He was somebody’s son,
He was somebody’s brother.
He will live on forever,
In the heart of his mother.

He was that little boy,
Who once lived down the lane.
He walked past my house often,
But I never knew his name.

He was that young man,
Who fought our freedom fight.
He left his home and safety,
To bring other people that right.

His resolve for these principals,
Was ever steady as a rock.
So for them he gave his life,
In a foreign country called Iraq.

He was admired by many,
Who respected his noble cause.
However it is more imperative that,
We remember just who “He Was!”

Copyright @ 2005 M. Doris Fuller

Dedicated to all the Americans who gave
Their life fighting for our freedom in many
Foreign countries around the world. We
Shall never forget you.

Picture used to make graphics is from a Broderbund
CD purchared by me. The photographer is unkown.