Friends are a very important
Factor in our life’s very existence.
True friends are always near
Giving much needed assistance.

Friendships can not be measured
Solely by the quantity of time.
But by the quality of compassion,
As two lives are intertwined.

It should never be necessary
To explain every thing you do,
Because regardless of your feelings,
A friend will put their trust in you.

Friendship is a gift of great value,
Which is more precious that gold.
A gift that must always be treasured,
With that special devotion we unfold.

Your are the friends I know
Will forever give unconditional love.
Our lives coming together is a miracle
From Our Heavenly Father above!

Copyright @ 2004 M. Doris Fuller

This poem is dedicated to all my friends
I have met online. Some I have known
For the passed six years while some I
Have just recently met. I love you all!



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Picture used to make these graphics came on A
Broderbund CD purchared by me. The artist is unknown.
