~The Sparrow~

Laying in the stillness of the night, a mother says a prayer, “Father, please help him, if you choose not to heal him, give me strength.”  After getting all of two hours sleep, she is awoken by the sound of the alarm clock.  Again, she says a prayer, “Dear God, help me make it through another day. Please send a friend.” 

~*~ Raising children in these times is a challenge for most  parents.  When you are the parent of a child who suffers from multiple disabilities, the challenge is magnified, ten fold. ~*~

Having her morning coffee as she sits on the porch, she watches a humming bird, feeding from the bright, red feeder, made  by the hands of a little boy, who doesn‘t realize the life he is living is
challenged.  “Amazing,” she thinks to herself, as she is reminded of something she heard in church, as a little girl, “He sees every sparrow when it falls.”  Wondering to herself, “does He?” 

~*~  Maybe, sometimes We are his eyes.   Are we watching the sparrows around us?  Our back yards may be full of fallen sparrows. Do we see them when they fall?  Do we look in the other direction because we have too much on our plates as it is?  Or are we simply too busy to even notice?    Some of us may see the sparrows and say, “a broken wing, that’s a shame.”  Others simply choose to step over them, while the sparrows who once soared high are struggling to get back up and fly. ~*~

Ask yourself::
~*~ How many sparrows has God allowed to drop in front of me?
What did I do?
What will I do tomorrow? ~*~

Statistics show, 90% of families with disabled children, do not attend church. 
Statistics show, 80% of  marriages who are parents of disabled children, end in divorce.


I am writing this because I do not want my family to become a statistic.

The need for church programs to include special needs children and their families is something most people attending church are unaware of.  Although, 18% of the population is suffering from some form of disability. 

Your church can help keep these families together.

Please, open your doors and your hearts to these families.

Thank you,

Mia Seeger

*If you would like to find out how your church can help, contact me, Mia Seeger::

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