If you're here, then obviously you play Furcadia, if not you should try it, it's a fun little graphical chat! :) As soon as I can get my mind in gear and finish writing my book then this may hold more than it does. All current and working links should be at the side of this page, if you run across one that doesn't work, email me! Also, if you happen to see something that you really want here (unless it's in downloads), email me for permission to use it. There's not much here that's really worth stealing, but please be kind.

Also -- for everyone that complains -- why don't you ever update your webpage for the holidays? -- HAPPY WHATEVER!! Now leave me alone until next year. :P

I've currently taken down all my downloads (which mainly consisted of dream .fsh files that you could use), so you might have to check back later for that. I've added a few portraits that I've drawn, but none of them are worth crap, so you might not want to even look at them. Don't blame me for my terrible drawing skills, I'm not an artist, just a writer! :p

All graphics on this page were designed and are copyrighted ©2006 to Melinca. Please don't steal them!