For God & Country



God bless America, the Home of the Brave,

We fought the enemy in the air, on the land and sea.

One thing we have in common is that feeling deep inside,

Some call it love of country, I just call it pride.


From the sand of Iwo Jima to the bombing of Berlin,

With God and Betty Grable, G.I. Joe did surely win.

From there we went to Korea, along the 38th Parallel,

Politicians called a police action, the soldiers called it hell.


Off to Southeast Asia to fight a war that would last way too long,

They called the enemy primitive, we called him Charly Cong.

Unlike wars before and aft we were not welcomed home,

We were left to feel like losers, left to feel alone.


The greatest invasion in history, they called it Desert Storm,

They were led by a burly general, we called him Stormin’ Norm’.

Let’s not forget our loved ones, the ones we left behind,

They are forever in our hearts, forever in our minds.


Nor should we forget our buddies who never made it back,

Nor their flag draped coffins or their widows dressed in black.

Our goals were rather simple, our flag to forever wave,

May God bless America, the Home of the Brave.



Michael D. Monfrooe

    January 1995