Athens Greece
One could visit the Acropolis every day, and never stop enjoying its amazing structures.  Pictured to the right, above, and below are parts of the crumbling Parthenon located on top of the Athens Acropolis.
Sunscreen, good sneakers, and plenty of water.  Each is a necessity for making it to the top of the Acropolis
The structure was built on a mountain to defend the city from outsiders. Today it is much easier to make it to the top, but still requires careful footing in several areas.
The back side of the Parthenon
Downtown Athens, from the Acropolis.  Many travelers don't realize that the Acropolis is right in the center of the city.  Buildings are limited to three or four stories to that they don't block the view - this is why Athens doesn't have a skyline.
While in Athens, I like to stay at the Theoxenia Palace located between Kifisia and Kefalari (pictured to the right) Throughout Greece, red clay roofs are very popular. Many of the sidewalks are made of marble that becomes very slippery when it rains.  Fortunately, it doesn't rain much in Greece!
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