Leivista Windbourne
Age: unknown

Height: 5' 3"

Race: unknown

Attitude: Lei is by nature one who gives all she has at the expense of herself. Normally humble, sometimes shy to the point of being nervous, she keeps to herself or small groups of people. She promotes peace whenever possible.

Abilities: Lei possesses a gift or power from an inner source. Her greatest strengths lie in the healing arts and the protection of others. She is capable of using brute force, though it severelyweakens her. Her power is usually displayed by a cold blue glow suffusing her hands, which she hides from the world with gloves.

Appearamce: Lei is usually seen cloaked and hooded. On rare occassions, people have caught glimpses of her brown hair and her silvery blue eyes that change color with her moods. Her cloak of slate grey generally covers her midnight blue dress and gloves. If you listen very closely, sometimes you may actually hear music when she walks.
                                                         Coming soon