Jackson Grange #1506
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Jackson Grange was chartered in March 1912 with 73 members.  The first master was William Bakhous.  The meetings were held in the Presbyterian Church, Odd Fellows Hall, and the School Hall.  In May 1922, a special meeting was called to consider buying the Cottage Church for the meeting place.  In August 1922, the Cottage Church was purchased for the use of the new grange hall. In 1923, they received $140 at an exhibit at the Great Stoneboro Fair.  United Natural Gas was put in the hall in 1927.  The kitchen was added to the building in 1937 and the well was drilled at the same time.  Over the years, they have held suppers, plays, minstrels, and card parties to help finance the grange.  In 1955, they rented land from Ernest Orr and planted 12 acres of corn.  The committee was Stanley Oakes, Jack Philson, Charles Vernam, and Ernest Woods.  Three dealers and a member plowed the ground and all the men helped diligently.  Soon the time came to harvest the crop of 2000 bushels.  Jackson Grange contributes to different organizations such as the Historical Society, answer all grange appeals, and help the county youth when the need arises. 
copied from 2001 Mercer Co Pomona Grange #25 History Booklet