(first You cared me and created)

... Fallen in love ; First Personally Cared ONE 's Care reachieved imagination ...

(meaning genetics of creation)

...Existence is a burning love, in love everything is married...

. . . With the energy of love, the energy of fear, melting completely, modelling anewly . . .


  . . . transforming with a spirit of emigration to be a new new. . .


everyperson has a love. perhaps coming from the existence. at whom Rumi found his love. at whom Romeo found his love. which mirror show you to you. with which heart you saw your heart. love of nonexistence to existence. loveness is to love. who show you to your love. to whom you found your love?..

Learn much more true way to reach your truth , improve your right changeability make your stepper change lineer, keep your change speed average of social change speed.

grow to your new versions

To learn how to learn passes through falling in love

Discover the truths in your heart.

will not be complete without tasting the world, pains joys...

live for leaving the world peacefully not empty handed but fully fully lived.