for the young nurse are....not really. She's bautiful, and beautiful women facinate me. Not a classic beauty but nevertheless pretty. As for Lo..." I stopped. "He riminds me of someone..here let me show you"
    I programmed myself to show the images as an hologram. The image of Commander Data and Nurse Wiggo standing in the Shuttle. Then I again took out an image of a young woman. Long dark hair, serious face. The eyes had remainded me serious of the Leiutenant. I put the Image of
Lo beside her and smiled. "Her name was Susan, and she was a slave. She commited suicide one year after I was activated"

    "Curious" Data responded looking at the holoimage, "did you love her?"  he asked looking back up at the silicate.

Al Fangor:
    "No, but I liked her....maybe it was a virus, or maybe just the season. Look at her and then Lo...don't they....look alike?"

    "There are several similarities," Data conceded, "do you believe they were related?"

Al Fangor:
    "I frankly don't know" I said. "She was one of the only adults we had. She was found...I don't know...someplace. With a man, but he we killed. He was too weak" I felt the guilt rise again. "Let's go back to working. The best ways to kill us....Nuke us no doubt" I laughed. "The interferance would destroy us if we are on. And those who aren't...We shoot!"

    Data was taken aback, or at least as much as possible for him. "If we were to Nuke you as you put it, then there are very few lifeforms on board the Enterprise, that could survive." He continued to study AI Fangor's expression, trying to determine if he had missed yet another attempt at humor.

Al Fangor:
    "nonono, my dear Data" I smiled. "We time-set the bomb and get the Enterprise save out. Cause We ain't waiting until they come...we're attacking the home planet!"

    "We will have to rescue the slaves first, if we were to simply kill them without trying to free them, it would be considered unethical to humans." Data stopped walking, "based on what you know about Silicates and your home planet, is it possible to save the children before we destroy other AI's?"

Al Fangor:
    "Sure. We can beam into the minne and try to save a few. But I'm not sure they want to get out...you see...we get them hooked" I answered, my voice low.

    "Hooked? in what way? " Data asked confused.

Al Fangor:
    I smiled sad. "Drugs my friend. We feed them drugs. A powerful drug named 'Stardust' to be exact. You might have heard about it. Anyways, that way they won't make any trouble, and they won't run away. The security is minimum"

    "Yes I have heard of it, however, I believe that Dr. Crusher can produce an antidote, to that particular narcotic. It could eliminate its effects instantly."

Al Fangor:
    "Good" I said surprised. "Medicine...I gave up holding track of it for about 10 years ago"

    "That is understandable, you have not had to associate with humanoids, and because you would never require any medical attention it would keeping track of the advancements in modern medicine would not be necessary."

Al Fangor:
    I smiled. "Right. Now back to the map, are there any questions?"

    "About the map? no, however I would like to know if the Silicates susceptible to phaser stuns should the away team encounter trouble?"

Al Fangor:
    "The Phaser on stun will only delate us. I say we put it on 'Fry'. Better get the job over and done with" I said darkly.

<    Behind the boulder there was a small opening, about two meters in diameter, Ro got down on her hands and knees to examine the entrance more closely, the cave was dark, she couldn't see more than a few feet into the cave. The entrance way slopped slightly downwards, "can someone pass me a flashlight?">

    Santiago went to the back of the vehicle and found a flashlight. "Obviously our host was planning to do some climbing of his own. It's mostly climbing gear in the back, plus tent, food, and some other camping gear." As he spoke he handed Ro the flashlight.

    Ro took the flashlight and shone it through the small entrance. The way in sloped steadily downward at an angle of approximately 25 degrees. The opening was just wide enough for her, or an average sized human to wriggle through. Keeping low, she crawled through the entrance and down the tiny descending passage, further into the unknown...

Admiral Saavik:
<    Picard walked up to the Vulcan Admiral, "Admiral Saavik, I apologize for the abruptness of our visit.">

    "I assume you will give a full explanation. Please, considering what ship that is, Admiral Kirk will be fine. This is not my usual duty. I occasionally take space assignments to keep up my health both physical and mental."

    "Indeed," I responded jovially, "actually Admiral, the Enterprise is only making the briefest of stops here," I added finally turning serious,"whilst we were investigating the destruction of the Indiana, we came across some very disturbing news. It appears that Captain Ross' ship wasn't the intended target... the Enterprise was." She looked at me, her expression completely devoid of emotion, " we discovered that a sentient computer program with malevolent intentions, was rampant on the Indiana, initially, we believed that it was responsible for the destruction of the Indiana."
    "And it wasn't?" Admiral Kirk asked.
    I shook my head, no. "Their was also a second Artificial Intelligence involved in the demise of Jeremy's ship, deuotronic androids that call their species 'Silicates'. So far, the Enterprise has had one casualty and we found 2 survivors, fleeing in one of the Indiana's escape pods. We have since learned that the children of the Indiana were taken as slaves to those responsible for programming the AI's or Silicates. And now the Enterprise may suffer the same fate that befell the Indiana. We have to transfer the children from Enterprise to this Starbase, at least until we are able to eliminate the danger the AI's pose to the Enterprise."
    The Admiral nodded, "very well Captain Picard."
    I nodded in acknowledgment and tapped my communicator, "Picard to Enterprise, begin transport."
    In groups of six, the children onboard the Enterprise began to materialize on board the starbase.
    The Admiral looked back at me, "one other thing captain..."
    "Yes?" I responded.
    "How did you find out that the Enterprise was the intended target of the Silicates?"
    "One of the Silicates is onboard the Enterprise Admiral."
    "It would be illogical to trust this being so readily, if it is partially responsible for the destruction of the Indiana," the Vulcan warned.
    "Perhaps," I responded, "however, I believe in the sincerity of the AI onboard my ship, and to distrust him simply because he was doing what he was programmed to do, programming that no longer influences him, would be akin to paranoia."
    "Perhaps," Kirk said, "I would advise you to remain cautious."
    "Sound advice Admiral" I answered smiling.

Admiral Kirk:
    "Captain, this would seem to be a dangerous mission and I have a request if I may."
    "May I be allowed to join you?" Quickly she held up a hand. "This is in no way an order, but a dangerous mission aboard the Enterprise." A hint of nostalgia begins to creep into her voice. "It would be of historical interest."

    Picard was speechless for awhile, "Admiral , that doesn't sound very logical to want to join a mission with such a high probability of failure, particularly when it is likely that we will all be killed. It sounds more like an emotional response."

    I was in sick bay and cleaned Ensign Gark's burn wound she had on her arm. "Looks good" I said. "Only one more day and It's gone"
    "Good" She said. "I wonder why we have changed course..."
    "Have we?" I asked her.
    "Yes" She replied. "To Starbase 167 I think"
    I looked at her. "No way!" I sat down. "If the Enterprise goes there...my parents will no doubt come and visit..." I pictured my mom, my dad and I walking down the corridor. My dad smiling, and looking for the first Irish man he could find to drink with. My mom would complain about everything and say that I'd been better off Married to John Rix...
    "Man, that suck" Gark replied. Then she looked at the clock. "I'll be going. See ya later, Tasia"
    "You too, Isabelle" I smiled as she walked out.

    I saw an Ensign walk out from sick bay. Slowly ipeeked in, to find Wiggo sitting on the table with herhands over her face. Laughing.
    "Hi" I said slowly.
    She turned. "Oh, Lieutenant Lo. Here, I'll take the bruise away" she stpped forwards. "Sit"
    I followed her order. She ran the strange instrument over my neck. A little sting and the bruise was gone."Nice..." I replied.
    She laughed. "Sure it is. Now, get going. We'll arriveat Starbase 167 soon, right?"
    I stopped. "Really?" I said surprised.
    "You say that...you don't know?"
    "No" I said. "But I'll find out" I tapped my comlink. "Lo to Captain Picard. Sorry to interupt, sir. But Are we coming to Starbase 167?"

    "Actually Lieutenant, we are already here," I responded to Lo, "I suggest you talk with Commander Data, he'll fill you in, Picard out."

    I looked at Wiggo. "We are already here...there...we are at Starbase 167"
    She looked at me with horror. "OH my god....mom and dad...they'll come here and look, complain..."
    I laughed. "You'll live. Thank you for your help" I walked out and tapped my comlink. "Lo to Commander Dta. Can you fill me in on this....trip to Starbase 167?"

    Data's discussion with the AI was interrupted as his the intraship communication channel beeped open and Lieutenant Lo's voice came over the comm link, "Lo to Commander Data. Can you fill me in on this....trip to Starbase 167?"

    "We have arrived at starbase 167 to transfer all children off the Enterprise. It appears that there were survivors onboard the Indiana, the children were kidnapped and are being used as slaves. Wewill be embarking on a rescue mission as soon as the Captain beams back onboard. It would appear that the Enterprise was originally the intended target of the AI's. Data out." The channel closed.

    The info scared me. "Aye sir" I replied. "Lo out"
    Walking down the corridor I noticed the children. They where all laughing just like they where going for a holliday. I smiled shyly to a kid and walked my own way.

Al Fangor:
    You really have a way with words, Commander" I joked. "Back to the real thing. I can show you the planet on the star map. It's easy to get in and out. Okay?"

    Data nodded.

Al Fangor:
    I smiled. Then I turned on the map. "The Fifth planet around the Star Pags. It's named Gooch, breathable air and water. No radiation. It looks pretty much like Earth"

    "Indeed," Data responded as he memorized the map, "It should be reasonably safe for an away team to transport down."

Al Fangor:
    But there's a porblem. My planet, Dark 324 will be informed if we attack Gooch. Either we send two away teams or we can loose about 500 prisoners"

    Data considered Al Fangor, "we can send two away teams to the planet. How many people do you recommend that we assign to each team?"

Al Fangor:
    I looked at him. "5. And I'll go on Dark 324. The place is a mess. Each team should have a experienced Leader and a Nurse/Doctor"

    Data looked at the other android, "You do not wish to infect the other silicates with the virus and give them the same sense of freedom you are experiencing now? this virus may affect every different android in different ways, or it could have different affects on Positronic and deurotronic androids."

Al Fangor:
    "Can't work. If one get the virus, the others will be abel to cut it out. That happened to me, they cut me off the main link. They won't be abel to get the virus....so we have to kill them...." I said flatly, sitting down.

    "I will take your word for it," Data responded. "We will kill them if you are convinced that they can not be saved."
    "If you will be leading the first team then I will have to lead the second, because I am the only member of this crew to be familiar with the area. "

Al Fangor:
    "I know they can't be saved" I said slowly. "But if you wish we can try, but it will only give them a chance to attack the Away Teams"

    "You would know more about your species than I do, but I believe the safety of the away teams takes precedence. We cannot permit them to attack and kill anymore innocent people."

Al Fangor:
    "Okay. What members to which group? Riker is really good, I have...peeked through his file. Lo is...surprisengly strong for his weight and hight. Wiggo is really.....REALLY. Dr. Crusher...and whatever other personell you might find fit for the job" I said and stood up.

    Data regarded AI, "we will have to discuss this with the captain before we select teams however there are several officers onboard the Enterprise that I could recommend for such an away mission. But first this mission will have to be approved by the captain. "

Al Fangor:
        "He better" I said. "Or else I'll use my own way to get there and blow the Planet up"

    Data watched AI Fangor's expression trying to determine the seriousness inhis voice."I believe the captain will approve the missions, however, are you saying that you would do what ever it takes to accomplish the main objective of the mission?"

Al Fangor:
    I nod. "Whatever it takes. Even if it kills me" I laughed suddenly. "I don't like the idea of dying but I'll do it if it stops my own people from killing and inslave thousands of other races"

    Data continued to stand there, "that is a most noble attitude, however, we still have an away team to pick up before we embark on this mission. The good news however, is that we will be able to rendezvous with them on the way to Dark 324. "

Prof. Kylen Wiggo
    Annoyed Professor Kylen Wiggo waited until the Captain's face showed up. "Captain Picard" She said mad. "What is this...crap I hear about me not being autorized to meet my own Daughter?"

    "Captain Picard" I turned away from the Admiral to seethe angry face of one of the starbase's medical personnel "What is this...crap I hear about me not being authorized to meet my own Daughter?"
    "Your Daughter?" I asked and then it clicked, "Ah, you must be Professor Wiggo. My apologies Professor, but we wont be here long enough for any kind of visit, We'll be disembarking as soon as the remainder of the children have been transported off the Enterprise."

Kylen and Stan Wiggo:
    "Is there some sort of a problem?" Kylen said mad. "For if it is I DEMAND to come over"
    "Take it easy, Kylen" A voice said from behind. Stan Wiggo sat down beside his wife. "I'm terrible sorry, Captain. But she's worried. It is not...normal to come to a Starbase without any visitors. Excepr if...Captain, WHY are the children send over?" He asked as he dragged his fingers trough his crully hair.

    "The Indiana was recently attacked, and the children onboard that ship were kidnapped and taken into a life of slavery. we have since learned that the Enterprise was the intended target. So as a precaution, we are depositing the children here to be safe while we attempt to retrieve those children missing from the Indiana."

Stan and Kylen:
    "My God" Stan said shocked.
    "Tasia.." Kylen looked down on the floor. "I understand. But Captain...maybe I can help...or at least my husband. There will be wounded right?"

    "You must understand that this will be a very dangerous mission, and the Enterprise may not survive. Only two crew members survived the attack on the Indiana , if you still wish to go you may, but it is something you need to be aware of." I turned to the Admiral, "You are welcome to join us to Sir if you wish."

Admiral Kirk:
    "I thank you. As you said the mission will most likely lead to our deaths, have you given your Vulcan crew time to find holders for their katras?"

Stan Wiggo:
    "One moment, Picard" Stan said and turned the screen off.
    "No..we don't go" Kylen muttered.
    "I have to go, Kylen. Don't you see, i won't let my little Tasia alone in this" Stan said. "Understand, please. I have to go"
    Kylen looked at him. "Oh, Stan...this was too close to home. What if it will be like last war? We almost died!"
    "I won't die" Wiggo smiled. "Trust me, my Irish luck won't let me or Tasia come to harm" He turned on the screen. "Captain, I'll go with you. My wife will stay back here"

    Carmen rummaged through her quarters tossing things into her bag: clothes, PADD, several books, and other odds and ends. She turned to leave after grabbing her saber from the wall.
    The halls were full of children ranging from infants in the arms of their brothers or sisters to teens.

    Now the live started. People running out and in. Kids crying and saying goodbye. A mental picture came up on my head. A woman looking down at me. *Stay here, Nathan. Whatever you see or hear, do not make a sound*
    I shook my head, feeling dizzy. A little girl watched me as I stood there unsteady at my feet.

Stan and Tasia Wiggo:
    Stan walked slowly through the corridor on the Starship Enterprise.  He knew where he could find his daughter. He stopped outside the door to sick bay and peeked in. There she stood...her long blond hair made her look like a fairy tell princess. She was working on some files. Stan ran a hand over his own, cruly hair. He knew that his daughter had his looks in general. His eyes, his hair...but her mothers elegance. He was surprised she hadn't met any males here yet. Slowly Tasia looked up and her eyes grew wider. "Dad?" she asked.
    "Hi, Little one" he said.
    Tasia blushed. "Im not 3 years, dad...." Then she hugged him. "WHat are you doing here"
    "I came to explain" he started.
    "You can't" Tasia said turning.
    "Your Mother were not glad either, but she knew it was for the best that I came here" Stan turned his daughter to face him. "I wouldn't let you alone in this"
    "Dad! Now I am gonna go here worry about you...you are not 30 anymore" Tasia agrued.
    "The Enterprise will get good use of me. Now show me around and let me meet the people" he said and took her arm.
    Tasia laughed. "'Kay! Let's get movin', old man"

<    Ro took the flashlight and shone it through the small entrance. The way in sloped steadily downward at an angle of approximately 25 degrees. The opening was just wide enough for her, or an average sized human to wriggle through. Keeping low, she crawled through the entrance and down the tiny descending passage, further into the unknown.>

    I got down on my hands and knees and crawled in after Ro, up ahead I could hear a whining and I could see the glowing from an unknown heat source. The passage way ended in a single closed in cavern. I could stand up, I saw the source of the earthquakes, massive machinery encompassing half of the cavern, removing a tricorder from my belt I scanned the machine. I tapped my communicator, "Laforge to Santiago, we've found the cause of the earthquakes. " I said, moving to what the tricorder scanned, as the deactivation switch, "attempting to disable it now." I said flicking theswitch. The whining from the machine ceased.
    Looking again at the tricorder, I adjusted to scan for lifesigns, apart from Santiago, Darvin, Martin, Ro and myself there were no lifesigns within in a 10 km radius, there was also no longer any radiation to interfere with the tricorder scans. I turned around and crawled back into the passageway, and up towards the opening that marked the exit of the cave.
    Getting out I brushed the dust from my uniform, turning around I noticed Ro was doing the same thing. I turned back to address the team leader,"Commander Santiago," I said "I've deactivated the cause of the quakes, thePike was recently fitted with a phaser array, I recommend that we transporton board the shuttle and destroy the cavern."

    "What are you talking about?" After Geordi explained about seeing the machine both Santiago and Darvin looked at each other stunned.
    "A machine?!" They both uttered almost in the same voice.
    "Geordi, find out who what and most importantly why someone would set up an earthquake machine on a planet that didn't have any sentient life until it was colonized."

    Deemed an unnecessary part of the crew, I was ordered offship for the next mission. I hurriedly gathered uniforms and off duty clothing as well as some personal items and headed for the nearest airlock.
    The corridors were filled with children, parents, civilian members of the Enterprise crew, each exempt from the dangerous mission ahead. I was surprised at the number of children aboard the Enterprise. Although the ship was normally on a peaceful mission, skirmishes with hostile civilizations were unavoidable, as I'd learned first hand. But, to have a more fulfilling life, one needed an equal amount of career AND family. Starfleet had realized that. Thus, children
aboard starships. Smiling, I thought of L'Aik as I felt my daughter stir inside my stomach. I wondered what he was doing at this very moment...
    As I moved through the transparent walkway leading to the starbase, I glanced up at the imposing ship, Enterprise, her beautifully sleak lines, the glow of her nacelles, and her attractive gray skin... breathtaking. I sighed, a sudden uneasiness causing my telepathic sense to awaken as I looked at her. Somehow, in the pit of my soul, I felt I'd never see my ship and home, the Enterprise, ever again.

    Carmen saw Sojani entering the station, and worked her way through the crowd to appear at the counsellors side. "I was checking quarter assignments, we share a room."

    I fidgeted, the prospect of facing a group of artificial lifeforms and going to their turf no less, was intimidating. How do we defend against them? The silicate, Al Fangor, had given us a multitude of information, but I wasn't sure I trusted him quite yet. The man...or machine...whatever he was could easily be leading us into a trap. As chief security officer, I wasn't going to be caught offguard.
    I increased security, especially in those areas of the ship the AI had access to. I attempted to do this as discretely as possible. I didn't want the silicate to become wise to the fact my staff was watching him. Commander Riker had okayed the precaution.
    Additionally, engineering had boosted the response time and power allocation for the shields and phaser arrays. Although we knew of the silicates weaponry, I wanted to make sure we weren't surprised in case it came down to a battle.
    "Are we ready, Lt. Yar?" the first officer asked as he walked up the horseshoe and leaned against my station.
    "Ready, sir. All unnecessary personnel are aboard the starbase," I replied. He looked me in the eyes, a firm nod of confidence his reply. I too felt confident.
    "Sir, we're ready to engage," he said.
    I took a deep breath and slowly released it.

    I propped myself up on my elbow, the pain in my stomach now minor thanks to the Enterprise's medical staff. They were able to treat the laceration and the other various injuries I'd suffered at the hands of those damnnable androids. "Are you certain you don't need me, Doctor?" I asked the Vulcan woman who was standing over me. "You may take on heavy casualties. Those silicates are a force to be reckoned with."
    The woman arched her eyebrow, "You are injured and would be of no use to us in a battle, Nurse." she said to me.
    "But..." I started to say, but was interrupted.
    "No further arguements," she tapped her communicator. "Selar to transporter room 6. Beam Ensign Froist to the starbase's medical bay."
    I huffed, upset I was going to miss what seemed to be an exciting mission. "Could you at least tell Nurse Wiggo I said hello. I didn't get to see her and I probably won't be back. Could you do that for me, Doctor Selar?" I asked.
    "Of course," the stoic doctor replied as I was enveloped by the Enterprise's transporter beam.

Geordi Laforge:
    "What are you talking about?" Santiago asked as I dusted the last of the dirt from my uniform. I looked up, " the earthquakes on New Eden are artificial in origin, the cause of them is the machine I foundunderground. "
    "A machine?!" Santiago and Darvin uttered in unison, I nodded.
    "Geordi, find out who what and most importantly why someone would set up an earthquake machine on a planet that didn't have any sentient life until it was colonized," the team leader ordered.
    "According to the tricorder readings, Commander, " I said activating the tricorder, interpreting and summarizing the information it had scanned under the surface,"technologically, the machine is approximately a hundred years outdated, by Federation standards today. It's possible that it was drawing heat and power from the planet's core, up until about two months ago it had been dormant. I can only speculate as to why it would all of a sudden become active again. But according to these readings, the machine was here about a hundred and fifty years before the colonists settled. There's no way to determine where the previous inhabitants of New Eden are now. The earthquakes occurring on New Eden, are the result of threehundred years of neglect. I don't think that the earthquake's were anoccurrence when the machine was operating at peak efficiency. The machine drills down through the planet's crust and further towards its core, collecting the planet's natural energy and transforming it into electricity and heat."

    As I stepped off of the turbolift, my first officer said, "Sir, we're ready to engage," I nodded moving down towards the command center, "lay in a course for New Eden colony, maximum warp."
    As the Enterprise began to move off, away from the starbase, I seated myself in the command chair, attempting to focus on the upcoming mission. I wondered if I had made a serious mistake, agreeing to this mission. One starship with around 800 personnel, going up against an army of ten thousand artificial lifeforms that had been programmed to kill. The odds clearly weren't in our favor, and I had a feeling that this time we were in over our heads. Forcing my thoughts to more productive matters, I squelched the uneasiness that I was feeling and opened a communication channel, "Picard to Commander Data and Al Fangor, as soon as we collect the away team on New Eden, I want the two of you ready to brief all staff on how to kill these silicates."
    "Aye Sir, " Data responded.
    "Picard to Dr. Crusher," I continued over the open channel, "select medical staff to accompany the away teams that will be beaming down to Dark 324 and Gooch. Picard out," the channel closed.

<    The machine drills down through the planet's crust and further towards  its core, collecting the planet's natural energy and transforming it into electricity and heat.">

    Darvin looked thoughtful. "Would it be possible to fix it?"

    I regarded him, "perhaps" I answered smiling, "but it may take months of research to work out how it actually works. Although, it's outdated technology," I explained, " it is still alien enough to create problems with repairs. We could contact Starfleet when we return to the Enterprise, and arrange for them to dispatch a science and engineering team to assist you,it would benefit both of our cultures, you would get a new power source and we would be able to gain knowledge about an alien culture we hadn't encountered before."

Darvin and Santiago:
    Darvin listened intently then turned to Santiago. "Could you make the arrangements?"
    "I can surely ask the Captain. Now shall we head back?"
    "Thank you, and certainly."
    In a short time they had returned to the city.

Al Fangor:
    I laughed. "Looks to me like he's agreeing to this one, Commander Data Soong" I said slowly. "Briefing the staff...Seems like a nice job...for you! I don't think of myself as a leader type. I failed at it in the minds, they figured out that i was a better assasin than
monitor. Strage but true. Just like I orginally was assigned as a humor model. You see, our makers were not hostile at first. But during the civil war they got..indeed...hostile. Used us as bates cause we almost look like them. The reason why I look human is that they thought humans looked funny. We also have a few Klingon-models, and I believe also that we got a few Cassandrians on Gooch" I searched my files. "Yes, we have. The Felicity models. Beautiful
models, those. Kinda like a slut, but nice to talk to. I also have to warn you that you will not see the differnece in the models, so you can say you have to kill us over and over again" I laughed.
    "Bored, my dear Data? Maybe, nevertheless, I will need an Starfleet uniform so that you will not...kill me on the planet. If you see a Elfangor model without the suit, shoot him. Anything else, or should we be going to brief the personell?" I asked him smiling.

Wiggo and Lo:
    Okay, knowing my dad would be on this mission was not a trip through the turnips for me. Letting my dad meet the other Nurses wasn't easy either. My dad is classic Irish and has a way with women. Five minutes and he already had soften up Nurse Gark and was now on his way to talk to Beverly Crusher. I shook my head over that man. I almost crashed in Lt. Lo "Hey! Watch were ya goin'" he said.
    I looked at him. His...way with words had taken me back. Be talked like one of those gangsters. Or at least like someone who had grown up on the dark side of the sun, as we called it. "Sorry, sir" I said.
    "That's okay" he answered. "I'm just a little testy...this AI and all"
    I nod understanding. "Yes, it is strange. But I have a feeling we can trust Mr. Fangor. It seems like Data is doing it"
    "Commander Data?" I said slowly. "He is naive. I don't trust the Silicate and I never will"
    "Be careful, Mr. Lo. I guess Fangor dosen't trust you either" I said and walked away. I hate people who can't put things behind them.
    Meanwhile, my dad was charming Dr. Crusher after the manual. Saying how beautiful she looked and why she was here. I walked towards him. "Come, Casanove" I said and dragged him away, embarrest.
    "I'll see you again. my Dear Dr. Crusher!" he yelled as we walked.

<    "Bored, my dear Data? Maybe, nevertheless, I will need an Starfleet uniform so that you will not...kill me on the planet. If you see a Elfangor model without the suit, shoot him. ">

    "Bored?"  Data asked puzzled, "Boredom is an emotion.  I am not capable of emotions, however for me to be issued a Starfleet uniform, I had to undergo three years of evaluation before being admitted into Starfleet Academy, which I attended  for four years.   I do not believe you will be issued a uniform overnight, however, we can issue you with a pair of standard Starfleet coveralls, which should be enough to ensure your safety."
    Data walked with Al Fangor through the corridors, towards the nearest turbolift as the Silicate asked, "Anything else, or should we be going to brief the personnel?"    Data answered evenly, "three of the senior crewmembers of this ship are still on New Eden,  we will be rendezvous with them in three hours, seventeen minutes and seven point five-six-nine-one-three seconds. they will have to be included in the briefing, so we will not be able to start until they arrive."

Al Fangor:
    I nod. "Okay...anything to make sure you don't kill me. I'm not really too keen about dying" I laughed. "Funny, I never really thought about that. Dying, I mean. I'm a silicat, I'm not supposed to even care about my excistence. But i do and despite the fact that Lt. Lo and a few like him wants to kill we, the fact that your beautiful security officer doesn't trust me and so on, I think that I will love it here. As for boredom. Did the information I gave you need to be prossesed or did you know it already?" I said as the turbolift stopped.

    "I was checking quarter assignments, we share a room," I turned to see Lt. Commander Santiago's daughter moving up to match stride with me.
    Taking the PADD from her, I checked the assignments and sure enough, I had been assigned with the child. "Yes, looks like you, me, Keiko Ishikawa and...Wesley Crusher are rooming together, Carmen."
    We moved through the corridor, taking an adjacent one toward a turbolift and the habitat levels of the enormous starbase.
    "Level 27," I said as we entered one of the turbolifts. In moments, we were on the deck and walking toward our room. "Room 47B," I said as we arrived. I pressed the door release and the doors slid aside to reveal Keiko Ishikawa rummaging through her bag.
    "Hello, Ms. Ishikawa," I said as I entered and walked over to the woman. "I am Counselor Dedra Sojani, nice to meet you." Taking her hand in mind, I lightly probed her with my telepathic power.
    "Hello, Counselor. Please call me Keiko," the Asian woman then turned to Carmen, "...and you must be the illustrious Carmen Santiago. I've heard a great deal about you." She extended her hand to the child.

    I remained silent through the exchange between Darvin, Geordi and Santiago. I had nothing to offer anyway, my expertise was wasted on this mission. As we loaded back into the hovercraft, I felt resentment toward Picard for assigning me to this away team. I was a pilot, damn it, not a diplomat nor a geologist. Picard, I'd decided, had sent me on this mission to be babysat. I felt the urge to scream.

    I watched the flash of the core as the Enterprise leftthe starbase and headed back toward New Eden. Thethud of the engine, like the beating of a massive heart, grew in rhythmn as the Enterprise jumped towarp.
    As I watched, mesmorized, I felt cool fingers sliparound my eyes. "Guess who," the finger's owner said.
    Turning, I saw Shaori, smiling, the blue-green hue ofher skin back to its normal, healthy glow. Shaori hadbeen thrown down the core when those other-dimentionalcreatures had boarded the ship and attempted to takeover engineering. I thought she had died, I was gladto see I was wrong.
    "I'm so happy you're alive, DiPego," I said, squeezingher shoulder. Displaying my emotions wasn't one of my strengths, but I felt incredibly relieved. "You justcoming on duty?"
    "Thanks! Yeah, who's in command?" she asked, glancingaround engineering.
    "Lt. Cryer," I said and Shaori rolled her eyes. Despite my Starfleet discipline, I laughed. "She's inthe upper core with Lt. Barclay."
    "What's our ETA at New Eden?" was Shaori's nextquestion.
    Checking the chronometer I replied, "Within the hour."

<    "Hello, Counselor. Please call me Keiko," the Asian woman then turned to Carmen, "...and you must be the illustrious Carmen Santiago. I've heard a great deal about you." She extended her hand to the child.>

    Carmen took Keiko's hand and gave it a light shake. "You're the ships botanist, correct?"
Carmen let her eyes slide over the room, with all the personell from Enterprise the stations resources had been strained. One computer, one replicator, and four bunks was all the room held. Now holding several potted plants curtisy of Keiko appearantly. "They stuck us in a closet!"