The first a capella website I built was my 'Coats fansite, "The 'Coats: Exposed". I got such a great response from that, "The Standards: In Perfect Html" soon followed (links available in the Fans section). Soon I decided it would be cool to have a page which contained links to those sites, and pages for any other a capella groups I might build in the future. Then a name came to me..."Mic & Mouth Online". I had heard the term "mic and mouth" used to describe groups before, and I recently learned that the term was coined by M-Pact, so I owe them a thank-you! But as I registered the site name, an idea began forming in my head, and by the time I built the first page, I had my mind set on building an a capella resource site for all a capella starved web surfers.
And here it is.
It's my baby, so love it, use it, learn from it, and most importantly help others find all their a capella needs. I hope that this site does contain, as my slogan claims,
"Everything you need to find your place in the a capella universe™"


It had been brought to my attention that most people spell a capella with two p's, and I spell it with only one. Some people regard this as an incorrect spelling of a capella. Here's the deal: In truth, I had never noticed there were different spellings before! I checked the dictionary and a cappella(with two p's) is the main spelling, but a capella (with one p) is listed as a variation. I debated changing it, but if you know m, you know I've always been stubborn about conformity. So I will keep spelling it with one p, especially because it would be a pain (and time I don't have) to change all my pages, and my e-mail address has one p. So, you can send me all the e-mails you want telling me I spell it wrong, and you certainly have every right to spell it how you want, but I'm going to keep on being thick-headed about it ^_^

Ooh, P.S.: I didn't mean this to be incendiary towards anyone! Just an explanation! Don't worry, be happy!