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This is a very common game that most people play with babies. You can use variations of it with older children to help teach the question word "where".
Variation 1
Place your hand over your eyes and ask:
"Where's (momma, daddy, you name)?"
Quickly remove your hands and happily shout:
"Boo! Here I am!"

Variation 2
Help the child place his hands over his eyes and ask:
"Where's (child's name)"
Quickly remove his hands and say:
"Boo! There he is!"

Variation 3
Place a piece of clothe over a favorite toy and ask:
"Where's the (name of toy)?"
Quickly pull the clothe off and shout:
"Boo! There it is!"

King Monkey
Everyone sits in a circle and chooses an animal with one person designated as "King Monkey". King Monkey signs "King Monkey" and then signs another one of the animals. The person who has chosen that animal then signs his animal sign and another animal sign, etc.

Some one is out when they make a mistake or can't remember a sign. When that happens, the person who is out moves to the seat to the left of King Monkey and the person sitting in that chair moves to the right of "King Monkey". Everyone else in the circle to the right of the person who's out moves one chair over so that the circle is complete again. Everyone who has moved then has the animal sign of the person who was sitting in the chair.

The object of the game is to try get into the "King Monkey's" seat. The person in the "King Monkey's" seat at the end of the game is the winner!

Fruit Basket
Duck, Duck, Goose
Children are familiar with this game and will quickly understand what to do.
Have all the children sit in a circle but one. Take the hand of that child and help him touch the head of one of the people in the circle and say:
"Touch (his, her) head!" and
"Say 'duck'!"
Help the child continue to touch each child in the circle while you remind him:
"Say 'duck!"
After a few "ducks" have the child toch the next person on the head and shout:
Tell the child who is sitting down to:
"Stand up! Run"
Tell the "ducker" to:
"Touch (him, her)!"
As they chase each other around the circle continue to encourage them to:
"Run fast!"
When they reach the empty seat, pat the floor there and say:
"Sit down!"
To allow everyone to follow the commands. The runner becomes the "ducker" Everytime. Continue the game until everyone has had the opportunity to be the "ducker".
Hot & Cold
With the child choose an object to hide. Have the child cover his eyes or leave the room while you hide the object. Call the child back into the room and tell him:
"Look for (the name of the object)!"
As the child moves around the room give him hints as to where the object is if he is getting closer by saying:
"You're getting (hot, hotter)." and
"You're very hot"
Or if he getting further away:
"You're getting (cold, colder)." and
"You're very cold"
Eventually he should be able to hone in on the exact location of the object. When he finds it shout: "You found it!"
Which Hand?
Simon Says